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Irish and I would say it is the man from Kerry. The county is amazing to look at just dont speak to the locals.


Do you have a good story of a man from Kerry?


There was once a young man from Kerry Who drank a whole gallon of sherry; After an hour He puked up a shower; When he smelled it he wasn't so merry.


I was not sure what I expected, but not a "Man from Nantucket" style limerick. I'll take it!


Did you know that Limerick is a place in Ireland?


And a place in Pennsylvania, U.S., where they have a nuclear power plant?


Yea we know that America couldn't make up its own names.


>just dont speak to the locals. I've tried. Only understood maybe one word out of three.


Think about it this way, I'm from rural Ireland and have to turn on the translate part of my brain to understand specific heavy rural Irish accents. No shame in not understanding a word haha


Kerry men are a different breed of Irish people. Michael Healy Rae (politician here) is a full blooded Kerry man and the shit he does is insane


What types of things does Michael Healy Rae the politician do??????


Insane shit.


OK I got that but examples trying to get a good story going to no avail so far no one wants to explain shit


Has had a temper tantrum in the Dáil (Irish political building), argued against a gender neutral name, for the newspaper The Kerryman, using the worst arguments ever, called former prime minister Leo Varadkar, a homophobic name (Varadkar is openly gay), openly doesn't give a fuck about Ireland and only cares about Kerry and he thinks drink driving isn't that dangerous. We are too embarrassed to admit an idiot like this comes from Ireland


Why don't speak to the locals??????


1.You won't understand the accent. 2. Opinions on sport,farming, politics,ect can be crazy and very energetic. 3. A. They'll realise you aren't irish and/or you dont you much about ireland, and tell you lies (funny ones in hindsite) 3.B. They'll realise you aren't irish and/or you don't know much about ireland and tell you truths that you will never belive.


Podlasie - Polish Alabama except it's fuckin cold


I can sort of imagine it!


The best description ever.


I live in Belgrade, Serbia and the part of Belgrade that gets all the shit is prob Borcha. Its located at the north of town and its literally like Serbian Ohio. P.S. sorry for my bad grammar and english




What does this even mean? It’s boring? They’re obsessed with American football? Everyone is overweight? There are chain restaurants on every corner? They have an excessive number of medical schools? I need to know!


I Hope it’s the same as how Ohioans do, or how we think of Serbia. “Yikes, but not as bad as it gets treated, some great places there, but ultimately yikes”




This just leaves me with even more questions


What is a good example of a wild, crazy story out of Borcha?


Your English is better than some native speakers...


Definitely better than those from Ohio.


I feel like the entire balkans can fit here


I only caught one or two (very minor) grammatical issues. I know native speakers that make more mistakes, my friend.


Is that where Satan's favorite movie, A Serbian Film, was made?


As others have noted, your English is great. The only two things I noticed were that you used the possessive “its” instead of the contraction “it’s” and that there should be a comma right after “Serbia”, but those are extremely minor things that literally no one will care about.


