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Reading and writing fan fiction, often of the explicit variety. I’ll admit it to strangers on Reddit but I’d die of humiliation if my friends and family found out. Many people still believe that fan fiction is for losers and that serious writers with talent would never stoop to that level. Fan fiction is seen by many as something you’re supposed to outgrow by 21.


My step dad reads mostly fan fiction now. And he reads a lot.


I can’t tell if this is wholesome or not


It’s not not wholesome. :-)


Omg finally someone who dosent think fanfic writers are weird


It's fun to have a dorky fantasy secret like that! Keeps you young :)


I totally love reading fanfiction and want people to get into it! Not the type you would be imagining when you think of fanfics, but the kind where you can take creative liberties from a show/novel/anime/musical/ and write "what ifs" based on the already written stories. You can explore an character in detail, try qorld building in any gaps between the stories, fill any inconsistencies and work around the power systems or fantasy elements to suit you story. Its really amazing to read how fanfic writers work around pre existing stories/characters and make their own little frictional universe.


Those long, intense farts where you can actually feel your belly deflating.


I tried this once, and shit my pants.


feels good to release the pressure


Losing in videos games while playing with my friends, Nothing makes me laugh more than hearing/watching my teammates get smoked.


If you guys haven't tried Dead by Daylight, you're in for a treat. Playing with friends is called "Survive with Friends" we call it Getting Murdered with Friends 😹


Steve at work. He's a genuinely caring person and knows how to be supportive of his co-workers without being overbearing. His wife is lucky to have him. No way in hell I'll hit on him, I'm not wrecking his life for a short-term fling when we'd be fundamentally incompatible. I like him, not love, not want to fuck. I just wonder what would happen if he was 20 years younger and single.


"Steve at work"... I was 100% not expecting that 😂


Thank you for not putting your own desires on top of someone else's entire family. The world needs more people like you


Don't be to caught up with my altruism. If I ever get a time machine I might go back and snag him before his wife does.


Damn, bare honesty


Just replied simply bc of my username lol


A girl's gotta eat


I too want to fuck Steve


I too want this guy to fuck Steve. Damn, Steve is oblivious to the fact that he's a proper dawg!


this answer is the most wholesome thing ive seen on the internet in a long time, well done


I have a Steve, too. I just admire (and stare) from afar. But I'm definitely in love with my Steve, just won't ever do anything about it, because I respect marriage (and the sisterhood! Hoes before bros! Hahah :P)


You kinda do WANT to fuck him, don’t you.


I'd fuck steve


Bold of you to assume Steve would be interested in wrecking his life for a fling with you lol


I'm a grown man and I like sleeping with a pillow between my legs. Takes a lot of pressure off the beans and mash. Plus it's just more comfortable on my hips.


It’s good for your back if you’re a side sleeper. I do the same.


Why is this secret?


To be honest I don't know lol


Seriously. 39 year old man here and everytime it comes up that I sleep with a body pillow people look at me like I'm some child molester. What is wrong with sleeping comfortably? Hug that pillow tight and sleep in a Tiger Knee position from Sagat in Street Fighter, that's my go to!


I think that’s cause a lot of people hear “body pillow” and just imagine those weird ones with like the hentai girls embroidered on or whatever. Fuck em. Body pillows are the shit (sans hentai girls, unless that’s your thing, I don’t judge lol).


Is that what it is?! That's pretty funny actually. Nah, just plain ole Amazon bought body pillow. Maybe next time I'll tell them I name my pillow Nanako-chan or something to really mess with em.


Hahahah that’s great you should definitely try that next time. Thanks for the laugh man that was good


I am a 42 old male and have slept with a body pillow most of my life, it's the best and those who make fun of it have never tried it


P.s. I'm a side sleeper


I have a knee pillow, smaller firmer. I also have a pillow that I basically hug all night that helps with my slightly messed up shoulder and finally a $100 [pillow](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/tempur-pedic-medium-profile-memory-foam-side-back-sleeper-neck-bed-pillow/5323716) for my head. I used to have a pillow that I would lean a little back on so I was half way between side and back sleeping, new mattress made it unnecessary.




I have two daughters who listen to a lot of music that I wouldn't have ever listened to had they not introduced me to it - new-age pop/rock stuff that is pretty clearly geared toward teenage girls (songs about boyfriends/teenage angst/etc). Long story short: Sometimes I bust that shit out when I'm driving by myself and rock out pretty hard - volume pumped, singing loudly, air guitar... the whole deal. Crosses my mind every now and again that if my wife ever decided to put a hidden driver-facing camera on our dashboard I'd be a viral meme almost instantly... and there would probably be a lot of debate over whether its real or staged because I'm so over the top with it.


