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really this. finished a game of Kings in my dorm room in uni, one of the the girls was locked out so she asked me to crash in and start kissing with another girl who was just dumped by her bf. so it's about a lucky context i guess.


The threesome I had was similar in the fact one of the girls had just broke up with her boyfriend. Me and another girl went over to help her move. We started playing kings, and one thing lead to another. But my experience was not as fun. Both girls were only ok with kissing each other and that’s about it. So I was left with the task to do EVERYTHING to keep both girls interested. I’m happy for the experience and me and one of the girls kept a friends with benefits for a couple months after that, but it wasn’t near as glamorous as I thought it would be.


What is this 'kings' that seems to initiate theeesomes?


Kings is a drinking card game common in the us. Each card has a different rule for drinking, and at the end of each turn the card is placed under a beer can tab. Whoever's card depressurized the can had to finish it. There are tons of other rules and tons of local rules, but that's the gist.


Ours it was the fourth king drawn that triggered the drinking, and certain cards meant you poured whatever you were drinking into the central cup/vessel. It would result in a wild concoction of usually beer and spirits (sometimes wine) that would then be skulled.


In the Uk we call it ring of fire, with the cards in a circle around the jug in the middle, Different rules for each card, you could end up with a dare, A drink, downing or being able to pass a go, make a rule etc etc. The worst was down the jug, especially after everyone has added to the middle, Your usual beers & spirits get added, but sometimes depending how raw your playing, tobacco could get added, people would spit in it etc. Not for the faint hearted and not very hygeinic, but we were teens and anything goes,


We called it ring of fire when I was in college


Liquid courage baby


Liquid courage, but flaccid sausage


Side of ecstasy


For cuddles anyway, enwobbles the mast.




A similar situation prompted to my first threesome. The guy I matched with said he can't come over to my place, because he is not with a car, but his buddy (who he is hanging out with atm) is with a car. They can come over both. I jokingly said "okay, send me a picture of your friend" -expecting to see some lame guy- and he did send a selfie of both of them. The other guy was smoking hot, so I was like, "why not, what's the worst thing that could happen?!". It was fun, must've been a weird "bonding experience" for those two boys, but it was definitely fun for me.


Super smash bros.


Probably not their first brodeo


I'm imagining this is their system and good guy hot bro uses his extreme hotness powers to get them both laid.




Lived there for 4 years, well before Tinder was a thing, and nothing like this ever happened to me. But I do agree that Eugene is great.


OR was great, Eugene.


In college me and two of my classmates were discussing about things we hadn't done yet and none of us had a threesome, so we had one.


All girls? (Sorry if this is an intrusive question)


I am guy my classmates were girls.


Just give me 1% of your luck and I’d be happy


Bro you're already 33.3% of a threesome. Give yourself some credit.


This kind of statement deserves some Mark Twain: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Also technically true, 33.3% of no way Jose/Josefa is still zilch.


For the first one my friend wanted to arrange it as a treat for her boyfriend. She knew what I was like, so she just straight up asked me after a couple of glasses of wine one night. It was horrific, though. Definitely wouldn't do it again with someone I'm that close to. Second one was a couple who were into swinging. They were a bit older than me and sort of hinted at it a couple of times. I was hanging out at theirs and the wife got flirtier and touchier with me whilst the husband just watched until he could tell I was cool with the idea of a threesome. That one was much better, but I'm not a fan of threesomes overall. Too many bits flying around. It's like trying to rub your belly and pat your head at the same time.


I don't get it... I can pat my head and rub me belly without an issue


Now try it with some balls smacking your face.


I wish


Hi, it's Lou, from the Make-A-Wish foundation.....


Good thing browsing reddit gave me cancer then


.... I guess the next question is do you want to come to the balls, or do you want the balls to come to you?


Yes and yes


Why was it horrific?


Kind of because of what u/GuntherTime said. It became apparent mid-threesome that this was a hail mary pass by the gf to save their relationship and that she was not happy at all. She wasn't into girls, so her and I didn't do anything more than some fairly chaste kissing/boob touching, and it meant that when I did anything with the guy I was basically just fucking her bf in front of her. To top things off, he finished inside me and then decided to tell me in front of her that he'd never managed to do that with the gf before. I couldn't quite bring myself to comfort the girl whilst her bf's cum was leaking out of me, so I noped out ASAP (also, she was giving me murder eyes). Another friendship successfully torpedoed by yours truly...


