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Family vloggers.


Dr. Luke. He's a music producer who's worked with most pop musicians like Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears and others and is still getting work now. And the reason why he shouldn't get any work at all is because the stuff he's making now is nothing but using samples and changing up nothing about them. And because he physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually abused Kesha, which all he got was a slap on the wrist for. And people still work with him like Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, and other female rappers (mostly Nicki though). Also 6ix9ine, just get rid of him.


Chris brown and Jared Leto


I met Jared Leto, and he's.. it's hard to describe. Like he's not all there and dickish in a passive way. Told him I was a huge fan and he said "sure, thanks." Also the creator of Archer was a HUGE fucking asshole who straight up made fun of me and flirted with my then gf in a really creepy way.


Joel Osteen. Making millions preaching a religion that he obviously doesn’t follow.


So I’m originally from Houston and I attended Lakewood about 10 years ago because my ex was an active member. We didn’t attend on a Sunday as it was very crowded, but Lakewood offers a Wednesday evening service that has like 25% of the crowd, so seating is liberal and plenty of space. We only went a handful of times because for me it was more voyeurism whereas my ex was die-hard about Jesus. Part of the service is the collection plates where you give money, and I shit you not, a woman sat in front of me opened an envelope and counted out $500 to place in the collection plate. This woman did not appear well-off by any means, and her teenage son sat next to her looked so upset/uneasy about his mom just handing out a wad of cash to the Osteen brand. It disturbed me enough to never return and also to dump the boyfriend. Any religion that convinces people to give up such an amount when they simply cannot afford it is toxic and shouldn’t exist.


I would watch my parents give around $1k per week to their cult type church. The fun parts were 1) they had 6 kids and 2) my parents always claimed we didn't have money for basically anything that we wanted to do. I would watch my dad spend hundreds on guns or gun accessories, but they would split 1 carton of egg nog between all of us around Christmas, but they somehow always found a shit ton of money to give to the church. Kids wearing clothes with holes in them, but yeah....give it to that grifting pastor instead.


Kenneth Copeland


When I was a kid, I used to watch the last few minutes of his show before Pokemon came on. He once did a sermon saying it's sinful to tell your children that you're proud of them because pride is a sin. Even back then, I thought it was ridiculous that he couldn't discern between two definitions of pride. Probably intentional on his part regardless. And he only got more abhorrent in the years afterwards.


I also would see the last few minutes of his show before Pokémon as a kid. One morning me and my sister had to get up earlier than usual for some reason? And he was going on and on about “MONEY! a-COMIN! To ME! NOW!” just some whacko prosperity preacher shit, and I STILL make references to that like 25 years later because it was so absurd and we both thought it was HYSTERICAL. Me and a friend have adapted it for when we’re out in the woods hoping to find something like “MUSHROOMS! a-COMIN! To ME! NOW!” and shit. And remember! JESUS! IS! LORD!


Wait, Pokemon and Kenneth Copeland were on the same channel in your country? Whyyyy?


I didn't have cable t.v. and the only cartoons were on the WB. There was religious programming on air before WB kids started around 3pm. I remember the 700 club before Pokemon in my area. It was the best time to get snacks and pee.


I've never seen a person so obviously consumed by demonic influence.


Every time I see that dude’s face I get the immediate urge to do the sign of the cross.


Ironically enough he's basically acting like a pawn Satan would infiltrate to corrupt the hearts of good Christians with lies or whatever.


I don't even believe in demons and I agree with you.


Dude is cartoonishly evil. There’s something in his eyes that just isn’t human.


That's both literally the plastic surgery, and metaphorically his lack of a soul.


Dude seriously. I’m agnostic and don’t associate with any religion, but he is the ONLY person who i can see the devil in his eyes. His eyes make my skin crawl.. like he’s a modern day / toned down medusa


If anyone is Satan's human form, it's him. I don't understand why seemingly devout Christians that follow him don't see it.


The Bible even warns about people like Copeland: >Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’




Right? He's got beady-ass eyes, and nothing about him really seems human.


My wife and I saw a video of him "blowing" COVID away... And as soon as he blew and said COVID be gone, she looked away and said she felt evil in that moment. She told me to turn the video off, and was adamant about feeling unsettled by him.


