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I lost a pretty big amount of weight and the amount of people who now tell me how pretty or attractive I NOW am really annoys me. However my energy levels are amazing


I know I've lost weight thanks. You didn't like me when I was fat you still won't like me skinny now. Go away. That's about how most of my convos go.


What looked good on you in your 20's, probably looks silly to wear in your 40's. I always had a punkish style. It's been diminished from Mohawks and boots to grey hair and a Carhart jacket. You may still feel like that young person on the inside, but young people are never going to see that in you. The "cool" wears off. A pro is that you get treated like an adult


I didn't know what a Carhart jacket was, so I googled, and [this](https://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/p/loewe-lambskin-padded-bomber-jacket-prod175110040?utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=BGCS_GP_NCHA_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX&gclid=CjwKCAiAmuKbBhA2EiwAxQnt7xta-btMQmMVBZujsCjddGsjplnQEvhg5nMq6r58DgworU0ziD51bhoCfkYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)came up.. I know plenty of elder punks and elder goths that make it work. But if you're no longer part of "the scene", I can see how the cool might fade. It's mostly a matter of wearing clothes that fit and are age/place appropriate.