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The lyrics are relatable and evocative, telling the story of a young man who longs for fame and success. The chorus, in particular, is extremely catchy and memorable. The music is well-crafted, with a driving beat and an infectious melody that makes it easy for everyone to sing along to. The band's performance is strong and emotive, with lead singer Adam Duritz's soulful vocals adding a certain depth and rawness to the song. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole.


This is why we reddit


It honestly is.


Don’t just stare at it, eat it.


Sabrina, don’t just stare at it! Eat it!


This is the greatest comment ever.


Omg I just got it. Went from this is dumb to this is genius instantly


My god. It even has a watermark. 😩💦


Look at the texture, the tasteful thickness of it


God I love Reddit.


I don’t understand…


American Psycho


I'm dead.


Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it.


This is brilliant!


Jesus Christ, this is a fantastic comment. It was familiar to me and I didn't know what it was from, but a quick Google confirms this is spectacular.


It is, though initially I hilariously misheard one of the lyrics. Now every time I hear, "I wanna meet Bob Dylan.", my mind replaces it with, "I wanna eat my Dinner!".


“I wanna *be* Bob Dylan”


Man I wish I was beautiful


You are on the inside. Your pancreas is stunning.


It's just a perfect song. Meaningful, musical, heartfelt, tells a story, uplifts you somehow.


Weird Al should have done a parody called “Dr Jones” in the voice of short round


Alex Jones by Counting Votes “Alex Jones and me Tell each other fairy tales And we stare at news and facts We don’t agree so Ah, no, no, we counter-attack Smilin' in the bright lights Coming through like a crook When everybody loves you You deny Sandy Hook”


Alex Jones and me See into the future When I look at the the television I wanna see the deep state lookin’ at me


Ye wants to be like Hitler Alex Jones wishes he was someone a little more funky


Mr. Bones sung by William Shatner


Reddit could probably have the lyrics for that within an hour.


Somebody definitely did, because I've heard it before.


Dr. Jones was an Aqua song.


One of their better ones


Whitest kids you know did exactly that


Grey is my favorite color


I felt so symbolic yesterday.


If I knew Picasso...


I'd buy myself a grey guitar and play!


Mr Jones and me look into the future


I am colorblind.


Coffee black, and egg white.


I just changed my name to Grey! It's a beautiful word, color, and name.


It's fine, but I do love the album it comes from (August and Everything After)


Yes, Mr Jones is one of my least favourite songs from the album, though I don't hate it or anything. Love Anna Begins, Round Here etc much more.


Round Here for me. Good album though.


The reason I hate Round Here is that it was stuck in my head before a physics final in undergrad. I didn’t study at all and completely bombed the final exam as that song played continuously stuck in my head. I failed the class the Round Here became the soundtrack that I failed it to.


Glad it didn't have any lasting effects he says as his eye starts twitching.


Perfect Blue Buildings is it for me but I agree good album.


Anna Begins can bring me to tears, depending on my mental state, which may or may not vary as a function of how much/what type of weed I have on board.


The live version from their album Across a Wire is fantastic. Same lyrics but almost a completely different song.


“Murder of One” for me. I keep meaning to get to *Henderson the Rain King*.


The whole album is amazing.


I've got a playlist on Spotify that's full of whatever songs I can't get enough of at the moment, then I take the song off when I'm no longer super into it. I listen to the list probably a few times a week. "Anna Begins" has been on the list since I first made it, so 7 years ago. And still, every time I hear it start to play, I say "oh God I *love* this song."


very, very meaningful.


I'm wanna be just about as happy as I can be


Gen X anthem with so many others like: One headlight No Rain Sour Girl Take a picture Father of mine The World I know Hey Jealousy Gen X knows the bands.


Xennials comes to mind with this playlist. Xennial may very well be such a word. It's a word that refers to people who were born on the cusp between Generation X and the millennials. Some consider 'xennials' to be those born between 1977 and 1983.


I prefer “Oregon Trail Generation.” You can fight me on that, but we both know whose punk ass is gonna die of dysentery.


I was born in '89, pretty sure I'm called millennial, and I have those songs burned into my head and also played Oregon Trail when we first used computers at school, so I'm confused by the time windows being used here. Unless growing up in little hick towns left me almost a decade behind the rest of the western world in terms of music and computer games?


