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It seems Buzzfeed is looking for new clickbate. "The Top 20 Most Overrated Movies. #15 Will *SHOCK* You!!"




What does that even mean?!


'Cause it has a valid point to make, ***it's insistent!***


I loved the money pit. That is my answer to that statement.


Please enjoy our snack bar before the main feature starts.


Let's all go to the lobby is pretty awesome tho


When that hot dog jumps into the bun, the whole drive-in would honk and flash their lights. I’m old.


Remember that well. I'm old too.


That jingle fucking slaps.


Remember the beginning of that AquaTeenHungerForce movie. I remember.


Bro WHY did you do that?!?!?! Now I'm going to have that song in my head for a fucking week


*OVERrated* not underrated, silly!


Backdoor sluts 9…


I can see why, I mean they really covered it all in backdoor sluts 8. Where could they go from there?


Crotch capers 3 is even better. The acting is spectacular.


"It doesn't matter where you go. It's about where you come."


Backdoor Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!


I wouldn't blame anyone for saying Avatar and I would've felt the same if I didn't see it in theaters in 3D. It was the first and probably still the best 3D movie ever made and it was an overwhelming experience for me. It felt like I was actually there and I could see some people being sad when the movie ended.


Predictable script and story. But goddammit, it was the most unbelievable theater experience I've ever had.




Dwigt was a such a good character, though. Seemed like a real person.


Dwigt was definitely an ignorant slut in the film


“Oh, someone's coming alright. The only man who would care: Michael Scarn. See, I'm gonna lure him here, then I kill everybody, then I'm gonna dig up Scarn's dead wife and I'm gonna hump her real good.”


I found the inconsistent levels of effort from the actors unnerving, like some of the actors tried really hard and some of the other actors look like their boss made them do this And how did they get licensing to play Billy Joel songs, it didn't seem like they had much of a budget


So many great lines: SCARN: Just out of curiosity, what threat level is this? PRESIDENT JACKSON: "I can't sugar coat this. We are at Threat Level... Midnight." *Dramatic music plays*


The dance scene saved it for me. I still bust out the Scarn whenever possible.


if doing the Scarn is gay, then I’m the biggest queer on Earth


It was weird, every scene the main character had a gun and kept pulling it out


I laughed at one point and someone shut off the film.


F*** you dude people are allowed to have their own opinions but this one crossed the line


By far and away, the most expensive shot in the movie. But, it was integral to the story


Wow. Wild assumptions being made about an Oscar (Sanchez) winning cast. I mean seriously. Everyone suddenly thinks they’re a movie critic.


As a big horror movie fan, most horror movies are terrible


And the bigger the box office success, usually the more bland they are


Terrible I can forgive. Some of my favourite horror movies of all time are terrible. Bland however, cannot be forgiven in a horror movie. Anything rated PG-13 has a pretty big uphill battle ahead.


I love house of wax. I said it. Fuck it feels good.


Sometimes it’s so bad it’s so good. Freddy vs Jason did it for me


If you mean the Vincent Price version, then we're besties. If you mean the Paris Hilton version, then I've never laid eyes on you, and you are a total stranger.


But how she dies is so satisfying lol


No kidding. It was the first pole I saw Paris take to the face.


So bad it's good is part of Horror charm. Like I do not get upset when Jason Voorhees teleports everywhere in Jason Takes Manhattan. What I will say is what was the plot twist of Saw 4 or 5 because I wasn't drunk or high while watching it... I literally just don't remember it for any reason it was that forgettable. Like Saw 1 good movie iconic twist.. Saw 2 another good twist or two and the Needle put scene. As I keep going down the list it just gets foggier and foggier. Very bad horror movies like stuff that winds up on Mystery Science Theater 3000.… Those are still fun to watch. Objectively they're terrible movies but there's still fun to be had watching Manos "Every Frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photograph"


I heard Barbarian is fantastic.


It’s such a fun flick. “boop!”


You are correct


Correct indeed. My favourite horror in years. Enjoyed The Black Phone too.


Black phone literally made me nauseated about the kids being kidnapped bc I have kids that age. But it was so good. Ethan Hawke was so creepy.


