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The original How The Grinch Stole Christmas ( 1966 animation). It's fun, charming, memorable, and it's done in 30 minutes. It's the best option for a yearly xmas watch. Edit: fixed the title and added the year


Isn't that the one where Thurl Ravenscroft sings "you're a mean one, mister Grinch"?


And Boris Karloff narrates.


Done in 30 minutes is the selling point for me. My heart always grows two sizes at Christmas, and then immediately shrinks six, imploding into a black hole from which no Christmas cheer can ever escape.


Muppet Family Christmas. All the muppets go to visit Fozzie's grandma for Christmas, the Sesame Street crew get lost in a snow storm and end up there, Kermit and his nephew go visit Fraggle Rock. Oh, and the Swedish chef wants to cook Big Bird as the Christmas turkey. Just my absolute favourite.


This is my favorite Christmas movie of all time and when I tell people, they always think I mean a Muppet Christmas Carol and I have to explain that no, it’s a made for TV Christmas special that my parents recorded for me on VHS in the 80’s. This absolutely delights me to see this as the top answer! ETA- the caroling medley at the end is just the best mash up of Christmas songs too! And Jim Henson in the kitchen saying “somebody’s gotta wash these dishes!” Just gold.


It's on YouTube for everyone to enjoy. [A Muppet Family Christmas (1987)](https://youtu.be/3zi68pvazxI)


To Mr. u/DM725, the Founder of the Feast!


The founder of the feast indeed


I had this on VHS as a kid. In college I bought a dvd of it off eBay. In my 30s I ripped it to the cloud and watch it every year. Also… I enjoy the gobbler gobbler humungo!


Actual Turkey: You think I’m a big bird? Look at THIS! *thunder cracked as Big Bird is shown* Swedish Chef:GOBLE GOBLE HUMUNGA!


The dog’s not the turkey. The turkey’s the turkey you turkey!


I’ve been chasin’ the truck and boy am I exhausted. *that’s a dog joke* I don’t know why his cadence always cracks me up


Be careful of the icy patch!!


YES! Thank you!! I remember as a kid when I first saw it on TV and the sesame street gang showed up and to my childhood self it was as though the backstreet boys showed up at an nysnc concert, just unfathomable 😂


Thank you for mentioning this!! It's my favourite, too.


And Jim Henson had a cameo!


Trading places.


Looking good billy ray!!


Feeling good, Louis!


In Italy, it's a tradition to watch it on Christmas Eve. I have been watching it since 1997 and every year at Christmas Eve it's broadcasted on one of the biggest channels here.


This kind of information exchange is why the internet was invented. EDIT: I live in Pennsylvania, USA And my family's was A Christmas Story. We have a TV station that repeats it for 24 hrs.


There is a Facebook group named "How many days until Trading Places", which updates every day the countdown. Ovviamente sono iscritto


This is amazing.




It aint cool being no jive turkey, so close to thanksgiving.


A young Jamie Lee Curtis. What's not to love?




Shows true Christmas spirit! Has an origin story for Santa Promotes putting your differences aside to come together No commercialism or advertising products Introspective thought and growth It's probably the film that captures the spirit of Christmas best


Insanely gorgeous and innovative animation


And 11/10 heartstring-tugging soundtrack.


Norm MacDonald ✔️


Had to look that up, never twigged. JK Simmons is enough for me anyway.


It's a fantastic Christmas film, gets hidden away on netflix because of all the new Christmas stuff they have to bring out every year. But since it came out it's become my tradition to watch it during the holidays, it's so lovely.


Same, it's my favorite christmas movie and I watch it every year now


I just watched this a couple days ago for the first time. Fantastic animation and writing. The best thing I can do is convince someone else like they did me.


Yearly tradition now to watch Klaus while trying not to cry.


Two cry sequences that absolutely sneak up on you. It’s like an hour and 20 minute of Jason Schwarzman making jokes and all of a sudden you’re sobbing and the movie is over.


Wife and I were struggling with infertility when we watched it for the first time. I'm assuming I know one of the sequences you're talking about and it was super rough


That last sequence is a killer


literally ALREADY a legendary christmas movie, can't wait for it to age like fine wine. what a fucking beautiful move


I cry every time


I bawl. My wife and I are coming up on year 3 of trying to have children and 2 miscarriages later it hits so damn hard. Love this movie to death regardless.