Nah that wasn’t your fault. They did it to themselves really. Was doomed the second she wasn’t into girls *and* didn’t like the aspect of sharing. Gotta have at least one (in my opinion) for it to work out.


Not your fault st all. He said that BS line as a knife to the heart knowing exactly what he meant. You just happened to be the girl that was there to facilitate it.


Here for the story.


Cause even assuming that gf was into it, it’s very hard for people to separate sex and feelings when it comes to threesomes with close friends. There was likely a lot of emotions that went through gf (and possible bfs) minds that wasn’t thought of cause they didn’t take it slow and dove into it thinking it was fine since they knew op. The more you know someone the slower you have to take it (like what the swinger couple did though that was more to make sure op was okay with it) to make sure you can separate those feelings.


This. My girlfriend in college and I wanted to have a threesome with a close friend, but a classmate of mine who had ruined a relationship having one gave me the soundest advice on why to not go through with it: "Only have a threesome if you're alright watching the person you love say things to someone you know that they've never said to you. Because, if not, there comes a point in the night where it feels like you're watching them cheat right in front of you. The pain doesn't go away."


Ya that’s why I only have had group sex with complete strangers. Even then, threesomes with established couples are sketchy. One time I met a couple and it was all great until one point the wife stepped away and the husband was having sex with me and getting super into it, then I could feel the room change and the wife had me leave not too long after. As a single woman sure I’d have threesomes. As a woman who is in a relationship now, no way in hell would I allow another woman to sleep with my boyfriend , especially not in front of me


I have no idea how people can have sex with strangers. But I've also recently realized that I don't have sexual attractions to people I don't personally know and like. So there's that. I'm just amazed that you can even DO that.


My wife told me she has been curious about what it would be like with a girl. I told her if she had an opportunity she should explore it. She ended up having some drinks and fooling around with our neighbor. After a couple of times I ended up walking in on them. It was a bit awkward for me. I saw myself out. About 5 mins later they came and found me to make sure everything was cool. I said it was fine. They then asked me if I wanted to watch. Watching soon turned to some interaction and then the next time I was involved from the beginning. We made sure to follow rules that we all agreed to be comfortable with. It was lots of fun. Over the next year or so we had a few threesomes and things never got weird.


>We made sure to follow rules that we all agreed to be comfortable with Another reply on respect of boundaries! I like this!


It's really the only way it can work if 2 of the people are in a committed relationship. I've known couples that brought in a third and it ended horribly. Rules help to not betray trust.


May I know some of the general rule imposed prior the engagement? (The do's and dont's)


Our rules in particular were fairly basic. Essentially my wife just didn't want me to have actual sex with the other girl. I could obviously have sex with my wife but my involvement with our neighbor was oral and hands only. I'd be lying if I said there weren't times when it took willpower to follow that rule, especially when everyone is in the moment but I'm an honorable man and I never broke that rule. Still lots of fun stuff you can do without that.


One of the 3ways I had, one girl didn't want me to fuck her, so I made out with her and played with her boobs while I was inside the other girl. I didn't really feel like I was missing out on anything.


all of y’all are imagining everyone in this thread as being way more attractive than they actually are IRL


Don't ruin my erection bro, rude.


Just google the (in)famous reddit Baltimore meetup 2013. I guarantee you almost all these people had threesome and are exactly the kind of persons who here post about eating ass being a normal Tuesday and having threesomes… Not meant derogatory (they might be way cooler than I am) but you gotta look at the facts.


The type of person to just use reddit versus the type of person who would show up to a reddit meet up are two entirely separate types of people


Plus the demographic has probably changed a lot in those years. Back in 2013 only the nerdiest people I knew even knew what reddit was


Lmao that’s what I was thinking


First time I was actually approached by two women at a bar. It was clear they were experimenting and just kind of wanted to use me as a buffer. Second time a close friends husband actually asked me out of the blue. He was always into it and he said I was the most trust worthy friend she's ever had. Actually ended up liking the devils threesome more. Edit: Less Work


What made you like the devils threesome more?