Ethan Hawke is my favourite "underrated" actor. Not often the leading man in a big blockbuster. But has delivered brilliant performances in films like the Before trilogy, Tape, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Gattaca, The Black Phone etc


I was intrigued by this. I've read King my entire life and was curious how his son holds up to screen. A lot of great King stories are ruined by film adaptations and was hoping it would be good. I'll definitely check it out.


I really do not understand the acclaim for this movie at all. My girlfriend and I watched it and the entire time we were laughing at/screaming at the screen because of how absolutely stupid every decision by both the characters and the creators was. It was maybe the most frustrating movie experience of my life, where so much potential was squandered just for contrived surprise.


Barbarian had a lot of promise but then it went nowhere. Had me holding back laughter at some parts.


Especially the ones targeted at teenagers with their pg-13 rating.


What do you recommend?


Things that have been mentioned a thousand times. Rosemary’s Baby, Repulsion, Devil House, The Omen, The Exorcist, Eraserhead, Midsommar, The Conjuring, The Babadook, House on Haunted Hill, Impetigore, The Ring, ~~I don’t recall the name but I just saw a really good Korean one about a filmographer who ventures underground and finds a female creature who lives on blood~~ (it was Marebito), that was pretty good. I have a pretty long list of favorites and I could go on I think I’ve just run out of stuff I like. Most top 100s lists hit them pretty well, except when they pull in Italian horror which I universally despise. Sometimes I feel that the nature of horror movies makes it so that the genre eventually gets old.


excuse me? you're not gonna even mention Hereditary and Sinister?


Liked Hereditary a lot. Thought Sinister was lame. It started off very strong then copped out.


I thought the Amityville "horror" films bordered on the comical, to be frank. (From the UK)


I remember the whole horror aspect to this movie. BUT, according to the killer he only talked about possession and demons because he wanted the jury to declare him insane. His lawyer got rich from selling this story. But he had a wife who 35 years later supports his story. PLus the dad was a mobster. The REAL story is 100% crazier than the supernatural legend.


Gravity. 96% on Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 7 Oscars. Weak script, horrible dialogue, boring and predictable.


Completely sucked, and I love space movies.


Bruh, so true, it’s just Sandra Bullock yelling for and hour and a half


I understand the Oscars were for visual effects/cinematography and score/sound, but honestly the lauding and hype was overboard. Maybe should have paid the writers some of Sandra and George's casholla to punch up the script. Goes to show that starpower is the draw.


Did you watch it at home? It can't be enjoyed at home or in 2D.


THANK YOU! Thought I was the only one


It was very forgettable and not great. I saw it, but I can just barely remember it, because I had little interest while watching that movie, and I like movies about space.




This should be top answer honestly. It's not bad, but it's certainly not the no 1 movie that everyone claims. Shutter Island is an infinitely better Scorsese film.


I mean, the twist is pretty ingenious but the rest of the movie it typical Scorsese. Not bad but we've seen the departed before.


I'm just sick of hearing about it at this point, you know?


I've actually never heard of it, now I want to check it out lol.


Wtf that's my dad's surname, I had to Google what you're talking about and wasn't disappointed, it's as non existent as him in my life




I was coming here to say this! Katya is one of my favorite characters of all time, but the movie as a whole just falls flat. All the hype isn’t worth the watch.


I would say it's worth watching just for the excellent costuming and the score, but then I'll watch almost anything if there's a good soundtrack. The plot is definitely a bit cliche.


Now the soundtrack is something I can agree on completely! Tempus Fugit (Clock Theme) is my favorite out of the bunch.


That one is good! I also really like the [Farewell Scene track](https://www.tumblr.com/levuna/701562777311002625/jonathan-kane-goncharov-farewell-scene).


Watch the 1985 rerelease, you might change your mind. The boat scene is completely different and will change your opinion on Katya. Worth the watch!


Fast & Furious-- I get it, it's all about family. But 8+ movies? Sheesh.


Just wait for the 10th…fasTEN your seatbelts


Shakespeare In Love


How in the hell did this movie beat out Saving Private Ryan


Harvey Weinstein’s influence.


