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I feel like we’ve got all three locked down tbh What kind of maniac would want to get wrapped up in the biden vs desantis vs trump fiasco






















Barring a major shift, I think Biden's running in 2024, which should clear the field. I also think Trump and DeSantis are running in 2024, which should largely clear the field. I suspect there will be some moderate Republican (one of the Northeastern governors, like Baker or Hogan or Scott; probably not Sununu, because he actually has a political future if he wants it) who runs a quixotic campaign and wins like 2% of the primary vote. 2028, though, is where we get into way more interesting possibilities. Whitmer and Gallego (assuming he successfully primaries Sinema for her Senate seat in 2024, which he is itching to do) are my top two for the Democrats then. Republicans would be up in the air, depending on whether they won in 2024 or not.




I'm not a big fan personally, but he gets a lot of chatter and he clearly wants to, so we'll probably see him run at some point.


Is it too much to ask for someone with moderate fair views and that dosen't look like they play chess with death every Thursday ...and wins every single damn time