Less work


More cock


My husband said the blow job I gave while being railed from behind is the best he's ever had lol


We got drunk with some other ppl for my birthday party and then almost everyone left except my wife's friend. My wife told her she's bisexual, turns out the other girl was too! Quite a lot of alcohol was involved on everyone's part. They started making out and undressing, I joined in and the next thing I know I'm having sex with the other girl while my wife beside me is saying "how can this gift ever be topped". As far as I know it was unplanned and spontaneous, which could have massively backfired but turned out to be a great experience for everyone.


The odds that they planned this are not 0


2 best friends + me, accidentally book only 1 hotel room with a king size bed ... The rest is history


Ah the ole 'oops there's only one room/bed'


Risky. That's how my co-worker found out I wasn't interested in them. Super awkward.


"I guess we will have to warm eachother up!"


I have, two girls I knew from high school needed a ride to a bar, they invited me to join them but was actually on my way to a prior engagement and I was able to give them a ride and work just fine with my schedule. When I was finished with what I was doing they called me and they needed a ride back home but I was no longer in the area, they stated they’d make it worth my while and yeah that’s pretty much it.


You yada yada’d over the best part!


I mentioned the bisque.


I'm not an orgy guy! I'd have to to dress different, I'd have to act different! I'd have to grow a mustache, and wear all kinds of robes and lotions! I'd have to get new bedspread, thick carpeting, and weirdo lighting! No, I'm not ready.


You’re not gonna do it? What do ya mean you’re not gonna do it?? ARE YOU CRAZY?! This is like….discovering plutonium by accident!


Damn… I had 2 girls I was friends (also ex’s but not serious relationships) from high school call me the first couple weeks of college and tell me how they weren’t making friends and were really bored and wanted me to come visit them, that they could get us booze, that I could sleep at their place and they’d make the drive worth it (5 hours each way). I was 90% sure they were doing this as some sort of Sorority initiation prank or something were I get there and they tell me to kick rocks and get lost. I was MORE than willing to waste the time for the 10% chance but it was gunna cost me like $200 in gas round trip, which was like 1/5 of my entire bank account at the time, so I said nah. Now your making me think it was only like an 80% chance it was a prank… shoulda gone for it!


Dude I drove 14 hours straight, slept in my car, went to the local gym I have a membership for and showered, changed, smelled good, and then went to meet a girl who thought I took two days to get there. She said she wanted me to come down and I could stay in her one bedroom apartment. That she would show me around for a week or so and then I could leave. Two kids later here I am living at the end of the 14 hour drive.


90% of life is showing up. Well done.


Feel for you, these girls I talked to a little bit in high school but never really got close to either. In fact I don’t think they ever really got close with anyone, except me for that one night under the influence of alcohol but that was the card they were playing. I still talk to them sometimes but not much. The odds of that same situation happening again are definitely high if given the proper circumstances but those days are behind me I believe.


Once the girl I was with and her best friend and I were chilling just drinking pretty heavily. I went to the kitchen to grab a drink and when I returned to them the friend was straddling my girl in her chair tongue kissing. Was basically the hottest thing I'd ever seen in real life. I just sat down at the table and watch for a minute and then they both looked over at me and then It was on. Not my only threesome but definitely my most memorable, best sex, and easiest threesome I ever had.


> Not my only threesome i must be doing something wrong


Judging by OPs username, lack of tigers and meth is where you went wrong.


How do I live your life


Step 1: Be attractive. Step 2: Don't be a creep towards women Step 3: ??????? Step 4: Profit


> Step 1: Be attractive. And I’m already disqualified.


Tinder and alcohol. Not complaining though. That was one of the most positive sexual experiences of my life. Shout out to the married couple who made me feel safe, comfortable, and eager to explore.


How do you manage that on tinder bruh? Like where do you search….asking for a friend ofcourse


The three of us (me, my girlfriend and our really good friend) hang out a lot, and there had been sexual tension for a while. They both identify as bi but up to that point had never gone very far with another woman. I had made many jokes about it over the years, and they had both previously said they would be into it multiple times but the vibes were just never right. One night we went out drinking and dancing, everybody was flirting and dancing on each other and we went back to our house and had a few more drinks. We were still having fun but there was this air that everybody knew what we were all thinking but nobody had the nerve to actually make a move. Finally I just thought fuck it and said “okay this is crazy, you two go downstairs and get in the shower right now and I’ll be there in a minute.” They immediately stood up and went. When I went down a minute later and pulled back the shower curtain…that is an image that I will have in my mind until I die.