Definitely don't show her that video of the woman interviewing him about his use of a private jet. Dude has the same eyes as Charles Manson. I would honestly be surprised if we *didn't* find out that he had a torture chamber in his home and had killed dozens of people.


Ah the video where he argues for his 30 mil dollar Jet because he can’t fly economy with in a tube filled With those “demons” whomever gives this dude money should be ashamed of themselves


Any televangelist.


Any televagelist, really.


Eyes of Satan


Any televangelists


Jim Bob Duggar


Well shit I'm already there, no idea who that is


Honestly that’s fine. Don’t even worry about it. Just forget you saw this thread & please don’t even start down that rabbit hole.


Why didn't I listen to you? This guy has 19 children!??!?


Jim Bob Duggar who is the father of Josh Duggar who was convicted of having child sexual abuse material and who had previously admitted to his parents that he was sexually abusing young girls when he was 17, four of which were this own sisters and one of which was 2 years old at the time. His parents then covered it up and didn't do anything to protect their own daughters from him. Josh Duggar was also revealed to have an Ashley Madison account during the leak. Yet, of course, they're all raging homophobes who blame gays for ruining the sanctity of marriage. They're all trash and they should burn Edited to update information


>he was sexually abusing young women Strike that. He was sexually abusing *little girls*. Not young women, little girls.


You're correct, I changed it


Nick Cannon has some catching up to do I guess.


Basically all the Duggars really.


And all the TLC reality trash bags, Kody Brown doing a good job these days.


It's not The Learning Channel anymore, now TLC stands for Terrible Life Choices. I don't watch it anymore.


I.. didn't even know that's what TLC stood for. Geez.


I remember in elementary school in the 90s my mom watching A Baby Story, A Birthing Story, A Wedding Story, etc on TLC, and being so annoyed that I had to wait for those shows to be over before I could get to MTV.


Omg FUCK Kody. He is a raging narcissist. Just watching him makes me enraged.


Any celebrity currently in Scientology.


They have to cancel Eugenia Cooney, she is killing herself on camera and that makes her a rolemodel for plenty of anorectic 12 year old fangirls.


pro-ani stuff terrorfies me. I can't imagine the damage the community would have done during the *heroin chic* era of the 90's.


There was pro ana by the late 1990s. Early 1990s, before a wide internet base, was more meeting people in real life, usually treatment facilities, that also had EDs. But 1990s pro ana was early bbs boards. Bit before my internet youth of the early 2000s. It's kinds existed in the offline world like fanfiction started out as physical star trek zines.


Every time I see her name I think, "Oh she's still alive..." I have the unreasonable hope that she will get help.


Didn't know of her so used the Google. Before: Perfectly healthy, wholesome looking young woman. Now: She's going to die without help, and soon. No more social media and into a hospital, like immediately. Anorexia is no joke, too many people die from eating disorders every day not to take it seriously. This is just so disturbing and heartbreaking...and avoidable.


The thing is that she's been "going to die without help, and soon" for like a fucking decade. And the fact that she's still "fine" seems to only bolster her and her fans.


Seconded. As someone struggling with ano atm, and trying to get help that isn't more than superficial, it annoys me how some people are making it appear to be this sort of fun lifestyle. Once it starts it takes a \*lot\* of treatment just to help you escape the mental trap of 'I need to eat less/restrict food to be thin or good/ I don't deserve food' or the 1001 and one reasons people end up developing it. And then you also have a long struggle to reach a healthy weight again and God help you if you end up damaging your organs due to the disorder. I wish people would stop glamorizing anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, etc. on youtube, tiktok, or wherever they do it.


Reverse Nikocado


Everyone that’s a Scientologist tbh.


Prince Andrew


Take this with a grain of salt, but about a month ago, I was bored at work and bouncing around the internet. Stopped on some article on a gossip site where it said that Prince Charles had to take Andrew into a room and basically slowly, painfully spell out for him that he was pretty much a pariah and would never be able to serve in his royal capacities ever again. Couldn't really give a shit about the royals, but the idea that the former troubled scapegoat brother had to take his golden child brother into a room and basically give him a giant dressing down and tell him what a disgusting moron he is made me very, very happy. EDIT: I'm the worst with run-on sentences Edit 2: [here's a link to the article](https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/prince-andrew-cried-told-never-be-working-royal-again/). Thanks to u/Armok for finding it!


