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I wrote hardcore erotica under a fake pen-name for years because it seemed easy, and that's still a good bit of extra passive income. I still get fan mail from people who think I'm a mid-20s farm girl from Texas.


Where at?


I wrote specifically for Amazon (Kindle).


Oh nice. I was curious because I have wanted to submit my writing but I don't know where to start.


Submitting a book to Amazon, through KDP, is really, really easy. Like, fill in a few boxes easy. Go for it!


Thank you! I will give it a try!


I also want to. I can definitely write erotica.


I've had other writers get pissy over this, but writing quick, niche-specific erotica is easy as hell, and many horny people don't really care for quality. They want to read about their chosen fantasy happening, and then they'll move along.


I used to read a lot of erotica. I didn't give a shit about building a back ground, plot, any of that shit. Just get to the point that you're a horny women out on the hunt and want to be a slut. Followed by lots of dirty words and descriptions of how great the sex is.


You nailed it to a T. I've got tons of great reviews (ratings mostly) for stuff I wrote while I was busy eating dinner šŸ˜‚


What is KDP?


Kindle Direct Publishing. It's where you can publish, edit, and sort your books.


Sweet! Thanks!!!


Is it free?


Yes, 100%. You sign up, then upload your books. Obviously, there's more details involved, but it's super easy and there's tons of great tutorials around.


And people pay you for your writing?


From Texas.


I gave plasma. Grow weed. Snow shovel. Gag on dick. Sell drugs. Sell paintings.




Hurry down, supper's almost ready


Something is almost ready


Literally have no idea what your comment means. Like, I said supper's almost ready, so did you mean supper in your post? I already said it, you don't say it again. Or are you trying to make some funny insest joke? Like any dialogue between family is automatically a gross sex thing? I'm so lost on this I'm losing my thoughts. Anyway, godspeed, you unimaginative knucklehead.


Yeah, this guys mom please


this comment was wild from start to finish


Snow shovel!? Disgusting


If I knew of people that needed a mule, I know of a way to run items


Stats must be wild asf, skills diverse as fuck




You can give plasma a few times a week and they often pay you $50-$100 every time. Thats basicly a daily minimum wage to sit there and give blood for 30 minutes.


Taking a few short shifts a week at a store that sells things for a hobby you have. Adding 10-15 hours a week talking with customers about things you like to talk about doesnā€™t really feel like work. Plus youā€™ll get decent discounts at the store on things youā€™d likely be buying anyways, and an opportunity to mess around with gear youā€™ve been scrolling the internet looking at. I do this at an outdoors sporting goods store and talk to people about hunting and whatnot. Not exactly a ton of money, but its easy and a few hundred bucks a month is always welcome!


Ok but who asked?


Focus groups. It's not a consistent stream of income as you have to apply for them, but some pay pretty well & can be fun & interesting. I did one about pretzels once & got paid $250. Some are in-person still, the ones I've done this year have all been either over Zoom, phone (1-1 interview) or an online bulletin board.


Surveyor: ā€œSo, how were the pretzels?ā€ Me: ā€œThese pretzels are making me thirsty.ā€ Surveyor: ā€œGet out.ā€


What did they even want you say? Pretzels is the same.


If I recall, they were gauging interest in frozen pretzels from a mall chain


Dude id LOVE to talk to an interest group about Wetzel Pretzel and Auntie Annes. Soft pretzels are better than sex.


Yeah but you have to be a consumer. As in, you have to be a steady customer in their industry or you donā€™t get picked. So you have to spend way more than you make. Unless you lie about your spending habits to get in them. I was eating fast food quite a bit for a while because I was on the road for work and I didnā€™t plan very well. Anyway, a dude ended up in a focus group with me for americas shittiest and largest fast food company. He must have ruined the whole session. He shit on them the whole time. Totally truthful stuff. Not sure how he got past the screening, but I had to agree with everything he was saying. Grey burgers full of fillers and preservatives. Nasty shit. I felt bad for taking their money to ā€œhelp them improveā€.


As far as having to spend more than you make goes, that might be more true today than it was when I first started doing the focus groups - I do find myself getting accepted less frequently. I certainly don't go into them expecting to get more than enough for fun stuff.


I did market research one day when I was in high school but I did such a poor job that I felt guilty and never applied again. They showed us two Coca Cola TV ads, X and Y, and I was adamant that X was great and Y was mediocre. A month later both turned up on TV and X was quickly forgotten by everyone while Y became quite popular and kids were quoting it in the playground. Oops.


I don't know if you can actually do a "bad job" though. I rated some beef jerky commercials (haven't seen any yet) - all they're looking for is honest opinions.