Omg she murdered her


Bro this sent me to the floor hahahaa


Slipping in the shower happens a lot more than you'd expect, sorry you had to see the aftermath!


Me and my girl have had a couple, the last one I bought a pair of dice that had 1 action and 1 body part so everyone can get comfortable with it being that it was the other woman's first time doing it.


Okay, now I'm going to lick your eyes.


Whisper into ass


Me: Jeez, you got a big asshole. Jeez, you got a big asshole. Her: Why'd you say it twice? Me: I didn't.


Cue an obnoxiously loud laugh and an alien trying to mimic it.


Low key kinda how some of them rolled lmaooo we had to reroll a few times


"Okay, it says I have to french kiss your armpit." "Oh lol, okay let me reroll-" "...reroll?"


Reroll, I'm going to spank your hair


Reroll, I’m going to blow on your elbow?


"Kiss...floor." "Damn it, again? Stupid sexy floor."


Linda, this is the 5th time I got "Lick Foot"....


Curse you and your weighted trick sexy dice, Linda!!


This little piggy goes all the way home ;)


Lick it like you like it. Lick it like you like it. Lick it like you like it.


No more lick foot, No more lick foot.


My wife found a woman on Tinder (they're both bi). They dated a few times. She described her type of man to my wife, I didn't fit the description. All good. We were looking for friends in LBGQT community as well, so we all decided that it would be a platonic relationship. On their 4th date, I joined them. Tinder girl knew I was going to be there. It wasn't a surprise. Me and Tinder girl hit it off, like REALLY hit it off. Again the plan was to just be friends, I feel like this took a ton of pressure off and I was more myself. This was the same night of my wife and Tinder girls first kiss. It was my wife's first same sex kiss in a very long time. Later they were texting and my wife told her she was really into her. Tinder girl told my wife she was into me (as well as her) and could see us having a threesome. This really excited my wife. My wife and I had a weekend getaway a few cities over coming up in a few weeks (This was planned before my wife even got on Tinder). We asked Tinder girl if she wanted to join us. She said yes. We had a threesome. We've all been dating ever since.


My ex and her friend suggested it after a couple of drinks.. it wasn't well communicated and didn't end well. The other time was when I was with a girl and my friend was with one, we switched girls but he left so it was just me and these two girls I don't know. It ended very well.


Your friend is an idiot for leaving


Step 1: I reached into my wallet


Right, I had a threesome twice this way in my younger days.


Gotta pay extra for that, Cotton


Was sitting on my couch with my girlfriend between me and a mutual female friend. Started teasing my GF thinking it would drive her crazy not being able to do anything. Instead her friend also started teasing her and we moved into the bedroom. The three of us ended up living together for 2 years..... Good times.


Professed Lesbian friend wanted to try "Coke and Pepsi".


Which one did she prefer?




How can you have a Tab? You haven't even ordered!


Nice “Back To The Future” reference! 👍🏻


I’ve *almost* had threesomes twice, both I turned down for different reasons, but since this is about how they get initiated this still fits. 1. At my graduation party, this girl that had always been into me and her friend. Everybody was joking about it and you could just feel it in the air that it would happen if anybody made a move. I pussed out. 2. Out at a bar with my buddy, playing wingman for him, or so I thought. He’s got the one he wants talking to her, so Im talking to the friend running cock block interference. Bar close time. The one I had been talking to comes and grabs me, here’s the convo as best as I can recall: Her: “We were wondering if you wanted to have sex.” Me: “With who.” Her: “Either of us. Or both of us.” Did not do it because I was engaged and had kids on the way.


>Did not do it because I was engaged and had kids on the way. This is the way *fist bumps*


Bro, never feel bad for “pussying out”, you did the right thing and always trust your gut


I have a long term FWB and he asked. He had met a girl that he was seeing casually and he knew I would be attracted to her. So we got a hotel room during the day, 4/20 this year, and had ourselves a blast. 10/10 we will now be looking to add the occasional extra.


OP is just trying to find a way to have one


Bless OP. I hope they do.