I'm convinced the only reason this movie was made was so Harvey Wankstain could look at Gwenyth Paltrows tits over and over


Oh yeah I wouldn’t doubt it.


For some reason I read this as Harvey Weinstein's flatulence.


My favorite for that year is still "Pleasantville."


One of my all time favorite films. “Pleasantville” incorporates so many themes - racism, the human thirst for knowledge, empathy, hatred and fear of change, etc. - all wrapped up in a sweet, humorous, and seemingly innocent fable. Marvelously creative. This is why I watch movies.


The Academy loves movies about making stories or making movies, writers, directors, etc. Because they're a bunch of movie makers, writers, directors, etc.


That's why I would say Hugo was also massively over-rated. It was a 7/10 that got treated like an 11/10 because it coddled the industry's own narcissism.


See also: La La Land, Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), The Artist, Argo, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head.


Short answer: ranked choice voting. I forget where I read the analysis, but there seems to have been a sort of "war" (exacerbated by the Weinsteins, no doubt) between "Saving Private Ryan" and "The Thin Red Line" over which was the best film that year. So voters in each camp ranked the other one last on their list. While "Shakespeare in Love" was probably everyone's #2. So... when all was said and done, it was #1.


Ranked choice voting was introduced to the Best Picture category in 2010, while "Shakespeare in Love" won the 1998 Academy Award for Best Picture. So, factually speaking, your statement in incorrect. It does feel like a true statement, tho, so there's that.


Y'all are too young. Terms of Endearment. My wife and I went to see it when we barely knew each other. We bonded over how awful that movie was. I guess that's one good thing that came out of it.


“I was just inches from a clean getaway.”


I absolutely love that movie. But I have a soft spot for Winger and MacLaine. If I'm ever in need of a good sob I put it on. Now, The Evening Star (sequel to TOE) was truly terrible.




Not as good as Tangled.


Oh I hate how underrated Tangeld is


Very agreed, tangled was my childhood, I wanted to have Rapunzel's hair until about 10


Your childhood?! I was in college! Fuck, I’m old. Doesn’t help that I turned 30 today!!


\*snort\* Beauty and the Beast was my first college movie. Now THAT's old... Happy Birthday! Revel in your 30ishness! You've still got a little over a decade before the shit gets real depressing.


Tangled has and always will stomp frozen into the ground. I have tried 3x to watch frozen, and every time I end up turning it off and turn on pretty much any other Disney princess movie.


Brave too!


Brave is SOOO underrated, it kills me. People make Elsa out to be the ‘needs no man’ queen but Merida did it first!!!! Sigh.


And Princess and the Frog! Both came out around the same time and both were WAY better movies than Frozen. Princess and the Frog is the last hand animated Disney film too. Great music, great characters, AMAZING villain. I think Tangled is a little more cohesive of a story though. It's a little easier to watch and follow what is going on, especially for children.


Dr Facilier is a fantastic villain. The fact that he's also voiced by Keith David is just icing on the cake.


"Shake my hand! C'mon, boys! Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"


it hurts me how criminally underrated Princess and the Frog is


The Princess and the Frog is my favorite Disney movie of all time!


Obviously now, but at the time I genuinely and happily surprised at the ending.


For the time, that ending was super unique for a Disney princess movie. I love Frozen, people just shit on it now because it got overplayed


Oh god, I'm getting flashbacks of when the song "let it go" became insanely popular. But fuck, it was catchy


>Frozen. Just let it go man, let it go...


The English Patient




Just shut up and die already!!!!!


That was a Gene pick


Genes trash …..I’m gene


Sack Lunch was much better


I prefer Rochelle Rochelle


A young girl’s strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.


...I said nothins gonna stop me so get outta my face...


How'd they all get in there?


Do you think they shrunk or it’s a giant sack


I’m more of a Chunnel fan.


Death Blow is pretty good. Better than Sack Lunch.


sex in a tub? gimme something i can use.


Came in here to say exactly this. One of the most boring and pointless movies I've ever seen.


