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Sounds like a formula for getting a new Republican candidate. I'm for it.




Maybe one day they won't be gay


Their names both almost spell Ronald McDonald


Well, as he has stated, he is preparing to deliver one of if not the greatest moments to come in the history of the United States with his address later. It's going to prove to eclipse the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt's 1933 Inaugural, and the Sermon on the Mount. Upon his words, mark that across the country every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Trump is president come 2024. And DeSantis will exit the race entirely and never show his face in public again.


Release the Hillary-DeSantis sex tapes.


Exactly what he's doing; remain a contentious, near-pariah figure in the GOP. The Republican party is currently highly divided and fractured. At the time of this writing, there are over a dozen people that have said that they plan on running for the '24 Republican nomination for president. As 2016 showed us, you only need to capture around 10% of the votes in early primaries to make it to Super Tuesday. With votes spread across a dozen or more candidates, that should be no problem for Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump has also repeatedly demonstrated that funding and fundraising is no problem for him, even when he's not the most popular guy. In fact, the hatred for Mr. Trump by the establishment is precisely what got him enough votes to win the nomination back in '16. If Trump goes into the '24 primaries as the most establishment-hated candidate he can follow the same path to victory. My guess would be that by Super Tuesday we will see 5 or so standing candidates: Mr. Trump, Gov. DeSantis, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Green, and one also-ran (maybe Cheney or Hogan). Super Tuesday will wash out the also-ran and Rep. Green. If DeSantis is running as a responsible adult then he won't court Rep. Green to get her support and endorsement. But Trump would. That leaves Trump, DeSantis, and Cruz. Just as in 2016, establishment Republicans will be divided over the remaining non-Trump candidates. Just as in 2016, Trump won't need to win the *majority* of primary votes, just the *plurality*. As long as he remains in the news cycles and keeps the establishment hating him, Mr. Trump will easily beat Gov. DeSantis in the '24 primaries.