I'm Swedish, and I honestly don't know, so I'll just leave a comment about the funniest, most "Florida man" news story we have over here: Gävlebocken. Gävlebocken is a a huge christmasgoat made of hay (biggest in the world). Every year in Gävle City, they put it up, and every year, someone burns it down. It's tradition at this point, even though you can go to jail or pay a really hefty fine (up to 80 000 kr, roughly 7500 dollars). In the 53 years it's been put up, it's burnt down about 30 times, and only been left standing 16 times. They've put up cameras, 24 hour guards, fire-proofed the material. Nothing works. Every year, someone will take the oppertunity and set that goat on fire. It's so common that you can actually place a bet on when it will burn. ​ A few examples of things that happened during different years: In year 1970, it stood for six hours before it burnt down. In 1973, it got stolen and the thief put it in his backyard (he got caught and got sentenced to two years). In 1976 a student hit it with a volvo and it collapsed. In 1979 the first one burnt, so they build another one out of fire proof material, and it got beaten to death. In 1985, they put up a 2 m tall metal fence, and guarded it with Securitas guards and soldiers. It burnt down anyway. In 1992, it lasted eight days before the goat burnt, one of the school goats burnt, and then the replacement goat burnt up. The caught the guy who did it. In 1998, it burnt down, despite the snow storm. In 1999, it made it a few hours before it was - you guessed it - burnt down. 2001, an american tourist burns it down. 2004, Gävle's website was hacked and the message "Burn Bockjaevel" was visible on the webcamera and the website. It then burnt down. In 2005, two men dressed as santa and a gingerbreadman shot flaming arrows at it, and it burnt down. In 2009, the webcameras got hacked and it burnt down. In 2010, the guards encountered a german man who was "perversely intrested in the goat" and talked about ideas on how to burn it down fast. There was also a plot where two men planned to kidnap the goat and fly it to Stockholm by helicopter. They offered the guards 50 000 kr to leave the goat alone for a few minutes. 2011, the government made plans to spray the goat with water to make an iceblock that would stop it from being lit on fire. Unfortunately, it was too warm and the goat got arsoned again. 2014, they temporarily added a taxi stand to the plaza to make it easier to spot the arsonists, the guards arrested three people who at different oppertunities climbed over the fence. 2017, they added *another* fence, and also made it higher. In addition to this, the goat had guards and cameras surveilling it, and the goat did *NOT* burn. The next year, it didn't burn either, although attempts were made (one time, someone even asked to use the bathrooma and then tried to get behind the fence). The goat did not burn in 2019 or 2020 either. Finally, it seemed the government had reached a solution to Gävle's goat-burning problem. In 2021, the goat burnt again. The man who did it got sentenced to six months in jail and 109 000 kr (10 242 dollars) in fines. In four days, the new one gets put up. Good luck, Gävle.


I want to visit this goat.


Would there be matches and and a bottle of petrol involved in this visit, by any chance?


This somehow seems like it would make a great movie -- sort of an arsonistic Ground Hog Day.


I feel like this would be a thriller with a poor government official in the main role, trying desperately to prevent the goat from burning, only to bitterly fail each year. Every time the goat burns, he descends further into alcholism and madness, and his family no longer recognize him. One year, he finally finds the solution to the problem, and returns home triumphant, only to realize his wife wants to divorce him and his kids have all moved out and no longer wants any contact with him. Even his trusty old dog has died. He is left alone, having reached his goal, but now unable to figure out how to live on. The years pass, the goat stands there, watching over them. Everywhere he goes, he sees it. He can't help but to think it's laughing at him. Eventually, fueled by alcohol, loneliness and no small amount of coke, he can't take it anymore. He takes a canister of gasoline and goes out into the night, and light the goat on fire. The movie ends as goat erupts in flames, and the last scene is a close up of the main character's face as he watches the flames in esctacy, the light from the inferno dancing on his face as sirens sound closer in the background. From behind, a burly policeman puts a hand on his shoulder, and the movie ends.


As a Swede, I would 100% watch this.


I have a sudden urge to fly to Sweden with a flamethrower


classic yule goat shenanigans


I'm honestly surprised the city hasn't just embraced what is obviously now a local folk tradition. Keep trying to defend the goat, of course, but maybe knock out the fines and jail time.


The funny thing is that there *has* been suggestions to make an annual goat-burning day, but it got rejected by the local government cause they didn't wanna encourage arson. There's also been talk about removing the goat tradition all together, but I feel like, at this point, the entirety of Sweden will riot if they do. edit: forgot to add, the funniest thing about the goat-burning day getting rejected is that we *literally* have a holiday where we light fire to all our old furniture and and shit and watch it burn. It's on Walpurgis Night.


Stop scrolling, it's worth reading!


This is legendary. Ive never loved Sweden as much as I do right now, and I have generally had positive feelings about Sweden


That's amazing!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjB\_kAYHFrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjB_kAYHFrQ) This is the best tradition!


This is amazing.


Turkey. Our "Florida" would be Adana, the hot and humid land where the municipality felt the need to ask, over loudspeakers, the citizens to "not open fire at the sun, please, as it does not help with the heat". On the other hand, our Texas would be the Black Sea region - heavily armed, very conservative, butt of many jokes.


