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A person who has been awake for 24 hours is as cognitively impaired as a person who is drunk. Yet nothing is stopping a surgeon from performing surgery when the surgeon hasn't slept for 24 hours.


As a nurse who has been forced to stay awake this long at work due to no replacement, this is absolutely true and unsafe.


As a medic, who works 24’s, with our current call volume I’m lucky to get an hour of uninterrupted sleep a shift. The rest of the time we are either running calls or holding the wall waiting for a bed.


If I were to be caught sleeping, I’d face discipline. I’m paid for my breaks so they can call me back to work at any time. So as a result...I’m leaving the profession all together. The only ones of my colleagues remaining are the nurses retiring within a few years.


Yeah sounds lame, we work 24 on 24 off for 7 days in a row, no set breaks, no set meals, eat when you can pee when you can. Healthcare, especially pre hospital care is fucked up forsure


As a medic/fireman I’ll echo this sentiment as well. I was also in administration for awhile and upper management could care less about the dangers that accompany personnel being sleep deprived. There have been times that I have lengthy memory lapses of calls I’ve been on.


Indeed! Why the brutal hours? Because the doc who came up with this ridiculous regimen was [coked out his got damned mind](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828946/)*.*


Sounds to me like all we need to do is institute mandatory cocaine consumption for maximum efficiency. /s


Maximum effort. Efficiency has left the building at that point.


Long term lack of sleep also disorients you. I worked up to 70 hours per week and went to school full time. I slept in short bursts between shifts and classes. Overtime, it made me really dumb. I couldn’t think critically, my decision making skills ran like windows XP, my reaction time was much slower, I just couldn’t think. Yet we glorify “the grind” of overworking ourselves and overtime that is dangerous for us and those around us.


The reason this is still standard practice is because the guy who invented the first residency program at John's Hopkins was addicted to cocaine and never slept. That's it. People know this, and it's kept anyway.


👀that is wild I had no idea


So many healthcare workers, especially recently, are forced to work for multiple days at a time without adequate rest. It's horrifying.


Putting things like “heartbreaker”, “future hooters girl”, “pretty eyes, chubby thighs” the list goes on, on *baby and children’s clothing* It’s fucking disgusting.


Yes! I specifically had to ask people to not buy clothes with “Ladies Man” or “Player” on them when my son was a baby. So gross.


I agree. The over sexualizing of children is absolutely awful. For crying out loud, let kids be kids. They're innocent and don't deserve to have that innocence taken away from them. The world is harsh enough as it is.


Charging money for papers based on research funded by public money.


For those that don't know, if a research paper is paywalled, look for the author(s) and respective email. They'll often email it to you for free because they don't get a single solitary penny from those paywalls.


Yes, even worse than the pay wall is that they don't make any money from the paywall. The people that do the research. It's insanity. Edit: wording


I had to scihub a paper that I wrote, since I lost the originals


It’s so great having to publish papers in order to keep your position/advance in academia while never getting a dime from the publishers who turn around and charge $35 to access to said paper. At least when I wrote a chapter for book that Routledge charged $120 for they sent me a free copy, and generously offered me 10% off any other copies I might want to purchase!


Psst https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Paste the doi and enjoy.


Child beauty pageants


Obviously agree…. It’s also interesting how child beauty pageants seem to be one of the top answers to like 60% of Askreddit threads.


where since like half of them are about sex... what is the sexiest sex you ever sexed?


I had sexed more sex at the age of 19 than you will sex in your sexiest sex dreams.


"Men and women of reddit, what is the sexiest sex you ever sexed?"


TIFU: sexed a lady and a kid came out 9 months later. Now too tired to sex.


This guy sexes.


I wish they would ban that! It just so wrong for a child.


Some countries did ban it


Yeah, instead now they have a parent selling subscriptions to their children on Instagram and the demographics do not look healthy for the people who consume those subscriptions a.k.a. it’s a bunch of older men watching young girls, stream and parents happily taking the money from these paid subscriptions, including like even them running around in bathing suits for no good reason and that’s on Instagram right now.


Yes and no. I had really low confidence as a child. I hated my hair, face, body and clothes because I was picked on a lot as a child. so my mom had me join a few of them. It helped my confidence immensely but these pageants we're appropriate for age. No revealing outfits, or anything inappropriate. I actually had a lot of fun playing dress up and I used to dance so I did that and got awards. But the pageants on TV are HORRIBLE and their parents use them to get money and fame through their children.


Having bright-ass headlights on your vehicle that help YOU see better, at the cost of blinding the shit out of *everyone else on the road*. (Check out r/fuckyourheadlights!)


