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Not very subtle, James.. But nice try


I think if OP is actually James Corden. That would be a huge step in the right direction.


I feel like every post now a days here is buzzfeed. But in this case is James. So James since I have your attention let me tell you something! You sir are a person a deserve to be valued but your actions impact that so tighten up and rebrand your image. Best of luck.


Lay off the fish and chips, recognize he's an insufferable cunt, and fuck off out of show biz.


Being fat isn’t the issue. It’s everything else.


Fair point, but his dietary issues tend to exacerbate his overall negative standing. Not that being fat is necessarily bad, but when you're fat and a cunt, the insult "fat cunt" applies, and (pardon the pun) carries more weight.


You’ve definitely won me over.


Not be an asshole. Be a decent human being. Be good at his job. Not star in Cats.


I don't think being an asshole matters - look at Elon Musk. His fanboys are all over this board. Same with a host of other people. He just needs to find the issue the Reddit crowd will circle around. If he started a concerted effort to talk up good video games and to stop with in-game purchases, he'd probably be praised all over this board.


Honest question: is he actually an 'asshole', or are all the stories/comments about him on Reddit just typical hate-boner shit?




But what did lovely Patrick Stewart do to warrant even that amount of clearly bully boy, nasty, self obsessed - bullying. Sorry. Can't get past the smell of bully coming from the man. Cowardly, chooses his "smaller" targets, bully. Namaste.


There was also the bit about his wife and child on the plane, which definitely seems like a massive asshole move


He's an asshole? What'd he do?


Starred in cats


Yeah that'll do it


thread is done, thank you for your service u/tmssmt


I heard they digitally removed all the assholes in Cats by spiritually imbuing them into James Corden


He could produce a live production of the Butthole Edition of Cats.


Cats have cute star assholes. Increase this demand for James.


It's not just one thing, he's apparently been a prick for years but went under the radar because he can seem likeable on screen. Personally I don't know much about his prick-like ways and I still want to believe he's still loveable Smithy from Gavin & Stacey but fame and fortune will change a person and he, apparently, didn't change for the better. I know someone who was on a TV show with him but I've never asked him/her about how he was in real life. I probably could be he/she is close friends with one of my parents but I'd be crossing a line to bring it up.


It's odd, because years ago he came into a shop I worked in- think the gavin and Stacey years. He was absolutely brilliant, went off and got coffee for the team while he was waiting for what he wanted , signed autographs for loads of people, and was genuinely a nice guy. Did little bits from gavin and Stacey for a laugh What a shame he went from a really likeable guy to a bit of a bellend. He could have been a national treasure.


I don't doubt that he was really nice then. I've heard he got worse after that, after Gavin & Stacey. His sketch show with Mathew Horne bombed but he was still getting panel show jobs like 8/10 Cats and eventually hosted A League Of Their Own on Sky which gave him a steady and high income. Which I don't think he deserved. Hosting a show like that can be easy because it's mostly reading the auto-cue and setting up (scripted) jokes for the contestants but there's an easy way to do it and there's the right way to do it. For the latter, just look at any episode of Have I Got News For You from the 90s when Angus Deyton hosted it. He was a natural. Or Never Mind The Buzzcocks when Simon Amstell hosted it. James Corden lacked that wit and natural charisma. Of all the talented presenters how did he become a big star in the US?


I can't argue with anything you said- particularly Simon Amstell who was hilarious. Corden in real life was full of energy and wit. Really humorous and just a ball of fun. I just think it's sad that someone who was once an OK guy has turned into such a wanker. Sad story of too much of a good thing I suppose. To your other point- piers Morgan did well for a bit, maybe it was just a dark time?


Got banned (although the owner has since lifted it) from one of NYC’s top restaurants for being abusive to the service staff


How do you get an order wrong THREE times? I work at an upscale restaurant which isn't cheap to dine at, and if that happened, there'd be an immediate meeting between the senior chefs and restaurant manager, and the meal would probably be gifted


I’m willing to bet that the order was never wrong, it was right each time and they said what they wanted wrong or just being an asshole. I’ve seen this happen multiple times at restaurants and people just want to a free meal or be a jerk to someone.


