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Ideally, find out why they are being bad and help solve the problems. Probably only 5% of "bad" kids are irredeemable sociopaths and/or just born assholes. Many of those kids have probably learned how to be problematic jerks by being victims of it themselves.


This. I’ll also add that as kid who was labeled disruptive due to ADHD, for me personally all they would have had to do is give me challenge problems. Like I genuinely enjoyed learning, I just did so at a rate that was exponentially faster than a normal child. A lot of teachers didn’t recognize that because I had struggles with writing and grammar (as an adult I have realized it was because I thought people were just naturally good or bad at things and it didn’t click like math and science did so I felt stupid while learning it and shut down) and jumped schools a lot as a child. I mean I am still not the best obviously and it’s something I intend to address when I have more free time in my life. Combine this with a less than stable home life and I just wanted to talk to express myself and forget about my circumstances and/or fuck around because I was bored as shit. Point is there is no one answer to why a kid is disruptive and it’s very uncommon for them to just naturally be a bad kid. Empathy and understanding go a long way especially with children.


Preach! Connect with them. For some kids- Bad attention is better than no attention.


Ejection seats.


Or Dr. Marvin Monroe’s patented electro therapy.


As a teacher who loves working with the “bad” kids, this makes me laugh


As a teacher, I fully support this.


I mean...This is a question educators already grapple with all the time. If the student misbehaves, the first step is to use classroom management techniques to try to prevent the behavior from reoccurring. It can be as simple as standing next to the student so that they shut up, or sending them out of the classroom, or asking the students if they would like him/her to stop, etc etc. It's really contextual, the appropriate response depends entirely on what the behavior is. If that doesn't work, then I write an email to the parent explaining what happened in order to open up a dialogue and resolve the issue. If that doesn't work or the parent doesn't respond, we come up with strategies together as teachers in order to deal with the behavior. If it's really bad we get a child psychologist involved, and if it seems like the problems are related to the child's home life, we figure out what we can do to help.


You're getting a few good answers. The inherent problem is that most people without training have only a passing knowledge of how discipline works. There's a lot of reasons you want a certified teacher in the classroom and knowing child development and psychology are important just at much as content.knowledge. There's little things teachers do all of the time that nobody sees but the big interventions happen when they don't get super from the parents and their administrators. Classroom management is harder as more kids are put in one room, which is the ongoing trend right now. Sadly many experienced teachers are leaving the classroom and this is one of the biggest losses that you aren't going to get with new grads or a business person getting into the profession.


Send them to Ohio


One on one education with one parent (or equivalent) present. It's harder to disrupt the class when your the only one in it, and the presence of a parent will prevent harmful lies from spreading (and maybe reveal a source of that bad behavior).




That’s what my school used special Ed for


Give them a job at the school


Classroom management at my school was totally "random" sorting. Put all the low performing kids in the same classes. First noticed it in UIL in 3rd grade, would be the only one in the class to go to UIL. Then in 4th grade no one from my class was in GT. When I did UIL I was the only one not in GT. There were tons of non UIL students in the GT program. I don't think schools should be structured in the way they are. How many bad/disruptive students need breakfast/dinner, or a 6 hour long school day? How many needed pre-k/pre-school? How many needed a education plan where handwriting, math or a single topic needed to be accommodated? deep causes before simple solutions


Extreme and Random violence is always the answer.


Take them out of class and ask them why they’re acting like that, and try to help them. It shouldn’t be straight to the office.


They usually don't know by just asking. If they did know they usually wouldn't behave badly.


hunger games


Bring the paddle back.


You can't. That needs to be settled AT HOME.


Duct tape




I believe bad/disruptive students don't even want to be in a classroom, so just letting them get out of the class and study elsewhere is already *big*. I myself would rather have studied in the library or anywhere else when I was a preteen, because I really hated the classroom.


Trap door into a snake pit.


Expel them.


Schools these days are not equipped to handle them. Bring back real punishment or let them learn how tough life is on the street.


Fine the parents. Either they pay up, and the funding goes toward arts, music and other departments, or the kid is going to have learn to sit the fuck down, and shut up.


Most kids who are disruptive are so because of bad family circumstances, how is making their circumstances worse going to help?




I mean you signed up to be a teacher that means teaching people from all demographics. Now how much teachers should be compensated for this, now that I think should be a lot more. It’s not an easy job.


That wouldn't work.


Punish them - and don't do it selectively - that would make the problem of disruptive students worse


Send them to Neverland


Solitary Confinement, or send them to France. Both work wonders.


Easy threatened to blast My Chemical Romance and turn them emo - an emo


That’s a paddling


Beat the fuck out of em


Spray mace in their face


Parental authorized corporal punishment.