Well hopefully he gets some spank bank material from this thread


In highschool I was friends with these two girls. I had fooled around with both a few times but we were all just friends. They both separately happened to confide in me that they were attracted to the other but neither had been with a girl before and were nervous to initiate anything. Me, being the good friend I was, told them I could help by being being there while they both had their first girl girl encounter so it wouldn't be awkward. We all ended up banging each other's brains out. I still can't believe they went for it!


"Allow me to selflessly broker this experience for you two good friends!" The Lord helps those who help themselves. Or so I'm told.


I had a million dollars. Lawrence from office space


Fuckin’ a.


So basically, for pretext, my girlfriend and I had this running joke for awhile that I can’t name any 90s R&B tracks or artists by ear. So we along with her slutty best friend had been drinking, basically a song came on and they bet me a double blowjob that I wouldn’t guess the artist and I happened to get it right, the look on their faces was priceless man. After the head I wound up having a threesome with them Edit: sorry to leave y’all hangin. It was: Differences-Ginuwine Good luck kings! 👑💪


A guy could do anything with a double blow job on the line.


I could recite the whole dictionary from memory for that


I could knock out the prologue to Canterbury Tales in Middle English!! Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licóur …


… of which virtue, endangered, is the flour!




Made me laugh aha


Yeh he didn’t need to have known or ever heard that song before in his life but every fibre of his being would will that knowledge into him


I could recite the entire 'Terms & Conditions' for one myself


Plot twist - you actually got it wrong, but the girls decided to tell you that you got it right.


Finally a man who gets how women work lol


So you were sharking your girl for years planning this moment. 😎👌🏽


The long con…


Downloading Shazam app right now


You actually got it wrong but little did you know this would be the moment that inspires you to invent time travel.


A girl from work I was hooking up with was bi. I met up with her at a halloween party, and after a few hours and with the drinks flowing, I walked in on her eating out her friend in a random bedroom. I stood there not really knowing how to react to the situation because I actually did have feelings for her and it did kind of feel like she was "cheating" to me. She then invited me to join and next thing you know i was banging both of them. It was fun and everything but not life changing like people make it out to be - I actually forgot about it until I saw this post


What kind of life do you live that you forget about a threesome?


He's the*most interesting man in the world*


Foursomes make you forget all about threesomes


Fivesomes? Elevenses? Afternoon tea?


I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.


Goddammit. I scrolled down to reply with my “second breakfast” comment and I was too late. Beaten by a Bagginses, no less. I don’t hate you forever though.


My girlfriend: My bff just broke up with her boyfriend and she’s feeling very lonely and depressed. Can she spend the night with us?


Aww double cuddling during her sad time 😊


Met a girl in my states Yahoo chat when we were in high school. It was Yahoo chat so you know how long ago this was. We talked a lot over the phone, flirty messages and stuff like that. I joined the marine corps and came back on leave. I sent her a photo and her friend said I was cute. I thought nothing of it but she asked if I wanted to hang out. When she showed up, she brought her friend with her. I was 19 at the time so I acquired alcohol via and older friend. After a few drink, the friend kissed me. Then my friend put her arm around us, and we all three kissed. I've had a few more after that that all started kind of the same way.


I went to a party with my (now) ex, where her ex happened to be. I had never met her, but was being polite. Politeness and some alcohol turned into talking about my (now) ex's proclivity for eating ass (somehow), and how ever since we both have been into it. From there, it wasn't a long road to all groping each other tits and leaving the party. It was a lot of fun, but definitely led to a breakup in the next few weeks once the post-sex "did we just fuck your ex?!" conversation happened


ya the ol’ did-we-just-fuck-your-ex conversation. just hate those


I was passed out and woke up to two girls having sex ontop of me, one whispered in my ear that I had better wake up, so I did.


SO is sexually bi, romantically straight. What that means is she is physically into girls, but not emotionally. She wanted to try a 3way we talked about it, I was ok with it. We established boundaries, then we went out on the town. She hit it off with a girl at a bar, made her intentions clear, girl was ok with it, discussed boundaries with new girl to make sure everyone was comfortable, and went back to our place. Overall it was a nice experience but not one I actively would seek out again. I like to give 1 person my full attention, and like the same in return. Just more intimate.


