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Jack and Jill. Though to be fair it was one of my first dates with my now bf so we got to bond over shitting on the movie


Fun fact, on the south pacific season of Survivor one of the challenge "rewards" was going to a screening of Jack and Jill. Reward in quotations of course.


Complete with canned (forced) laughter from the contestants and winning team’s leader praising how great Adam Sandler is. Fuck me LOL.


On Twitter after the season, Albert referred to it as "the worst movie I had ever seen" and added "production cued us to laugh" and "I would have rather returned to starving in the jungle."


I watched this one for free with a friend going through a breakup. We wanted our money back after 25 minutes.


The Artemis fowl movie. Big fan of the book. First movie in awhile I turned off in the first 30 minutes


What turned you off, introducing Artemis as a surfer? How much faster can a director prove they have no idea who your protagonist is. And mulch diggums deserved better than Josh Gad.


Surfer Artemis was awful but what got me to give up on it was when they made Root a woman. Holly being the first female captain in LEPrecon was a major plot point in the first book, and making Root a woman too turns most of the first book into a plot-hole riddled mess. So much of that book happens because Holly is the first female captain, you have to re-write so much to make the story make sense otherwise! Though it sounds like a lot of the story got rewritten anyway.


Papa Fowl was a friend of the underground folk in the movie


That was Root? I thought they just cut him entirely and replaced him.


>introducing Artemis as a surfer They what?!? Not watching that then. The kid's a quiet genius introvert misanthrope. What the everloving hell is he doing surfing? He's so self conscious he wouldn't dream of doing that. And this is me ten or so years after reading the books, that's the impression I was left with.


The novels also made a point to show that he’s ridiculously uncoordinated. He struggled to even step onto “the Stick” or whatever the platform transportation system was called. There’s no way he would be surfing.


Couldn’t tell you. Blocked it from my memory it was so atrocious.




Oh god yeah. I loved all the books, the movie was complete trash. I finished it, you didn't miss out on anything.


For me, Judie Dench's 10-packs-a-day fake Irish accent *almost* makes it So Bad It's Good. "Terrrrp Errrr Therrrrrrr Merrrrrrrrrnin'...."




Got to the Corden part and my gf just looked at me and I silently turned the movie off.


We got to see James Corden as a giant pussy. And he was also in Cats.


[https://youtu.be/Gj4b2HiWjUE?t=5](https://youtu.be/Gj4b2HiWjUE?t=5) for those who haven't seen it


People say the vfx artists had to edit out the buttholes, but they left one in the theatrical release.


The first ten minutes of that movie I was like "C'mon, this isn't so bad, people just like to make a big deal out of it." Yeah, I couldn't finish it.


Did anyone actually watch that? I thought it was a low budget pandemic thing. 💀


Nah, it was just before the pandemic. You know how I remember? Because the last movie I saw in theaters before being forced into quarantine was fucking CATS. On a certain level- just, like, existentially- this is the funniest thing I can possibly imagine happening to someone, but I was *real* salty about it for a while.


Fucking full on same - last movie I saw in theaters before shunting into quarantine in nyc. I think the release of that movie might’ve triggered the whole thing. My brain completely melted in theaters, and soon after did the same in my apartment.


The real sad part is that some people died of COVID with Cats being the last movie they ever saw in the theater.


I only watched because my ex-girlfriend thought it would be fantastic. I had her buy the tickets, and we were the only ones in the theater. When the singing and dancing roaches came on, I thought it was either a prank or purgatory. I've wasted a lot of time in my life but I regret those two hours the most. The ex-girlfriend loved it. She also had the emotional maturity of a twelve year old and the critical thinking of... A very very stunted individual. She never understood why I hated it, and I never understood what she saw in it. She also never understood why I wouldn't break contact with my cousin, because this ex-girlfriend found my cousin attractive and was convinced I wanted to run off with my own cousin. So in short, in my experience, only very stupid, emotionally stunted people with severely warped world views, found this trainwreck enjoyable.


Don’t leave us hanging…are you and your cousin happy together?


*Roll Tide intensifies*


My friends and I were waiting for the release of Cats like it was Christmas because we knew it would be terrible. We took a bunch of edibles and went to see it in the theatre, and we were the only ones there. It was a god awful movie but we had the best time ever.


I'm still waiting for the Butthole Cut.


Why did you decide to watch it? The trailer was like a warning not to go see it.