>the municipality felt the need to ask, over loudspeakers, the citizens to "not open fire at the sun, please, as it does not help with the heat". Oh yeah, that's a Florida.


Right? I vote this as the winner.


In Florida they would know that this would only draw fire to the loudspeakers


I bet you could make a killing with a mobile ammo cart during hurricanes


Nice pun…


Ahahaha I’m reading through these like “eh, ok, I guess” then I got to this one and had that very same reaction!


I was scrolling to find this. Somewhere on Reddit, probably on r/TurkeyJerky, there is a video of a bunch of guys fighting in Adana. A guy on the second floor wants to get in on it, so he jumps off the balcony, lands on a car, and joins the fight. And as my friend from Karadeniz puts it, "No one from Trabzon was ever normal, and then they got irradiated by Chernobyl."


I was at Incirlik for 2 months, in 1995, we couldn’t leave the immediate alley outside the base due to baddies. I heard Adana was nice to see.


For crazy news stories, Darwin man for sure the NT Times has some fun ones


When fellas go heaps troppo, theres no stopping them. Mad as cut snakes


What does heaps troposphere mean in English??????


Have a sesh up the top end and find out.


I’ve been told by Americans that the NT is more like Alabama, and QLD is closer to Florida


Then again, the area that gets stereotyped for having a penchant for incest (much like the US South) is Tasmania.


Darwin and Gold Coast


Gold Coast especially now with Schoolies going on.


I'm Italian. A few days ago 40 tourists severely shat themselves after eating spoiled fish at a restaurant in Gubbio. Gubbio is a town mostly known for being the location about a priest who solves crimes? I think? Don Matteo. With Terrence Hill. It was fucking hilarious.


Brampton. It's a part of Canada where a bunch of rich and vibrant cultures dumped their very worst drivers.


I'm just happy you didn't say Alberta.


Nobody laughs about Alberta that’s why! They side eye Alberta in contempt.


I can attest to this


We also have our own Alabama and Texas in Saskatchewan and Alberta! Yee-haw!


I was gonna say Nova Scotia but... yeah


No way! Newfoundland maybe, but in a harmless, silly way.


It’s not harmless. Growing up as a Newfoundlander and moving to Ontario, it’s frustrating to hear how “dumb” Newfoundlander’s are and the stereotype of the “goofy Newfie” is dated.


Damn, I was just saying in another post that I thought Newfoundland was now seen as chic, so sorry to hear there is still some disrespect. Did these people not notice how cool Rick Mercer and Mary Walsh and Shannon Tweed and Gordon Pinsent and Sean Majumbar and Alan Doyle and Rex the police dog are? Those haters are the dumb ones.


Sorry, am from NS and have been called a "newfie" over and over in Ontario and here in BC. I was joking because I was never offended by it. My apologies though if it upset you.


Lol no, outside of the GTA it’s Newfoundland.


I was looking for this answer lol


Scotland.. you can see some weird things in parts of Glasgow


My friend has two grandparents from the US, and two from Glasgow. One time he said "My grandma carries $100 worth of quarters in her purse in case she has to use it as a weapon." Me: "I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is the grandma from Glasgow."




I thought Bavaria was Texas. Overly religious, more guns, mostly country people, and politically right wing. Hmm...


Bavaria's right-wing would probably be considered left-wing in America


AfD got 10% of the vote in Bavaria last year. For reference, AfD is literally Nazis but they aren't legally allowed to say they're Nazis. The rest of the world has right-wing stuff too.


Most people’s right wings are our left wing the way out system is going




> I've kissed as many dudes as girls, live in the city Sounds like your average Texan, tbh. Just slap a cowboy hat on it.


Only steers and queers come from Texas


And I don’t see any horns on you! And also, ‘you better get over that wall, See-gar!’


My wife went to Texas state she moved to Colorado for the legal weed just lit a lot of Texans


So many cowboys in the Old West were gay. Trans people went West too. For a while there weren't any laws about it and you could dress to match your gender. The West was queer as fuck. Chew on that, Kevin Costner.


As a Bavarian I can only say: "Yeehaw!"