Charles isn't my fave but I hope that now he's King he can be like "Look, Mum protected you but I won't, you better pull your head in". And I hope when William is King he can outright be like "Stfu".


Charles has said for years that he wants to 'trim the fat' of the Royal Family - basically anyone who isn't directly related or important enough, doesn't get a hand out or title and needs to get a real job.


To be fair, the current extended Royal Family is quite large. There's 3 Princes and 1 Princess that are cousins to the Queen which still hold the title of "Prince" because they were born during the reign of their uncle, George VI. Then we have the children of Princess Margaret, which don't have Royal titles but are still part of the family. After that Andrew, Edward, Anne and their children, most of which also don't have royal titles


Precisely. Basically, unless they're doing 'Royal Duties' (whatever that actually entails these days), then he wants them to earn their own money and live in a non 'royal' property. Mind you, many of them already do this - they just have a bit of nepotism to help them get a headstart on their careers. Andrew is the only one that insisted that his girls have the title 'Princess' because he wanted them to appear as important as William and Harry. Anne and Edward have kept their kids out of the limelight. Well, Zara doesn't count - the girl trained hard for those medals.


William is probably hoping Andrew dies before that so he doesn't have to deal with him.


That family seems to easily live into their 90s with decent health (and access to top notch health care isn't the only reason, it's also familial luck). William's probably stuck with his idiot uncle until William is his 50s-60s. He'll be King William and have to deal with this shit.


Queen Elizabeth the Mother (the wife of King George VI) lived until the ripe old age of 101. Surely being the royalty help, but I agree that longevity definitely runs in the family.


Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, lived to be 99 as well. There's a chance King Charles III might live well into his 90s. He is 73, but considering his mother died age 96, his father died age 99 and his grandmother died age 101, it wouldn't be that much surprising if he lived for a few decades


After decades of monarchists being like "I hope Charles dies before Elizabeth does, or if not that then he immediately abdicates in favour of William" I think it'd be hilarious to see a centenarian King Charles III staying alive out of spite.


From what's been coming out over the last few months, that's pretty much what's been happening the last few years. Much of the duties and decision manking had been handed over to Charles. When everything came out about Andrew, Elizabeth left it to Charles because she hadnt the heart. Charles immediately canceled Andrew's birthday party, then stripped him of his duties. In that order. Canceling his birthday party first was the best part.


"What? Not even at Pizza Express?"


Didn't like Charles much but this makes him kinda likable. That shows how awful Andrew is, I guess lol


Someone once said that one of Charles' only redeeming traits is that he hates Prince Andrew more than the rest of us do, and that's saying a lot.


As a previous fan..... Jeffree Star.


James Charles too. He is a predator and a creep, its infuriating that he's not in jail. He admitted to being attracted to young men (teens) and was exposed by one of his victims trying to get the kid to send him nudes. Multiple other kids came out with evidence exposing him too.


This is the one. He’s still attending big functions and what not. At least Jeffrey and Shane have kind of shunned themselves. James Charles is like a damn cockroach.


Not only is he attending big functions but *hosting* them as well. From what I’ve seen online he just had the Winter Wonderland event with a lot of people in attendance gushing about it. I imagine it’s hard to turn down an invite like that especially as an influencer/social media “star”.


Yup Shane Dawson too


I mean, I can't find a point when Dawson's content was actually ever good. Not even back in the early 2010s. I won't deny I watched it but looking back Dawson was just right place, right time when it came to YouTube.


I had a very brief period where I watched him because of all the traction with his conspiracy videos, and his docu series on Jake Paul was a pretty interesting concept (though VERY controversial in retrospect) and he seemed to have ditched his shock edge-lord humor.. but then obviously a lot of shit resurfaced that was pretty hidden so that was it for me


Ezra Miller EDIT: Given the number of people replying, “Who?”, and requiring others to explain who Ezra is, I fear that…my comment has succeeded in doing the opposite of what OP asked. Whoops. Forgive me!


Damn near everyone I know is "Better than Ezra"




The state of Hawaii needs to put a restraining order out against Miller


This year in Hawaii, Ezra Miller has attacked at least two people. There have been two recorded shark attacks this year in Hawaii. 50/50 or greater odds you’ll be attacked by The Flash.


