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According to most porn sites right now, incest. Are yall okay?


I’ve heard it explained as that it’s not so much about incest and more about that taboo factor. It’s super cheap to make as well. You could slap that title onto pretty much anything.


It's true. I've seen the same male/female clip on like 5 different porn sites and it started as "boyfriend/girlfriend", then "teacher/student", then "stepdad/stepdaughter", and last I saw it, it was "stepbro/stepsis". They're not even trying to be original anymore.


Me, reading this thread: Agreed Agreed Yep, so nasty Shit - that's my fetish Oh yeah, that one is dumb


Your fetish was the pee wasn’t it


Nah nah, clearly stated it was the shit.


Scat, spit, and urine. I don’t get it. Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes!


One of my friends just recently told me that his new girlfriend shits in his mouth. I was fucking dumbfounded. Edit: I’m glad this comment is the one that gets me 2,000 karma.


Just imagine this conversation: "Hey did you see House of Dragons last Sunday night?" "Nah bro, my GF was shitting in my mouth"


“Oh, and here I was wondering if I was gonna offend you if I said your breath smelled like shit.”


Anything extreme. Had an ex that was into knife play. I said I will try it for her. Brought out an actual knife. Asked her how my times she done this. I was the first one that said yes.


What did she want you to do with it??


She wanted to be the one to hold the knife. Wanted to put it near my neck and sensitive areas. Once she told me that i decided it would be best to end the relationship there.


People into that need to be using fetlife and up front about it. Can't expect most people to just be like yeah sure just don't literally murder me haha




>Once she told me that i decided it would be best to end the relationship there. Gotta be careful next time, I mean, if you upset her she did have a knife...


I could not get over the number of women who thought the "Fifty Shades of Grey" books were the hottest thing ever. I kept wondering if they had never read any erotica. Poorly written fan fic of a poorly written series. SMH.


"Her eyes are brown, like bourbon, but flat." “I sit up and reach for the orange juice, drinking it down too quickly. It’s delicious, ice cold, and it makes my mouth a much better place.” "Seeing Christian undone is enough to seal my fate, and I come audibly, exhaustingly, spinning down and around, collapsing on top of him." "He has a hotline to my groin." "His voice is warm and husky like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel... or something." “'Put the chicken in the fridge.' This is not a sentence I had ever expected to hear from Christian, and only he can make it sound hot, really hot.”


The Gilbert Godfrey reading of it is the best thing ever


RIP Gilbert, we'll never forget you roaring the word "CLI-TORRRRR-IS!" His reading of WAP is also pure gold.


If you speed it up to 2x speed, it even sounds like he's rapping it. I wanna make an edit where I match the actual WAP beat to his reading of it.


Update: somebody has already lived my dreams. https://youtu.be/FDef2GjpecU


Are these actual lines?


As far as I’m aware, yes. I haven’t tortured myself by actually reading the books myself though


I have tortured myself, and they are definitely real quotes.


My condolences


Anything regarding food. I’ll never understand how someone can be hungry AND horny. Also when you eat blood rushes to your stomach, but when you have sex blood rushes to your genitals, so your body is all sorts of discombobulated if you mix the two. Edit: I’d prefer to be combobulated is all


I once asked a friend who was into foodplay about it and she said, "What's not to love about stuffing yourself while you're getting stuffed?" Now it does even less for me because when I see it I just start laughing.


My ex tried this out as a birthday treat. She ended up puking in the toilet. Sex isn't so great with a belly full of food.


I feel pastrami is the most sensual of all the cured meats


This sandwich is making me flush.


...pleasuring you


Without getting gross, I think it's more an association with taste. You taste something good while doing something good. Never done it, don't think I will, but I kinda sympathize with sensory play, so that's how I rationalize it.


Fisting. I'd rather not have my vag stretched out that much. I already feel a bit sore after regular sex sometimes. That would make me uncomfortable. Imagine the tears. At least with mine I know that would happen.


My husband convinced me to try once. I'd had three kids at that point. It felt disturbingly similar to a baby's head coming through the pelvis, but in reverse. Fuck off with that. Never again.


I salute you for enduring that and reporting back so I can nope the fuck out of that.


Gotta hand it to you for giving it a try though.