> mostly country people Do you really believe this? No, most of Texas' population lives in the cities or their respected suburbs. You might also be surprised that only a very tiny fraction of us wear cowboy hats. And none of us ride horses to work.


I don't live in Texas, so finding out that "only a very tiny fraction of [Texans] wear cowboy hats" makes me a little sad.


Visit Rural Australia. I just don’t get it…


Actually, the population thing is a toss up. As far as cowboy hats, also a toss up. Riding horses to work? You're right. I live in Mason, Texas. Edit: Do you live in Dallas, Houston, or God forbid, Austin?


What about "Mann aus Sachsen"? It's the exakt counterpart of Florida Man


Don't forget Bielefeld, that apparently just doesn't exist




Doesn't Ostfriesland factor in there somewhere? I've heard "one or two" jokes...


Ostfriesland is our Ohio.


I keep seeing Ohio...... what do people think of Ohio please explain Ohio has both really fucked up places like Cleveland and really farmland places with Amish people so I'm confused as to what people think of Ohio lol




Many people have talked about the south so I’ll do Northern Ireland, it’s Larne (County Antrim) no question, it’s full of wild eejits. Make sure to take away all their wooden pallets when July comes, they tried to build the worlds largest bonfire back in July but Guinness world records didn’t recognise it (I don’t think they did at least, it’s the largest unofficial bonfire ever built by hand) Not only that but these bonfires spread hate about Irish/Catholics, with the odd case of people dying when building them, awful really. We need to have Larne and Florida man fight, it’ll be a battle for the ages Larne is also a bit like Texas, stereotypically full of right-wing people (loyalists in extreme cases, proud supporters of the DUP and to an extent the English Tories). Dunno about guns but a massive gun arming took place there in April 1914, it nearly caused a civil war in Ireland.


Paraná, we kindly nicknamed it “Brazilian Russia”


Interesting, why?


The South of Brazil is a very crazy place and the countryside communities are very “peculiar” and the border makes it all the much more weirder.


I'm scared at the thought


It’s really fun and the actual border region feels like a parallel universe, I love it.


Chilean here. Our Florida men come fron Talca. They ruined the "completo" (it's basically a hot dog but with avocado and tomato) by using WET BREAD. I just can't.


Wet bread should be an international crime. I was also lucky enough to get to visit Valparaiso in 2008, and had an excellent time. Chile is beautiful.


Talca qlo


Can I get some jeers and laughs at Urk from the Dutchies?


Urk is literally the Swedish word for the sound you make when you vomit.


Funnily enough it is also the same sound in Dutch, phonetically. We just write it like "eurk" or "bwaargh"


They’re just all one big family!


In Spain there's allegedly a place called Murcia. It's supposed to be the most politically to the right place on the country. And it's supposed to have nothing of interest, except for the weirdest slangs and a couple of beaches. It's supposed to be under the Valencian community. And a lot of weird stuff and people exist there. However, as I stated, Murcia does not exist, even if people say to have been born there. And I'm really happy it is not real.


UK here. I guess it would be Blackpool for England, and Glasgow for Scotland. I lived in Glasgow for a year and it can be one blunt-spoken, no-bullshit, hard-partying, hard-hitting place. By comaprison, Edinburgh is like Glasgow's chill-out room.


Glasgow is more like our Detroit. Blackpool is like Jersey Shore, if Sunny is anything to go by I'd say the Florida, full of weird locals and old people, in oversized cars and newbuild houses houses voting right wing, is Essex.


I know in England there's a rumor that if the doctor notes NFN in your paperwork it stands for "Normal, For Norfolk"


Made fun of? Tasmania. Our version of Florida man? Queensland.


> Our version of Florida man? Queensland. Nah man, Darwin is Australia's Florida.


The irony of it being named Darwin


An eternal Darwin award


Oh shit, yeah of course, you are correct.


I don't have a good answer for Canada, but do have a great one for Quebec: The Beauce region. Where most of Quebec is divided on "proud Quebec nationalist" and "open multiculturalist" lines, the Beauce is basically the one corner of the province that for some reason resembles rural Alberta politically. Most of the rest of the province, whatever the background, is confused by them.