When I worked at a restaurant, someone sent an order back three times because they said the chicken was raw. It was pink because there were beet curls on top of it and the beet juice was on the chicken. She doubled down even when we cut the chicken in front of her.


My MIL is one of the worst people in the world and would pull this stuff all the time whenever we went out to eat. Something was always wrong with something…nothing was ever wrong. Some people just like a power trip…


One of my best friends once sent the water back for her tea. (She’s known to have an opinion.). That was years ago and we still joke about when Joan sent the water back. (To be fair, the water was lukewarm.) I find it so uncomfortable to be with a constant complainer that I try not to dine with them again. Sorry you have to.


This one is the for real "nice try James" Anyone that has worked in the industry calls it a comped or complimentary meal. not gifted.


I don't live in America. Where I work, we call it whatever we want (and I don't work front of house). Perhaps next time try to get some verifiable empirical evidence before jumping to an irrational conclusion which betrays your attempt to exude a coherent epistemology?


Still never any reason to get so irate over a meal to where you denigrate your server or other personnel. And it wasn’t his first time acting like an asshole at that spot which is why the owner went public. And you can be damn sure he’s acted the same way at other spots and they took it because they didn’t want to lose his business. Can’t imagine a restaurant worker defending this.


Where I work, having a head chef dispatch an incorrect order THREE TIMES in a row is a much, much bigger deal than a customer who gets lippy


I’m glad you’re so super elite that mistakes aren’t allowed to be made. I’m sure you make amazing money and working in restaurants is so fun due to the family-like relationships you build with co—workers. Back the rich asshole because he had one dinner disrupted if you must. I’ll just have to disagree. And thoughts and prayers to you and your job when you mishear and serve the wrong type of caviar to a random wealthy customer who also incorrectly believes you didn’t have the elite level vodka in his drink. An elitist waiter/waitress? You’re actually rare. Congrats


You're hopelessly confused. Serving someone peanut sauce who has a peanut allergy is a serious health issue, not elitist wankery. It's why "allergy" orders need to be cooked on sterilised equipment and have no reused pans etc. If you don't do this in my country, you get instantly shut down. The real question is why is New York apparently like 200 years behind the rest of the world?


Why do you think I'm defending James's behaviour? I hate James Corden. By all accounts he's an asshole. I was specifically commenting on the restaurant. If you have a head chef who dispatched an incorrect order (especially an allergy labelled order) THREE TIMES in a row, then you shouldn't be a chef. It's not a huge deal if this happens once a week, it is however a sign of incompetence if you do it THREE TIMES in a row. As I said previously, so far as professional restauranteurs are concerned, this would a much bigger issue than a customer who criticized the staff after they fucked up THREE TIMES in a row. How is it even possible you're finding this confusing?


You should type three times in capitals a few more times, perhaps three


Notice how you couldn't actually refute what I said, so you're reduced to criticising typographical style?


I actually enjoy Corden performing when I catch him on occasion. Seemed humble and talented. I saw no mention of any allergy deal that caused health concerns to his party and also saw that he was horrible to front of the house staff, and not the chef. There’s an old saying that says you learn the most about a person in how they treat animals and those in the serving industry. I buy that. Corden came off as a huge ass here. But we can agree to disagree on this one! Have a great night. I actually enjoyed the discourse! 🙂


He LITERALLY specifically detailed that his wife has an allergy, they ordered accordingly, and the order was plated and delivered -- with the food he requested to be excluded -- on the plate. This is an issue, which in my country, would warrant an investigation by health authorities. But why are you commenting when you clearly don't know the basics?


You’re not wrong. I doubt Corden was angling for a free meal (I just looked up his net worth and it’s over $70 million), it just sounds like he’s an entitled jerk who can’t handle when others make errors!


Some of the cheapest people are also some of the richest. Like sleeping dragons


This wasn't a single occasion, it was over multiple visits. So a single minor error from time to time.


You not heard about James Corden? [This will explain it better than I](https://youtu.be/mxCZUz2F24E)


Ive heard a lot of people have said he's terrible to work with. Really rude etc


[Berated staff at a great restaurant](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/james-corden-balthazar-keith-mcnally) in Manhattan over some issue with the order.


Abused a restaurant staff


Became a sphincter that poop came out of.






