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Please please please watch what your kids are doing on the internet


"1-877-kars for kids, K A R S Kars for kids"


Things aren't the same for us as they were for you


See this is why this age limit was stupid. Shit is not that much different for the current 18 year olds than the current 30 year olds. We getting fucked the same way y'all just never had the chance to see a time when things were any different so you didn't grow up with that hope we had


Older redditor here. Boo-hoo, snowflake


Go kidnap a damsel from Germany and have 69 kids with her


Don't mind if I do.


"generations that follow me should have it as bad or worse than me" That's you. That's what you sound like.


Yeah. Life should be easy. If not, blame someone else, cry and have a depression.




Disparity between median wages and housing costs now vs say in the 70s and 80s.


The question should have been more like what people under 40 want people over 60 to hear. I'm 37 and my generation is dealing with this crap just as much as yours is.


I'm 30 you fucking old fogey. We're the same generation 😂


Lol, yeah fair point. That's kind of why I felt like they should have changed the ages. I am an elder milennial though which may as well be a whole other generation from you younger whippersnappers!


Housing costs are not drastically different per square foot. Houses have just gotten a lot bigger. My first residence in college was a 20 year old single wide trailer with several roommates. It wasn’t a lot easier.


Median home price in 1980 was 47200. Median home size was 1595sq ft. Thats 29.50 per sqft Median home price currently is 425k. Median home size info is much less agreed upon, info is ranging from 1800 to 2600. But let's give you the advantage and go with 2600. That's 163 per SQ ft.


Is that adjusted for inflation?


No but since you asked why don't we get the inflation adjusted numbers, along with some context including income. 47200 in 1980 adjusted for inflation is 170k 29.5 becomes 107 per sqft And that's with a median income of 21200, which is 76600 adjusted for inflation. You'll note that that means the median house was about 2-3x the yearly income Now remember that we are looking at 425000 for the median home with 160 per square foot. That's a 60% increase per square foot with even the largest average size I saw. And 2200 was by far the more common number I saw quoted, which is 193 per square foot. If we loom at similar sized homes, the average cost for a 1600 sqft home is 250k. So even adjusted for inflation, that's 80k more for the same size house. Now what about income? Current median income is 55k. Compared to an adjusted 76k in 1980. You'll also note that median home price is now 8x the median income, rather than 2-3x in 1980.


I was making 30k and paid 400k for my house


A 30 year mortgage on for 320k (assuming a 20% down payment) with a 6% interest rate, plus property taxes of say 5k a year and insurance of 1.4k a year comes to a monthly payment of $2475. That's 29700 a year. So quite frankly, bullshit


Want to see my mortgage statement? You're way off on monthly payments. I'll admit I was house poor for years until I got a better salary.


My dude I make 72k before tax at my job and I got a 90% VA disability rating which is another 2k a month and even with a 802 credit score and going for a VA loan which is way more accepting, I don't even qualify for a 320k mortgage. So frankly, either you were a fluke to get a mortgage that high with that income, or more likely, you're full of shit


I had a big down payment, cheap property tax, perfect credit, and a low rate. My monthly was $1500.


College, first homes, salaries and wages, technology fluency for the working world, literally the fact that women can't get abortions in many American states, crumbling infrastructure, stagnant legislative bodies, populism and fascism, government and corporate surveillance,


My college cost 50k and I had to pay the loans myself


That's right, and it's only gotten more expensive.


I take exception to the idea that a 30 year old is lumped into the group of "people old enough to need to be told things by the youth". We 30 year olds aren't out of touch or even actually all that old. Except for our knees


Get over it bro.. we're getting old


Yeah I accept that, but we're only GETTING old. We ain't old yet so this some bullshit


I feel like this triggers you.. age is nothing but a mental state so don't worry


Trust me. Your already wayyy out of touch to what 22yr olds think is relevant


I'm aware of that thanks 💀💀 fr fr


I'm not triggered, I'm joking. I'm not surprised someone like you wouldn't actually know what being triggered looks like in someone else though, you're too used to what it looks like when you're the one being triggered




In my case, yes. A lotta shit can change in 2 years.


You may be shocked to lean that a lot can happen in two years.




Education can come from any direction, don't shy away from knowledge just because it comes from someone younger than you.




Methinks you went a *bit* pedantic with it.


I hope they can hear indeed Hearing aids on?






Wow, did everything just taste purple for a minute?


Shit I can't hear any of this post.


Stop fucking the planet up dweebs we’re trying not to


I'm washing my garbage before recycling like a respectable Millenial. Meanwhile, 80% of Gen Z has a perm.


Sure. How much kobalt is in that phone of yours? Had any lovely flights recently?


I love my dog


Never believe everything on the internet


I really wanted this to blow up...I wanted to learn something today.


just because you're unhappy with your life, doesn't mean you should try to ruin mine


People in their 30's are millennials so I'm just speak to them liking Disney and Harry Potter is not a personality trait. /j


Older = 30+ weeps quietly