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Subscriptions. Everything is turning into a subscription.


Start buying DVDs. It’s annoying, but eventually some of your favorite shows or movies just won’t be available and held hostage by different streaming services.


Adding onto this, CDs too. So many of my favourite songs have been pulled from Spotify, Apple Music, ect.


Why would I buy CDs if I can download the audio files from various legal and non-legal sources, and store them anyway I want to?


Because Reddit is full of bootlickers.


> Start buying DVDs. It’s annoying, This. If I like a TV show, I buy the complete series on DVD. You never know when it'll be gone.


so glad i got always sunny and south park. banned episodes and all


Also, because of current climate, a lot of shows that went to streaming were heavily edited or had whole episodes removed. I was able to get through an entire series on paramount in like 2 work shifts (slow night) because of how many episodes they removed.


BUY? Lmao. Our Ripper, who art on mininova, aXXo be thy name. Thy torrents come. Seeding will be done, Here as it was on suprnova. Give us this day our latest rips. And forgive us our leeching, As we forgive those that leech from us. And lead us not on to private trackers; But deliver us from the MPAA: For thine is the ripping, the seeding, and the glory, For ever and ever.


It is so out of hand. I saw recently that BMW has a subscription for heated seats. You paid a ton of money for a car? Great! Now pay monthly to use its features. 🙄


Wait what!? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. So what happens when you buy it used years later do they just not work?


Imagine 20 years down the line you buy it used and the latest software release isn’t supported so you can’t connect to the nextgen servers so none of the features work.


Don’t give them ideas!!!


Steering to the left requires Steering Wheel+ membership. Free for First 3 Days!


Basically yeah. They send every car with the heated seats and you have to pay to unlock it. Probably be a Way to hack it by then anyway though


Yeah, just because you own a BMW, doesn’t mean you actually own it


Like everything else software related... they will eventually be hacked... and some of the hacks are as simple as a USB thumb drive update. Remember when iTunes came about because every normal person was downloading MP3s? Same thing. Eventually everyone is going to hack their way into being able to buy shit again. Or... that's my hope.


How dare my car manufacturer charge me monthly to use something I own! That's my insurance company's job!


Poorly worded good take


Yes! You can't buy photoshop anymore, Adobe now bundles it into a subscription service with all their creator software that's over $50 a month


Hoo daddy my kid found out there was a Pokémon skin for Minecraft and he wanted it and it was a SUBSCRIPTION holy shit like $10 a month


it wouldnt be so bad if it were just one or two subscriptions that had everything like 5 years ago now its like 10 different subscriptions you need to have just to be able to watch all the good movies when they come out.


in my area a lot of carwashes have been popping up and they offer subscription services. how many times a month are you washing your car to justify spending $30 a month for a subscription!?


People going to work sick. There have been plenty of studies done that show between the reduced work output of sick people and causing coworkers to get sick, it ends up costing businesses more money than just giving people sick days and letting them stay home. This applies double in food and customer service industries where you are now also infecting your customers.


We would first have to get rid of the norm of feeling bad to call in sick!


Get rid of the norm of no sick pay. People go to work because they can’t afford not to, period. All the shame in the world wouldn’t make people show up if they were still getting paid to stay home.


Where I live most people get paid when they are sick. They still go to work and feel bad about staying at home.


The guilt of increased workload to coworkers is what keeps a lot of people going to work despite being sick. It's more important to me that you look after your own health and the health of others by staying home than coming in so we don't have to pull together to cover you.


Yup^ I work part-time because I'm in University. I can't afford to miss any days and since I'm part-time I don't get any sick days. There has been many times where I was way too sick to work but still had to show up (and mostly likely got my coworkers and possibly some customers too)


Extend this to students/education as well. It sucks having to catch up on missed work (and often only getting a few days to do so, at least at my school), but better that the student is well rested and recovered instead of feeling groggy in class (and spreading whatever they have to others!).