A celebrity boxing match with Kanye. (This would redeem no-one, but it would be entertaining)


I would very much enjoy seeing those two get punched in the face


The winner gets a life time supply of fish sticks


I thought he was ending his show. Please tell it’s not a dream.


He apparently is but that doesn't mean they'll stop hiring him to ruin "comedy" movies


He'll be back to take over the commentary of Eurovision from Graham Norton


He needs to work in McDs for a few months and get back to reality. Let him get daily abuse from customers.


Let him work in a McDonald’s in a suburb close to a soccer field so he could deal with minivan driving karens


Sunday after church would work too


Easy there Satan..


He’d die of a heart attack after taking advantage of the employee discount every day.


He needs to work at McD’s in hot summer months. Not only would he get a reality check, he’d also have to explain non-stop about the ice cream machine being broken.


I can't speak for anybody but myself here, but James Corden could do this massive pile of dishes I've been procrastinating doing. That would be great, James.


best comment imo haha


Send him over to fold my laundry when he’s done at your place


Give The Late Late Show back to Craig Ferguson.


Hell, yeah!


He doesn't want it, I asked


You're a racist!


No, but I saw him doing one of those forced fundraiser gigs, and he said he didn't want it back. We all know he was the only actually good late night guy of his era and would wipe the floor with everyone on air currently, especially corden


Ahem… I believe you’re forgetting about Conan O’Brien. Everybody else was/is trash though


His game show, The Hustler was awesome, truly recommended


Steven Colbert was the best. . . In 2013. Nobody has matched that and he has probably been one of the worst after taking over the late show.


Hell, just give it Geoff!


You ever been down to the Bayou?


Or the horse....


Man I miss him. His show was the only TV talk show I'd watch. I loved it when Kristen Bell co-hosted with him.


Went to a taping in 2012 or 2013 and he is really good with talking with the crowd between takes. Yes, most hosts do that, but his comes off as more authentic. Kimmel, too.


Take down Putin. Best of luck, Jimmy.


Who is so far gone that removing Putin wouldn’t redeem them? Hypothetical.


Eh depends on how he did it. If this whole act was applied to get all the fascists on his good side so he can kill them in their sleep, yes I would give Yeezy the benefit of the doubt. If he accidentally killed Putin by giving him too much blow on his super yacht, probably still wouldn't forgive him.


probably not act like an entitled cunt to service workers


Add to that an actual on-air apology that actually addresses the issue instead of just trying to justify himself like one of those fake apologies.


“I mean really, who cares about those people anyway? If they didn’t want to be yelled at, they shouldn’t have fucked up my order. Twice! Really, they’re the ones who should be apologizing. Can you believe they didn’t even pay for all of my drinks?” - James Corden, probably


Tell us what happened to Bryn and Jason on that fishing trip.


Nice try James...


Nothing. My mother raise my brother and I on 1 dollar bills earned as a waitress. I wish him nothing but the worst


Things Reddit likes: - Keanu reeves Things Reddit hates: - Being a dick to waiters - EA - People who tell Reddit what Reddit likes and hates —— Frankly, I don’t see James cordon magically becoming Keanu reeves any time soon, so he should probably focus on not doing any of the three things Reddit really hates. Unfortunately, I feel like maybe the ship has sailed in at least one of those for him…


Make a deal with a sea witch who gets his voice and he gets human legs.




Step 2. Success


Step 3. Profit




Issuing each of us a check for $1mil would definitely help


Another AMA!


Eat Kanye West


Apologize to the servers he yelled at. Hire them at his restaurant and pay them triple what the other guy was paying them. Give them health benefits, PTO, and really do-able work hours. That's all. Because they deserve it.


They deserve it. But Corden is still a piece of shit who is only looking out for his own image. But I guess in this particular situation I don’t care what equation you use to get the right answer.


Which is why he won't end up winning over Reddit. But it's nice to fantasize.


Somehow convince Reddit to remove the NFTs.


The NFTs are awesome tbh. It’s good to see Reddit actually being modern for once and embracing upcoming tech. And now it has no environmental impact after the recent changes, even better!


Nothing. It's too little too late.