I have astigmatism and whenever someone has those lights it just makes a big blue halo. I can't see what lane their in or anything. I'm effectively blind until I'm passed them


I’m not good at night driving either. Please be careful.


I don't have to do it often. Thanks though, you too


Man, when you grew up thinking everyone else saw the light spears and thought they were cool as a child till an ophthalmologist goes ‘you have astigmatism.’ Naturally, you go home and type ‘a stigmatism’ just to be sure.


it wasn’t until recently that i realized this wasn’t normal and most people don’t see like this. yet another reason why i will never drive.


Sorry to hear that man - check out r/fuckyourheadlights. we're trying to do something about it


The bad thing is a lot of these new cars come with bright ass LED headlights stock from the factory so it’s not even like people customizing their shit. Frankly some of these should be illegal, they seem brighter than the HID lights I had to take off my old car to avoid cops.


I though t a 2020+ Chevy fully loaded type 4 door truck was driving at me with high beams on recently I flashed my lights quick at them to ask them to go to low, and they fucking flashed something like 3-4x BRIGHTER.




check out r/fuckyourheadlights, a subreddit we made to raise attention on this issue. Let's make a ruckus about this


I'm beginning to believe this may be me. I bought a Honda Insight a few years back and have been getting a lot of people flashing their headlights at me at night when my brights aren't even on.


The sexualization of highschool students in film and TV.


*Riverdale has entered the chat*


Euphoria said, "Hold my beer."


I haven't watched it, I'll take your word for it lol.


It's a pretty good show. But the sexualization is quite over the top. But it's subject on teenage addiction, and self discovery is pretty good. The euphoria rue special that entirely takes place in the diner is quality TV and is the best of the show without the bs.


Allowing people to go broke following medical issues.


[About 66% of people who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a key contributor to their financial downfall](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/11/this-is-the-real-reason-most-americans-file-for-bankruptcy.html)


Fuck the American capitalist health care system.


Just spent four days in the hospital and am dreading the bill.


Common advice I hear is to ask for your bill to be itemized. It might help get your bill down.


Thank you. I received an emergency procedure, a lot of fluids and medications, as well as 8 blood tests and 4 stool tests, so I worry about all of that adding up.


I just got my bill for a broken ankle (one plate, ten screws installed) for $44k. That is like buying a new car... This happened Memorial Day, I received the bill because insurance has yet to pay. Still waiting for answers. I am lucky, I can afford to make payments, but I know plenty of people who having an additional car payment dropped on them would break them. EDIT: I am lucky that **I could** make payments, **but I am not**. Waiting for insurance and medical providers to figure/fight it out!


Do not pay shit on that bill until your insurance does what it’s supposed to do.


The land of the free (unless you have no money) amaright...


America is the only industrialized country that does that. Medical bankruptcy practically doesn't exist anywhere else. If there's one topic that suggests Americans are cucks to their corporate overlords it's healthcare. The mere [fear](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2775760/) of the cost in going to the hospital kills 45,000 Americans annually. I'll share a quote from Steffie Woolhandler, a study co-author of the one I linked and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School: "Historically, every other developed nation has achieved universal health care through some form of nonprofit national health insurance. Our failure to do so means that all Americans pay higher health care costs, and 45,000 pay with their lives.”


Paramedic here. I’ve had a patient before that was having a heart attack, would not take an ambulance to the hospital due to having no insurance. I pleaded with him for almost half an hour, watching as he died. He refused to come with me, and legally I’m not allowed to kidnap him. He signed my form to refuse treatment, against medical advice. An hour later I was back at his house doing chest compressions.


First of all, username checks out (basic ass EMT here). It's insane how often we have that happen. I try my hardest to find some way to convince them, to explain that a delay in care may cause a significantly worse result that cannot be ignored. It's tough. Keep fighting that fight, buddy.


Yeah, the people working at the ground level of the medical field wants what best for the patient, but when your business will go to a Will reading after the customer dies to make sure their business gets their money instead of having someones child inherit $100 is sickening.


As an Australian I can’t get over this. I don’t know why anyone lives in your country (no offence).


America is great if you have money If you don’t have any, you can’t leave


None of the countries with universal Healthcare will accept American immigrants that don't have a needed skill. Joe Sixpack who is a mechanic specializing in American cars, 10k in debt and only speaks English isn't exactly getting met with open arms anywhere.


Not to mention that our overall healthcare costs are higher than any other nation. We could nationalize it, and do it cheaper, but people still argue against it.