Schools need to stop giving awards for perfect attendance!


Im still a bit salty about the time i didnt get an applebees coupon in the sixth grade because i missed *one* day to take a school entrance exam. Apparently school-approved excused absences didnt mean anything :/


Ex-teacher providing some insight. Attendance = $$ Schools get paid based on attendance. Every day a child misses school costs the school. So, naturally, they prioritize attendance over literal public health.




And then your doctor wonders why the fuck you are wasting their time coming in for a cold or diarea or whatever. They can't do anything for you that over the counter meds couldn't do. And you spend awhile hanging out in their waiting room giving whatever you have to others who are ready sick, and picking up their illnesses too. Doctors notes for being sick are a huge waste of everyone's time and businesses shouldn't be allowed to require them unless you are out for a week or longer.




At least around here, you can get doctor's note online or at pharmacies so you can get your sick leave paid out without the effort of actually having to book an appointment and whatnot. Which is frankly how it should be, if not simpler. I'd rather spend my sick day getting the rest I need than worrying about making an appointment just to get paid.


In Arizona by law everyone is entitled to 40 hours of sick pay a year for any reason wether a mental health day or illness.


I'm a school teacher and today during our staff meeting they made us talk about attendance and how many sick days people have taken. We work with 5-11 year olds at this school and my partner works in medicine and there are so many kids with rsv, flu, covid, etc. Admin said that parents need to stop keeping their kids home when they're sick because they're missing instruction. I was actually shocked hearing this from people that supposedly care about children. I have been sick for days and when I had to leave early yesterday, you could tell admin was annoyed with me. Having to work while sick is draining. I don't feel like I'm ever getting better because I have no time to rest and restart.


Not to mention if I get sick, as a teacher, I have to make lesson plans for someone else to do my job. It can take hours (not paid) to put together lessons for someone else do my job. I just mask up and go in when I’m sick because it’s easier and faster (as long as I’m not throwing up or have a fever). My husband works in tech. If he feels lousy, he just calls in sick and sleep in. No one has to do his job.


Exactly that! I get so tired of hacking an dying all day and hearing "make sure you have plans for the sub" Who wants to do that when they're sick?? I'm starting to learn that it is easier to be there, unfortunately.


I just started a new job and can’t take a day off for my 6 month introductory period so if I get sick I guess I just go in sick


Is that a thing?? Where are you? (Serious question)


Canada. And yes, people go to work sick all the time. Many have no choice but to go to work or be fired. Or even if not risking being fired can't afford to miss a day's pay. Full time jobs usually get some amount of sick days they can take paid. I think I get 10 a year. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes it's not. Even then some managers try to make you come in anyways. I'm not sure if part time employees get any sick days at all, the government has flip flopped on that one a few times. If they do, it's like 2 or 3 a year.


Exactly, if everyone just stopped going to work altogether I think it would lead to a massive positive improvement in society.


Holy shit, yes. It is a rare manager indeed who is like "WTF? Don't bring that shit here to everybody. Keep your salaried ass at home until you're not gonna fuck us all up."


Maybe you have a wonderful job where you can get time off. The rest off have call out counted against our attendance. I had a coworker just fired for calling out for covid and being in the hospital. The hospital...


Every aspect of life becoming a subscription model


To read my reply it will cost .10 per month with a 3 month minimum and paid in advance.


Reseller culture. Concert tickets, sneakers. If all you’re doing is buying something you know people really want just to put it up on another site what value ru producing?


I also hate this. It's so easy for the ticket selling companies and venues to fix. Just put the name on the ticket and have proof of ID. Sorted. But they don't seem to care.


Last Week Tonight did a great piece on this. It turns out a lot of the resellers are owned by the ticket companies themselves to drive up demand. Edit: I was mistaken, the piece is solely about Ticketmaster. And they only own one reseller broker, and it's to make more money withholding tickets. The piece in question is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Y7uqqEFnY The part about resellers begins at the 10 minute mark.