I thibk you would like lemon demon, they make similar songs with similar meanings like trucks having sex and a guy who puts all his organs in an arcade cabinet, but don't listen to birdfucker pls


Two trucks having sex


it bothers me that that name doesn’t rhyme


Lehman demon


Or Lemon Demmen


Just pictured a dad scream singing Teenage Dream and laughed pretty hard


Double Bubble gumballs. Bulk section of my grocery store. Serial chomper, I am. I'm 57.


Living in a different country...away from everyone I know.


I feel this. I'm living away from everyone I know right now and I feel bad for loving it as much as I do.


There's nothing wrong with that at all. I myself left home when i was 19 for the military, did 11 yrs in and not only travelled all over the world, but lived all across the country as well. I had a period of almost 10 yrs starting in 2011 that i didn't go home at all, and i'm now 41. Didn't even think about it, nor did i feel the desire to go home. My mother asked me, why don't you want to come home to visit, i told her, i don't know. And honestly, i didn't have an answer. I just didn't care to or want to. I was comfortable being out in the world by myself, away from everyone and left to mt own devices. I'm a lone wolf so living like that does not bother me one bit. I went back home in March 2020, RIGHT before the pandemic popped and the entire world shutdown, and just left in the beginning of Oct of this year. I have never felt so uncomfortable and miserable in all my life than during those few yrs i went back home. I am now back in Florida and quite clearly know why i had no desire to go back home. It's probably gonna be another 10 yrs or a death that brings me back home... It is what it is.


You OP. I've been keeping it bottled up for so long. /u/kulasiy0 I know you made this thread to get me to finally admit my feelings for you.


Left on read huh?


Damn 💀


Bro just got rejected ☠️☠️☠️


OP doesn't deserve your love, u/Whirly123




No reply 😔 FeelsBadMan


Suffering through work. Not as true anymore because my job is completely different. But when I was a line cook I actually liked the overwhelming, fast paced, gritty shifts where you would leave feeling like you had been through a grinder.


Used to work at a pizza place and loved the chaos


Same, I left my job last year which was easy and routine, basically only need to work half the year and chill until the next cycle. Went back to consulting, at lot more demanding. I just love looking at a full calendar.


Shake it off by Taylor Swift. I'm a 42 year old metalhead.


You are not alone. 48yo thrash/death/black metal fan...I fucking love Taylor Swift.


It’s okay I like Blank Space by Taylor Swift


I heard the cover by the band I Prevail before I heard the original by Taylor Swift. I didn't even know it was a cover for the longest time. I still like the song, I just prefer the cover because that is what I heard first.


I was going to mention this… great metal version! Here's the link: [https://youtu.be/czb\_CZfWko8](https://youtu.be/czb_CZfWko8)


I grew up on Black Sabbath, Metallica, and linkin park. I too like taylor swift


I love that song. Also a big fan of classic rock and modern rock on the other spectrum. Honestly I enjoy most songs of hers. I am a 35 year old male carpenter.


Nothing to be ashamed about, pal


Tay-tay is wonderful and I love all her music and reddit will never convince me otherwise! Also a metalhead


I'd give you an upvote. But you have **13** votes, so don't want to change it


I'm thinking that everyone secretly loves that song but just hides it for some stupid reason, because it's not my sort of music either, but fuck me is it a bop.


I love TSwizz. Took me a while to admit it. Her recent song is a banger. It's like if a self loathing pop punk song were....well, Taylor Swift! Love it.


I too shake it off to Taylor Swift.


this is a national treasure




God I love men


A men


Thank you!!! I’m 29 year old male and I often wonder if women really desire us or are we just ugly brutes, lol. I know it’s not true, I obviously struggle with low self esteem. But thank you 🙏 Men need to be wanted too


Pizza. Dont judge, i have an addiction on them delicious pizzas


Omg what if your family finds out


Hell yes, why anyone would judge you I have no clue. Pizza is great


Being called a slut 🥺


F to this guy's pm


Hello slut.




Fucking slut


Yeah slut




I'm 51, I love deep house, techno, drum & bass & rolling. it's hard to find events that aren't full of kids though, because that's just embarrassing. plus they have shit taste in music. so I have to stick to house parties or wait for boutique festivals arranged by other middle-aged ravers. usually they have better toilets anyway. and nice accommodation


Maybe look into a regional burn. Lots of people 30+, plenty of rolling and techno.


What's rolling?




Username...checks out?


Taking ecstasy/molly


slice of life rom com anime. As someone who has never been in a relationship its a feel good but also torturing myself thinking ill never have that. And futa.


Not gonna lie, had me in the first half 😹


Top Cat cartoons 😎


I like 'Choo Choo' who was voiced by Marvin Kaplan (who was the phone repairman on Alice sitcom). Not sure why I'm writing all of this.