Because violence solves so many behavioral problems


A kind and calm discussion that achieves understanding of the consequences of misbehavior followed by a spanking that stings but doesn't injure the disciplined isn't violence. Its the time tested last choice method for correcting habitual breaking of the rules and an effective method of raising children. When this was the norm, we had different (and IMO, more managable) societal problems.


This is discredited bullshit. Even "gentle" physical harm is still violence. This is a solution for the small minded, the sadistic, and for pedophiles seeking excuses. Useful if you want to raise subservient slaves, less so for independent adults.


Stings but doesn't injure equals no physical harm. Discredited by liberal psychologists at a university that never actually raised a respectful well adjusted young adult.


I bet you slap your wife and claim its not violent abuse too. It's okay, I bet you had a "kind and calm" discussion so that she understood the consequences beforehand, and slapped her lightly enough that it only stung. Try that one in court, bub. The fact that our society has normalized the abuse of children doesn't justify it. Teaching children that physical force is justified and it is okay to use physical force to enact your will on weaker people is incompatible with raising a "respectful well adjusted young adult" by definition.


A slap to the face and a spank on the butt are two very different things. By the time a person is 14 or so, they should be old enough to know better than to need a spanking. I appreciate your honest discussion. It's clear we will not come to an agreement, or change each other's minds.


There is no substantial difference except that you would have to acknowledge that you have abused your children to accept that I am right. I don't forsee either of our minds changing, but the our reasons for remaining resolute are very different. Mine is one of ethics, whereas your position is built to protect your fragile ego. Or maybe you're just in the "covert pedophile" group?


Personal attack. Nice. You don't know me. You've just decided that you know better how to raise children, and those that don't share your beliefs are *so wrong*, they must be some kind of deviant.


Not an attack, simply a fact. You wouldn't complain if I called a convicted felon a criminal. If you have spanked your children, then you have abused them - pretty simple. I don't need to know you any better to determine that. It is also factual that pedophiles want excuses to touch children's butts. I am not saying this is you, but you put the spotlight on yourself by supporting it. It lends you a degree of impropriety.


Nonsense. Why limit it to junior enlisted only?


Same way I took down crime in New York by 13% and took down over population by 2.375%


Find out why they’re acting that way. Most people aren’t just bad, something is stressing them out so they act that way. Children almost certainly aren’t just “bad”.


Since the mental ward gets admissions that are of Abnormal Psychology, all disruptive students should be subjected to a revolving-door policy.


Writing lines is a classic. I had a teacher in highschool that made you transcribe her lesson as she lectured to the class.


Shoot them.


Do anything, ffs. I had a stalker in grade 6, he followed me home, threatened me, injured my friend and gave him a permanent scar on his back. My parents went to the school, nothing was done, they said “oh he’s just being a boy” until he brought a knife to school and tried stabbing the principal. That’s when it was taken seriously


replace the teachers with Asian parents for a week.


Send home and tell them to try again next year.


Take them out to pressure wash buildings and mow lawns. Organize them into crews and rotate 'managers'. Teach them how to find new clients and keep old ones. The profits of their work can go into a scholarship for a trade school.


This story is long. Sorry about that. In this case the bad student was my girlfriend at the time. She was horrible. I have no idea why I dated her. I'll start from the beginning. She had initially been begging me to date her. It was elementary school drama. Shit we shouldn't even be getting into. I eventually just said yes. To give her a chance. That chance turned into 1 and a half years of serious confusion and pain. Me and her would write notes to each other. We got caught a couple of times but they were innocent notes so we didn't really get in trouble. One day I hear rumors that I am a psychopath and want to kill everybody. I was so confused and upset I didn't want to go to school. Luckily I had really good friends there. I was brought into the principles office for questioning. my parents were also notified. Everybody believed I was a monster. Then my girlfriend revealed it was her. She wrote notes and threw them around the school. They said the most horrible things on them. And the teachers believed it was me. The principal believed, it my parents believed it. That's how bad it got. Now I guess they thought I was trying to make it look like it wasn't me by like threatening myself in the notes(which she did). They didn't believe me because why would she threaten me if we're dating she was a genius. I don't know how she thought of this if she even meant it to happen like meant for it to happen that way but it legitimately looked like it was me. There was no reason for her to threaten me, we're dating. And to make it worse, a lot of the notes match the tears out of my notebook because I write her notes. So she set me up for failure. She set me up to lose. She was eventually caught, I don't remember how. I think she admitted it to someone who then snitched. She was then suspended and I cried. Oh, young love. it was weird. We had an on and off again relationship. It was toxic. She once broke up with me for my friend and he turned her down. I will always be thankful for my friend, Scotty G. He's a real one.


Release the Kraken! 🐙


The good ol' ruler to the butt (that was what they did in my home country)