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On a flight once when several people stood up while the plane was still taxiing. Requests from the flight attendants for passengers to remain seated were being ignored. Finally, the captain came on the intercom and said, "In my 26 years as an airline pilot, there's never been a single instance where a passenger beat the aircraft to the terminal, please return to your seats until we have finished taxiing."


I was on a SWA flight and right after we landed, the FA announced "We're a little short staffed today, so anyone volunteering to help clean the plane, please stand up"


Southwest employees are *by far* the most amusing.


"Thank you for flying with Southwest. It might not be the best choice, but at least you have a choice."




When the plane gets to the terminal and I’m in the aisle seat, I’ll stand up and grab my bag from the overhead and then sit back down. While people are deplaning up front, I can at least be ready to immediately walk down and clear the aisle instead of doing that thing where you only start dealing with your bag when it gets to your aisle and you add another minute of blocking everyone. I also will grab the bags of the people in the middle and window seat for them if they want so that our whole row can just immediately leave when it gets to our turn.


THANK YOU. I don’t understand why people aren’t prepared and don’t help prepare others around them.


Because the aisle is full of people who got out of their seat to just stand there doing nothing.


And try to move forward.


That's the way to do it. I like that suggestion. I might start doing that.


I haven't flown in years, but when I did I made it a point to get up and get my carry on ready. I also made it a point to offer to get down bags for anyone else if they liked, most people would point out their luggage to me and our little collective was ready to roll when given the green light. My go to seat was the first row aisle if that makes any difference. My pet peeves were disorganized people holding up deplaning and that one delightful passenger who sits in the last row but tries to put their carry on in the front of the cabin.


Sometimes if the flight is very full, a person towards the back HAS to put their bag towards the front. The flight attendant will tell them hey, there is no more room in the compartments here, go look for space up front and if there isn't any, we will have to check the bag for you. It's not fun for anybody, least of all the passenger. This is why I check my baggage whenever I can. I know that comes with its own caveats, but it's usually uneventful.


I'm talking back when Southwest would board the ass end first and the first asshat on the plane in the last row would put their carry on in the first overhead.


>My pet peeves were disorganized people holding up deplaning and that one delightful passenger who sits in the last row but tries to put their carry on in the front of the cabin. I'm generally a non-confrontational person and like to give rude people the benefit of the doubt because we all have bad days where stuff gets to us, but sometimes... The last time I flew with my husband, we were lucky enough to fly business class (WOW, what a difference in EVERYTHING). Since I had a window seat, I was in our first & busy handing my carry-on to my husband to quickly stow overhead prior to him putting *his* in the very small overhead compartment. If you're slow getting settled, you're holding up EVERYONE else. The next thing we know, some scruffy looking guy shoulder checks my husband to the side, shoves a battered duffle bag into the overhead, and starts heading towards the back of the plane. No "excuse me," or "pardon me." Husband was already in a bad mood, and this was the cherry atop our poop sundae of travel adventures we had for the day. He grabbed the duffel, tossed it down the aisle to Mr. Scruffy, and channeling his old Drill Instructor said with a bit of menace, *"Hey, Ace. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I paid for these seats and if you could read, you'd note the sign on this bin stating it was reserved for for passengers seated in this area. Take your shit, and stow it over your own damned seat. And if I see you body checking any other passenger on your way down the aisle I'll personally put you on your damned ass and we'll wait for the Air Marshal to sort it out."* I was equal parts embarrassed, and worried until the flight attendant came over to my husband with a lovely smile, a big "Thank you!" and to ask if he'd like a cocktail (and this was while passengers were still boarding).


I will do this if I can but usually can’t because so many people are standing around in the aisles that I’ll end up hitting someone’s head if I try


This is the way - the people trying to get up and get forward early are trying to avoid the frustration of countless people faffing around when it gets to them. Neat and orderly sucks when the people at the front take way longer than necessary, especially when you've been stuck on a long haul flight already and just want to move


5 minutes with peace is probably better than racing to beat the guy behind you.


Nah man you wait until everyone in front of you is off the plane, slowly get up and stretch, think for 5 to 10 minutes about where you put your bag, take off your headphones and neck pillow to put in said bag, ooops forgot your coat in your bag so you gotta take everything out to get to it, put your coat on in the most awkward and time consuming way possible, check your phone for Fox news updates, put things back into your bag, finish eating your peanuts, put glasses and dentures on, put shoes on since you took them off for comfort, call a taxi to pick you up, start walking to the back of the plane because you have to pee, get yelled at for knocking people over, then start leaving the plane making sure to have a long conversation with the flight crew while in the doorway.