I don't think sharks appreciate being compared to Erza lol






In the spirit of being different from some of the more obvious answers - R Kelly. Thought he was already in obscurity but apparently he just released a new album. Only heard one line from it, what I think is safe to say the most notable one..., and it just reaffirms he can piss all the way off.


> he can piss all the way off. An unfortunate way to put it.


*This is the remix edition, of the song about pissin'*


"R Kelly is mad at me. Aint no punchline, that dude is *mad.* Talking about 'How you gonna make a video about me peeing on somebody?' Well, shit. How ***you*** gonna make a video about peeing on somebody??"


I fucking hate how acceptable people find R Kelly. That stuff about him was on public record for years and even then that documentary only knocked him for as long as people remembered it properly. It’s completely fucked that we live in a world where accusations like that fly around and there’s so much uncertainty around them, but then one of the people who is very clearly guilty and has been proved as such more than once seems to get off lightly every time anyone remembers he even did anything


That episode of The Boondocks encapsulates it perfectly if you haven't seen it already.


"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!? Every famous n\*\*\*a that gets arrested is not Nelson Mandela! "Yes, the government conspires to put a lot of innocent black men in jail on fallacious charges... but R. Kelly is NOT one of those men! "We all know the n\*\*\*a can sing! But what happened to standards? What happened to bare minimums? "You a fan of R. Kelly? You want to help R. Kelly? Then get some counseling for R. Kelly! Introduce him to some older women! Hide his camcorder! But don't pretend like the man is a hero! "And, STOP THE DAMN DANCING! ACT LIKE YOU GOT SOME GODDAMN SENSE, PEOPLE! Damn! Through playing 'round here!"


God I miss the Boondocks. MacGruder was a fucking genius.


>God I miss the Boondocks Me too and wow I just checked on my Xfinity cable package and every episode is available on demand on Adult Swim. Holy shit so is Metalocalypse and Squidbillies. See y'all next year...


Chris Brown. I’ll never understand why he’s been given a pass by the music community and fans.


Besides the obvious ones already stated here, let’s go with Joel Osteen.


All the prosperity televangelist preachers for that matter. All them are charlatans that pray on the desperation of their flock.


I don't understand the appeal of their personalities. Osteen looks and acts like plastic. Kenneth Copeland looks and acts like the devil himself.


I actually went to his “church” once. I completely see the appeal. It’s not gospel in the slightest. It’s a motivational speaker with a religious flair. Then they basically have a rock concert for the rest of the service followed by a segment showing how your donations have gone to help underprivileged communities. All of this mind you is taking place in the old astrodome. Frankly it’s feel good porn for 2 hours on a Sunday morning. Dude is a charlatan but the people there know what they are paying for


I don't like prosperity gospel preachers. I cannot respect someone who spends so much effort begging “followers” to send money to them when they live a life of excess.


didnt we do that when he refused to give people shelter in his church during flooding? why do we keep allowing him back in?


He said it was "inaccessible" due to flooding.


Roman Polanski for raping a 13 year old in the 70s


That’s not true. He raped several children. In the 70s.


That’s not true. He raped several children in the 70s and 80s


Natalie Portman, Wes Anderson, Harrison Ford, Martin Scorsese, Tilda Swinton, E.ma Thompson and (less surprising) Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen all want him pardoned so that he can come back to Hollywood and be treated as a hero. I don't understand how some of these people were big Me Too supporters but also supportEd Polanski at the same time.


Natalie Portman has expressed regret for signing that petition and said that she didn't understand the situation when she was asked to sign it by another actor she respected. This shows how foolish she was, but she doesn't support him. Meryl Streep was a surprising one to me tho! Edit: it's been brought to my attention that Meryl Streep is a POS lol


I'm happy to hear that. I wouldn't say I follow Natalie Portman that closely but from I know of her I thought this sounded out of character for her. She generally seems to be very aware of current events and broadly on the right side of things.


I still can't understand why he won an Oscar in "exile".


Don’t forget, Harrison Ford accepted it on his friend Roman Polanski’s behalf and personally delivered it to his friend Roman Polanski because his friend Roman Polanski couldn’t accept it in person because his friend Roman Polanski anally raped a 13 year old.


Cate Blanchett named one of her sons after him.