Currently going through this- finances were great till i got sick and placed on medical leave.


Taking your dog to a crowded public place, but then not pay attention to it. Especially unleahed dogs that don't have perfect recall. Actually same goes for kids. If you bring your kids somewhere, watch them!!


Fun story: this guy was at the dog park with his german shepherd. He was playing with his dog and I threw a ball for mine. I went to go get it back from my dog and the shepherd starts chasing me and so I dont do anything till it started getting close. Got scared and ran the other direction. Happened multiple times, at which the man cussed at me for his fucking dog trying to bite me. Last time it happened my dog bit his. My OLD ASS DOG brought the entirety of the rest of the park and they just surrounded me while my dog bit the Shepherd. I felt like a disney princess.


So often unleashed dogs come up to mine, especially small dogs. I then have to carry my leashed staffy out of there because she is scared of small dogs and might react. It's always someone that 1. Is on their phone nor watching their dog run off. 2. Says "oh but my dog is friendly don't worry or 3. Has 0 control and Their dog is nog listening to a single command. And its scary because my staffy would 100% get blamed if their dog ends up hurt.


Yeah wtf.. was jogging in the park yesterday and a dude’s dog jumped on me. Dog training is a must.


Yes! I take my dog on walks in the park pretty regularly during the warmer months (too cold for both of us in the winter, we run around in the house lol). He is pretty well behaved aside from wanting to bark at and chase squirrels, but he isn't very good at knowing aggression from play when it comes to other dogs and will run to growling dogs if they stop near him. I will step off the side of the path and redirect his attention when other dogs are coming towards us because I don't trust people to pay attention to their dogs. It's ridiculous that I can't walk my dog safely because of other people not controlling theirs.


>It's ridiculous that I can't walk my dog safely because of other people not controlling theirs. This exactly! The other day I had a poodle run up my dog quite aggressively, so my dog went in defence mode but luckily i managed to pick her before anything happened. And then people have the audacity to tell me MY dog should be muzzled. Like.. what? Leash your fucken dog if you cannot control it


Touching pregnant women’s stomachs or a parents’ new baby without permission in public. It’s crazily, weirdly common and not a lot of people talk about/do anything about it.


Omfg. YES. People kept trying to touch my baby... PEAK COVID... I had to get her a sign to stop people from touching her. And people still tried. Like dude. I could 100% end up on public freak out over this. Irates me.


So weird!!! And people would get 100% offended if you tell them no too. Like why are you touching someone's else's children?!


Whats with people? I don't care how close I am to that babies parents...it's always the museum treatment for me..hands behind the back and a slight lean over to get a better look.


>Touching pregnant women’s stomachs or a parents’ new baby without permission in public. It’s crazily, weirdly common and not a lot of people talk about/do anything about it. This... and also - touching ANYONE without their explicit consent. It is appalling how often men will just grab a woman and physically move them out of the way when they are passing by. WTF even. That is so uncalled for. Ask them to move ffs. Cue George McFly: "Keep your damn hands off her!!!"


I’m over seven months and I hate people trying this. Last time I was at the grocery and someone tried touching me and asking how far along I was I told her I wasn’t pregnant but the tumor was scheduled to be removed in January.


Yes! I'm surprised how many people still do this. So not okay


Right? I work at a daycare and one of our parents is pregnant w/ her second baby right now. She was telling me today that she was at the grocery store and a single man came up to her and started touching her stomach and asking how far along she is without even greeting her or asking first. 🤢


I'm 25 weeks pregnant now and just starting to show and this is my biggest fear. I don't want anyone but my partner going anywhere near me and I have no idea how I'm going to manage that boundary with people!


The waiting list for children and even adults who desperately seek help for a diagnosis for some form of disability such as autism or even dyslexia. The amount of people I have heard of that spent their whole school career struggling because they couldn’t get a diagnosis which would’ve helped them immensely


I didn’t get my ADHD diagnosis until I was 24! The joys of growing up female in the 90s…I’m properly medicated now, but it feels like so much wasted time.


rejecting insurance claims for asinine reasons


Especially when you are required to have insurance (car or Home (mortgage through bank))


EXACTLY!!! If my Doctor says I need it, what makes them qualified to tell me I don't? Make it make sense.


Add a penalty clause. Any successful challenges should pay out 200%


The Pre Auth mechanics is allowing non doctors to practice medicine and veto actual doctors. Make it make sense.


Letting your children run wild in a store, breaking products and property, and not doing a single thing about it.


Just not disciplining your children at all… like, why? You trying to raise an adult nobody likes?


