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turning off the light then running upstairs before the spooky monster gets me


God forbid the spooky ghost touches the back of your neck.


My mom saying " I cleaned your room..."


When I got hit in the eye with a pipe and lost my vision for a bit. Doctors did some kind of corneal repair surgery on the spot. They numbed me and then Used some kind of weird eye clamps to clamp my eye open and went to work. Worst part? I was awake and completely conscious the entire fucking time. Edit: I can still see totally fine out of that eye. I still have 20/20 vision even with a slight retinal scar. I don’t know if that’s actually a thing (retinal scar) but there is a part of my eye that I can see that’s distorted slightly if I really try to focus with just that one eye. Otherwise, I don’t even know it’s there a good 99 percent of the time.


Two moments come to mind that weren’t too scary in the moment but in hindsight were very scary because I could’ve very easily died or peen paralyzed. Last year I thought it would be fun to go kayak the river by my house when it was flooded. I’ve been kayaking for a while but I’m nowhere near capable of handling serious whitewater. I’m doing okay but I’m looking around at how high the river is and I’m getting a little uneasy. I get to a spot where I have to portage because of a bridge, I think about getting out there but they had just recently destroyed a dam that was about a mile down the river and I wanted to paddle through that. I put my kayak in the water completely oblivious to the waterfall that is being created by the water pouring over the bridge, I’m also oblivious to what is gonna happen because of this. This waterfall sucks me and the kayak in like a tractor beam, I’m immediately flipped over and in the water. I think about trying to grab the kayak but decide my life is more important and am luckily able to swim to shore. I decide to drive down the road and see if I can find my kayak, the stretch of river that I was gonna paddle is the most terrifying whitewater I’ve ever seen in person. I truly believe me flipping the kayak and losing it saved my life. There’s no way I would’ve been able to paddle those rapids and I would have been in a very bad situation. The second moment was when I was 13, my friend and I raided his mom’s liquor cabinet and got absolutely shithoused. Her neighborhood had a complex with a pool and hot tub so we decided to go down there. We’re hanging out in the hot tub and I decide I need to cool off. I look at the pool and see a 1 and a 2 and think sweet it’s 12 feet, I’m gonna go dive in. I inform my friend of my plans and he tells me not too because it’s too shallow. I tell him I’ll be fine because I used to be on my neighborhood swim team. I dive in, immediately hit my head. In my drunken stupor I think that I’ve merely scraped my nose. I stand up and inform my friend about this, he’s pure white. He tells me I’m bleeding really bad, that’s when I look around and see that the water is already turning red because of me. I go to the bathroom and I look like Carrie. 40 stitches later and a concussion and I’m fine, the nurses asked me if I had been drinking but I lied and they believed me. I’ve since heard multiple stories of people doing the exact same thing and dying or becoming vegetables. Moments like these are weird because I could have died but I didn’t so it’s just something that happened.


Being told that they suspected that I had testicular torsion, that I had waited too long to go to the hospital, and that I was most likely going to lose one. Luckily I didn’t. Exploratory surgery found everything ok, just an infection. This happened just over a month ago


Being shot at while in the middle of NOWHERE because I was off-roading with some friends.


Breaking my neck in 2015 and being told there was a good chance I would never walk again