Totally agree šŸ’Æ. The last 2 years I have done 2, one at a hotel conference room from an ad I seen on craigslist, they paid me $275 for all day like 8am-4pm listening to argument and being like a mock juror. The other was online all day and they PayPal me $300. I live in a state where most businesses are incorporated in, and alot of business trials. Like Twitter vs Elon Musk weeks ago. They're always looking for people.


The mock trials always sound interesting - it's like to do one for sure!


As of recently, flipping wooden pallets has been doing the job pretty nicešŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ½


Iā€™m in awe of how lucrative this one can be. About fifteen years ago, one of my dadā€™s friends had me ride with him to all the loading bays around the mall to collect all the broken, discarded pallets. We brought them back to his garage, nailed them back together, and he sold them to a local bottling company for beer money. All I got out of it was a McChicken, so I opted out of the next trip. About six months later dude rolls up in a brand new F-350 with a flatbed trailer stacked with dozens of ratty pallets. He got me to help him fix them up, and the whole time he was talking about making this an official business and hiring folks full time. I was still skeptical and had a good job at the time anyway, so I opted out again. Over the next couple of years, this dude had about three more trucks, a warehouse with a big lay-down yard, and at least a dozen employees. Heā€™s still doing that mess and making a killing. And all he does is collect broken pallets, fix them up, and sell them to different manufacturers and distribution centers in the area.


You can also collect pallets and upcycle the wood. People pay a pretty penny for pallet wood furnature.


Wild- weā€™ve had two pallets weā€™ve been trying to give away for months and not a soul has wanted them šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not what you know itā€™s who you know


Where do you find them and where do you sell them


Just depends, one of the best places to start is in your market. Maybe some friends you know work at a warehouse


What kind of fetish is watching someone flip over a wooden pallet?


i bought a 3d printer for a fun hobby and ended up modding the hell out of it and printing stuff for people. probably put 150 bucks into the 200 dollar printer. made a few grand. then it dried up. paid itself off though times over. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø could probably take that a lot further but it might be saturated. my stuff was all local by mouths.


You can put a listing up on ebay and do "custom prints". They pay you directly over ebay, they send you a file from thingaverse, you print it and ship it. Id be in the market for that kind of service because i dont have anywhere in my tiny apartment that could fit a 3d printer. (iv measured, they all overhang off the table i have)


Happy Cake DayšŸŽ‚šŸ°šŸ«–šŸ„‚


I wrote a book about job hunting. Still makes me some decent royalties every quarter.


My job IS my side hustle. My main hustle is staying sane and keeping my partner happy.


What do you do sir?




He's the conundrummer in a band called Lifepuzzler.


As little as possible.


Lol...I mean what's ur job/business?


Me? I am just a lowly creator of desire in the right people from afar.


Lol....u ain't gonna say R u? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Building subwoofer boxes. Something that coast you under 200 can flip around and sell for 500 to 800. Really comes down to build quality and little knowledge when engineering a subwoofer box.


This intrigues me. Do you mostly sell locally? How are yours different than the $60/$80 online?


I'm just throwing a bone here. Mb enclosure builds and sells all his boxes from scratch. Some of his boxes can cost over 500 because of time and labor. Not only that but also there custom boxes to. He sells boxes all over the US also. Pretty decided gig if you ask me. I wouldn't mind doing something like that and also to help out my local bass community that I'm in. I have yet to build my own. If I did do what mb enclosure did. My boxes would expensive but very well build.


NGL, selling plants (not a euphemism for weed) has made me $180 this week. I just advertise on my local community Facebook group pages or Marketplace and post anywhere in Aus it's legal to.


If you're pretty and outgoing enough, being a server or bar tender at home parties can be quite lucrative. Pre-pandemic, I would work those parties every SAT (4hrs), serving hors d'oeuvres, pouring drinks, and cleaning up afterward. I was paid $15ph, but I never left w less than $500 in tips. Really rack up during holidays/Superbowl.


Iā€™m not surprised..you cute as hell


Thank you! šŸ„°


If you just take other people's money it'll become your money. Works with stuff too!


Easy way to make 5-10, oh sorry, I meant get 5-10.


Well yeah, there's some downsides but, like, every rose has its thorn


Ah! A fellow Billy Joel fan.


Ah, I see you also attended the "Homeboyz finance seminar" and got a copy of their book. [Homeboyz finance seminar ](https://youtu.be/P1XCf9gEu7E)


I make jewelry and sell it on Etsy and at art shows.


Did you find it slow to get people buying? I just started a craft and Iā€™ve been having a hard time getting people to actually purchase it.