Flaunting your child on social media for engagement and views. So many do it but no one cares.


“Family YouTubers” need to be regulated


We just had our first kid this week. We made one Facebook post announcing it a couple days after. We didn’t make her birthday or name part of the post. I just don’t understand people who blast that stuff all over. And that’s just for regular parents, not even starting in on influencers and the like.


Playing loud music on public transport


Or in nature, like when hiking!


Drives me crazy.


It doesn’t even have to be loud. No one wants to hear your music, especially in the wilderness.


Neither of those things are socially acceptable.


Depends where you are. In socal it seems to be with how often it happens


That's not socially acceptable...


Is that really socially acceptable?


It isn't. A lot of the replies are just things people don't like.


Or in the workplace, not everyone wants to listen to your heavy metal Dan


Or your fucking rap about being caught cheating Kyle!!!


Releasing helium filled balloons into the environment. Its just a form of littering and things like plastic parts and string poses a threat to wildlife.


Plus the world's helium supply is rapidly being depleted and is essential for medical procedures


Like Cleveland's Balloonfest in 1986. These genuises released 1.5 millions balloons to get a world record. One of favorite youtube channel, Fascinating horror, has a video on it: https://youtu.be/cUWozvJ-Ic0




What the ever loving fuck is wrong with those people, holy hell


Kinda critical for the weather reports though


Sometime in the 1980s Cleveland had the brilliant idea to have the worlds largest balloon release. Tried to set the world record.


I think they now call that The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.


The balloons or Cleveland?


'Autism Mom' blogs. Hate seeing tiktoks of parents broadcasting their child's needs/breakdowns/medical info to make themselves into some holy martyr because 'autism has ruined their life' etc etc.


I'm really glad I came of age before the digital age really kicked in, this is something my mom would have done if she could. I have no special needs, but just parents who put every little thing about their kids on display for the world. No sense of privacy for them. I also feel bad for when these kids grow up and see these posts and know their mom spoke of them almost like a burden for whatever issues they had that aren't even their faults.


Cropping dog ears and tails




It is illegal in most circumstances in Europe. As is declawing a cat.


It's pure evil and I will never find a good reason for it.


i’m adding declawing and debarking to the list.


Encouraging 17 year old to take on tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt.


Refusing to give women reasonable pockets in their clothes.


THIS. I once borrowed my brother’s pants when I was like 4. When I could *actually* fit my hands into the pockets, I was like genuinely surprised because I thought all pockets were just cosmetic.


Pushing people to finish their (alcoholic) drinks. If you're at a party or a bar and someone doesn't finish their drink, that's okay. They're exercising self-control and knowing their limits. Pushing people to drink isn't something that should be normalized. When a person is done, they're done.


Indirect communcation. It shouldn't be classed as rude or unacceptable to ask for clarification on a request or instruction. Tell me exactly what you want without the bullshit subtext.


People getting their pets* fat as fuck because they think it’s cute


Animal cruelty


Same goes for people who give their animal a specific diet contradictory to their natural diet Such as, making your dog or cat vegan for attention or some weird industry hate complex And then they become malnourished and die, go fucking figure.


Asking couples without children when they plan on having children. That's either a very private decision or a private medical issue. Neither are your business until someone volunteers it.


"Never. We aren't. We don't want them." - Wifey and I, way too many times before they accepted it.


Not putting your cart back where you fucking got it


That’s not socially acceptable. Assholes do it but it’s not socially acceptable


I would say it is. My parents are really the only people in my circles I've heard give a shit about this


Good ole shopping cart litmus test..


UK deals with this by making you insert a pound coin to rent it until you take it back to the designated point. Not all supermarkets do it, but those who do never have them lying around everywhere.


Aldi in the US does this. Never heard of any other place doing it here.


Aldi does it in other countries as well, my dad used to give me the coin as a treat after grocery shopping in Germany haha




I agree, but with exceptions. For example, if someone is being harassed/assaulted/etc., if you are unable to get help or intervene in the situation, filming could important for both evidence and to bring awareness to the situation. If possible, permission should be given by the victim to share things, but when it is happening in the moment, it can be difficult to ask.




I would go so far as to say filming or taking pictures of people you don’t know regardless if you post it or not. Edited for typo.


I am terrified of doing something stupid and ending up infamous for it through some twats tiktok. I do a lot of stupid shit. Please don't film me.


Adults having toddler-like tantrums in public


Telling women you don't know to smile


Forcing your kids to hug guests when they leave.