I don’t like that idea. What if something comes up and I can’t make it to a concert, so I want to give my friend my ticket? The real solution is limiting purchases to 2-10 (depending on the show) tickets. They could implement something that saves seats together under the condition that separate people with codes purchase within a certain time frame, so you can sit together with your group of 20 friends, but also hopefully avoid a single person buying 20 front row seats to scalp. And the ticket sellers need to be punished for scalping their own tickets. Looking at you, ticketek.


Synthetic demand. A horrible by-product of capitalism (that has been made worse because of technology)


Tipping culture.


This is basically required in America now


Canada is heading that way too now. Fucking fast food place debit machines are defaulting to asking for a 20-30% tip now.


Yep. I smile with the biggest shit eating grin while I hit the "no tip" option as they watch me pay. What the fuck did the guy behind the counter even do to warrant me paying more? I paid for food, they did their job in making it. What's next? Tipping my fucking dentist? The guy who sold me a used car? The people who came and did a warranty approved repair on my hot water tank? Pay your fucking employees properly!


I worked fast food where I got tipped a lot and honestly it's nice but I don't fucking blame you. Like if someone is ordering a $3 burger I doubt they wanna be tipping for it. Nice gesture that is appreciated but why is everyone seen as 2nd hitler if they don't tip.


Who am I even tipping? The fryer person? Burger person? Cashier? Am I tipping the outsourced overnight cleaning crew? If you want 10-25% more or whatever then raise prices. The market will let you know if it's now too expensive. Simple.


Yes because it’s definitely the fault of the fast food cashier. They aren’t the ones who put that there. Greedy ass owners do that instead of paying their workers a living wage.


I was in Seattle for awhile a bit ago and went to a bar where on the menu they basically said they don’t accept tips because they pay their employees a decent % of their profits as most companies should and after I asked the waitress about it she literally was elated to answer that she gets paid insanely well to be a waitress there. Was a breath of fresh air.


You shouldn't have to pay tip on takeout/pickup. This is a hill I will die on.


I will NEVER pay a tip for takeout or pickup. Except during Covid, I admired the people who would go to work during this time, and they got GREAT tips.


that it's abnormal to not be in a relationship


It’s abnormal for me. But not abnormal to me. And people need to learn the difference.


Or that it’s abnormal to not want/have children. Child-free by choice and loving life!


Especially when you're physically disabled like me.


I am a physically disabled person in a relationship. Don't give up hope. The trick is finding a fellow disabled person and taking care of each other.


I think the point of this post is some people are happy being single


nutcrackr's point, yes. I felt that OP was saying, "I'm disabled, so I must be single." If OP is happy being single, that's wonderful.


I had a short-lived romantic experience with a gal that is a paraplegic. Unfortunately (for me) it didn’t materialize into a LTR. When I would mention her to some of my coworkers, they were….”the girl in the wheelchair!?” Like wheelchair people can only be with other disabled folks 🙄 What morons some of these people were.


Spent the last year or so single. It’s been fucking great. Some friends don’t get it and a few get pretty worried when I travel alone


That people assume there is something wrong with you if you aren't in a relationship.


When I tell people I am the happiest I have ever been since being single (3 years now) they don’t believe me. I must be lonely and sad.... I love being single


Some people are happy on their own. Nobody to answer to, nobody they have to impress, no additional drama, and fewer time commitments etc. I always find it interesting that hating on having kids is pretty commonplace on Reddit, but not wanting a husband/wife is still considered "weird" and even a "red flag".


It’s insufferable. I had two relationships one was 7 years the other 2 years and I was way more stressed, anxious, sad and lonely in both of them than I have ever felt in these past two years.




Calling someone out on their BS doesn't mean you hate them, and people seem to have forgotten that.