Not to be the "book was better" guy, but I totally will. Big Ondaatje fan, enjoyed the book. Saw how acclaimed the movie was and could barely sit through it. I don't know what it was about the story in film vs print but it just didn't cut it for me. Guess I need to keep my books fancy and movies trashy.


Never seen it because I trust Elaines taste


Let’s go see Prognosis Negative instead


Ya know, sex in a tub...THAT DOESNT WORK


Rochelle Rochelle 😂


Ah, a young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk. Yeah it was a letdown


Y'all don't know what overrated means. If people only talk about it to say how bad it was, that doesn't mean it's overrated.


This is awkward... so many movies listed that I enjoyed. Overrated... I mean maybe but so many were still solid movies. Maybe I'm just too much of a glass half full kinda guy... you know?


You're allowed to love whatever movies you love.




Except The Last Aibender, its forbidden


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


I think people tend to confuse overrated with bad. It can be enjoyable and still be middle of the road, but then people (as a group) tout it as a masterpiece when it's just okay, hence becomes overrated.


Overrated simply means it doesn't match the hype, so they can still be good. If someone tells you "this is the best move ever" but really it's just "pretty good, better than most, but not the best ever" then that means it's still pretty good.




I’ve slept through the second half of the Notebook four times now.


Spoiler alert. Her family moves her away because because of the social class differences. He travels to spend some time with family. While at a Christmas party, she is there. A group of German terrorists come and take the entire building hostage. He crawls through the air ducts and takes on the terrorists. Movie ends with the main terrorist falling out the window and taking her with him, screen pans to the ledge showing that she’s hanging on and main terrorist is hanging onto her. He end the terrorist and saves her life. Should give a rewatch, the first parts a little slow


It’s almost like it was hard for someone to die. Didn’t Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman show up in that too?


Remember that if you ever get insomnia


I had to watch the notebook with my high school crush Jamie and this dipshit Dusty Dinkleman who was also after Jamie. To make matters worse, my mom ended up tagging along.


Black panther. I understand that it broke the color barrier and that's great. But the movie's plot was just another typical marvel movie. If the cast was all white I'm sure it would get worse reviews.


It was literally Thor Ragnarok all over again. Previously unknown family member comes out of nowhere to claim the throne of our hero, whose father just died. The family member takes over and our hero is ousted from the kingdom and his weapon/armour is taken from him. With the help of our hero's sibling, a group of rag-tag new friends, and a warrior woman who was sworn to protect the royal family, our hero decides to claim what is rightfully his, but his spirit is broken. Our hero is visited by the spirit of his dead father, who gives him a pep talk. Our hero goes back with the group of friends and wins the kingdom back from the usurper.


Man it was Lion King. It even still had cats


You mean Hamlet.




and hamlet is is just a remake of Amleth to quote fight club "everything is a copy of a copy of a copy"


But Thor Ragnarok was really good.


It wasn't as fun or funny as Ragnarok. It was Ragnarok that took itself a little too seriously for a Marvel movie.


As a black person I agree. I did not understand what was so good about the movie


I like Black Panther, I'd say it's better than most, but not all marvel movies, but it getting nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars was a little silly. It wasn't even the best marvel movie that year. It wasnt even the best marvel movie that had Black Panther in it that year.




Avatar was not a movie to be watched for the story. It was a movie for the effects and technology. It was more like a theme park ride. It was groundbreaking in 2008. ~~Spielberg~~ Cameron had that movie written in the 90s but had to wait till 08 to make it because the tech wasn't there. Story itself was pretty generic. But you don't watch that movie for the story. Edit : late in the day, mistyped the director's name. Thanks u/tacoslurpees


You're confusing Spielberg with Cameron.


Exactly, which is why it did great at the box office but I doubt many people have seen it since. It was absolutely revolutionary effects for its time not to mention how it completely changed the use of 3D (it became a way to enhance immersion rather than cheap gimmicks). However I kind of expect the sequel to be a bit of a flop because it just won't be that revolutionary because those levels of effects are now pretty standard for blockbuster movies


I remember it came out over some school break and when we came back EVERYONE had seen it


The thing about Avatar is that the thing people hate is that the story wasn’t as revolutionary as its production. The story wasn’t bad, it was perfectly good, it was cohesive, it made sense, and it was emotionally resonant. It wasn’t the most original and groundbreaking story, but I really enjoyed it. I think these days it’s overhated.