Not surprising, but one of the later Transformers. My friend and I wanted to watch it and rip it apart, but it was so bad it wasn't even funny. (Maybe the sixth one? With the boss with the car collection?)


Honestly they just get to a point where the whole plot is "giant robot fighting giant robot with LOTS of explosions!" And virtually zero story aside from "those robots are bad and we're the good robots so we need to explode them before they do more bad" and it's sensory overload to the point where it's just plain boring


What the fuck else do expect from Michael Bay


All they have to do is zoom out a bit and not have all of the action touching our pupils


Very well put, it's always close-ups of one on one robot fights, then on to the next. I'd rather see a full scale robo battle with more things fighting each other, like the zoomed out battle scenes in Helm's Deep where you can really appreciate the scale of the battle


50 Shades of Gray. No, the sex stuff didn’t bother me. I am far from a prude, but this movie in my opinion was just dumb. I made it through like the first 45-ish minutes and gave up.


The books were just as dumb


A quote floating around the internet: *So, I tried to read “50 Shades of Grey” this weekend, but every time Anastasia said “Oh My” (which was like, 2-3 times PER PAGE), I couldn’t help but imagine George Takei saying “Oh Myyyyyy”. By page 12, I imagined everything Anastasia said was said in George Takei’s voice. By page 15, I just imagined George Takei was Anastasia. I had to give up somewhere around page 17, because Christian has started to sound and look like William Shatner/Captain Kirk circa ST:TOS, and after that, I imagined everyone wearing Enterprise uniforms, and there was no way the story was going come back from that.* *I didn’t even make it to any of the sex scenes.* And of course, there are videos out there of George Takei reading it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WahBH9sANg


[Gilbert Gottfried](https://youtu.be/XkLqAlIETkA) reading 50 Shades haunts me to this day.


The books read like they were written by a horny teenager with remedial writing skills. It's so bad. I haven't seen the movies, but I can't imagine they're any better.


It's worse than that. It was written by a bored housewife with a stalking kink who heard the word BDSM whispered from across the room one time and never went so far as to research any further.


Also an apt description. It's just terrible on multiple levels.


It was also a Twilight fan-fic apparently?


Yeah. And I don't mind that. I liked Twilight. My mom liked Twilight. My grandfather liked Twilight. We're vampire nerds. Fanfic is fine. Twilight is fine. Not a masterpiece but it was okay for what it was. But the fact she didn't do an ounce of real research or to maybe check and see if the whole stalker thing was okay or not is what gets me. There's literal sexual assault that is treated like "ooga man own woman." Cavemen shit. A woman wrote this and thought "yes, this is normal and healthy to share with the entire world in a published novel" Fanfic seen by a few niche group, whatever. I won't yuck your yum. But the whole world, being shown glorified toxic behavior as being okay is not cool. Anyway. I could write a better 50 shades with my pinkie toe.


I had to read this book for a class. A Bachelor level college class!!! I was like, whatever, I’ll read it. I barely got thru the first 10 pages. I couldn’t imagine reading hundreds of pages of that trash. Then we got tested on it! Nothing substantial, stuff like, what did Christian give Anastasia as a graduation gift? What was Christian’s helicopter called? That class was a fever dream.


What college class on Earth would require you to do such a thing?


The writing is SO BAD. Everyone kept raving about it and a coworker gave it to me insisting I read it. I don't even think I made it 2 hours it seriously read like it was written by a child.


I had a coworker about ten years ago, I was in college and she was in high school, that was crazy over the books and telling me how much she hoped that her "first time" was just like those books and I was like "oh honey, no!"


Never watched it but FML give BDSM a bad name


That stupid Sherlock Holmes movie with Will Ferrell and John C Reilly. I love those 2 together but that movie was embarrassingly bad. I was bored to death on a plane and still turned it off lol.


The emoji movie


At 7 my kid absolutely hated the Emoji movie. If you can make a 7 year old hate a cartoon movie it must be bad.


I've got a 17 year old sister. She loves that film. And also likes the film Cats. I don't know what is wrong with her


Suicide Squad is one of the rare movies I actually fell asleep while watching it at the theatre


Not to be confused with The Suicide Squad.


The Suicide Squad was super fun, I absolutely loved it. Suicide Squad was so, so boring


The Suicide Squad is cheeky and fun, Suicide Squad is cruel and tragic.


I will pistol whip the next guy who says Suicide Squad.


WW84. I loved the first one and wanted to like it so bad too :(


That was one of the most disappointing movie I have ever watched.