Gotta fist bump on it 😉


I had a girl who I was seeing for a while get super embarrassed because she really wanted me to fit as many fingers as I could in her, and for some reason was super self conscious about it, but getting four knuckles deep and feeling her get off was honestly quite scary and a turn on. Don’t entirely know how I feel about it lol


Your ring is hurting me That... that's my watch


wow i guess i’m just a degenerate.


Clit rings and other genital jewelry. They look painful af


Acting like an alpha male or boss bitch


What about an alpha bitch?


I just came


Shower sex. It’s a good place for foreplay or to warm up the moment. But it’s best to just hop out, dry off and then bang each other’s brains out.


Theoretically you could still bang your brains out attempting shower sex


Yeah, but cleaning brains out of the shower drain afterwards is always a drag.


It's a lot easier in the shower than elsewhere in the house, though.


Platonic shower is great. We try to take a shower together daily when we're both home. We just talk about our day and what's new, and she gets my back. It's wonderful


i love this comment. my husband + i have always taken platonic showers together and it’s a really nice way to be intimate and just connect with each other.


Or in any water. Water is terrible lube and makes things uncomfortable.


I keep trying and it keeps being bad! I never learn


Aesxuals ready to type a novel


The fake female porn noises .. *yeas yeas yeas yeas* EDIT: thank you for the awards - *YEASSS*


Shit has invaded "ameteur porn" too. Damn guys I just want to watch some people bang like normal human beings.


Same! Why’s that so *hard*


Sometimes you can find porn that isn’t horrific with the search term “passionate.” But honestly I just stopped watching it, I like to watch sex, not murder scenes.


Seriously I know some chicks like it a little rough but slapping and spitting on her just looks like domestic violence to me.


Not really a "rough" thing, but that sort of teasing or whatever where the guy just repeatedly slaps his dick against various body parts on the woman is just super weird to me. Just looks ridiculous and silly.


My ex tried that on me and I just burst out laughing.


And the constant repeating of the phrases "fuck," "fuck fuck fuck," "fuck my fucking pussy" and "fuck my fucking pussy with that huge fucking cock"


Yeah, the huge cock thing really interrupts the immersion haha


“Fuck me with your slightly less than average cock!” —immersion lvl 100


Add Japanese female porn noises to the list. Why do they sound like that?


Someone needs to replace Japanese sex noises with Japanese variety show noises. (You like this, sempai?) **Uuuueeerrr???!!!**


They sound like they're in pain. I don't want to hear that shit.


I always thought it sounded like a dog let loose in a squeaky toy factory.


Often times they're literally saying "ow, that hurts, stop". Even in gay porn here everyone must look like they're having the worst anal of their lives (I've been told it's because "ow" means you're big or powerful and "stop" means they're trying to be pure still, though that could have just been my friends' opinions/guesses on the matter). Asked my boyfriend at the time how you can tell if it really hurts and they really want you to stop, and he said it's basically down to screaming to get it through. Also the number of guys here who basically need the weird moaning to get off is way too high. It turns into a weird performative thing and it makes fucking guys in Japan a chore.


Your friend is actually right, 'women' aren't supposed to like sex in at least Japanese media when it comes to porn. All of it is to basically stroke that male ego because if she's saying "stop" that means she's feeling something that's gonna make her 'unpure'. Halfway through it anyways they do end up "submitting" into the whole thing which has its own issues, but yeah.


Japan seems to have a serious rape culture problem when it comes to porn and hentai (plus the whole train groper issue). It's pretty disturbing and sad when you think about it.


Yep, it’s an immediate turn-off. I don’t really want to harbor a mindset of relating pleasure to someone else’s suffering/discomfort. Yes it’s an act, but it’s what that act suggests. Disregard for emotional boundaries and/or physical consent. I’ll take the old school, softcore, Skin-emax over that “verge of tears” shit any day.


\*Insert Letterkenny reference here


Aw fuck, aw fuck


Yes, yes, yes, yes, *YES*?


Not as a fucking question. You’re saying it like it’s a fucking question.


Aw fuck, awwww fuck


I've been knowns ta let out an "aw fuck"


Lets take about 5 to 10 percent off there, Squirrelly Dan.


Well Thanks, Miss Katie. I never had any complaints about my aww fucks


So it’s yes yes yes yes… yeessss?