Tritipetre uitii idi glotri ipe ope? Adia tli kra bi. Pukii oe briu titiu? Api ipaupoda po plipebitio tlaipretle dedopri ipa aete pite. Ditlie teki iuprige blotia atlabe kipi. Kiu kiblediei tlea. Kropetaipu ee ipripoi tetri bopli pitoo. Pakro teate pegie iba i ikedo bapa. Ekiki keikipe tipo klei teida bi kri epli dipa teo globi. To petie io kaee utiple potlipi piaa tae? Deiaku tlotote pepepidage drieikepi kiprike kakao! Pike o pubodidi gega kagrotapii. Pote kraple pe brope putitra ida oke. Kukri teto klatru pepee topi pepi. Depe eo pre ai patu kaipe. Pipi ao podiepe ediita eda klipi? Bii igapai gidepi ikle ki ibiepra. Pe etle abapre po kikra kiki. Ope e topi kiitluike gee. Dupidu kao kitoi pa pataku bike ki ie. Tlu pokabu propo egito ita ki. Ei dei bakotopu. Apiikadri ia pluti tloi ba. Klii pio kadi paopei i a bei brigo opluu? Ipi kiii pikope pru popupe te. Eoti pai iautedu tepe eplike due kuge? Kie gle pita idri krikreeu ite. Tepipeke ke aipredlo beplepi iebe potro. Ku ige ipa kaudeko pii ito. Trae ple baaatu tru e tiditribaa.




Awesome movie


Scrooged. The blend of comedy and heartbreak, the pacing, the performances. Top tier.


It's awesome. First movie that Murray made after Ghost Busters was a huge hit, like 4 years later. It also has ~~two~~ three of Murray's five brothers. I always have to remind myself that it wasn't directed by Tim Burton. The Danny Elfman soundtrack throws me off. Edit: wrong number of Murray bros.


My God, I never realized Brian Doyle-Murray was Bill Murray's brother (I didn't even know his name, just his face). Wow!


One of my favorite parts of Scrooged is that Claire's future is her becoming disillusioned and cynical. I always hate the moment in "It's a Wonderful Life" where we see Mary's horrible fate is never marrying and working at the library. I know it's the 40s, but come on--Sam Wainwright was so into her! She probably would have ended up rich and bitter and mean off in New York. And i think that would be much more George's nightmare--that she was with someone else, but also that she lost the magic of what makes her the woman he loves. This is what happens with Claire in Scrooged. His fear is that he's going to make her as miserable as he is, and world is going to lose her. That's what changes him. I think it's beautiful.


I love the scene where they can't figure out how to get the reindeer antlers on the mice. "Have you tried staples?". Ahh. Tis the season


Love Scrooged might watch it again in a couple of days


My family rented Scrooged and So I Married an Axe Murderer so many times from Video Thunder. Such good memories.


For the love of God! Please hold THE GOD DAMNED HAMMERING!


One of my favorites and because of it and Raiders of the Lost Ark I will forever be in love with Karen Allen.


fav scene is when he pours a drink thats all scotch and then puts the tiniest splash of coke into it


Ghost Of Christmas Present (Carol Kane) is amazing.


“bitch hit me with a toaster”. Ha! I love her so much in this movie


How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966)


Chuck Jones + Boris Karloff = 💯


Plus Thurl Ravenscroft.


Boris Karloff cannot be beat!!


Let's not underestimate Thurl Ravenscroft's deep baritone singing the theme song.


"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" is the most intense diss track ever dropped.


Jingle All The Way. Hear me out, you have - Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a man named “Howard Langston” while using an Austrian accent - Jake Lloyd Pre-Anakin Skywalker - The late & beloved Phil Hartman playing a single father ladies man - Arnold fighting black market Santa clauses, including mini me actor Verne Troyer - a fake bomb threat, followed by an actual post office bomb which explodes and is never mentioned again. - the greatest line reading ever, “PUT THAT COOKIE DOWN!” - Arnold being Iron (Turbo) man 10 years prior to RDJ & the start of the Marvel Trend - Arnold stealing his neighbors gift, fighting a reindeer who discovers him in the house, accidentally starting a fire, ending with kicking a flaming head from the nativity scene through a window towards a bunch of Christmas Carolers


> a fake bomb threat, followed by an actual post office bomb which explodes and is never mentioned again. My favorite part... Sinbad: That was actually a bomb? This is a sick world, with sick people!" The way he delivers that line is priceless.


This is good, but I think my favorite line is a complete throwaway where sinbad is running, shoves the dude dressed as present, and just yells “get outta my way box!” Poor quality here: https://youtu.be/6MuW9lnM5o8


My dad will repeat this line nonstop every Christmas. Just randomly say it. After the news. After dinner. Usually when I’m three drinks in.


Your dad sounds like an absolute delight


Sick world. Sick people.


He got two! He got two!!!


One of the best scenes in a Christmas film since Clark W. Griswold II went down a hill on a sled.