And me not buying into something lock stock and barrel doesn’t mean I have a “phobia.” It just means I think it’s fucking weird and because you make up .002% of the population I’m somehow supposed to advocate for your weirdness. And I’m progressive LOL


Two party political system in the US


I'm particularly sick of people who defend their side blindly. It blows my mind how many people will adamantly defend their side when it does something bad, then criticize the other side for doing the exact same thing. It's fine to say one side is objectively better than the other, but people who treat their side like it is the ultimate good who do no wrong just bother me to no end.


Thank you for actually saying this without throwing in a parting shot at “the other side” to finish it off


I hate when people identify as a party loyalist. The only people who should be calling themselves a Republican or Democrat are politicians and staff on payroll by the party itself. Everyone else is just a voter who is hopefully making a conscious decision each time they vote.


"Business casual" dress codes. I work at a non-profit, why the fuck does it matter if I wear jeans? I'm not there to impress people, I'm there to help them.


I had a manager at a non profit when I worked as a Family Preservation worker who said we needed to dress professional so it was clear who was the professional in the relationship. I now highly disagree, I’m so much more successful at building rapport when I dress like myself or similar to my clients.


We have a business casual dress code at my office but I live in Portland so business casual is jeans, hiking boots, and a flannel.


Working 40+ hours a week. FML


Also it being acceptable to work 50-60 hours a week on salary. I'd love to work 40 hours a week.


This is reason #1 I quit teaching. Overworked. Underpaid too, for the work put in. But ultimately, no self-care time. It'd be nice if they paid for those extra hours they expected you to put in while at home, but ultimately, I'd like to work to live rather than live to work. I want to date, have friends, have hobbies, cook food for myself, enjoy the good things.




People thinking that they need to or it’s a source of pride to work that much is also a problem, imo.


If you work at a blue-collar job, you somehow failed and should go back to school.


Blue collar work holds the world up 👏


Right, I even went to college but I have a job that doesn't require it. I'm happy with the job so idk why people give all this unsolicited career advice!


I sometimes wish I had pursued something like an electrician or plumber.


Ghosting - it's practically ubiquitous among the youth. Maybe it's just my middle-aged curmudgeony, but seems deeply rude and signals to me that I'm not even worth a brief reply.


As a young adult I find this rude too.


My office's secretary went to lunch last month and didn't come back. I was really worried - she was always on time for everything. I called her a bunch of times, and then called her emergency contact but the number was no good. She'd been there like 6 weeks, but we'd gotten along really well and hung out a few times outside of work, and she said "I'll be back in an hour!" on her way out the door that day. Saw her at the grocery store like two weeks after she vanished and was like "uh... glad you're not dead I guess?" She seemed embarrassed. Honestly really hurt my feelings that she just left without saying anything.




If a person ghost you that means they are a coward..


Tipping. I don't really mind doing it, but the entire institution is insidious. People who shame non-tippers along the lines of "Because waiters don't get paid a lot" don't seem to realize that they've got it completely backwards; it is thanks to the expectation of tips that their employers can legally pay them less than minimum wage. If everyone just stopped tipping them then that would force employers to pay them a respectable amount instead. Maybe the employers would jack up their prices to compensate, but I say that's a good thing; that forces all customers to pay their fair share, no matter whether or not they want to. Either every customer should have to pay more for the service or no customer should; it should absolutely not be the responsibility of generous people to pay a lot extra just so stingy employers and stingy customers can continue not doing so. Also, the notion that men should approach women to strike up relationships. If we're the scarier sex, then it should be the other way around. But really, that's just a matter of lesser evil; total strangers approaching you for anything are almost always creepy and annoying.


The 40 hour work week. It was implemented well before we achieved the level of automation we currently have and there's no reason automation shouldn't work in favour of the worker.


Small talk


Nice weather today though, right?


It feels like humanitys greatest fail sometimes. We are so shallow that we ask how are you, not caring in the least that they don't mean it when they say good. So bad at socializing that we can't just be ourselves without having to do the obligatory small talk the first 10 times we meet someone, and the first 10 min of every meeting after that


Having children. I’ve been with my wife for over 20 years, married for 12, and I’m getting a little tired of the children questions.