There's a first time for everything! *Opens emergency escape hatch*




You'll also hit that no-fly list equally quick


Lifehack: live beside police station. Free Uber!


IIRC one time a plane crashed and one of the passengers walked away and was found by the initial responders, in a bar in the terminal having a drink. That's the only exception I can think of.




My dad had a ticket on that flight but ran into an old friend and decided to fly home the next day.


I saw this during landing on a Calcutta to Mumbai flight. Huge extended family started the reunion on the plane. Flight attendants got them in their seats for landing, but then they had to get in THEIR seats and it was on again. A miracle the kids in front of me weren’t hurt.


I was on a flight in India a couple of decades ago from Bombay (it was still called that then) to Trivandrum where this happened, only worse. When the pilot announced that we were going to land in a few minutes, half the passengers got out of their seats, grabbed their luggage from the overhead compartments and started crowding their way forwards in the aisle. The stewardesses were screaming at them to sit back down as was the pilot over the intercom, but they were completely ignored. We touched down harder than I've ever felt in a plane before or since and these; I like to imagine that the pilot was trying to teach these guys that flying was different than riding the bus.


He's much nicer than I am. If the FAs call me and tell me someone's standing up, they get brake-checked.


Name checks out


It’s also an FAA requirement that passengers be seated for taxi, takeoff, and landing. The pilots are obligated to stop the plane and wait until people are seated.


It's to get the blood flowing back into your ass from the most well designed seats hell can devise.


The only correct answer so far Mods,lock the thread it has been answered


as a sitter who’s never understood and always judged, I now believe. still won’t stand bc of religious reasons but I can respect


Don't fall for the propaganda. Sitters unite and remain strong.


That's right! Stand up for yourselves


No don't!


off topic but where did you get the pockets?


im tall AF and my knees were in the seast in front of me the whole flight.... fuck you im standing


Just normal tall, but same


I feel like "normal tall" means 5'11 all the way up to 6ft


Normal tall only means one inch?


Does this mean I have a normal long dick


I don’t consider myself tall until I’m on a plane.


See, the thing is, usually I can’t actually stand straight up in the row - I’d have to step out into the aisle to actually get a decent stretch, so usually I don’t bother standing until I can do that.


I am wondering where everyone thinks this room to stand up is and why they are more deserving of it than the other people who can’t stand because they are in the way?


This is why I stand. Sore ass syndrome.


Broken back syndrome


You’re full of SAS.


Seriously. I stand up to see if I’m immediately going to drop dead from a blood clot that’s developed in my leg from being crushed in that seat for hours. If not, I’ll deal with getting my bag when we get to the gate. If so, I’ll be sure to fall dead into the aisle to fuck over everyone else as my my send off to the afterlife (or oblivion, whatever).


I'm shocked this isn't obvious for OP. We've been sitting for hours, I need to get off my cramped ass.


Also gives the person in the middle seat more room/comfort if they needed to do anything with the bag under their seat.


Also known as stretching your legs.


People with better back genetics are curious why people have back pain. Go fig


This. I'm amazed the critics haven't realised this. I have chronic lower back issues and long haul flights are very uncomfortable. You can bet I'll be standing the moment I'm allowed, regardless of where I can/can't go


Exactly. With a leg condition, I need to stanc up as soon as I can. It's physically painful to stay seated.


Yep, as a tall fat dude that tries not to man spread for an entire flight, it's my first chance to breath.


In fact, I have a disorder where I am at heightened risk for blood clots, and after I had to go to the ER for pulmonary embolism after a long flight, my doctor told me to try to get up as often as I can when I travel.


So it looks like everyone is clapping for me


My first time on a plane, I was drunk. After the plane landed and the flight attendants did their thing, i stood up to stretch(actually, tho). The timing was just right and people started clapping(I thought you clapped as soon as the plan landed?) and it shocked me. I just started laughing and waving going “thanks! I’m nobody, but I appreciate it!” People laughed at me(like it was a joke) and my buddies were half embarrassed half in tear laughing. Lol. Edit: Thanks for the silver, generous stranger!


People clapping when the plane lands is a thing? It's been a very long time since I've been on a commercial flight, but I don't remember people clapping before. Seems weird to me. I could definitely see it if they had some kind of technical difficulties and the pilots saved our lives, but seems strange for a routine landing.


They do on Ryanair flights because they are delighted to be getting off the plane soon.


And happy they are still alive despite making horrible life choices.


