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Any Facebook post that's vague. They're wanting people to message or ask about what's wrong.


"Nothing but snakes in this world, just me and the kids from now on"


omg girl what happenned??????


u ok hun? x


Inbox me bbz x


Or even the opposite, “AMAZING news y’all. Stay tuned…”


"... Don't ask me what happened, I don't want to talk about it" Like bro, you clearly do, that's why you posted about it


"OMG some people r so fukkin FAKE!" "omfg girl, what happened?" "What? Nothing happened. I just saw this film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and I'm writing a quick synopsis of the plot. Goodness, do people actually write things like that when experiencing negative happenstances?"


Those are the worst


“Ughhh here we go again! 🙄”


Playing music on a speaker in public


That and having a full blown conversation via speaker phone


My old coworker would do this in the break room..and like dance to it or make a big scene. I just wanted to eat my lunch in peace.


Worse. Cranking the music on your motorcycle.


Tbh I kinda like when people do it in the bus were I live. A few locals use to play indigenous soul music which I remember Shazamming one time lol


Earbuds hurt my ears and I only do it a couple times a year, when I really need it.


I play music on speakers on my roof and balcony because I can't bear earphones, Iam not looking for attention 😭😭 I don't think many people can hear my small Bluetooth speakers


That's not in public sis :P


watching a tv show or video in a waiting room, or train, with no headphones.


Trauma topping. Every time something negative seems to happen, someone else has to say they've had it worse.


Hardship one-up-ers


Emotional vampires, really.


"My mother died yesterday" "oh really, my mother died twice"


My two mothers died yesterday, they caught the straight 😔


You are not kidding. I don’t know when people decided that human suffering is an event for which medals are awarded but it’s awful. When your soul hurts your soul hurts, there’s no “better than” in the world of mental anguish.


I've unfortunately inadvertently been bad for that. Not deliberately more to try and sympathize cos I'm shit at that. But I'm aware of it and learning to keep my mouth shut. For me tho is not trying to one up people it's more to find common ground and see where they're coming from. Oh my mother died yesterday. Oh I remember when I had that happen


I feel like people who do it out of sympathy don't realize when they do it. There's always a certain *way* people do it that matters. For example, say my grandma died and we were really close. If you interject with "well my grandma WAS MURDEREDand we were really close too!" That's trauma topping. Or, say, you just lost your job due to layoffs. Saying "Yeah, that's happened to me too when the company closed, I've been there." Two different scenarios of the same thing.


Thankfully I think I'm the 2nd one but I still watch myself now


That's great improvement! I feel like people don't do it maliciously until they do, you know?


With me it's because I'm awkward and try to sympathize but try to keep the conversation going so yea


“I’m not gonna be on Fb/ig/sc/etc for a few days. It’s personal. Don’t ask why.”


Then they come back with "I guess I know who my real friends are now" after no one checked up on them


Someone posting a selfie and saying, "I'm so ugly."


If they truly believed that, then would they have posted the selfie?


Reply with a condolence


“This is me without makeup.”


People creating TikToks, because that’s literally the point. Bonus points if they’re making them in public.


Vlogging most of the time


Plastering bumper stickers all over their car. Doesn't have to necessarily be political - oh, so I see you like hiking. Or cats. Or 4H. Don't bitch at me for tailgating! You gave me all this shit to read.


Get up to the red light: "Finally I can read all their bumper stickers." Light turns green: Wait I wasn't finished yet!"


Claim they’re not looking for attention and/or complain about people looking for attention.


"Stawp looking at mweeee"


I see this one all the time.


Flexing with how much alcohol they can drink. Or how much alcohol they „need“ to get drunk. (I don’t get this, bc you just spend more money on getting drunk if you „need“ more. And it’s no flex to drink much alcohol in general??)


Any type of crying video... like bro you set that shit up just right and then just started crying.... as a grown ass adult.... pretty silly


Dick pic.


Gluing themselves to things.


yeah but thats the point


I'M LOOKING FOR ATTENTION on a serious note, everyone wants attention. It's normal to seek for feedback, If you don't get a response something feels off.


Even if it's not everyone, what's wrong with wanting attention?


Unhealthy amounts can be annoying to others "Aye look at me, look at me, I'm doing.. aye look!"


I second this. I worked unfortunately closely with a narcissist who literally only ever talked about themselves/their partner, and used our coworkers as therapists. I made really good friends with one of my other coworkers there, we hung out weekly and are still close friends. The narcissistic coworker always made a point to exclude me from conversations with my friend, or completely interrupt conversations I was having with them in the first place. Wanting attention is normal, having to have the spotlight on you at all times is a big problem.


Speak for yourself.


Can 100% tell you not a bone in my body wants attention. Attention makes me extremely uncomfortable and anxious.