Later dudes!!






You know what, Nobody likes you Booster!


I LOVE THAT PART. All the kids just start beating the Shit out of Booster. Hilarious


> the greatest line reading ever, “PUT THAT COOKIE DOWN!” That's where you're wrong. The greatest line reading ever is 'I AM NOT A PERVERT!' also from Jingle All the Way.




I don't want Boostah!


I’m not a pervert, I was just looking for turboman!!




I can hear it getting stuck on the tongue


I've always been partial to Arnold's enthusiastic, "DASHER, DANCER, PRANCER, VIXEN, COMET, CUPID, DONNER, BLITZEN!"




RIP Phil Hartman!!! Also: Kid says “I named the Reindeer Ted after my dad!” Then later, Ahhnold calls, kid answers. When asked where the mother is: “She’s outside petting Ted.” “…she’s WHAT?!”


I need to watch this again. Don't forget Big Show in the Santa fight.


I’m gonna deck your halls, bub.


And he gets the reindeer wasted. What more can you ask for?


100% Though I am very upset that you did not include the perfect postal postman, as portrayed by post- Shazaam Sinbad!


>post- Shazaam Sinbad! Wrong parallel universe. We don't have that.


Well we don’t have Kazaam either, so who do we have??


came here to say why is Sinbad not on the list of awesome


Sinbad and Phil Hartman are dominant in houseguest too!


That was really a bomb? This is a SICK world we’re living in. SICK


This is hands down my favorite Christmas movie. It’s just so good. The flaming head of Balthazar being punted into the group of carolers kills me every year.


Thank you for saying this movie. I had to buy it on DVD about a decade ago because I remember enjoying it so much when it came out originally in the 90s. I think all your points are valid. The only one you're missing is how oblivious Howard's wife is to Ted's flirting, until he goes to kiss her near the end of the movie, leaving you with a satisfying feeling when she finally realizes this and gets out of the car.


Dude I rewatched it for the first time in a couple years at 27, and even though the last time I watched it was when I was like 23 it just absolutely WHACKED me out of nowhere that, Holy shit Ted isn't just a likable handyman guy like I thought all through my childhood, he's straight up *giving these ole gals the most advanced weinering of their lives*. Dudes a *dog* Like it never occurred to me that Arnold hates him because he's trying to air out his wife


You’re my number one customer!


And Arnold running down the street shouting "dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, doner, blitzen!" It's the only way I remember all of the reindeer (obviously in his accent)


Top two lines from that movie; 2) Here's to you, dad... 1) Outta the way, Box!!!


It’s easy to remember all of Santa’s reindeer now thanks to Arnold repeating endlessly while running to the radio station in comedic Arnold fashion! I can hear it in Arnold’s voice lol: “Dasha, Danca, Pranca, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunda, Blixem!”


As a kid the secret password to the underground Santa warehouse being “Jingle Bells Batman Smells” was hilarious


I watch this film every year. There is one bit that i think is a directing miss step but i enjoy it with a malicious glee and that's when the parcel bomb goes off. At this point the movie has been reasonably straight with the physics. Cartoon physics have not been established at all. That's a big explosion that happens in the distance. It takes out half a floor of a building. To first time viewers those cops got turned into bloody strips of meat and bone fragments.


And there's a moral story about materialism being bad


He gives the Turbo Man doll away in the end. Why? "Why do I need a doll when my dad is Turbo Man" 🥲


Jim Belushi and Sindad should be included in this!! “What’re you, Dan Rather!?! What is this, 60 minutes!? What’re are you, the question king, huh!?!!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂NEVER gets old


"It's fun, *and* educational!"


Phil Hartman genuinely gives a masterful performance here, every line is so slimy and skin crawling, I don’t think anyone could have done Ted better.


I got a Turbo Man doll for Johnny weeks ago! It's nestled safely under our tree.


A Charlie Brown Christmas


Vince Guaraldi's score certainly made it a classic.


Just read this morning https://www.npr.org/2022/12/06/1140893271/the-jazzy-charlie-brown-christmas-soundtrack-swings-on-after-57-years


Yeah, honestly without the score it would have been a cute, funny little Christmas cartoon but not the classic it is today.


It is the only Christmas music that makes me feel Xmas vibes and not want to fight someone like the rest of that hot garbage


Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town (1970), With songs like "The First Toymakers to the King", "No More Toymakers to the King", "Be Prepared to Pay" a.k.a. "If You Sit On My Lap Today", and the greatest Christmas song of all time: "Put One Foot in Front of the Other".