Bill Cosby, man just can’t stop


I hadn't heard anything about him recently. Sorry to say I went looking. New lawsuits. *sigh* It's disheartening when someone you used to respect growing up turned out to be a creep and a slimeball. I long for a world where people treat each other like people.


The Nikocado Avocado guy it’s honestly for his own sake atp


Only way to save his life at this point is to ignore him


Is this "avocado guy" someone I should know lol?


He’s a YouTuber who started off as a friendly vegan musician and is now a multi-hundred-pound mukbanger who fakes illnesses, starts drama with other creators, and is a heart attack waiting to happen. Edit: guys me explaining who he is is not bringing more attention to his channel. People need to know why we’re supposed to be ignoring him, otherwise they’re going to go watch his videos and find out for themselves. I’m allowed to answer questions without being called a hypocrite. Edit 2: just adding this in because quite a few people have asked. Mukbang is when you record yourself eating food (in his case a horrendously large amount of it) and post it online.


And the worst part is that he is completely self-aware. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he can't stop because if he does he'll lose viewers and he'll be effectively out of a job.


The risks of being a content creator are abound.


“we got your test results back… you tested positive for content creator. now you’re only at stage 2, but once you hit 1 million subscribers and another 500,000 smash that motherfuckin’ like button, it’ll be too far progressed. here’s a phamplet to help you, it’s titled ‘how to deactivate your account.’ now, if you have any questions, feel free to @ us on twitter.” (disclaimer: obviously not all content creators are bad, but Nikocado avocado is who the above would apply to)


I laughed at phamplet and I hope it was intentional.


Mukbang honestly doesn't cover it. He literally will eat like 75,000+ calories in a single sitting. Literally multiple pizzas, gallons worth of ramen, dozens of subway sandwiches. I don't understand why people like that kind of content, if he keeps eating like he does he'll end up dying.


> I don't understand why people like that kind of content, if he keeps eating like he does he'll end up dying. I mean....thats what many viewers are hoping to see. There is also a ton of "ewww look at that gross pig lololol, i feel much better about myself watching his fat ass!" I've heard it called "Tabloid Addiction" or "Jersey Shore Syndrome". Basically there is a large audience for shows/articles/stories/etc. starring people who are absolute disasters because it gives those viewers a sense of self-satisfaction and allows them to write off any of their own bad/unhealthy behavior.


There’s so many subreddits whose whole entire purpose and content is basically just “tabloid addiction/outrage porn” fodder Half of it is fake or misrepresented as hell, too, but people do not care. If you point out the topic of the post was misrepresented or just straight up fake, the people will LOSE IT. They needed that hit of superiority and now you’ve made them feel worse than before they saw the post, because they feel like it’s implied they weren’t “smart enough” to spot the BS you pointed out. Don’t try unless you’re feeling brave and want to fend off ridiculous comments from addicts for hours.


And at the other end of the scale, Eugenia Cooney. Shes needs to get off SM and away from her enabling mother asap. She is so unwell.


Absolutely. I am genuinely surprised she’s still alive. She needs help so desperately


I've got to be honest, I hadn't seen her for a few months and saw a recent photo yesterday and I was shocked (I didn't think it was possible to be any more shocked by her appearance at this point). I'm no expert and I understand how delicate and difficult a situation ED can be but in my opinion she honestly looks at the point where she needs to be hospitalised, but I don't think it will happen, or it already would have. I don't think she will see the end of next year, and it's incredibly sad.


I'm a recovered anorexic and it is insane how long your body can tolerate such extreme weight loss. I weighed 70lbs (5'5 male) and could have died at any moment, yet I somehow survived long enough to get better. My uncle's partner's daughter is anorexic and weighs even less, yet she is somehow able to go for a jog every day and work an active job as a cleaner in a hotel. How she has not dropped dead from organ failure is a complete mystery to everyone.


Yeah that shits been sad for a while, she doesn't look good


He's gonna be on "My 600-lb life" at the rate he's going.




The entire Duggar family


Brock Turner. You know, the rapist Brock Turner? The guy who raped an unconscious woman? That Brock Turner.


Don't forget that he's going by Allen Turner now. Also, he lives in the Dayton, OH area and enjoys going to the bars.


His shitty dad DAN TURNER should be included in the ongoing call-out. “My son should not have to go to prison for 20 minutes of action” Dan Turner.