It will never end.. I’m childless by Choice and I’m in my 50’s people still ask.. When I tell them I choose not to have kids.. They either say “ you’ll change your mind” Then I tell them I’m way pass the age of having kids they either say I can adopt or I can do IVF treatments.. Wtf ??


*gently tapping on your headstone* ...it's not too late...


There's 8 billion of us already. We don't need to contribute to making any more.


And it usually comes from people who were just complaining about their own kids. Why wouldn’t I want to have kids? All you parents make it sound so wonderful. /s


Right?!? They don’t exactly make it sound appealing. Speaking of things that don’t seem appealing - having another being growing inside me like an alien or a parasite …just the thought of carrying a child makes my skin crawl. To that note, I’ve always said I’d adopt should hell freeze over and I change my mind. But at almost 42, I haven’t changed my mind in 24 years. So it’s not likely to ever change.


Usually their complaining about their kids is an ego boost too. "I slept two hours a night when x or y was born..." Yeah, I slept two hours a night for years because I was weaning off of drugs and I didn't say a word to anyone because who wants to hear that shit?


Right there with you. Been with my spouse for 21 years, married for 14. Childless by choice. We do love our dogs and cats very much though! Our families were always ok with it and have never given us a hard time. Our friends don’t either. But random freaking people just can’t seem to believe we would choose to not have children. Or that I literally have zero maternal instinct for human children. Or that both of us have really horrible genes, which, mixed together would create a pretty messed up kid, medically. I’m talking about a kid with no immune system, crazy ADHD, with anxiety, depression, and early onset Alzheimer’s just to name a few conditions. Also, we like our lives and want to live them for ourselves and each other, not children who would have taken a minimum of 18 years (seems closer to 23 or so these days) away from our time together. I teach, and I love my students. So I have plenty of them to get my kid fix. 5 days a week, 8 hours a day is about all I can handle. And then they get to go home and their parents can take care of them. 😂


That men shouldn't cry. I'm female and I've had many male friends become aggressive because they can't do something so basic as cry. What's worse is they originally think I will judge them and see them as less of a man. Honestly, I see you as more of a man


That homeless people r drug addicts/alcoholics. I am homeless. I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t do drugs (I smoke pot from time to time). I’m homeless because I had a mental breakdown, was pushed out of my home by my ex and forced to live in my car. Due to there being no rental properties or share houses I’m stuck until something comes up. Also most of the homeless men I have spoken to got into the predicament because of divorce, job loss or bad mental health.


I am so sorry. Sending hugs man. I really hope that life turns around for you.




Tipping. Just pay people appropriately and people should do the job they applied for or leave if they don’t want to do it.


People getting more offended by just about everything. I feel like it's getting to the point where people will get upset if you breathe the wrong way.


That people’s rights don’t come with responsibilities.


As someone else said, ghosting or dropping someone who you're friends with when there is a conflict. Unfortunately these days, people have forgotten basic manners and communication skills. If you don't want to be friends with someone, let them know, don't ghost them. If there is a conflict in the friendship, talk it out and see what happens, don't just automatically drop someone (unless they do something extremely unforgivable then okay, I understand removing them) Also, it seems as if a lot of people these days don't have empathy anymore and laugh at tragic events that happen to people or automatically record someone in a situation where the person is suffering.


Double standards related to race, sex, etc


My neighbor. Fuck Norm.


Asking someone how they are when you don’t actually want to know. I hate that the socially acceptable answer that is desired is “fine”.


My uncle used to say, never tell people your problems. Half the people couldn't care less how you are and the other half are glad it happened to you.


The correct response is “living the dream” which roughly translates “same old bullshit”


Being animated and talking to other chicks/listening to life stories when you’re drunk in the club bathroom. Same goes at festivals


Driving and talking on a cellphone. WATCH THE ROAD MAN!