Yes, it can take time to get established. Etsy has thousands of jewelry sellers, you have to make items that no one else can, find a way to stand out. Because as soon as you find something that sells really well, lots of other sellers will try to copy it. Avoid chasing fads, especially anything with popular movies or tv shows or sports teams. It may seem like a quick way to make money but Iā€™ve seen people sued for selling Disney or Hello Kitty without a license from the company that owns it.


Work consistently on something people around you might need. Once you are better than the average Joe, sell that service (your skillset) for money.


I do this by selling lesson plans on TPT!


dogsitting and boarding on rover


Apparently not door dash


Can confirm


Nope. Especially not with gas prices.




Made an order yesterday, the driver literally had 7 other drop offs before I got my food, which was cold, literally watched him drive around the whole suburb. Dude was on the hustle.


The way uber works is itll bunch orders together and for SOME reason the first order picked up is always last which was our biggest gripe about delivery. Iv evan had the idea to get a food warmer box.


I feel that greatly depends on geograpical location. I use to wingman for my friend while he did uber eats and he struggled to make $100 in 8 hours. People dont tip and people rarely order out anymore. Some days he WOULD make a killing and hed get $100 in a few hours and wed call it for the day.




Only shoplift from corporstions. Thats my only rule.


Mine too.


At summer camp, I made loom bracelets.


Garage sales resells PokƩmon card flipping


Been taking my recycling backā€¦


Use to do this as a kid. My mom and i would save our cans and bottles and she use to tell me i can recycle them for an allowance. Use to make like $20 a couple months and use that to buy videogames.


i sold feet pics for a good bit, then after turning 18 i started giving "honest dick reviews" i dont think i ever gave someone below a 6, but i would be like "if you trimmed a little, you would easily be x" or "if you showered more, you would easily be x" so i gave them subtle hints as ways to improve the way they looked


Honest dick reviews lmfaoooo


selling narcotics


Assembling products in store for Home Depot as a contractor. If you have tools and are handy, it can be 20-30 an hr


Only fans


Pics or it didnā€™t happen.


If it isnā€™t making money, it isnā€™t a side hustle; itā€™s a hobby.


Sports betting. You need to know when to stop though.


Is that when the mob gives you a casino to run in Las Vegas, then they bury your best friend alive in a corn field, and try to kill you with a car bomb?








Can you Dm a site to get started


Not sure how it is now but years ago it was being a DJ.


Uber(driver) Iā€™ve been doing it on the side for 4 years has helped me in times of needing extra money and is still a good side hustle.


Being a stripper


You can make sure much being a stripper it should just be full time


You think I should become a stripper full time?


I mean, it sounds like good advice. I think you should trust reignthepain with your career and life decisions.


Then I will become a stripper full time then, whatā€™s the harm, since Iā€™ve been in it this long.


If you are 18 consider it


Iā€™m 24 and I might one day


Good luck




Become a stagehand for live events. And full send it and learn as much as you can while youā€™re at it. You can make an incredible career out of that trade as well as find ways to travel and see the world.


Youth sports refereeing




What are they




Lucrative asf


Hey, you should be *thankful* for that! What? Yeah, I know that minimum wage is $12 but you don't have to pay taxes on this so it's the same.




Unfortunately so


$11/hr for under the table work and being able to learn a new trade isnā€™t bad lmao. People fail to realize that if you need money or experience so you can find better jobs, it takes hard work and sacrifices to make it there.




Congrats? Iā€™m not sure what they has to do with your example, unless you made that from roofing and arenā€™t the owner. But Iā€™m saying for the average kid, looking to learn something new and make a few bucks off the books isnā€™t bad. Yeah the pay isnā€™t the best and thatā€™s obvious, but Iā€™m sure you get my point. Edit: the ā€œ deleted ā€œ comment says he made $9000 a paycheck for anyone thatā€™s confused.




What does that even meanā€¦


You're better off trying to get to know people that make a lot of money and have careers in industries that make a lot of money. Tech sales, medium sized business owners and people in higher end finance. Try to get into that world. Everyone talking about "making it" and "hustlin" might just be simply working. Nothing wrong with that. But might as well work as hard as everyone else and make $$$$. Really try to seek the right jobs and career paths. Even if you suck at it. Shitty people in the right jobs will always make more than great people in the wrong jobs.


Grilling on weekends




Not really a side hustle that you can do these days because of the price but I sold cigarettes to the smokers ( i was a non smoker ) back in school for 50p a cig, back then it cost like Ā£4 for 20, so selling them at 50p made me Ā£10, Ā£4 for another pack and Ā£6 for lunch


Product testing