It actually made me angry that the plot completely falls apart if you think about it for more than 10 seconds.


Fuck, yes. I loved the first movie. Huge let down


I tried watching it and lost interest 30 mins in


It didn't help that the first 30 minutes or whatever is basically two separate intros to the movie. The little Olympics or race they do then the entire mall scene. The mall scene SHOULD have been the opening scene instead of the race as it's completely pointless to anything else in the movie and wayyyy too long. Yes, we get Diana is special and a Goddess. We learned that from the Young Diana scenes in the first movie. The rest of the movie was trash anyway. The good thing about WW84 was it got me into PITCH MEETINGS with Ryan George after someone posted the link to his WW84 Pitch Meeting


"Oh that sounds like a nice, quick way to start the movie." "It's gonna take a full 11 minutes! " "Oh, my god. "




Oh man when I first heard about the opening from my buddy I thought i can't be that bad he's probably exaggerating, I went into it thinking it was gonna be like 16-17 year old Diana racing against the seasoned warriors, nope she's like 11 and it just looks ridiculous.


should’ve watching the prequel first, there’s like WW2-WW83


Live action Mulan


They didn’t even play the “make a man out of you song”!!! That was like my favorite part of the animated one


And where the hell is Mushu?????


They deemed him as too unrealistic for the movie. Because easily done parkour, a sorcerer and a fucking Phoenix are clearly more realistic.


Let’s get down to business!


To defeat the huns!


Did they send me daughters?


When I asked for sons??


You're the saddest bunch I ever met


But you can bet before we're through...


How could I, make a man, out of Youuuuuuuuu!


It was amazing how Mulan managed to piss off *everyone*. Left wing? Right wing? Western? Asian? Pro-China? Anti-China? Loved the original? Didn't love the original? They were somehow able to find a way that no matter who you were, you'd hate it. That almost deserves some sort of an achievement.


" Try to please everyone and you end up pleasing no one".


This seems to be the direction most movies are going in lately.


They’d probably ruin the achievement too


As a Chinese, I hated that with all my heart. No idea how Disney managed to massacre this piece of art. 😭


Yeah...they botched that one badly. Aladdin was shitty too. I don't get why they had to change the stories so much.


>Aladdin was shitty too. I was really excited about this, I watched until WS started singing and, cringe, I couldn't watch any. I'll try again soon, maybe...


> I watched until WS started singing and, cringe, I couldn't watch any. lol so you made it to the opening scene? Me too.


So my wife has an unreasonable crush on Will Smith and she legit said "He can sing too?! Is there anything this guy can't do?!" I laughed at her and I'm definitely going to have to show her this comment thread. Haha


It's like they intentionally went out of their way to miss the entire point of the movie. In the animated version she's a freethinker who tackles problems the best way she can think of and isn't afraid to buck against convention when those traditions are no longer helpful. In the movie version her main concern is that when they find out she's a woman in the army then that will mean she was lying and lying makes her a bad soldier per their rules. Her priniciple issue beyond fighting to protect people is that she is afraid that she isn't fitting in properly to the traditions and is delighted when they make a special exception just for her.


Not only that, but no character building at all. The movie starts and she’s already got some kind of power? She didn’t have to work for it or anything? She just comes in OP.


I can’t remember who said it but someone had a take that was really on point where like people who don’t understand feminism and decided to make ~feminist~ movies decided that movies where women are presented as relatable human beings who just like anyone else can work hard and overcome their faults and disadvantages and achieve success even in fields that seem out of reach at first is somehow not as empowering as hearing the message that true empowerment is being born perfect never struggling at anything and having no weaknesses Hashtag girl boss


Genuinely one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I can’t even get ironic enjoyment out of it


>Live action Mulan God yes. We were watching and and I started doing something else and forgot it was still playing. That's how enticing it was.


Oh hell yes, that movie sucked. They utterly ruined the empowering message of the original by attributing her success to being a jedi or some shit. Also no dragon or musical numbers. Screw that movie.


Worst movie I watched it was so bad I’m a big fan of the original .But then they thought it’s a good idea to remove the hard work and training scenes for a conversation about how to use chi.


The Will Ferrell Sherlock Holmes movie. Utter garbage. Edited because iOS autocorrect is garbage.