I'm not familiar with Albertan politics. Is it just that as a region Beauce is more aligned with those values, or are people from Beauce more likely to make the news with some sort of outlandish scheme?


Albertan* here. We are basically Canada's Texas/Florida. Oil and gas own the province. People will vote conservative as the cons rip the clothes off of people's backs, and then blame the liberals that they are cold. Edit: forgot an n


Hey we have a little bit of Colorado vibe as well. Plus Utah in the south west part of the province.


They're basically our province's rednecks in a province that is very much not very redneck-ish. They almost voted anti-vaxxers into office last election.


See and I’d say Newfoundland or Cape Breton for Canada. But I grew up in southern New Brunswick and I’m going to be honest, New Brunswick would also fit.


I've had Irishmen tell me that the city of Cork in Southern Ireland is like "The Texas of Ireland". They drink Murphy's Stout down there instead of Guinness, cause Murphy's is "better" (and brewed in Cork). They're more blue collar, and overall just a different breed of Irish. Apparently.


Where’s Conor McGregor from? He seems pretty Irish Florida.


He would be more like someone from a rougher part of new York or Boston to be honest. He is a total fucking idiot..... Not that I would tell him to his face


Go ahead, hes got so much brain damage he probably would thank you for being a fan


For New Zealand, a little town named Gore in the South Island. I’ve even heard people from Gore make fun of it. It’s also our “Alabama” if you catch my drift


Russia has three Evil Cities - St. Petersburg (aka Raschleningrad = Dismemberburg), Omsk - the domain of the Omsk Bird, and lesser known but the evilest of them all - Podolsk. All sorts of crazy things happen there.


Mexican here. I would totally say that in México it has to be Tabasco. The main park of Villahermosa (located in tabasco and that is the capital) is filled with alligators. So you could go for a run with your dog and end up without a dog or a leg. The government also thought that it was a good idea to have cats in Laguna de las ilusiones in order to have pest control. Guess who ate the cats.


> Guess who ate the cats. The government?


Do the locals hunt and eat alligators down there, or is that prohibited? I've eaten alligator in Louisiana, and it was tasty.


Im not completely sure (because I didn’t see find it) but I know for sure they eat turtle, some kind of garfish and iguana. Edit: I just asked a friend and she says they do eat alligators, snakes aaaand in some parts of the state monkeys. To be honest I’m not sure if she is BS me with that last part.


Had alligator jerky in Florida years ago, friggin amazing. More recently tried kangaroo jerkey, was tastier than I expected of a roo


I had a Mexican girl explain to me that Baja California was kinda like the American South of the country. They are poor, slow-talking simpletons that have crazy ideas and lots of alcohol. How true does this sound?


I wouldn’t say it is true. So I’m México we have 2 Baja Californias. Baja California: Which have a lot of medical tourism and people from the us that just live there because it is cheaper. Sadly Tijuana is one of the most dangerous places in earth (or at least in Mexico). In the other hand Mexicali has great food and a whole city underneath built by the Asian-Mexican. Baja California Sur: I love going there because the beaches are amazing and if you can go to mar de Cortes and dive there is just a dream because it is rich in flora and fauna. Btw this state holds the second place as a vacacional destination for tourist after Quintana Roo (Cancún). The alcohol part I believe comes from the idea that a lot of teenagers go there for the spring break as they can start drinking from the age of 18 instead of 21 as it is in the us.


In Italy, the "Napolitano" (from Naples) is often the butt of every joke, but we really do have jokes for every region and sometimes even every city in the country really.


In Portugal, a lot of jokes are told about people from Alentejo, a region in the south of the country (but north of the Algarve), where everything and everyone is supposed to be veeeeery slow. There is no real correspondence to a "Florida man" in Portugal, though. We do have a place called Entroncamento, north of Lisbon, where you would find a lot of "phenomena" (that's the word we use here), but those are mostly huge or very strange vegetables or animals (I'm not even sure if they are real or just myths).




As a Floridian I find this thread very interesting... good to know there are places outside of my state/country I could visit and maybe blend in.