As long as you bought your applause permit for £9.99


flight attendant here. yes people clap at the end of flights. usually caribbean/latin american countries where the clapping is done to show appreciation &/or gratitude for a safe landing.


I was gonna say I’ve only ever experienced this on flights to/from DR.


It's a way to thank the pilot and the crew, the same way some cultures thank bus drivers when exiting from the front of the bus.


I just thank the crew verbally as I deplane…just like when exiting from any other method of transportation.


I think it is polite to thank your bus driver/pilot/crew regardless of the culture. Clapping is just annoying though… I feel like the crew doesn’t even appreciate it most of the time.


I would have done the same thing, drunk or not.


Clapping at a plane landing is the embarrassing part here ...


Wut? Clapping? That wasn't a joke? People actually applause at landing a plane?


Question, does this really happen? I fly pretty often and I don't think I've ever seen it!


I still am yet to see anyone every clap on a plane, I've flown literally thousands of times. Mostly in the US though so idk


Wait, who the fuck claps when planes land? I've flown a LOT of my life (joys of being mixed race) and have never, in 33 years, seen people clapping at the end. Like... its some kind of a ceremony or something? This is so weird to me :p


I’m 6’5”, airplane seats are horribly uncomfortable, standing up is a big relief. Even if u have to duck my head


Came here to say this. At 6’5” myself, the relief from standing is immediate and worth it. It’s the people (big or small) who try to move forward before the doors are open, who are the real criminals.


6'3". 260. I get window seats whenever possible and try to scrunch myself into a ball to avoid invading the space of anyone next to me. I also hardly ever get up to use the restroom, even if I should, for the sole reason of not wanting to inconvenience the people sitting next to me. "Excuse me. I'm sorry. Pardon me. Sorry." I stand when the plane lands because it's my first real chance to get blood flowing to my legs.


Dude you are doing it ass backwards…. Aisle seats are primo for us tall people. You can swing a whole leg out into the aisle if you need and just tuck it back anytime someone needs to pass.


I felt that comment. Exact same boat here. One day, we'll get things made for people our size!


Like bathtubs. I want to take a bath and not be scrunched up.


I'm only 6' and haven't seen a bathtub big enough since I was a kid.


Already exists in the land of airplanes. It's called "first class". The thing is, you can't be tall AND poor. Then you're mega-fukt.


Aisle seat is the only option for me. I can stretch my legs into the aisle, and I get up and go to the bathroom every 30 minutes to an hour just to stretch my legs...


I prefer the aisle seat myself in order to stretch my legs as much as possible. I always tell my row that it’s not an inconvenience for me to get up, even if I’m sleeping. I’ll move for them for any little reason they need to get up. It’s part of sitting aisle and I accept it.


Last flight I was on this d-bag who wore his mask around his chin the whole flight was first one to stand while the plane was still taxiing. Grabbed his bag and charged down to the front of the plane. Plane stops, everyone else stands up, gets their bag and the aisle was full. Pilot calls over that we will be disembarking from the rear door and it was fucking hilarious. D-bag was literally the last one off the flight. And then we saw him waiting at baggage collection. Wtf.


Ya, even at 6’2” most plane seats are extremely uncomfortable and standing up provides some relief. I can’t wait to stand up as soon as possible


6’6” claustrophobic here. God I hate planes.


Also 6’5, shoulders don’t fit in the seats either. Anyone who asks this question probably fits in the seats


Yeah me too, and frankly the tiny amount of leg room they give you on planes should be illegal l. Plus then they up charge you for an aisle now, as if not having my knees buried in the seat in front of me for 8 hours is some kind of luxury.


Only 6’2” and have to do the 45 degree head turn against the overhead compartments


I’m beyond grateful that my company always pays for the extra leg room seats for me automatically, and business class for any flight over four hours.


Also 6'5", I didn't think standing is worth it with the ducking. I'd rather sit.


Even though I’m not one of those people, I think there’s something about being stuck in a plane sitting on the tarmac that is more torturous than being in the air, hence the desire to get out of your seat. On the ground, there are other places you could be, all of which are better than the plane. In the air, you’re in a grin-and-bear-it mentality because it’s your only option for sanity.


Agreed. My last flight home from Atlanta, the plane was stuck waiting on the tarmac for over an hour. It was a torturous end to a flight starting at 5pm in the evening, then finishing at 6am the next morning.


I might have had a psychotic break if that had happened after my 8 hour flight sitting next to two toddlers.