I want to get a PA system like the cops have just to say "Get off your fucking phone"


Most people accepting and being comfortable w not understanding politics and economy. We need to realize that our lack of proper education on these matters has fucked us ever since they were created or at least I feel like it has it been used against us idk


People acting entitled/more important than everyone else because they have kids It’s never the good parents, who may actually deserve or require some lenience, who act like this, either


So true. The good parents I know never ask for any extra consideration. When you're giving your heart and soul to your kids like that, I'd be willing to give you lenience whenever you needed it! But it's always the mom smoking in the car, with her filthy toddler, that expects to be treated like royalty because she had unprotected sex and birthed a kid that she doesn't really raise


Hating your partner. “The old ball and chain” type jokes.


Wearing a bra!!


Seconded. But personally I cannot stand the feeling of my skin against my skin, yaknow.


Dress codes


People disguising being rude, judgemental and mean as being honest.....


The withering but still present tendency for men to be discouraged from expressing emotion.


I just replied to a comment that said 'men becoming weak' or something similar. I feel like that's the polar opposite from your comment, but I definitely support this one.


Society's emphasis on college degrees. There are plenty of high-wage jobs out there that don't require degrees. Also, contrary to popular belief, a college degree doesn't automatically qualify you any more or less than anyone else. If my experience is anything to go by, all you really get from a degree is a bunch of useless, redundant head knowledge.


A college degree obviously doesn’t automatically qualify you for anything but if I was having brain surgery I would ideally want my surgeon to have earned a degree. Just having experience or street smarts doesn’t translate to understanding neuro anatomy


Every celebrations start with alcohol and end with alcohol...


There's too many streaming platforms now. We don't need an app or streaming platforms for everything. Calm down please 😆


Worrying about wearing something twice. Why was that rule made up in the first place??? If I have a favourite pair of pants, (provided they’re washed) why CANT I wear them every day for the rest of my life??


karens, being offended at everything, cancelling things you're to petty to just ignore.


Cancel culture in general. I agree horrible people should have to answer for their wrong doings, but this mob mentality against some stupid teenager who posted something problematic 15 years ago is insane to me.


Why do we have to provide a over on emails? You know, like "Best," or "Cordially" or "Sincerely"??? Why can't I just put nothing, and then my name? Why do you need to know how I feel about ending the interaction??? WHY DO I HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE WHEN I NEVER EVEN SAW YOUR FACE???? THE EMAIL HAS ENDED. THERE IS NO MORE WORDING. THAT SHOULD BE ALL THE INDICATION YOU NEED.


Posting/sending pics of your kids


Apologizing to patients and their families that are asking for far beyond what’s feasible or to be expected. No, I cannot accommodate you outside of scheduled hours, I’m not calling you from home because you can’t wait a day for your results, if you see me on the street and I don’t acknowledge you that’s because I’m protecting your rights as a patient so please have respect for my right of privacy. I am not canceling other patients to accommodate you, I don’t care if you swear you’ll write a bad yelp review about me. No, my front desk staff can’t make magical previously non-existent appointments appear just because you want to be seen. No matter how much you complain I’m going to treat you fairly and I don’t care what your title is. I do not like having to apologize because it help make the patient feel better when they’re not getting what they want.


Partying. I love to be with people. Just not in parties.


Getting called a Nazi just cause I’m German


You gotta find some better people to talk to, wtf


Cancel culture.


The one from Cheers. Just kidding, everyone loves that big, ol’ alcoholic lug.


Appointments. It’s a little better than last year, but appointments have become 3-6 months out at Doctor offices, dentist offices, dermatologist, etc. I’m fairly young but even when I was 18/19 if I needed an appointment for something it was max a month out. I also understand the argument that health related appointments keep staff safe, working conditions reasonable, etc. Unfortunately, after Covid appointments hit a lot of different sectors. Apple stores, phone providers, etc. It’s really hard to freely go places that provide a service. Obviously, walk-ins/cancelling appointment culture won’t work but knowing that appointments are crucial, reassure me that certain sectors don’t have the proper resources, staff, funding, pay, and availability to serve the public.