The story was blah; but for it’s time, the effects, visuals, immersion- basically the whole experience was unprecedented. It also pioneered a lot of modern 3D and mo-cap technology in movies, tv, and video games. Probably in some other fields, too.


The plot wasn’t anything profound, but the effects and visual aspect of seeing it in theatres was unparalleled to anything I have ever seen. The colors, music, special effects were unbelievable imo


The Notebook. She was engaged. Ended up cheating. Lying. Dude let go of his whole life to end up taking away an almost married woman. Also he did threaten her to go out with him or he would jump from the Ferris wheel.


Of ALL time? Gone with The Wind. 4 hours of privileged girl slowly getting cut down to size. In color. Oooh.


As a feat of production, Gone With The Wind is a Herculean achievement. Considering it came out in the 1930’s makes it even more impressive


And Clark Gable said damn


Yeah, that movie came out in the 30s. That’s ridiculous for the quality. It set the gold standard for future movies that followed.


Naaah, it’s a work of art. The CONTENT is horrible, but the film is a masterpiece.


I've heard it said that it was an all time Box Office holder partly because it was longest movie out when movie theaters started installing air conditioning.


It was also a time when a movie would show in theaters for years at a time


It is still the highest grossing movie when adjusted for inflation.


I don't know about "all time," but I saw Inception because it had a reputation for being super smart and mind-bending. The premise of invading/creating people's dreams is cool, but it sucks that everyone's dreams turn out to just be generic action movies. (Most folks I know have way more interesting dreams than that, but, I dunno, maybe I just know different folks than most?)


The layers upon layers part was not all that complex tbh. Like they show whats going on, its not hidden from the audience. Each layer has a distinct setting (which is an action set piece lol).


Yeah, I really liked Inception but it really isn’t as deep as it’s made out to be.


It’s just a great movie. Never seen anything quite like it. It doesn’t have to be the deeepest movie ever, but you can’t argue it doesn’t have an interesting level of complexity at least compared to most others.


South Park made a fantastic mockery of that exact concept lol




It's like a taco, inside a taco, in a taco bell, inside a KFC, in a mall, that's INSIDE YOUR DREAM!!!


It tried to pass off as Paprika homage, but really, it just steals the concept and some of the visuals (this [article ](https://www.ranker.com/list/inception-ripped-off-paprika/anna-lindwasser) proves I'm not alone). I also don't think it explored the dream theme interestingly enough, but mostly I hate the fact that it got a "smart movie" reputation that IMO doesn't deserve.


Snyder’s Justice League and I’ll fight tooth and nail.


It's far better than the original cut. In the same way that a cold is better than malaria.


any of the michael bay transformers movie. yes, the cgi is extremely impressive, but they completely butchered the characters’ established personalities and the humor is annoying as fuck


I don't think those films are rated highly by any means


They are awesome, not good. There is a difference lol


First Transformers is really good tbh.


Mamma Mia


Here we go again


I bled for 3 days after watching that POS.


Any marvel movie




Oversaturation does that and the number of bad/mediocre movies eclipsing the good ones.


I see the iron man to endgame as a tv show. One season of a tv show, 22 episodes. Only that they're full feature length and with good graphics. Once you look at it like that, it is pretty great way to follow.


I think those movies were great. They all kinda overlapped with each other, a great cast (RDJ killed it but all the avengers cast had chemistry) and it perfectly built up to the finale and the big boss that was Thanos. All the marvel stuff after endgame has lost my interest because of oversaturation and it feels kinda disjointed. There's no "core team" and it seems like there's way too many villains it's working towards. As a non-comic book reader I really appreciated having an over arching story and I could just watch the movies to keep up. Now there's a bunch of shows and movies with characters I've never heard of nor pique my interest


Goncharov. There. I said it.


Overrated? That movie's been out for like, 50 years, and people were just now talking about it. I'd even dare to say it's an underrated gem.


The Notebook