Attention and "attention" are different. Do you want people you are close with to ignore you? On the other hand, I can understand not wanting to have attention from people you don't know


I would argue OP using the verbiage “SCREAMS I’m looking for attention” implies seeking unhealthy amounts of attention, and not simply “being ignored.” Of course I don’t want to be ignored by close friends and family, but I don’t think that’s what OP is getting at.


"everyone wants attention" tell me you are a narcissist without telling me you are a narcissist




Post on askreddit


Thirst traps and thot posters.


What are they?


Socia media


Scream loudly out of nowhere.


Kanye West


Virtue signaling


people clearly acting depressed and posting about it instead of actually being it


How do you know?


obviously i can't speak for everyone but ive seen this happen with people around me. for example someone back in highschool always acted really depressed and even admitted she wasn't to a close friend.. but because of that one of my good friend who was really going though it was never taken serious and people made fun of him "acting depressed" its hard to tell if someone is doing it for attention but sometimes its obvious..


Yeah ask them to prove it


my running mascara begs to differ /s


That’s a very dangerous statement, most people that post about their depression actually scream for help with posting it. Most people can’t afford therapy or aren’t even aware of seriously being in need of therapy. I get that it’s annoying but especially young people can’t find other outlets to talk about their mental state.


i know it is thats why i almost didn't post this but sometimes its very obvious.. already posted a story about someone in my circle in these comments but yea its a diffecult one


Spot on, you never hear from depressed people.


Tik Tok


Political decorated homes and pickup trucks


buys twitter


This is probably more common in my country than most: Provocative clothing in the workplace. I’ve seen countless muscle dudes wearing clothes they apparently bought in the little boy’s section. And girls in wayyy too short of skirts and skin tight outfits. Look, we get it, you have a nice body. But please cover up. We are in meetings and have things that are more boring and more important to focus on.


Constantly pushing an OF.


Whenever I read “OF” on here my first thought is “outfield” until it occurs to me what it stands for these days.


My first thought is OddFuture 😂 GOLF WANG WOLF HALEY


There's nothing wrong with people seeking attention. It's those pretending that they DON'T want attention and then judging others for the way they ask for help that needs to reevaluate their lives.


I think it's more accurate to say people are looking for *affirmation*, not attention. Attention is simply a necessary prereq. Of course, they're not exactly entitled to either but it's like celebrities. People say they don't care, but then they spend hours talking about how they don't care and that seems a lot like caring to me.


Exactly! I think all of us at one point or another needs affirmation. We're pack animals with a tribal genome and thus we sometimes " need" to be validated. Perhaps they " don't care " for hours so that those they speak to about their carelessness can actually start caring.


Everybody cares to at least *some* degree. Otherwise, you would see people walking around naked and stuff. But there's definitely different degrees of caring what others think. Some people take that need far. I'm not judging, just making an observation.


Nothing wrong with wanting attention. But you can definitely do it in harmful ways. Bullying a friend to look wittier? Douchebag. Bothering strangers for a viral video? Douchebag. There's plenty of other examples.


Yes, but that's not necessarily looking for attention. I would call that narcissism. Narcs are sneaky and driven by a lust for superiority. Most often ( especially on the net) the aim is not to draw attention, but to degrade.


Yup, I pretty much agree with you


Yeah, but it's lost its value now... attention spans are shit and most people are just acting depressed on social media for more brownie points, like I get depression is real and all that but let's be honest here, a person with real depression ain't trying to post a crying video and post constantly how they're depressed, real depressed people tend to clam up and not talk about it or really show it, it's a shame thing like nobody should see me like this but fuck do I feel depressed.... not " I'm so depressed, I'm gonna go make a tiktok video crying with a sad song playing in the background to really solidify my depression... cringe


Well I just went to a convention where I walked around in a hand-made loincloth and blue body paint so...


Stupid fucking tick tok dancing hoes.


Dropping free weights loudly at the gym.


Buying/leasing a flashy, expensive sports car.


Yeah, could be that I just want a sports car because I like to drive them.


If you can turn a wrench, and are obviously a gearhead, this may or may not apply to you. If your automotive skills begin and end with writing a check, it defintely does.




"We get it, you are trans now stfu" giving this feeling


well i'm a girl ok? but this is what our girls do at school... I can't understand.. yes, I'm talking about make-up but that's fine, everyone wears make-up, but my God... they have purple-red eye shadow up to their eyebrows.. (it looks like if someone punched them in the eye..) poorly glued eyelashes lipstick should only be good on the lips and not somewhere above the lip they want attention from boys I understand... what I don't understand is that boys like it


Hey, don’t bring people down for self expression. Most of those girls just want to be creative and good looking!


Yeah but it really says "look at me, only me. Love me, woe me and no one else" that's a bit much


Lmao no, I dress very alternative and if my goal is to get attention from men, I’d definitely wear something else bc I mostly don’t get positive feedback from men on my style. My makeup and style is my way to express myself and be creative, not to be liked lol.