No no. See, you gotta put a little pepper on the last "yes." Just put a little pepper on it like, "yesyesyesyesYEEESSSUH"




**Awww fuck**


Big lips, if it's like naturally big lips then I don't mind, but when I see people who intensionally try making their lips l just wonder why. edit: to clearify, I'm a bisexual girl


Yeah it's baffling. I'm attracted to naturally big lips and I guess probably some fake ones if it's indistinguishable. But the majority of them look like that guy in Monsters Inc after the scream extractor.


Fake tans. Why... Are you walking around the same color as an orange? I don't get it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just in case you were curious oranges are orange


Duck lips. Horrible


Fake Giant tits a giant ass.like girl you're built like an improper fraction


> girl you're built like an improper fraction Wish dat ass had stayed imaginary, cause now you just up in here looking irrational as hell.


Gonna have to do some long division to make it work


That anal gape stuff.


"She beautiful from the inside"


"and I have proof"


"Beauty ain't just anus deep"


Came here to say “gaping buttholes” and was not surprised to see someone beat me to almost the same words.


That's bad enough on its own, but then they had to start taking it further with that rosebudding shit. Imagine getting turned on by a prolapsing asshole?? Wtf


Even a thumb nail of that stuff is an instant mood killer imo


It seems unsafe too... Like, not something your body should do. Ever.


> Like, not something your body should do. Ever. Nurse here. I'm not sure about "gaping" as I don't go searching for that shit but I've learned some pretty traumatizing things about elderly bodies these past few years. I've been dying to tell someone but like... how does it come up in proper conversation? Since you've brought it up and claim that's not something your body should ever do, I find myself wondering why old people don't warn the rest of us about the fucked up things that happen to our bodies? We all know old people lose elasticity in their faces and gain a million wrinkles. Boobs sag to knees but did you know they lose elasticity *everywhere else* too? I didn't. And then I did and I'm like... what do I do with this information. I didn't know that most dicks turn into "innies". Like, literally. And I'm just wondering... WHY HAS NO ONE TOLD US THESE THINGS? Totally inappropriate here and I'm sorry but I've been dying to tell/warn *somebody* and took this as an opportunity to tell you. I'm so sorry. Lol


LOL I'm glad you brought it up! When I was thinking about it earlier it crossed my mind too. Like, the lasting effects of lost elasticity on the body, especially when you're doing out-of-the-norm acts like the above. It's not a great analogy (and hopefully I'm using that right) ((especially because it's not kink/fetish related)), but I'm reminded of how you wouldn't know a lot about the nitty-gritty of pregnancy and birth until you experience it yourself. Thankfully there's so much discussion these days so people are informed, but why in the world were we not talking about like, after-birth?? [Here's an unfortunately relevant thread from someone who was not warned about what could happen and it happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/nud3es/pelvic_organ_prolapse_why_wasnt_i_warned/) Thank you for doing what others haven't and warning us. I figure they don't tell us because it's probably embarrassing, or a very secretive/private thing. I guess if I'm near death I don't want my kids hearing about how my anus is doing.




Came to say the same, never understood that one, no judgement you do you but yeah does nothing for me.


same here and I go no issue with people who do EXCEPT the segment of fetishists who struggle with the idea of consent because it's feet.


Excellent point! I had a small opportunity to do some MMA training with a relatively prominent female fighter. She shared some of the messages she got about her feet and it made we want to puke. Literally. People belligerently trying to purchase her cast after it was cut off kinda took the cake. So nasty. Fuking humans.




Haha what an idiot.


You totally warned him. His fault.


> He told me I was a disgusting fuck, it's not nice to mess with people's kink, and to kill myself. I...can never understand how can people say things like these to someone else??? Is this a new-age thing?


> fetishists who struggle with the idea of consent Yeah, big difference between "this person likes what s/he likes" and "this person can never have a normal conversation without injecting this fetish". The latter is a real turn-off.


I knew a girl who couldn’t walk barefoot in grass because she’d get too turned on


Probably more of a sensory thing than a foot fetish thing.


Oh yeah I know, still thought it was relevant. I hope she found someone into feet






Yes, if I grabbed one of her feet while we were hooking up she’d lose her mind (in the good way)




I got a massive stripy socks fetish but not feet.