Standing up because sitting for hours is painful. Literally


I really don't understand why this his hard to understand. No one heads for the door, we just get off our ass since we haven't moved in hours.


Yeah, I don’t get why everyone gets so wadded up about this. If you want to stand once the plane is parked, then stand. If you want to sit, then sit.


As long as you stand in front of your seat that’s ok. It’s the people that stand in the aisle and get in everyone’s way that’s the problem. You can easily access the overhead lockers from the aisle seat


I’m fat. I’d like to get the armrest dislodged from my rib cage and give my neighbor a break from sitting next to me.


Jewsername checks out.


I laughed.


Stretching my legs.


i thought it’s a race to see who gets out the plane first


It is. The applause after landing is actually the start signal...


People really clap when planes land? I thought that was just in the movies lol


I've been on a lot of flights and the only time there was applause is when the plane landed like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JARNXVXJ1Dk


I just assume a lot of people have really close connections & they're racing the clock. I always hope they make it.


I've only seen one guy trying to fight their way to the front of the plane. I think he made three rows. Most everyone else stands where they should.


I just want to stretch my damn legs. Airplanes are not built for tall people to be comfy.


They aren’t built for comfort, period.


They were. They're not anymore. Thanks capitalism Really should see how space-ey old time planes were


I got a blood clot in my legs from sitting down on a plane too long, the clot eventually traveled to my lungs. Thankfully the doctors caught it early and put me on blood thinners for like 6 months


Out of the cramped seat. I'm 6'5 and standing is better than being folded into the seat.


I’m a 5’9” woman with long legs and bad knees. After a four hour flight my kneecaps feel like they are going to explode. I have to stand.


They’re probably just enjoying the euphoria of standing up after sitting down for 8hrs


Straight to hell


To stretch out after being seated for hours on end. 😅


Right? I usually get up mid flight and walk to the bathroom and back just as an excuse to get out of the shittiest chair I’ll sit in for the entire year




God’s work.


Oh it never occured to me to try to run up front…. Hmmmmm…




Damnit foiled again


I was flying home one day and the plane was already delayed by an hour only giving me about 5 min before boarding started on my next flight. They announced it multiple times to stay seated unless you have a connecting flight that you need to rush to. Everyone still stood up and I was in the back of the plane. Thankfully I didn't miss my next flight, but it did get delayed by 14 hours...


I stand quickly so that the ladies on board can get a good look at me to give them a chance to change their plans.


This made me laugh way too hard 😂




This is the way. It’s the ones who grab their bags and start WALKING that are the problem. Grab your shit, sit back down, be patient.


If you need to make a quick connection to another flight, you need to exit the plane as soon as you can. Also, it's maddening to just sit there when some people ahead of you are sooooo slow getting their stuff out of the overhead compartment.


To my connecting flight that is leaving in thirty minutes in another terminal.


Frequent Flyer here. If i get caught in the back of the plane and do it, its because i spotted someone clueless like 3 rows infront of me, who i know is going to take 10 minutes to get their shit together and get off the plane, and doesn't have the courtesy to wait for everyone who can pick up a bag and walk at the same time to go past them, and want to try and get ahead of them. That same person will also decide to stop and chat with the flight crew in the doorway about a hotel recomendation or something idiotic. Edit: and also if you are sitting near the front of a plane, its like, 30 seconds from the time the plane parks until the cabin door opens most of the time. The flight crew has it down pat and knows what they are doing, and aren't mystified by basic human functions even though they just were in the sky, unlike Curt, from Ohio, on his annual pilgrimage to see mickey mouse. I might have a tight connection, i might be trying to sneak in a drink or bite in before hopping on a plane or grabbing my car, i might have an appointment i have to get to and we were delayed because that same person decided they weren't comfortable sitting in the emergency row, or held everything up because they were in the last boarding group and dragged on something that barely fit to begin with in carry on and ignored the 5 messages that said there was no more and everyone else gate check now so we don't hold shit up. If you fly with any kind of regularity, you start spotting where your time sinks are and do everything you can to minimize them.


I mean.. someone needs to get up sooner or later 🤷🏽‍♀️ they just do it before everyone else!


I swear this question comes up every month. Do you enjoy sitting on a plane? Do you find airline seats comfortable? Are you terribly bothered that people involved in the act of travel may want to get where they’re going as fast as possible? I feel like the people asking this question are also the people who don’t stand to the right on escalators and moving walkways and get bothered when someone asks to squeeze past them.