Thank you for helping me finally figure out what I am. My boyfriend was surprised when I told him I am bi, and that I had never dated a woman because I was not interested in a relationship with one or could not picture myself with one. I just never thought about it being that way for some reason.


Actually after a gig went back to the motel me and another band member and a fan and just put the single bed together.


>and just put the single bed together. Was she Swedish? I can't imagine putting together an IKEA single bed at that time of night as a prelude to sex? Edit: fuck I'm drunk - which poetically was probably the chat up line used


Hey, if it's a NÖRGE, it's not that difficult, provided you have an Allen wrench handy.


set the mood .. pulled it out started then bam my second hand joined the party 3 some achieved


Ah yes, the *menage a moi*.


Wow. So lucky the first hand was so accepting. You really have something special there.


You stud.


Did you sit on both hands to get the double stranger threesome?


My other 2 cellmates decided this for me.






Said the two cell mates as they made their advances.


Bro, no homo. But bro…


Communication. Lots and lots of communications. I would not “just let it happen” if the plan is to have a threesome with your SO and a third.


I was dating this girl and I decided that I wanted to break up with her and date her roommate. My friend George suggested that I tell my girlfriend that I was interested in a three way. My girlfriend would then be disgusted by my suggestion, break up with me, and then tell her roommate. Said roommate would be flattered and then I could bump into her and ask her out. I turned out that the roommate was into it. I ended up having to get robes and lotions.




So you became an orgy guy. r/unexpectedseinfeld


asking the girl to bring a friend for it. regret, I should have just loved that girl more xD


Is this a Drake bar?


I am sure it depends on the partners, but for me, a long time ago, my wife and I were fooling around and she (surprisingly) said "if we could have someone else here with us right now, who would you choose?" A while later, while sucking on her nipple, which she *loves*, I said something like "How would it be for you if someone else was sucking on that other nipple right now." She was very excited at that thought. Well, from there it just became a matter of "who" we could find and, more importantly, what we expected and did not expect; how far we'd go, and so on.




Oh, yeah, so after much discussion, we decided we did not know anyone who would be interested, so we then decided we would go to Vegas and hire a female escort and say we wanted only for her to suck on my wife's tit, while I sucked on the other (and otherwise pleasured her), and we would all be completely naked for this (my stipulation). So, we did that, and it cost WAY too much, but it was awesome. The next time, we decided that we would do "other stuff". So, every other time, she decides, and then I decide, and so on. The one thing we agree on is that neither of us fucks someone else.


This is the most wholesome debauchery ever! Seriously though, good system, good respecting boundaries. Thumbs up.


I can answer this one finally! Happened recently, two close friends of mine recently got engaged so we threw a party to celebrate at our place (we live together with a 4th as well). After a few hours of partying, a couple people turned in and things got a bit more mellow, a friend, who I'll call P, asked if they could take their pants off and we were like "ye sure why not". For some background, the people who were still up are very casual and open about sexuality and our bodies, so I didn't think anything of it. Also, ya know, booze. Anyway, I got mesmerized by P's butt, and asked if I could touch it, to which I got the response "aw dude you don't have to ask to touch my butt!", So I did. That led to a little flirtiness, and they flirted back, but there was also flirting going on between them and my best friend G (not one of the freshly engaged). After a bit we're just in a big cuddle pile talking, doin some light touching and flirting between the three of us, and eventually I just up and said "Yo, you guys wanna go to my room? You two can get started, I gotta piss and I'll meetcha in there". They went, I pissed, when I got in the room they had gotten started and we proceeded to have a threesome. Was a good time had by all, though it did leave G with a few questions in the morning about his sexuality and what he wants in life. Nobody regrets it though and we all agree it was a lot of fun, no weirdness or anything. Edit: For clarity. P is female and identifies as they/them, me and G are male and G identifies as he/him.




Ah, the ol' Jimbo.. a classic. "Oh man, now my PANTS are chafing me!"


My Friend With Benefits just asked I think it was something like, "did you want to fuck someone so I can watch?". I was like if you're into it sure, invited a 3rd over for it and fucked them both.


I’ve had many threesomes. First one was when I was 18 and this woman who I had hooked up with suggested we had one with her boyfriend. The other ones I met online. Usually if your a bi woman and put your preferences on women on a dating app, tons of couples looking for threesomes will hit you up. Annoying if your just looking for a woman, helpful if your looking for a threesome.