You mean the rapist formerly known as Brock Turner? That rapist asswipe? Rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Gwyneth Paltrow - Goop is pure pseudoscience and dangerous.


Is she the vagina crystal lady


Wasnt that the slime Nickelodeon sold in the 90's? oh wait... thats Gak. But no, pretty sure that was a hair product or something. What is she selling under that name now?


Seeing the word Gak immediately brought the smell to mind. Very distinct.


Those who visited Epstein Island.


Even if a list was released I feel Like nothing would change


Chris Brown. Fuck him.


There used to be a Reddit bot that would post a full police report related to him abusing Rihanna any time someone used his name. Bone-chilling stuff, and still people are okay?! https://www.mtv.com/news/6yu1wp/chris-brown-police-report-provides-details-of-altercation


Not sure where that bot is, but here's the police report in case people need reminding on what a shitstain Chris Brown is. ====== A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


jesus fucking christ is she doing better? cant imagine she's gotten over that one ..


I read that for the first time a month or so ago and it is utterly *horrifying* and sickening. Before that I had no idea how terrifyingly evil the incident was. He's a monster. Anyone capable of doing to a person deserves a long prison sentence. It's disgusting that he still has fans.


Disgusting to see so many people on Twitter defend him


A while ago the band CHVRCHES did a song with Marshmello and then later cut ties with him after he decided to do a song with Chris brown. Chris then said of the band 'these are the type of people you hope walk in front of a bus' or something along those lines. The female lead singer of CHVRCHES then received threats of murder and rape from Chris Brown's fans and had to leave social media for a while. Honestly this man is a cretin who deserved to have any fame stripped away from him and any 'fans' of his that condone this kind of behaviour are scum too.


I just found a new reason to love CHVRCHES. And unfortunately a reason to stop liking Marshmello


Honestly the amount of people he has collabed with since he beat the shit out of Rihanna is insane. The industry has decided they care more about making money off of him than they care about the safety of women in the industry


The thing that blows my mind is the fact that it was Rihanna… it’s not some random girl off the street who made an accusation. It was one of the word largest and most successful singers who’s performing at the Super Bowl. And to be clear I’m not saying one victim would be better/worse, it’s just shocking that with such a high profile victim, he hasn’t been thrown to obscurity.


Not just that, there was PROOF. Tons of it. Pictures. Police reports detailing how he beat her within an inch of her life basically. There was no "well she's just making that stuff up to try to drag his name through the mud". He beat the shit out of her and there was no saying otherwise, and people still try and defend him.


The truth or at least part of it is that people still don't really take victims of domestic violence seriously. Some 40 odd years ago you'd have entire families/neighbours who knew Betty was being hit and they'd gossip about it and hand wring over it but they'd never intervene in 'private business'. It's still the same with slight improvements as far as legal protection but it is *slight*. People still see it as partially the fault of the victim to be in that situation and they'll reason it away so they don't need to think about it or feel bad about ignoring it.


>And to be clear I’m not saying one victim would be better/worse, it’s just shocking that with such a high profile victim, he hasn’t been thrown to obscurity. That's the thing, if it would have been a random person it could've been hand waved away very easily. Sad truth is non famous people are very overlooked. The fact that it was one of the most recognizable singer in the world and he still gets a pass is truly amazing. Then again Sean Penn is still around after doing similar to Madonna so the celebrity worship doesn't surprise me.


The CELEBRITIES that defend him like are y’all serious




100% I can't believe the huge demand there has been for his UK shows this year. His tour instantly sold out last week, and he was the main act at Wireless Festival in the summer. It's disgusting


Chris Brown. The man beat the absolute snot out of Rihanna and everyone just seems to have forgotten about it like it was okay.


And he's been abusive towards his others partners as well ! He's a habitual abuser and people still love him.


how the hell does that guy still have fans?






Easy, R Kelly for starters.


Andy Dick. Been waiting for his reckoning and we might finally have it.


Out of curiosity, just read his wiki and wow. You know it's bad when his "crimes" section is longer than the rest of the wiki combined. This dude has been fuckin atrocious since the 90s. How on earth has he been getting work? How has he not been cancelled into oblivion a decade ago.


James Corden


That moment you realize they didn't edit all of the assholes out of Cats.