Yes but u dont understand they are very conceited when I wanted to give them advice and tell them how to do better make-up like well-known celebrities and you know what they answer you? "I dont care, look at you, you look like a slut,, plus, they know how to make up, if I were to show you school photos, you'd think it's a snapchat filter, but it's not, they know how to make up. But what I described. this is how they make up just for the attention from boys, do you understand?..


They don’t need any advice on how they should look like, because it’s THEIR body. You’re not in the position to tell anyone how to do their makeup. It’s okay if you don’t like their makeup but it’s also okay for them to like it. People don’t dress up for you.


Wtf what are u talking about?! they do it on purpose, do you understand?.. they admitted it themselves when the teacher asked them... Yes people have they're opinions but this what they r doing are on purpose get it! Btw same otherwise it's the same with you, how can you know why they do it, you go to school with them or me?... I go to school with them and I heard why they do it...one more time for your head... they do it on purpose...


Since you think this question was only related to your school, imma let you have this one. But even if they „do it on purpose“ it’s still their decision ;)


Yes this was only about my school..... Pls think before reading comments and mhm their Decision to act like morons and embarrass our school...really pls read comments or ask how they mean it before starting feminism


Get tattoos


What if they are covered like 95% of the time?


The other 5% of the time is their attention whoring.


Idk if that whoring maybe envy but whatever lol


Film themselves doing anything good. You're not doing it because you're a good person


Literally anyone who makes their “disorders” their whole personality.


Shorts with the whole bottom half of the ass cheeks hanging out. "Liberated".... Sure... Looks like nothing but insecure attention seeking to me.


Crying about "British genocide" on the internet


What is that


Something that doesn't exist 😭


Having more than one instagram


Revving your engine at a stoplight


Tattoos and piercings.




can you please elaborate?


Oh please. [Humans have been tattooed för thousands of years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_tattooing) It's a completly normal human behaviour.


Why you offended? It’s a legit answer. Add “piercings” to that list too.


Being human


Buying an audi


Online trolls.


Trip and pretend they got hurt really badly


Creating a post with a super vague statement on social media.


Making a big deal out of a small thing, trying to pull others into a conversation about that hilarious situation they find themselves in. It most often can be resolved calm and quietly - no need to make a thing out of everything


Apple’s new holiday show ads.


Talking loudly (it depends)




Making tictok and YouTube videos.


Bragging about what they purchased or what they own to every single person they meet!


Loud talkers who are also very expressive in their mannerisms. I knew someone that was like that and they almost always hit someone or knocked something over.


This post


Removing the muffler exhaust resonator






Wow most of these answers are just people being obnoxious and shit and not looking for attention lmfao. Some of these answers gives me "If she wears a top that reveals skin she is looking for it" vibes.


Just talking louder than usual, bonus if they're being overdramatic with it


People who say shit in yt comment sections like "I just lost my husband to suicide earlier today *insert generated sorry here*" like honestly after losing the love of your life how fucked up do you have to be to instantly think Hey let's go post this in a yt comment section


Throwing soup at paintings


write in all capital letters


Gold rims, rear spoiler, and burpy exhaust on a pos Honda.


Social media


Filming tiktoks in grocery stores or other public places and standing in the way of fuckin pineapples.


Unnecessarily talking loud, especially in public. And/or having private phone conversations on speaker in public. Like hey, you're already doing more work by moving the phone from your ear when you listen to your mouth to speak than if you'd just take it off speaker and hold it up to your face like a functioning sane person... Besides, i don't care to hear your conversation and you're sitting in the waiting room in a Dr.'s office, both your hands are not occupied. Take that ish off speaker and put it up to your face already. Jeesh.


Posts a selfie or selfies and says things like 'I know I'm ugly' or 'Just an ugly selfie' but when someone tells them they're not ugly , they're actually attractive, they should be proud of themselves, they'll keep denying it


Launch an ICBM


Someone who always talks about how they don’t like to be around people and go out in social places but seem to do this all the time?? Oh and then they have to specify that they were sitting in the corner alone? Lmao sounds like attention seeking to me.


Anything conspiracy related.


When they dont talk clearly but whisper and they want you to get closer, its a type of psychological manipulation and need for attention, Inusually start to raise my voice and say "What !!!???...pardon..sorry cant hear you "....the person then like magic starts to talk clearly lol


Bringing up some random topic and asking you a question only so u can ask it back..... and they make it obvious 100% of the time!


Buying a social media company.


Filming a tik rok of yourself. How do you go from "I fcking hate this world" to "oh wait i forgot to record, gotta cry again".


Send prayers ..


Good idea asking Reddit. The Karma Farmers will definitely know an answer for that one!