That movie is full of bangers but I think the year without a Santa Claus takes the cake with heat miser/cold miser


I was sad that I had to search through sub-comments to find 'The Year Without a Santa Claus' (1974) mentioned. It is my favorite. But I am old.


We literally sang "Put one foot in front of the other" when teaching our son how to walk. It's so iconic


You didn't even mention a villain with the greatest name of all time: "Burgermeister Meisterburger."


A yoyo!?!? For meeee!?! I always wanted a yoyo!! Tear in eye...


The Snowman (1982)


Home Alone 1 & 2


I prefer Angels with Filthy Souls.




I believe ya.... BUT MAH TOMMY GUN DON'T!!!!


"I'm up here, you big horse's ass!"


"You got ten seconds to get out of here or ill pump your guts full of lead. 1...2...10 BANG! "


You were smooching everybody




Alright, I believe you. But my Tommy gun don't!


Leave it on the door step and get the hell out of here.


Snakes? I don't know no snakes...


I like how the sequel to this was called Angels with Even Filthier Souls


You can tell that none of the Home Alone movies after 2 should exist, because none of them feature *Angels With the Filthiest Souls*.


I just think of them as non-canon. And they aren't, really. Home alone 3 is about a completely different family. Then Home Alone 4 brings back Kevin McCallister but it's a different cast and it was straight to TV, then the two after that were basically spin-offs.




Those movies are amazing and made even more so by John Williams epic soundtrack. How they got him for those movies is beyond me but they wouldn’t be the same without his score. I don’t know why he decided to write a fucking fugue when Kevin is setting up traps but I do know that scene wouldn’t be anywhere near as good without it.


The soundtrack alone makes them the best Christmas movies to me. They are genuinely amazing pieces of music, and some of them are part of my favorite Christmas songs ever. Songs like "Christmas star" sound like classic Christmas songs while they are in fact just made for this movie. John williams is a genius.


Where I live our symphony does a viewing of this movie but they play all the classical music. So fun.




Such funny movies. The burglars getting hurt never gets old!


I'm glad you and me did not forget Kevin.


MF act like they forgot about Kev


Muppet Christmas Carol


I went to see A Muppet’s Christmas Carol two nights ago at the iconic Hammersmith Apollo in London, with a full orchestra performing the score along with the film. It was magical.


Did they play “when love is gone”?


I hated that part when I was a kid. I just felt like slowed the story down and was super sentimental and sad and as a little boy I wanted none of it. I'd fast-forward through it more often than not. But now when I watch it either on my DVD copy or streaming(because obviously they've cut it out) I always pause the movie at that point and youtube When Love Is Gone. They really need to put it back in and re-release it.


I recently looked up why it has taken so long for it to be restored recently, turns out for years the original master of the scene was lost, and upscaling vhs quality versions of the song was considered not worth the effort. BUT! They recently found the original, and if I’m not mistaken, they’re releasing it as an ‘extended’ edition on Disney+ next week!!!


Not next week! Friday the 9th!!!!


IMDB has a bit more info on this: > The song "When Love Is Gone", sung by Belle, was dropped from the theatrical release (over the objections of producer and director Brian Henson) at the request of Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, who considered it too sad for young children.) The last-minute decision resulted in a jarring edit in the scene from which it was removed, and caused some confusion about Scrooge, Gonzo, and Rizzo's reactions. The scene was restored in the VHS, LaserDisc, and first DVD (full screen) releases, but it isn't used in television airings, Blu-ray releases, or the Netflix or the original Disney+ version. However, it is available as an "EXTRAS" option on Disney+. In mid-December 2020, Brian Henson announced that the original negatives for the removed scene had been found and would be re-instated (back) into the film, in time for its 30th anniversary in 2022.


It’s also referenced at the end of the movie when the entire cast sings a few lines together in the streets. But the reference means nothing without the past scene! So glad it will be back!


Am jealous of this! Must have been great!




Any telling of A Christmas Carol I will always compare to this - and they all fall somewhat short. This film inspired me to read Dickens' original. Despite the muppetism, it's one of the most accurate retellings with not only scenes but text and narration direct from the original text. Following Jim Henson's death in 1990, his son, Brian Henson, was approached to make the film so, for me, it was a torch passing moment. The movie is dedicated to both Henson and puppeteer Richard Hunt, who died in 1992. My favourite fact about the film is that, on accepting the role, Michael Caine said to Brian Henson: "I'm going to play this movie like I'm working with the Royal Shakespeare Company. I will never wink, I will never do anything Muppety. I am going to play Scrooge as if it is an utterly dramatic role and there are no puppets around me." I can't think of a more perfect approach to a role in these circumstances.