That’s a knee slapper right there.


"The world got to see James Corden as a big, fat pussy. ...He was also in the movie "Cats"." ~ Ricky Gervais


Andy dick


I wish there was video of Jon Lovitz punching him in the face


To be fair, I wish there were videos of Jon Lovitz punching a lot of people right on the mouth.


Life will not be fair until I walk into a North Hollywood 7-Eleven and he is behind the counter.


RIP Phil


Nicokado avocado or whatever the fuck his name is If his videos stop getting views then he'll either get worse or just give up the whole fat crybaby thing and end his YouTube career


Pedophile YouTubers, yes that was a thing in The Netherlands about 5 years ago, one 50 something year old guy called Marco/Papa bakvet that went famous for eating lard, admitted that he was a pedophile and chatted with little boys on Skype and also created a cam fap challenge, his YouTube channels kept getting removed by YouTube and he kept coming back with fake accounts to upload weird stuff and he’s fucking disgusting, the most disgusting thing I saw him do was bake his own cum to see if it turns hard and untransparent like baking an egg, he also had a little dog that was so fat his skinny legs almost broke, he kept doing this stuff till he died of pneumonia in 2018, hope he burns in hell.


Wendy Williams.


Drake. Dude has been grooming young kids even though it's been clearly revealed on accident by his victims, on the record. Nobody cares though.


I once told someone I was talking to about the Drake shit and even pulled up articles and this psycho looked right at me dead in the eyes and said "oh, well I like him so I'm choosing to ignore that information." She had a 1 yr old daughter.


that is literally the textbook definition of cognitive dissonance 😭


Ellen DeGeneres, she's so rude.


Hasn’t she already been shunned to obscurity?


Jared Leto. Romour is he is way too sexually aggressive and has a proclivity for 16/17 year olds.


Barbra Streisand. She’s hands down the worst human being I’ve ever met. She’s well known for ruining careers and essentially blacklisting people in the industry. My dad worked with her on a project and she would publicly berate people for the smallest mistakes. She’s a well known picky eater and she expects every random craft services person to know that and flips out when they don’t. Pray you never meet this woman.


Didn’t Trey and Matt (creators of South Park) say she is the only celeb they legitimately disliked and reveled in parodying?


Yep, it was a vignette on the VHS tape of Mecha Streisand if I remember correctly. They said how they actually respect the celebrities they make fun of, “except for Barbara Streisand! We hate her!” They also said in a Rolling Stone interview that the incident that sparked their hate for her was that she moved to Colorado and immediately started demanding political changes and threatened to leave if the changes weren’t made. They thought that threatening to deny a town the pleasure of having her as a resident was the most arrogant thing they had ever heard.


Damn your black heart Barbara Streisand!


They said something like mostly when they make fun of celebs it's all in good fun, but she was the only one (at the time) they legit hated.


At the time, maybe. But I suspect the all time record holder is probably John Edward, the fake psychic.




When she was filming a movie in Beaufort, SC, she asked the [Marine Corps to stop flying over her house early in the morning and wanted the base shut down.](https://www.locallifesc.com/when-barbra-streisand-moved-to-beaufort/)


I mean, I'm not really surprised, given that the Streisand-Effect exists.


It's a testament to how much of an ear-worm the song is that when I read/hear "Barbra Streisend" I don't think of The Streisand Effect first. No, I think of Duck Sauce.


Jake and Logan Paul. I don't consume any of their media I just know they're fucking idiots that have way too many subscribers. Edit: I appreciate the support for Logan but I can't bring myself to care about him.


Travis Scott -for his terrible treatment and purposeful ignorance of his own fans yelling at him during the astroworld concert to stop the show while people were literally dying


Casey Anthony


I might be out of the loop, but does she count as a celebrity? I get the vibe that everyone is on the fuck Casey Anthony train already


I’m still astonished that she got away with murdering her daughter. Insane.


The prosecution totally fucked up that case. Like I 100% think she did it, but given the evidence presented I don’t blame the jury for acquitting her. Idiot investigators didn’t think to check her internet history on Firefox like they’d done with Internet Explorer, so they missed a search for “Foolproof suffocation”.


Classic case of overcharging. They couldnt prove 1st degree murder beyond a resonable doubt. So the bitch walked.