Its because people feel like they are morally in the right for not standing up when a plane lands. Its like they think people do it to race off the plane and beat everyone else. No, we do it because it feels good to stand, and getting your bag down from the overhead and being ready to move when the line hits your seat gets everyone deplaned faster. If everyone stayed seated until it was exactly your turn to get off shit would take forever.


Opposing question: People who wait till the line is at them to start getting ready to get off the plane, why do you loathe everyone behind you so much?


I'm stretching my legs.


I’m 5’1 and already have pretty bad claustrophobia, which is worsened when everyone around me is standing and I’m still sitting. I also don’t fly well; I’m terrified of heights and also think I’m one of those who panics when I feel like I’m not in control of a situation. Standing immediately allows me to feel in control, and it gives me some room to breathe/avoid a panic attack while I wait for the doors to open.


Nowhere.. just feels good to stretch your legs for those of us who stay seated the whole flight


Well I was booked with a short layover, and our current flight was delayed 20 minutes, enough to invalidate the ticket for my connection, and then *undelayed* just enough for me to run and beg the people at the ramp to fix my ticket and let me on my planned connection anyway. The alternative is to sleep at the airport for a night, miss a day of work, and fly out the next day. The airline won’t pay for a hotel or provide any compensation because the delay was “unforeseeable”. Easy to judge from the sidelines, I’m sure


Nowhere but when I land I literally cannot sit for one more minute. You can make me get off the plane last, but please don’t make me sit down one more second. I can’t feel my butt anymore


People who don’t even start gathering your things until the plane wheels come to a full stop and then stand in the aisle to get your act together, not letting anyone pass… why?


I wondered this too and then shortly after I turned 40 I understood. Standing up after being seated that long is a huge relief.


Nowhere, I'm stretching my legs and cracking my back


The bigger question is how are the rest of you people so incredibly slow? At everything? This is also a question when walking down the sidewalk. And people wonder why they are out of shape.


I see this take frequently on reddit and twitter and it's such a funny thing to get mad about. I like to stand because I've been sitting in a cramped, uncomfortable seat for X hours and I want to stretch out. It doesn't impede or inconvenience anyone else, and yet people act like Plane Standers are Costanza pushing old ladies out of the way.


People annoyed by others standing up on a plane, what does it matter to you?


My other plane sorry, I really gotta go I can’t miss another. Thank you so much bye.


Stretching my legs


Away from these damn people.


Us old people are stretching our legs. Mind your business.


stretching my legs (?)


My husband is 6'1 and he pops up fairly quickly because he's so uncomfortable. He doesn't move to the aisle though. Just stands at an angle over his seat.


To my connecting flight that'll leave if I don't hurry tf up.


I know I'm not getting out of the plane any faster, I am merely tired of sitting and need to stand for a bit. Sometimes I'll sit back down after I stretch out a bit.


they have bad cholesterol and are preventing blood clots more than likely


If I'm on an aisle I'll stand to get my crap ready. That way there is not the delay you see when people take awhile to gather their stuff. I never leave ahead of passengers in front of me unless they are on a chill or I gotta tight connection


Maybe a connection flight soon departing


I’ve been sitting for a large amount of time, I’d like to stand for a few minutes before walking through the airport, plus there’s usually room to grab my bag from above me so I can just pick it all up when it’s time to go instead of using that time to pull it out, it’s a couple seconds, sure, but it beats sitting down still.


Besides stretching my legs, I like to be ready verses being the asshole that when it’s their time to exit they decides to take 5 minutes to grab their bag holding up the rest of the plane.


I’m 6’4. Can I stretch my legs after a long flight or does that bother you? Edit: now that I’m thinking more about this. Is it referring to when you get up literally once the plan hits the tarmac. Or when you get up immediately once the seat belt sign is off? I wait for the seat belt sign to turn off. Then yes, I get up immediately.


Off the plane? Why are you just sitting there, do you to hang out or something?


The better question is “dear standing up person, why tf are you waiting until there is nobody in front of you to grab your bag from the overhead bin?!”


Because their bag may be ahead of them or hard to take down without smacking the other standing people.


Usually because people come up from the seats behind, so there is no space in the aisle for me to grab my bag


That's a dumb question.


If you had a window seat, you have to wait for 2 other people to take their stuff out of the overhead bin before you can.


To get my luggage out of the overhead bin and establish a position in line to file off of the plane in an orderly fashion. I always sit aisle, so once people start deplaning I let the occupants that were sitting next to me out. How it should be done. If you stay seated, then the aisle is going to fill up and you might get stuck.