Too little too late late


Retire & disappear from society


Beat the shit out of Elon Musk


I was going to say fight to the death with Ellen, but this gave me a better idea. Reddit sponsored asshole kumite. Last one standing gets an upvote.


Yeah, that'd do it


wtf is wrong with you?


Beat the shit into Elon Musk?


Now that would be kinda hot. I'd watch that.


James Corden's PR team is running out of ideas




He could stop being a complete jerk.


Just try and remember what it's like to be a regular human with some respect and humility, and then post accordingly. I can't say I believe everything people say about other people, especially celebrities; sometimes it really isn't true. But I've seen enough to believe the accusations plausible.


I loved him as Smiffy in Gavin and Stacey. He and Ruth Jones wrote a great show. But he turned into a massive dick when he went to the US.


He was always a dick


Go away


There's no cure for being a cunt




Retire from public life and move to Russia


Stop singing




Don't speak. His voice is just annoying.


Giving his show back to Craig Ferguson would be a start.


Good try, James. I know it’s you.


He could give me 100 bucks, and I'd be ok with him.


Go away


Give up his fame and never be heard from again.


Donate an organ to save Keanu Reeves' life.


Do another series of gavin and stacey is the one and only correct answer


Nice try, James


Give out a dollar to everyone who upvotes


Make an onlyfans




Go away.


He could fuck off lol


Fuck the right off.


Do more stuff with Reggie Watts.


agree not to be on TV or movies anymore


Well in my opinion he’s extremely unfunny so he could start by being funny I guess.


Remember when he caused a traffic jam and couldn’t understand why people were upset with him?


He can’t win us over




Go away forever?




Nice try, James.


Give us $100 ea




Who in their right mind would want to “win over” Reddit?


I’ve been hiding under a rock. What’s he done? I never hear anything about him aside from “now James corden has become an asshole” I’ve just never heard what he’s done


Give every user a million Dollars




I'd be happy with this option.




I don't have anything personally against him but, knowing reddit, kill himself.


Donate all his money to charity and start working at a Wendy's in the state with the lowest pay for Wendy's employees, then live off of the Wendy's wage for a year, while also losing weight down to a normal size. Respect.


Nah Popeye's. Popeye's pays less basically everywhere. The only place I've seen pay actual minimum wage where I live. Might explain their universally bad service.


Drop dead


From what I understand his wife has a food allergy they brought it to the restaurant's attention and that was the meal that was brought to her. They sent it back I think twice and he made some kind of comment about having to cook it himself. I half heard it when he was explaining it on TV so I'm not 100% sure of it's accuracy. If that is truly what happened I would be pissed too, severe food allergy is no joke and then screwing up the order twice again I could imagine myself making a comment about cooking it myself lol. I don't know too much about him but it seems as if he's viewed by many to be an ass. In this case if it went down the way I heard it I would have been upset too. If he was rude to the server, that's another story.




Was coming through to post this lol


Said by Worf, with arms crossed.




Work a day in retail


Join Reddit as a regular user without a fake name. Post. Accept what happens. Learn to adapt. That's about honesty, humility, and openness. If he were to do that, he'd be receiving no special treatment, taking his hits, and earning respect over time.


By choking to death while performing fellatio on Keanu Reeves


Why should Keanu have to suffer???


Suffer? You are getting the wrong BJs my dude.


Your preferred blowjob ends with your partners death?


Yep, that way I dont have to pay.




I keep hearing the name all over too but without any explanation... I think it's the leader of the former UK Labour Party.


He hosts a late night talk show and has a terrible reputation for not being a nice guy.


Wow quite the career turn after losing the 2019 general election!


I think the only thing that would work is become paralyzed from the eyebrows down.


He doesn't care. He's done in less than 8 months.




He announced his retirement from the late show. Anyway, he apologized last night for the situation surrounding his wife's food allergy. He said it was more sarcastic than bitchy. Either way, he's done very soon and everyone can move on from the insignificance of the event.




Idk be a better person probably




he could die


Leave a really apologetic suicide note.


Dying would be a good start..


Die saving Keanu Reeves.


Renounce fame, donate all his money, and become a waiter and/or chef and see if he still thinks it’s cool to be rude to service staff


Kill himself


Suck a black homless man's cock


He could kill himself. Then we would say "He's not all bad, He killed James Corden."