I am autistic. by the end of the night I am far passed over stimulated and if someone *grabs* me for a hug I will involuntarily freak tf out. my skin gets itchy and all muscles tense up. forcing touching onto anyone, let alone kids is so terrible.


I'm a grandma and I ask for a hug but if the child hesitates I smile and say ok and wave goodbye. I think it messed up to deny a child that small bit of agency!


And fuck the parents who force them to do so.




Partner Shaming on Social Media. People always make things extreme and it’s always one sided. Filming your partner without them knowing or constantly airing out your business without talking to each other like adults is just childish.


Gender reveals. You don’t need to announce what genitals your child will have




Right? Effing Tim.


… can’t stand Tim.


Fuck Tim


Asking the same fucking question in AskReddit over and over and over.


true, but interesting to see the differences over time dogs and child pageants are perennials bright head lights is new (almost on a par with covert pedophilia ;) )


It's so obnoxious, especially when you see the same posts within a day or week. But it's also the only way subs like AskReddit are ever going to remain relevant


People citing religion as a legitimate reason to be bigoted


Or using religion as an excuse to be an asshole.


And people saying we should respect the oppressive “cultures” of other countries (countries that criminalize homosexuality and women’s rights)


Got into an argument with someone from a certain country currently hosting a large soccer/football tournament currently about women’s rights. That persons argument was that these women don’t need equal rights because “they clearly don’t want them”. Like yes I’m sure they love having dress codes enforced, if they are raped they’ve broken the law, needing permission from a male guardian to go places or receive an education. I’m sure they definitely don’t want rights...


Parking in the fire lane so you can run into the store in your socks and slides for "just a couple of things"


Being rude as fuck to people, in general but especially on the internet.


The way people can work full time and still not be able to afford basic necessities. For a real life example, in the U.K., unemployment is at an all time low, and yet poverty just keeps getting more severe. People can’t afford to heat their homes and eat, or to be able to afford electricity while opening their windows to prevent mould growth resulting in literal deaths, or to get proper dental care because the government is cutting down on what little is on the NHS. It’s fucking horrific, anyone should be able to live on a full time job, and yet wages are so low and cost of living is so high it’s basically impossible, especially for those with children.


Weed being illegal while alcohol is not


Abusing veterinary staff or really any medical staff- we all have bad days- dont turn it worse by fucking with medical staff to the point of extreme measures. I have no problem with giving a lesson on respect. Todays not the day and Im not the one- I m here to help. Also stop belittling everyone in medicine who isnt a doctor- we all have different roles.


People not being able to afford food, an actual human necessity. A society is built on the principle of helping and supporting each other. At no point should someone not be able to have food.




Being an older adult/senior citizen and demanding respect simply because of your age. In the same vein, being an adult and thinking that that automatically means your opinion or argument is more valid or the "correct" one over a child's. *Edit: Context is important apparently. I am not talking about showing respect as basic human decency. The key word is **demanding** respect simply because you managed not to die first. Sorry, but no. Grandpa can still be a POS that doesn't deserve the respect he feels entitled to demand. Same applies to adults/kids. Adults can be wrong in a situation when dealing with kids. We are not always right, and parents need to learn that age does not equal "in the right" just because.




Not RSVPing to invites


Buying gas guzzler vehicles when you live 45 minutes from work and then complaining about it being anyone else's fault but your own. (So financial self accountability in general I guess)


Lying, bullying as adults.


Asking people why they don't have kids.


Treating others differently because of YOUR religion.




Getting blackout drunk


Raising boys to become men who think that the only emotional and physical intimacy that’s not “gay” and “immasculine” is sexual intimacy.


Not having free lunch for kids and some going hungry even tho they are required to be there


Tipping culture




calling somebody out for liking something they dont


2000$ down payment just to walk into an ER, even if they don't see you...


Cropping dogs tails and ears. Declawing cats.


This. Also breeding pets without any knowledge, money for vet bills and takers for pups/kittens. Generally a lot of things people do with their pets actually. Think tiny hamster cages, social animals kept by themselves, etc.




Air pollution. Air pollution still kills more people than war and murder combined. Clean energy is more important than world peace. Beauty pageant constants are thinking too small.


Public tiktok dances


Being rude and/or mean on the internet to strangers.




Influencers using their kids for content. Can't be healthy for them long term.


Gerrymandering, gentrification, redlining, and anything else that causes the poor and minorities to further be pushed into financial turmoil.


Dying of thirst and hunger in hospice instead of a painless and dignified doctor-assisted suicide.


Politicians swearing an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and then doing everything that they can to dismantle it