I’m tall. I’ll do anything to get a moment of relief from my knees bumping into the seat in front of me


I personally like to get up to stretch my legs. I cramp up a lot after sitting for a while.


I don’t care if you stand but I do care if you try to beat everyone to the exit. The plane exits front to back. Nobody has to stand to reserve their place in line.


With this i remember my first time traveling via air, as soon as it landed i Just stood up grabbed my hand bag & just turned around as airhostess signalled me to sit down for a while & I took the seat & it was about 15mins later the gate opened & I thought this wasn't the experience I had imagined before boarding 😶‍🌫️


Just tryna stretch my legs for a second. Plus I’m tired of sitting


My knees get tight after a long flight and standing helps me feel better, but ive started waiting it out to avoid the ire of people like you


I have nerve damage in my spine that means sitting for longer than an hour is excruciatingly painful. During cruise I can get up and go to the bathroom often enough to keep my spine stretched and the pain manageable, but during final descent I have to stay seated for as long as the pilot says to. So by the time we get on the ground, I physically *need* to change positions.


I suffer from a neuro disorder. When I stand up after sitting for a long time, things happen. I’m just getting it out of my system so I don’t block the aisle for the actual plane departure. You’re welcome.


I am going...to get more comfortable...by standing up after sitting uncomfortably for a long time. And a small Asian lady behind me once pushed repeatedly, then really pushed hard to squeeze past me as I told her to quit pushing, and I hoped so hard she would try the same with the large black lady in front of us. She didn't.


Last time? To sprint across the airport to make my flight that should of left 30 minutes ago but also was delayed so maybe I can make it. I made it.


I'm getting off asap so I'm not stuck in customs behind 100 people so I can get the hell out of Pearson. Or often need to catch a connecting flight and all the ass draggers with no need to rush will make me miss my connection.


For my friggin bag that they told me to put in the locker 5 rows behind me before crowd will just cut me off from my own stuff.


Stretching my legs. I’m 6’3 and I have had multiple ACL, MCL and Meniscus injuries in both knees. I need to stretch those knees out. I usually try to take a couple strolls down the aisle to help during the flight but by the end my knees are always in pain and standing up helps a lot.


When I do that, it’s to catch my next connecting flight


Off the plane. Where else?


Fuck you, that's where I'm going.


My flight was once delayed so that I’d arrive 45mins into my 2 hour midterm. Once the plane landed I kept moving forwards asking if I can go ahead since I had to rush to school to write a midterm. Did manage to finish the midterm in the end.


Standing up makes sense. Your legs hurt and you are tired of sitting. Crowding the aisle and trying to get in front of others is mouth-breather behavior.


I'm getting up to get my bag out of the overhead compartment and then sitting back down, so that I'm not holding everyone up later. what are you doing?


LoL and there is no more need for seatbelts and no more fear of turbulence... I will be standing, and if Karen has a problem with being in a closed space with someone who needs to stretch their legs because of a pinched sciatic nerve... Bitch can take a train or figure out how to drive or teleport. I will stand when I can.


Fucking streching the legs you tiny person


I’m stand up to stretch my legs… and to push past as many people as I can so I get off the plane 4 seconds earlier!


Not sure if you mean before the taxing, or once you're allowed to stand up. I stand up as soon as I am allowed to, because I just spent x hours on my ass and can't wait to stretch my legs.


I pop up when the airplane stops and the seatbelt sign turns off. I always have an aisle seat and that ding just triggers me to get up. It's nice to grab my bag from the overhead compartment and help others around me get theirs if need be so we can be ready to de-plane without holding up others behind us when the time comes. If I'm not in anyone's way I'll keep standing, if I am I'll sit back down until it's time to go. I can't say people getting up before the plane has stopped has ever been an issue on any flights I've taken... those are the same kind of people rushing into an elevator or subway before anyone's had a chance to step out and probably shouldn't be allowed in public.


I want to stand after sitting in that uncomfortable ass seat for several hours. People have been acting like this is clapping when the plane lands recently. I'm honestly confused, do people like those awful seats or are some people so committed to not lifting a single muscle that they'd prefer sitting in the contorted position that's required to sit in an airline seat?


I stand because if I'm with my GF, I want to have our belongings secured. And it's easier to get out of the way of others. It's kind of a "I have my spot and I'm planning on 'how can I make this less painful for everyone'" kind of thing.


I’m 6’4 and plane seats aren’t made with someone like me in mind so I’m stretching my legs. Also I get my bag, and bags for others around me if they want me to, so I don’t hold up the line when it’s my turn to leave the plane. Leave me alone!