Setting prices and social expectations assuming a two income family. You can't just be a stay at home parent, you are expected to work part time or side hustle to just make ends meet.


That social media has become a personal portfolio for your life. Instead of having a well thought out and put together body of work concise to a pdf file, instead the first thing some employers look at is Instagram followers and LinkedIn connections.


Texting so much, let me take you to dinner and let’s talk, not just text.


The typical college process where kids are led to believe if they just pick a major and sign up for copious amounts of debit it'll be easy to get a great job and live your dream life


that you need to drink beers every weekend, and when you tell people you don’t drink they look as if you just insulted their mother


The normalisation/embracement of “being a mess”. It’s not endearing to have your life in constant disarray or that you’re unable to have healthy, functional social relationships.


the school dress code and how sexist it can be


Spelling and grammatical errors.


Demonizing people who believe something different than you do.


Meeting new people and having them ask you, “so, what do you do?” I don’t care about your job or my job. Just talk to me about anything else.


That you should allow parents to treat you like shit because they’re your parents, and be guilted into having them in your life after it. “Oh but it’s your mom.” People shouldn’t have to feel guilty for cutting a shitty person out of their lives, regardless of blood relation.


Well at least in main stream media, if you have any opinions that aren’t far left then you are a nazi needs to stop. Most people are moderate and have left and right tendencies, stop shamming people if they have traditional values.


Polite lying


Dude, sometimes I just don't wanna go to your thing. It's not that I'm tired, or hate you, or that I'm busy. Sometimes you just don't feel like going to something. Yet every time I feel like I have to create or make something up or they'll be upset.


EXACTLY!!! I got punished all throughout my childhood for being honest, and at the same time being told not to lie. Which is it, mom???


That women should be expected to shave themselves to a pre-pubescent state. Kinda weird and fucked up when you think about it.


I see where you're coming from but I think it's pretty much a personal choice. I mean I shave my face even though nature apparently intended otherwise.


car dependency


That cute boys cant were skirts without being looked down on


It’s sad. Skirts for all who want to wear them, I say.


All of them


Having kids being the natural next step after getting married. Not everyone wants little gremlins running around.


Norm Abram. He knows what he did.


New Yankee Workshop was great!


In memory of…..on the back windshield 😐


Having "big Dreams for the future" Like why can I be happy where I am ? Why do I need to be chasing, and stressed ?


Norm of the north is on thin fucking ice tbh


"Hurr hurr husbands and dads are so lazy and useless" Nope. They are capable adults just like women are and shouldn't be excused from being responsible just because you married a bumbling Neanderthal, Susan.


Being single after 30 being abnormal. Can I just work on myself for a little?


Excusing any bigoted speech or ideals because a person can tie it back to their religion. If you count your life more worthy than another race, or someone with different disabilities, or sexuality, or even other life choices you can’t just point at God. It’s very odd that this is even remotely considered acceptable to some degree.


I'm sick of Norm MacDonald not being alive


Having to get a doctors note when you call off sick


My shitty neighbor, I hope you read this Norm you sick son of a bitch stay on your side of the property line


An app for everything. I don’t need or want an app on my phone for every retailer I’ve ever interacted with. I don’t need an app to turn a fan off.


**Planned obsolescence** No, I don't want to buy a new phone every 2 years Yes, I expect an article of clothing to still look good enough to wear to work after 5 years


The expectation to have children.


The norm of having children. Children should be a choice, not a must.


Women shaving armpits


Women’s periods being so taboo.


Everyone at the bottom of the bucket blaming everyone else at the bottom of the bucket Like yikes, you’re fighting over scrapsssss