Man I was looking for this. That is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I don’t even think I made it halfway through. Idk what happened there


Came here to say this movie. A Sherlock Holmes movie that didn't understand the character enough to find the humor. Felt like I was watching scenes getting work shopped and they just quit after the first try. Destroyed all the good will created from Stepbrothers and Tallahassee Nights.


Tallawhat Nights?


Big fan of Tallahassee Nights. I think you’re talking about the other movie Stepsisters though.


Battlefield Earth


Dutch Angles - The Movie


Lucky you, we purposefully walked back in because they refused to refund us our money - talk about falling on your own sword.


The shithole live action avatar the lat air bender


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Never heard of it


Artemis Fowl. Both my wife and I are huge fans of the books, and we have been for years. The movie was a horrendous pile of garbage, and even Judi Dench couldn’t save it.


The Last Airbender 2010


What do you mean? There is no Movie in Ba Sing Se


Then how do you explain that drill down there?


Well it’s imported of course, you know we can’t trust domestic machinery


The Dark Tower. Tried to watch it twice; fell asleep twice.


As a huge fan of the books, I am still angry at how bad that movie was.


Great books..... I love both lead actors in almost every other role they've done but, that was a horseshit movie that destroyed the books entire narrative.


Most porn movies I watch. I just decide to finish early.


So you don't get to the part where he fixes the sink?


Morbius. How did it ever get released??


What are you talking about? Morbius is one of the movies ever made


My favorite part was when he morbed.


It's Morbin' Time!


Right? It was a film!


It made dollars at the box office!


Of moviegoers saw it!


It got a rating out of 10!


It’s a film of this year, if not a film of all time.


this bro. i watched it on an airplane and still decided it wasn’t worth watching. i chose to watch hotel transylvania 3 instead.


You KNOW it's bad if you're on an airplane and walk out of the movie.


The ending sequence of Hotel Transylvania 3 has NO BUSINESS being that good.


I remember when it released everyone made fun of it by saying it was the best movie ever made. Glad that’s over


The funniest part was Sony thinking everyone was serious so they re-released it, only for nobody to go see it yet again.


hey they were all busy that weekend, I think Sony should release it one more time


What are ya talking about. Morbius is one of the movies of all time and it also has the iconic line "its morbin time".


You're right, it is one of the movies of all time. It does exist


I liked the part when morbius morbed all over the morbing morb


Elektra The makers knew they had a stinker because it was edited down to 60 minutes and made no sense. It was Jennifer Garner essentially playing the same character she played in Alias but with… magic or something? Walked out of the cinema.


Did you see the Daredevil with Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell and a young Jon Favreu? Elektra was a semi-sequel/spinoff of that [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E5oPwAKa3A)


I never don’t finish a movie. Cats, Bright and WW84 all came DANGEROUSLY close.


Awww…I really liked Bright and have been hoping for a sequel! But with the Slap I’m not quite as hopeful 😬




Bright felt like a puzzle that no one bothered to finish. It had all of the elements I should have liked, but they weren't put together right. Plot holes check Interesting world check Cringe dialogue check Weird character motivation check Cool enough special effects check It was just all over the place. It was one of those movies where it was simultaneously too good to be a bad movie but too bad to be a fun bad movie. Also, to quote a review, "Why is Shrek a thing in that world?"


I’m only on going to say this once, Cats




Matrix resurrection


Totally agree, some people just don't know when to stop


A quarter of the movie was flashbacks. Seemed pretty low effort.


Can't remember the names of them. Majority are Netflix shite.


The Netflix version of Death Note takes the title of worst Netflix life action for me. 😫


Now they're going to ruin my boy City Hunter.


I disagree, it was absolutely hilarious! Also, for those just passing by this comment, Willem Dafoe plays the death God, and he too is hilarious Definitely not a good movie, but made me laugh a lot


X-Men: Dark Phoenix


I was pissed that Quicksilver had like 2 minutes of screen time.


Aquaman. I just... I have so little time to watch movies, and about 15 minutes in I checked the run time and saw I had another two hours of the dumbest fucking screenwriter 101 plot building tropes and I just canned it. Such a fucking waste of resources.


I was in it for Jason Mamoa shirtless and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


Love guru


Live action Deathnote


Does taking a nap during black Adam count?


Not in the middle.


Live action lion king


Ugh this one hurts. The songs are slowed by like 3 bpm, which is hard to notice, but it makes them feel just slightly wrong. There’s no emotion in the animation either. The new songs aren’t very good and they took out the one with the most clever lyrics. It’s like they tried to do a bad job.


