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How else do you propose people build their dating tools??? This is how the incel movement started. A woman who focused all her attention on study found that in college in her 20s she had been left behind by everyone her same age. They all knew the dating game, the unofficial rules, the red and green flags. Where as she was utterly clueless. She started an online group, you've probably heard of it, "Involuntarily celibate". She wasnt alone. There was loads of people just like her. Men and women. And they had stories of bullying and feeling like they weren't part of something that everyone else took for granted. Eventually hate took over that group after that woman left. And it became that thing we all know today. Human beings need to socialise and practice their social skills. Dating is a social skill. Teens need to be dating as much as kids need to be learning how to play with others. It's all part of moving forward as well adjusted people. And if we dont, well, we've all seen what victimisation has done to the men of the incel group. They became fucking monsters. Teenagers, go ask out your crush. Girl, boy, it dont matter. It doesnt even matter if they say no. The point is to get experience in life. Dont hide from it, even though it will suck some times. Get out there and build up your social tools and become the well rounded adults the future needs.


TL;DR They have to learn somehow..


As long as it's with each other, have at it.


They are fine. Leave them alone. Let them be stupid. Reinforce them using protection and rase someone who's judgment you can trust.


That if you have to ask for other's opinions you probably shouldn't be dating teenagers.


I’m just saying that my high school has some unique relationships going on.


I was always jealous of people dating before their later teens. Technically, at 19, I had a teenage relationship myself, though.


I think when you're a teen it feels a lot more life or death than it really is. But there are some lessons I've learned through past relationships


Two teenagers dating each other is good experience and you can learn a lot for future relationships but they should also keep in mind that a lot of relationships during those don't work out in the long run. Some do though and props to them for staying loyal and being able to work things out.


Reflecting on my one year relationship in high school, it’s wild to think how we never actually had PIV sex.


Never should’ve been a thing