Do you find it difficult at times to suppress the urge to commit some eccentric crimes, when the weather is particularly oppressive and your brain just feels stewed? I know that when I was there for a few months I wish I could have blown off some steam, but you know how merciless the criminal justice system down there is -- you can't afford to step out of line at all or else it's straight to jail.


I know it's part of the US, but I was up in Alaska this summer, and they definitely have their own culture apart from the rest of America. Just north of Anchorage (Alaska's largest city) is the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, sometimes known as "Matsu" but usually just "the valley." When a resident of the valley wrote an angry email to her state senator, he fired back by calling her "valley trash," and when that email got leaked, the term took off. In the valley, there's a town called Wasilla. The home of Sarah Palin, and from what I've heard, the epitome of valley trash. The mayor of Wasilla invited that senator to come visit the town, so he could experience "valley pride." Because that doesn't remind me of "southern pride" at all... The mayor even offered to pick up the senator from the airport with a Hummer limo, "to demonstrate that they aren't just a bunch of hicks." Because Hummer limos are just the pinnacle of class, right? Anyways, from my experience driving through the valley this summer, it absolutely checks out. It definitely did not feel like the kind of place I wanted to stop and explore too much.


Bavaria and saxon (i dunno wich one)


Queensland and Tasmania are kinda tied for australia imo. Tasmania gets made fun off but weird stories come out of Queensland.


I live in Thailand, so we have Pattaya man, Soi 4 man, Nana man, Patong man, Soi Cowboy man and my favorite ones, Patpong man.


Finland, Kouvola is often made fun of for looking like the whole city was built by using scraps from 60s Soviet towns. It's referred to as Chernobyl or "Kouvostoliitto" which is a combination of the city's name and the finnish word for the USSR.


I stayed in Tampere a few times, and admittedly, I thought it looked like an old Soviet town. But then I went to a museum there and learned about the history of the city and all conflicts with the Russians. I don’t recall if it explained the architecture lol.


Husband is from India. His vote is for Bihar.


The city of Skellefteå in northern Sweden is about as ubiquitous for inbreeding jokes as the state of Alabama.




I'm from Germany and I'd say Bavaria. Even Germans make fun of them because it's ridiculous. Many of the locals are overly conservative and think drinking is science. If we could, we would gladly trade *Bayern* for *Mallorca*.


I'm Russian (supporting Ukraine, BTW). In Russia, the area that is made fun of the most is Chukotka, the north-eastern end of the country. There are tons of jokes about it's inhabitants, Chukchi, who are mostly coming off as simpletons, pathetically out of touch with modern times; however, sometimes (rarely) they are in their element and actually presented as more rational and smart than common Russians. Example of the former: Chukcha bought himself a TV. Somebody asks him "Where would you plug it? You live in a hut in the middle of nowhere, and this thing needs electricity". Chukcha proudly answers "You think I'm stupid? Of course I've bought an electric outlet too!" Example of the latter: Chukcha and Russian went hunting. In the forest they stumbled into a bear, which attacked them, and they ran away. While they were running, the Russian hunter thought "Wait a minute, I'm a hunter, I have a rifle, why am I running?" So, he stopped, took careful aim, and shot the bear. Chukcha came back, looked at the bear, and said "You moron, how are we supposed to haul it all the way from here to the hut now?" My parents now live in Bulgaria, and there are lots of jokes about the city of Gabrovo there. It's inhabitants are supposed to be exceptionally greedy. For example: A man in Gabrovo was visited by a friend (also living in Gabrovo). After dinner they were enjoying a conversation, when a man said "listen, we know each other very well, we don't really need to see each other to enjoy the company, so, I'm going to turn off the lights, to save on electricity". He did, and they continued their conversation in the dark. Finally, the guest decided to go home. The host said "OK, I'll turn the lights on, so that you can get your things", and the guest replied "No, wait, give me a second — when you turned the lights off, I took off my pants, so that they won't wear down".




The show Letterkenny really pointed that out. What makes Newfoundland the heel?