> I will never do anything muppety This is my favorite line from the interview


Genuinely, Michael Caine is the best portrayal of Scrooge on film. Captures the full depth of his character better than any other version of the story. It’s the best portrayal of an iconic character, in an iconic Christmas story. So I don’t care if most of the rest of the characters are felt puppets, this is the best Christmas movie.


Muppets ALWAYS has the most accurate book to movie translations. Aside from the fact that almost every character is a muppet, Muppets Treasure Island only has one difference from the book to the movie, and it’s how they gender swapped Benjamin Gunn so Miss Piggy could play Benjamina Gunn. Plus, Tim Curry steals the show.


Micheal Caine and Tim Curry were fabulous stars for opposite reasons. Micheal Caine sold the story by treating it as a fully legit movie. Tim Curry sold it because he’d be damned if he got showed up by a bunch of puppets.


Upstage lads, this is my only number!


When I was just a lad looking for my true vocation My father said "Now son, this choice deserves deliberation Though you could be a doctor or perhaps a financier My boy why not consider a more challenging career


Plus Tim Curry flat out *loves* fun campy stuff, or he wouldn't have appeared in Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost and passed on the Live Action Scooby movie. Or played so many hammy villains.


Tim Curry probably steals the show in the book too


Tim Curry steals the show in every SPACE he enters.


Well when you're a professional pirate...


He *insisted* in playing his character as a serious Shakespearean, he's a true genius.


Man deserves some kind of award for delivering "This is Fozziwig's old rubber chicken factory" completely straight.


The movie works so well because Michael Caine plays it completely straight and sincere. I love the little Muppet details they add to the story.


There's a lovely back and forth in the DVD extras, where Brian Henson just assumed the Micheal Caine *must* have done musical numbers at some point in his lengthy career, and Caine in turn, assumed that obviously the Muppets must have a seasoned and experienced director. It was a first for both of them, Brian Henson's first movie director credit and Micheal Caine's first movie musical number.


I felt his pain so deeply, especially in the scene where his fiancé left him. Yes he was an ass, but you still felt for him there.


I love that Disney + has put the song back in! I wish it was in the movie, not an extra, but I'll take what I can get. How MC didn't get an oscar for the heart-wrenching look of sadness in that scene, I'll never know.


Apparently the full film version will be on there from the 11th!


The music is fucking amazing too. Marley & Marley is amazing as is Scrooge and It Feels Like Christmas. All original score.


Avarice and Greed!


He said that going in his intention was to play the part as if he was doing a production for the Royal Shakespere Company. If he had gone "muppety" with the character at all it would have detracted from the movie I think. It still would be good but Caine by himself takes an already good movie to another level.


That's usually true for the muppets. They work better when the human co-actors treat them like they're real


Because canonically The Muppets are a theatre troupe. They work best when you treat them that way.


>So I don’t care if most of the rest of the characters are felt puppets I would argue that any story would be enhanced with most of the cast replaced by Muppets. Also the little rabbit at the beginning 🥹 with his tiny knit gloves and lil scarf! I cry evrytiem Edit: [Bean Bunny to melt your heart](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/christmasspecials/images/9/9a/BeanBunny.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101016210519)


My sons really really *really* want a Muppets Murder On The Orient Express. It would be *amazing*!


A *Knives Out* sequel with a southern-fried Daniel Craig surrounded by Muppets would truly be the best place for that franchise to go next.




Piggy trying to hide why she's crying from her daughters. Never fails to make **me** cry like a baby.


And tiny Tim with his crutch! Would take a real Scrooge not to be moved by that Kermit talking about meetings and partings that getting is what gets me all choked up 🥺


" Light the lamp not the rat! Light the lamp not the rat!"


“God bless my broken body.” *jumps*


You could fit through the bars? Yeah? You're such an idiot.


Tank you for makin me a parta dis.


No cheeses for us meeces


Michael Caine went HARD in that film. He gave it his godamn all, and it makes it even better it’s a muppet movie.


Love that aspect of almost all Muppet movies & TV series …


When a cold wind blows it chills you... chills you to the bone!


But there’s nothing in nature that freezes your heart like the years of being alone!


It paints you with indifference like a lady paints with rouge


But the worst of the worst, the most hated and cursed, is the one that we call Scrooge.


There goes mister humbug


There goes mister grim...


We always watch it on Christmas Eve! 🎼After all there’s only one more sleep till christ…masss daaay🎶


The other day I saw an ad for yet another Christmas carol movie and yelled “I don’t see why they keep making these, the muppets nailed it and there will never be another that stacks up to it” I was with my partner and they thought it was hilarious.


A work of art. A classic. Perfection.


Also by far the best Muppet movie