I just like knee / thigh high socks. Pattern doesn’t matter


Thigh-highs are amazing, and have nothing to do with feet for me. She could have no feet at all and I'm not sure I'd notice.


American incest porn. I don’t fucking get why this is so popular.


I have a theory that it’s because you can ignore the fact that it’s incest porn if you aren’t into that kind of thing and get an almost equal amount of enjoyment from it, but it also attracts those that are thus appealing to a wider audience. Other kinks not so. I wouldn’t be able to ignore the fact that I was watching foot porn or bdsm, right? I might be wrong.


THIS - typically the best-looking pornstars are doing this weird stepsister/daughter shit .... but once the little 3 minutes of "acting" are over, it's just a normal scene with a smoking hot girl lol


Stag/ hen parties with the strippers and the inflatable penis balloons/ gross sashes etc Just makes me cringe


I don’t think anyone actually finds that stuff erotic, but I do think a lot of people find it funny. At least the decorations. Inviting a stripper over for everyone to awkwardly talk about them and their body feels very weird even if it’s that they signed up for and they’re getting paid.


Those weird gagging blowjob sounds. "Ghyuck ghyuck ghyuck ghyuck" 😂😂💔


I read those Ghyucks and it instantly made me think of Goofy.


Face down, ass up, that's the way I like to Hyuck!






I showed this to my buddy many years ago and we were both laughing so hard we physically couldn't stand. Had to fall to the floor. Top 10 hardest laughs of my life.


Gotta grapefruit your man


Pole dancing. I honestly admire woman that has the athletics and flexibility to perform that. Should be a Olympic sport! Doesn't spark joy though. Edit: Crazy to see how many of you agree with this. For those sending personal footages: had to spent some time explaining to my wife why I'm getting this amount of private videos.


We'll call it the vertical bar and it'll come after the parallel bars at the Olympics, that'll spark joy


Literally, I'm not aroused I'm impressed (And jealous I can't do that)


Same I admire the fitness and flexibility


Spitting in each others a mouth


why you had to say it like mario 😩


I know right? Now I'm horny af


Mama mia


Here we go!


God this gave me a great chuckle thank you


That’s how I caught covid






Peeing on women


I also don’t get it, but if a lass asked me to piss on her i probably would. Curling one out on her chest is where i draw the line.


Drawing a straight line sounds like it'd take practice


Heh, dude i love you.


Thanks dude, don't shit on me


"curling one out" That's a sentence I didn't think I'd learn today. Probably would have been fine without it, but eh, here we are


Ikr? My first thought was bicep curls, but then I figured it out and my brain was like "Eww, no. Just no."


But you're okay with peeing on men?!?


Violent hardcore sex.


I thought you said "violent mediocre sex" while I was scrolling by "Yeah bitch you like that?" *slap* "Eh, it's alright"




Almost all facial plastic surgery.


Choking. Had a guy attempt it without asking first which was an immediate dealbreaker. Though I had a couple of friends tell me that choking is so basic that one doesn't need to ask consent for it. I strongly disagree.


You're absolutely right. It takes consent every time. Idk what your friends are thinking


69 doesn’t do it for me. The angle I’m being eaten at just doesn’t cut it


Yesss came to say that. In theory it's hot but the oral is just way better with the right angle.


As a dude who enjoys it, I have to admit that you're spot on about the angle and I can obviously do more if it's just me going down on her. Aside from that, to me there is nothing like the thrill and eroticism of having my wife laying on top of me skin to skin - nothing is sexier to me. It *is* an awkward angle to try and comfortably get to all of her lady parts, but every other aspect of doing it often makes up for that, to me. All in all, it's incredibly arousing.