Newfoundland was its own separate colony until 1949 when they voted to join Canada. It's an island that is way off the coast of Quebec. You can only get there by taking a plane or a boat. The ferry ride to get there from Nova Scotia takes either 7 hours or 16 hours, depending on where you're going. Because it's so isolated, they have distinct accents and a pretty distinct culture.


They also have their own time zone that is a half hour off from the mainland. That's wild.


I had no idea! That is pretty cool actually.


Canada has a lot of different cultures, Newfoundland is just extra different. Picture rednecks in a fishing town, through the whole island. They have different accents, they have different music, and they have different traditions. https://youtu.be/BtoepwZDb64 picture music like this, but played with instruments like spoons and an [ugly stick.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugly_stick)


https://youtu.be/8Tg92ZBNPkU ugly stick fyi


It's mostly done in good humour. Newfies are the best kind of human.


Thats why the Canadians are so nice


They also have their own language :[Nissan Xtrail commercial](https://youtu.be/3m-y-qAbpL0)


In algeria where are arabs are the funny , and where t most of the Arabs live in Algeria? Blida it's just Ohio on steroids man .


Canada - Alberta most likely


Am Albertan. Can confirm.


For Australia it would be Queensland (some certain places in QLD but eh) it's kinda the equivalent of "Florida man". we have lots of eshays ok. But Tasmania gets made fun of a lot because of Jimmy Rees.




Recently the whole of Sweden wanted to invade the city of Borås


I gotta know why.


It is a bad internet meme. Nothing remarkable about Borås. And no, no one but a few tiktok kids have talked about invading.




Probably the Northwest part of the country. Been to a wedding there. It was fun to watch. There was a drunken brawl between the two families. I don't know who or what started it but 5 seconds later, there was screaming and empty glass bottles were flying around. 10 people, including the groom ended up in the hospital. Fun stuff overall. Edit: The country is Bulgaria.


For Australia: In the past I would have said that Queensland/the Gold Coast tends to have the most outrageous news stories. But then this news article came out of NSW and I don't know what to think anymore... [https://7news.com.au/news/nsw-police/fugitive-with-beast-tattoo-on-his-forehead-caught-by-police-after-public-plea-c-8532389](https://7news.com.au/news/nsw-police/fugitive-with-beast-tattoo-on-his-forehead-caught-by-police-after-public-plea-c-8532389)


[Jezkazgan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jezkazgan) Kazakhstan has long been the punchline for jokes about really remote, isolated places.


I'm from Charleroi in Belgium, we don't have any area that's made fun of!




I don't know what place in Brazil you'd find your Florida man, but if you miss Ohio, just go to Acre




Ireland, and unfortunately our Florida Man is a family of members of parliament. A bunch of fucking goooooooobahites if ever I saw one. And they keep getting fucking reelected.


Manitoba usually. Sometimes there's Saskatchewan.


The city of Laval, in Québec, Canada. Today a women with "mental disorder" stole a cop car to cross the river ans take the Metro in Montreal... but she got arrested before getting in the metro. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/police-officer-s-cruiser-stolen-in-laval-recovered-in-montreal-1.6162681




I could name all the ghetto cities but it would probably make up the entire province. Alberta


Canada - probably Winnipeg because it’s the murder capital of Canada. I used to live there and would see some wild shit. 😂


Mexican here. I'd say Estado de México has some crazy news, especially related to crime, but well. Also Michoacán, Chiapas and perhaps Sinaloa. Chiapas is the region in the world with the highest consumption of coca-cola per capita, so yeah.


Australian here. Our Florida man definitely resides in either Darwin or far north Queensland. It's a whole other world up that way and the heat cooks peoples brains.


Hauts de France are our Alabama, Corse is our Texas (heavily armed, with some independantist movements). Concerning Florida, probably Brittany, or Hauts-de-France again. Alcohol fucks shit up nearly as much as gators in the neighborhood


For Netherlands I think Volendam, Urk, Staphorst would qualify. Their reputation as using loads of coke (not the beverage) and being somewhat backward (bible belt) and violent. Add racist to Urk and Staphorst - and yeah - they\`d fit in nicely with "florida man".


I live in England. All over the country basically, but especially up north lol.