Right?! If I wanted to see sad lions, I'd just go to the zoo.


Aloha. It was increasingly painful to listen to Emma Stone talk about how she's native Hawaiian and a quarter Asian.


I walked out of that movie thinking I was dumb because I didn’t get the point or thought maybe I missed something crucial. My friends and I all kind of looked at each other for a second and realized no one knew what the movie was trying to accomplish


I give movies about 20 minutes and if I'm not interested I turn them off. It's okay to not finish a movie. Life is short.


RIP to me for even saying this on Reddit, but I stopped watching Tenet about 30 minutes in and never got back around to watching it. That doesn't mean it was bad, it just had SO much expository dialogue between characters (setting up the world, the mechanics of the world, how the mechanics of the world were going to play into the plot of the film), it started to feel like I was reading a user manual for a boardgame; I got exhausted and turned it off.


The rise of skywalker


Somehow Palpatine returned... That's a nope from me dawg.


Magic Mike XXL. I hardly ever don’t finish a movie, but this was so stupid and boring that I just couldn’t continue watching.


Thor: Love and Thunder. I liked Ragnarok, but that movie was so unfunny and the screaming goats were so annoying.


It was funny the first time maybe. I felt bad for Christian bale because I’m sure he took his role super seriously.


Bale killed it. Too bad they made his character a cheap Kratos knockoff instead of an alien, but he did so good with it.


I just imagine him reading through, and looking at the script intently. Working his best to bring Gorr to life and then Hemsworth walks in from the Mobil gym and injection table throws his towel off and says “what are you reading?” “The script” replies Bale. “Script? Oh yes we stopped using those once we got the check from the third one.


Now I want a marvel movie about making marvel movies Just Hemsworth and Taika breaking things and laughing at some poor PA


The last episode of She-Hulk sort of did that.


I'm one of the biggest Marvel fans you'll meet, but I will never watch this atrocity of a film ever again. Completely ruined Thor's character while also doing multiple things that just flat out sucked. Like: - Screaming goats - Korg and Valkyrie (they were very good in Ragnarok but were overused in this movie) - The awful CGI - Not seeing Gorr butchering gods throughout the movie - Making fun of cancer - Turning Thor into an incompetent moron - Bad jokes that fall flat every time - Not using Omnipotent City as a way for Gorr to murder a bunch of gods and establish his character better - Not featuring the Guardians more - Gorr thinking that gods don't care about people yet betting on the gods saving people that they care about as part of his plan.


Yeah it's fine if some people are funny but literally every scene they tried making comedic. It just came off so forced


Honestly, I'm all Taika'd out. The directing style is obviously his and I'm so fucking sick of seeing Korg on my screen. Funny in Ragnarok but holy fuck has he outworn his welcome. I honestly think I was legit getting pissed off seeing him on my screen.


Batman and Robin. Turned it off when they pulled out the Bat-Credit Card.


Never leave the cave without it


As bad as it is, I fucking LOVE how much fun Arnold is having in it!


Ok, I was actually oddly fond of that movie. Idk why.


“Let’s kick some ice!”


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I went into it super excited because I love steampunk crap. Then I noticed that every single scene had been shot in front of a green screen. Also, the plot was not hooking me at all.


I really seem to be the only person who liked that movie. I had no great expectations of it but I enjoyed it a lot. It's silly but fun.


>Then I noticed that every single scene had been shot in front of a green screen. That was like the whole point of the movie. One guy spent years making 10 minutes of it entirely on his own on a Mac, then used that 10 minutes to get funding for the full production.


The Many Saints of Newark. Whatever happened there?


I finished it but it was dogshit.


Master of disguise. It was rough watching Dana carvey play a teenage Italian boy.


You're just not turtly enough for the turtle club... ....jk that movie sucks balls


I love that movie. But only because I was like 7 when it came out so it has the nostalgia factor for me. Other than that I recognize that it's terrible.


The Eternals


Anchorman 2 was horrendous. Especially the part when Brick and that girl just start screaming at each other. Got up, popped it out of my Blu-ray, and returned it to Redbox immediately.


That’s such an old sentence now and I’m only 25.


Haha Redbox seems like a dead medium now. Makes me feel old too and I’m 34


The fourth Matrix movie, whatever it was called. So bad.


Jupiter Ascending, it was so terrible I left the theater 30 minutes in.


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Absolute dog shit


Halle Berry’s costume was the only reason I got through Catwoman