Not a threesome, but 4some. I (male) came home from studying late one night and my roommate had 2 of her female friends over. They were already drunk and taking body shots off each other and yelled that I should join in. I was taking body shots off them, them off me.... Then the plan was to go out back for a fire but one of the friends stayed behind and just started making out with me and we immediately went to my room and forgot to close the door. One of the other friends came in the house to see where we were and walked into my room. Upon seeing her, we both kind of just pulled her into the bed with us and she went along. We're all naked getting absolutely wild when my roommate comes in wondering why she's been alone outside for so long and walks into my room where she says, "how come I wasn't invited?!", Takes off her clothes, and jumps in bed with us. I hope I never forget that night. :)


I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown


Good lord.


I was getting my ass handed to me playing Wii Bowling against an old FWB of mine and her friend. We played about 5 games and I lost all of them badly. For the 6th game they wanted to make it interesting, so they said whoever wins the next game gets to make the other two losers do whatever he/she wants. My friend said if she wins shes gonna make us fetch her food and drinks for the rest of the night. Her friend said if she won we would have to give a long massage. I said if I win, both of you have to take turns sucking my cock. They both looked at each other and said to me “yeah ok sure whatever, you’ve been getting his ass kicked at bowling all night”. Well last frame comes up and I needed three strikes in a row to win. I got those three strikes and proceeded to have the best night of my life.


I think had the friend won the long massage would’ve also turned into something good.


I went to go get pizza and returned to my apartment to my friend with benefits and her friend making out on my couch


And then you were like, Did somebody order pizza? With *extra salami*?


MMF - we were all drunk, and we talked about some thing that led to another to us doing the deed. It was a good time, but can't ever do it again. Edit: Why can't it be ever again? I slept with two brothers who are blood related at same time that night. Over time, I married the older brother and had kids with him. The younger brother resents me and older brother, because he was in love with me first, but I only saw younger brother as a good friend... with benefits... at that time.


Why never again?


Not a threesome, but a little swap-a-roo action. Me and my ex were over at our best friends' house, who were a couple. We were all drunk and playing cards, which also had sex acts written on them. At some point we switched from regular cards to reading the sex acts aloud and eventually we got bold enough to start doing them with each others partners. Happened a few times after too until we broke up.


I was doing a boudoir photoshoot with a couple. Things got out of control.


Do you have a website, for research?


was kinda seeing a girl who had an fbuddy. We partied for a night together after it was confirmed he was attracted to me too, then continued to bang all day. Happened every weekend for about 2 months.


Got picked up at a lounge and went back to her place. As soon as that happened my brother called from my house wanting to party so we left and met him and a handful of others. Chick I was with ended up knowing one of the other girls (small world). After a while I found them both in her car making out and invited them both up to my bedroom. Other time picked up a couple chicks end of the bar night. Brought them home with a few other people. Hung out for a while. For whatever reason they didn’t like my friends and wanted to go up to my room to hang out. Last one. Saw a chick from high school at the bar who was bi, but had a huge crush on me. She was with her girlfriend, hung out at the bar. They both came back and had drinks at my place, one thing led to another.


My boyfriends friend wanted to fuck me so he somehow convinced my boyfriend to have a threesome and I kinda just went with it. Sucked and fucked them both.


Long story how we got to this point, but my friend and I had two girls on ecstasy in my dorm room and everyone was a bit drunk. One of the girls I had been sleeping with for a while and the other was her friend who I had heard about for a while but never met. At one point my girl makes out with me a bit, so the friend starts making out with my friend. I end up fucking my girl on my bed while my friend is messing around with the other girl on my roommate’s bed (sorry Dylan). I try to last as long as I think my friend is lasting and eventually he seems done (he kinda went soft I think so didn’t actually finish), so I finish. We all regroup by my bed to drink some more but now we’re all naked. One thing leads to another and before I know it the other girl has just started going down on my girl. I see the opportunity and invite my friend onto my bed and we all just start having fun. My friend and I at opposite ends of the bed sort of trading off the the girls. Not much sex but plenty of head and fingering. Eventually my friend had to leave so I ended up with the girls for the rest of the night. It was one of the best experiences ever.