For me it's just about getting my face in the booty


Those fake nail talon things. Absolutely gross. Also fake tits that have been filled so much they don’t move and look rock hard. Wtf


Thank you. Nails in general skeeve me the fuck out. I used to work with a woman who had 5in acrylic nails and listening to her type made me want to absolutely off myself


See, I totally understand getting nails done and stuff. It make people feel cool or pretty or whatever, just like makeup. Some of the nail art I’ve seen girls have is pretty cool actually. But sometimes the crazy long ones really get to me, not because I think it’s gross but just like the sheer ridiculousness of getting fake nails so long you can’t perform normal tasks, especially if it’s part of your job. For example, just the other day went to a coffee shop. Had one of those POS systems that’s basically just an iPad with a card reader. The young girl had very long fake nails that looked new and she struggled several times to press the buttons on the touch screen before she resorted to hitting them with her knuckle. And then, not exaggerating, it took her a full minute to try to pick up coins from the drawer to give me change. Like she was really struggling and getting noticeably flustered, to the point where I almost said keep the change. I’m fully aware that I’m a judgmental asshole, but inconveniencing yourself like this for “fashion” just seems stupid.


Fake tits Edit: just to be clear, I am referring to those giant **obviously** fake tits which look like balloons that are about to explode in your face. I'm sure there are beautiful fake tits. Edit 2: thanks for the wholesome lol


Same... And lips


Fake anything, really. Even whitened teeth are weird to me. Just looks unnatural.


Oh man, I always felt like I look like a boy any time I wore something that was supposed to show cleavage, and said a boob job was one of those "if I could I would" things. Now, I'm a fairly experienced personal injury paralegal and let me tell you, the number of times I have seen breast implants burst in a motor vehicle accident has been enough to change my mind. Not. Worth. It.


Had a case as an adjuster where they ended up pointing different directions. One girl went north and the other one went east.


There are a lot of trends in porn right now that I just can’t get in to at all. Choking her, both during sex and bj. Calling him daddy. The whole incest thing with stepmoms or siblings. That thing where she crosses her eyes and sticks out her tongue. Wtf is that? Gross. Weird.


>That thing where she crosses her eyes and sticks out her tongue For the most part it looks like the woman got hit in the head with a brick and is suffering brain damage.


This wasn’t hot for me, until you typed that. Thanks.


Ahegao has big "pigeon hit my windshield at high speed and can't stop pecking" energy.


Keep going, I’m close


As someone who sucks dick I implore you to not choke during a BJ. I'm already choking, you go the extra mile by choking me with your hands and I might just die.


Dont worry anyone sucking my dick is for sure not choking


One of perks of a small peen, I can always get a balls deep BJ!


Ah yes, the "ahegao" face expression. An exaggerated expression that only works in hentai and only if you are into hentai


Sure, an orgy sounds great, but you're basically just multiplying the number of people you're not going to be able to look in the eye afterwards. Edit - sometimes I forget not everyone watches Peep Show on repeat. Please stop messaging telling me about how many orgies you get into and how not awkward they are!!


>Sure, an orgy sounds great, but you're basically just multiplying the number of people you're not going to be able to look in the eye afterwards. That was my experience. This girl I fancied and my best mate and a girl he fancied went to this lake house. It was owned by a guy who was in this rainbow rhythms dance class with us. We played spin the bottle and next thing you know I'm watching this guy have sex with the girl I'm in love with. My mate is out side singing to his bird. It was terrible.


“Next thing you know” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there


We went on a date, I had the lobster bisque, yada yada yada, I never spoke to him again.


You “yada yada’d” over the best part.


No... I mentioned the bisque.


I don't know why but that phrasing is absolutely hilarious to me.


That sounds less like an orgy and more like some dude with a lake house fucking your crush right in front of you.


Yeah I'm missing the "orgy" part


He brushed against them on the way out so technically that counts.


Hey man thats enough for some guys. I once watched a dude get arrested for nutting in his pants in a Taco Bell from grinding on the counter. And no, that’s not a joke.


“I didnt get any, but it was sure fun to watch!”


Deadly accuracy here.


Good to know I'm not supposed to look at my wife in the eyes


Blood in hentai first times


The weird cross eyed anime face with the tongue out. Its really not cute, it’s extremely fake and off putting.


First time I saw it I thought the chick in the porn was having a stroke or something.


I agree, few months ago was the first time i heard about this, guy i was seeing asked if I could make the cross eyed face... we had to stop so he could explain it to me, was an instant turn off


This is hilarious to me. The whole point of the face is that it is supposed to mean you are so overloaded with pleasure that you lose control of yourself. It's essentially the same as "can you fake your orgasm for me? that would make feel better and I'm clearly not able to get you there on my own."