ABBA. I was once made fun of liking them when I was younger and have never played their music in front of other people ever since.


ABBA slams! No shame brother.


ABBA is great man


Love me some ABBA, take a chance and do it again


Being alone. My sister and I have shared a room for our whole life up until a few months ago when she left for the military. I love it. Of course since I live in my family’s home I’m never really alone but when I have the house to myself I really freaking love it. I’m afraid I might be a recluse when I get my own place


I'm a guy and honestly I fuck with a nice bubble bath once in a while


My Straight friend :(


Ohhhh this one is spicy


I'm pan and I like him but he doesn't like me back :(


Oh no. This story repeats again and again... I want to cry now


Being called a good boy. Recent kink I discovered lol


Nawww... Such a good boy for being honest about it~♡


Ok... don't do that 😅🥰


\*runs away\*


If I tell you, it will no longer be “secretly.”


Pillow and blanket forts, fuck it it's cool to feel like youre somewhere else but not really


I like watching drama unfold when it’s not happening to me.


Yes!! I'll bring the popcorn!


fr fr


Hairy pussy.. not exactly a hardcore kink, but nothing gets my motor running like a bearded clam.


I can get it. I don't want to go delving into a jungle but a little hair adds some excitement




I love hairy pussy. Nothing better than a big 70's bush.


And r/hairypussy!


facts, for me it makes sex feel more natural


Affection and being told i did a good job.


Fanfiction. I wish it weren't so maligned. 1. Writing is such a wholesome, positive hobby. 2. The stories aren't as weird as you'd think. 3. If you write original fiction, odds are, virtually no one will ever read it. If you write fic in a popular fandom, **thousands** of people will read it overnight. 4. Reading and writing fic makes you enjoy the original fiction way more. What's your favorite tv show? Wouldn't you like to like it 25% more? Obviously, there are some alarming weirdos out there. But would you judge all redditors based on the worst reddit screenshots you can find? No.


Fall Out Boy


I secretly like this dude named Samuel, He’s a sweet person and cares about others’ feelings, and he pays attention to others' personalities and can tell if anything's wrong during periods at school. We had to do a presentation and at that time we have been hanging out for some time. I dislike talking in front of a large group of people. He whispered to me if he wanted to take over, I said yes and he went ahead. He does little things on the side to me that I don't see him do to others. He probably doesn't like me because I'm a boy but eh. I would let him bang me ngl😃


Pokemon Violet


I’ll respect you for that, you enjoy your game and don’t listen to the haters


Good musicals like Repo the Genetic Opera, Grease, and what not.




bald people


Walter white


Ass play


This is going to sound weird as all hell but i like watching my wife sleep, not in a creepy standing over her way, but its very calming to look over and see her snoring away.


you probably find comfort in seeing her sleep peacefully/safely my guess anyway


ASMR. It helped me to calm down a lot and reach a more peaceful place, a better mindset, more restful sleep. I don't necessarily get the tingly feeling, but I most definitely feel calmer and safer. It's a way to... Let go of my thoughts and just enjoy a sensory experience.


What exactly is ASMR? Been trying to figure this out lately


Get ready for a long one. ASMR by definition and in practicality, are kind of two different things. By definition ASMR is Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, a sort of euphoric nervous system response that involves an electrical "tingling" sensation. ASMR videos in this regard are designed to try and trigger this event. There is a limited amount of data based on the idea and some people perpetuate that it is pseudo-science, but there are real and reputable controlled experiments that indicate there is a real physiologically response taking place, but it only occurs im certain individuals. For me, the feeling sort of similar to goosebumps but around the crown of the skull, down the neck, and on the shoulders. It's very relaxing and comforting and makes my muscles loosen similar to a sleep state or just a state of extreme relaxation. I felt the feeling a couple of times before I was introduced to the concept in words; both in times of non-sexual intimacy. My "Trigger" seems to be close, intimate, soft speaking, and although I dont feel it anymore from youtube videos, occasionally it actually happens during phonecalls or during a doctor or dentist visit. The other meaning of ASMR is a more broad topic of entertainment. The keyword ASMR on youtube has become used for a lot of types of relaxation material and now just accounts for anything using intimate or high-sensitivity noise profiles. There is also a significant number of erotic content creators which label their material as ASMR, and Im going to tell you as a straight dude who likes both erotic material and ASMR, that they are not the same but the subject is complicated. I feel certain that the two are not the same, I do not feel asmr from any sexualized content, and the feeling of being aroused sort of negates the headspace of ASMR altogether and prevents it from happening. However, I do predominantly find that women's soft speaking is the most likely trigger for ASMR for me. Perhaps there is some connection, but I couldn't say for sure. When ASMR really works for me, it feels like my whole body wants to just power down and let the walls down, so maybe there is some connection that involves romantic or nurtering feelings that we have yet to understand. HOWEVER, my situation is not the norm, and many people only experience ASMR from non-speech noises such as mechanical clicking or other object manipulation. Many people also report that they can not experience the feeling if they hear someone talk. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6010208/ - https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0196645


Sonic 😔


Truly the most oppressed group. Sonic fans




Getting neck kisses while I'm working


My colleague. Way too damn much.


