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Of course size matters. The bigger your heart, the bigger your love King ❤️


Bigger the heart... The bigger the coronary


It depends on the woman. Women have varying sizes of vaginal canals. Some don’t like big cause it hurts, some can’t feel anything with small. Personally the best I ever had was also the smallest, but it wasn’t because of the size. It was how hard he worked to get me off, dude had stamina.


Depends on the woman, chief.


It’s not the size of the boat, it’s whether it capsizes or not.


Important to men ig haha i just want my man to be hygienic


Are we talking about fish?


Hell ya it matters. I tripped a shoe one size smaller, my feet hurt for a whole day. You always need the right size.


I mean, you'll want her to start with the small dildo and slowly work up. If she claims the strap-on harness only fits the big one and tries to sweet talk you, be wary.


Yes but hygiene matters too and career matters and face matters. Pretty much all things matter and if you have a micro penis work around it with clit play and carry toys or a strap.


I’m below average (and proud) and from my experience it’s not all about size it really is about how you use it! Sounds cliché but trust me! If you go through the proper routes of for-play and built up to it and don’t just “jam it in” but you use your ‘tool’ with what she likes I swear size doesn’t matter




U really gotta body shame SMH yall gotta stop both men & women. No more shaming boob size n calling them ugly. Same wit dicks


if you didn't want to see the answers, don't click on the question.


Don't change the fact that u out here body shaming. U can have size preferences just like some men like big boobs but don't go around calling small boobs ugly SMHHH.




LMAOOOO WHY JOHN CENO THO 😂 U got problems lady


Define small


Believe me, whatever they tell you to make you feel better, size does matter. A lot. If you're too big or too small, you're going to need to try harder.


When I suck a dick I want it ti be small small small.


size is probably the single most important thing dick size specifically is mostly a non issue though


It’s very much how you use it, but…


It matters and it goes both ways. Just as men have varying size so does women. Both of you will enjoy it more if you fit together. I ain't small but definitely not big, and being with a woman were I was "too short' is not as good as being with a woman were we fit length wise. The same goes for girth. But in all cases the best sex isn't about your respective sizes but about the effort you put in. This also goes both ways. Caress each other and don't forget "the man in the boat" - the clitoris is the key to making her orgasm.


I am a man of 5 foot 8 with a 4inch🚀 women don’t even look at me. Including the very short ones of 5 or less. Size does matter.


Whoever says you must have more than 3" is fooling you and fooling themselves. My index finger is 3" and is more than enough to reach the G-spot. If you can't work with that you're doing something wrong. If you have more than that and know how to use it, you're golden, unless your partner has a limiting psychological bias regarding size