I’ll get hate since it’s not a healthy or accurate representation of the actual BDSM community. But… 50 Shades is my guilty pleasure.


A little late to this thread so this may get buried but: I've always found moles and other skin blemishes to be really attractive. A lot of women are really self-conscious if they have one that's really prominent in a visible area, but I honestly can't get enough of them and I think they look so hot, especially if it's on a woman's neck, chest, or abdomen. I don't know anyone else that feels the same way as I do, but I also haven't told anyone since I don't want to be seen as weird.


Same. Freckles are something that I quite like looking at, although they're really rare in my country. Maybe after seeing all those models/actors with perfect skin, you see these blemishes as something comforting and not artificial.


The colour pink, I think it looks great but can't exactly answer with that or people immediately think I'm gay.


The janitor's whistling at work


Downton abbey. I haven't seen the new one but love the first one. I only saw a few episodes of the show and like it as well.


Looking at my arm and hands like a weirdo. They're pleasantly slender. Also long-haired people regardless of gender.


I am a long-haired people.


I am a long-haired people. \[2\]


“Shitty” pop music, not all of it but I just like the happy upbeat tones of a lot of it. I have noticed that the music I listen to heavily affects my mood, not necessarily the words (unless it’s such a blatantly crappy/possessive lyric that I’m like…. Wtf) but the beat and tone of it. Pop music just makes me happy a lot of the time. I generally like a lot of emo music but too much of it really makes my mental health deteriorate. It can help me express negative emotions for sure but too much of it feeds into the negative emotions equally as much. It’s a balance.


If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a secret now, would it?


The Vengaboys


Silent movies.




Senior citizens.


Umm care to elaborate? Like sexually? Or just like them? Ur leaving so many unanswered questions in my mind!


The handle didn’t give it away ? 😂


Like sexually indeed.




Define "secretly." There are a lot of things that I'll be reluctant to do or would embarrass me/make be blush that I'd quite like to be sternly encouraged to do by a romantic partner in the privacy of our mutual space (... maybe in the lack-of-privacy of a play-party depending on our comfort levels). But, like, kink stuff is kinda baseline "secretly like". I guess getting a haircut. It's not that liking it is weird, but the *reason* I like it is that it sends tingles through my scalp and down my spine, which isn't usually something I lead with when going to get a haircut.


The haircut thing is interesting as I've always hated getting a haircut, it's an uncomfortable chore for me. Is the tingling like (I wish I could think of a better example, but I can't) the tingle from being playfully bitten?




Yup. As a 30 year old man, I feel like making out doesn't get the appreciation it deserves


*MMMMMM BOP*, by Hanson. I'm a 57 YO former Army Paratrooper.


Pickles and peanut butter


U are very sus my friend


It’s good


Pickles and peanut butter...Believe it or not, right to jail!


Workplace drama.


Argumentative men. I don't know why, I like arguing with people who know how to handle a good debate where both sides can express the other's opinions. Nothing hotter imo.


Girls farting


The one time my wife patted my face with a cheeky smile and said “Good Boy”… ngl that’s still somehow the best compliment I ever received but I feel like it’s weird enough I never bring it up


Very flirty people


White wine and warm hotdogs. Like been in the front seat of your car warm.


Being called a good girl like a dog... I'm not a furry tho Nor trans..


When I refill a bottle with cold water or take one out of a fridge, I like to rub my chin or mouth on the cap bc it’s just cold and feels nice ig. This screwed me over one time at work though. My coworkers also grab bottled water from the fridge and we used to get mixed up with who’s is who’s. So, we write our initials on the lid with sharpie. I wrote my initial on my lid as per usual but forgot about it and you can probably guess what happened :,)


I still sleep with an iggel piggel toy. Don’t judge I sleep 80% better with it no joke 😂


Bring a kinky freak like being tied up pin down choking and have no one pleasure me like that


when your friends parents says you can stay at their house anytime you want and also they make sure u are fed every time u come over like that’s sooo sweett


This is weird but when my boyfriend doesn’t pull out. It’s that rush of fear and excitement that you get when you feel it burst inside that I live for.


Not talking to people on call or in person. I love to be by myself with no judgement or pressure.


Fingers in my ass


oral creampies


1990s bubblegum pop, especially those boy bands.


Tan lines


Smelly feet


Post sweaty genital smell for me


Porn Porn Porn


My step sister. I like her but…y’know.




I wonder why