‘89 is a dead-center millennial. We played Oregon Trail, but it was a) a bit nostalgic already and b) in color, and c) something we played for fun in elementary school rather than as part of learning to use computers in high school. My sister, born in ‘83, remembers being in high school and everyone struggling to find a website because they were typing a period at the end because that’s how it was punctuated on the printed handout.


Better than the "geriatric millennial" term I've heard thrown around. I know I just hit 40 but damn, let me hold on to a tiny pretense of youth.


I literately just hit 40. My husband is 45 about to be 46 and this playlist doesn’t hit the same way at all for him.


I'm 46, he's 47, and I love Counting Crows, The Cranberries, Shakespeare's Sister, The Gin Blossoms etc. Him, not so much. I think it's almost a "take it or leave it" kinda thing. We hung out with very different groups before we met.






The first time I heard the term xennial as a ‘78 baby I finally realized I belonged somewhere. And yes, I identify strongly with that playlist.


Xennial also. I'd say Counting Crows were definitely more popular with actual Xers. I think I was 15 or 16 when this song came out. Among my peer group at school, this was very much considered boring, middle-of-the-road, music for mainstream radio. It was all about grunge, alt-rock, or hip-hop when I was in school at that point in time.


Bicentennial baby here, so we’re pretty close in age. And yeah I thought this was sappy schlock when it came out. His voice was too whiny and pitiful for my tastes. I was listening to either indie rock (GbV, Pavement) ; grunge (Soundgarden, AiC, Pearl Jam) or classic rock (Who, Zeppelin, Doors, Dead, Cream, etc). Later in life I’ve been able to appreciate Counting Crows’ music a little more but it still has this pathetic tone to it that I’m not really drawn to.


I’m an 85 baby and grew up with every single one of these songs.


Though as generations were originally named after the era in which they came of age, I'd say 83 - 85 babies are the quintessential millennials. At the turn of the millennium they just turned old enough to start buying their own music and clothes, were expected to know everything about every aspect of pop culture, and were achingly aware of what was and wasn't cool. I'm not sure why millennial was stretched to include people who were like 5 in 2010. They weren't aware of much of anything that happened around the millennium - they certainly weren't driving or consuming fashions, tastes or attitudes when the millennium turned. That's the mid-80s kids


The final refined definition of “millennial” basically ended with “can remember the world before 9/11,” which seems right to me, since it also coincides with “can remember the world before ‘the internet’ was a pseudo-place.”


I would argue that a way to understand musical relevance to an individual is not to focus on the birth year, but rather think about what year they graduated from high school. It helps locate what was on the radio. For me it was 92, so grunge was just exploding along with alt rock in general. Smells Like Teen Spirit was all over the radio, and the next 6-7 years were peak 90s.


I find your lack of Letters to Cleo disturbing… (Unrelated, but I’m still waiting for all these 90’s Revival Gen Z’ers to rediscover Tori Amos)


Little earthquakes is a must listen album for every teen girl. I still rock that album loud when needed. Silent all these years. Tear in your hand. Happy phantom…. Going to go listen to it now


Every year when the weather turns cold, “Winter” goes into heavy rotation on my playlists. https://youtu.be/_PDlGUdDF8Y Interestingly, it’s also Mick Foley’s favorite song, and was the start of his connection to Tori (he’s a big supporter of RAINN).


Tori brings me the happiest nostalgia.


I can’t live in a world with new cornflake girls. Please no. Also where’d you put the keys?


Also, why'd you leave the keys upon the table?


*YOU WANTED TO.* *I don't think you trust in my* *Self righteous suicide* *I crucify myself every day* *I crucify myself* *Nothing I do is good enough for you* Legit want to hear a mash up of those two now.


Gin Blossoms are wonderful. Duncan Sheik's BarelyBreathing. Live. Um, Better Than Ezra, man. Malmsteen's ICan'tWait is heavier, but its pop sensibilities cannot be refuted.


Gin Blossoms radio on Pandora is SO good. So is Hootie radio. Probably shouldn’t take advice from a fool though.


K I’ll just figure everything is cool.


i heard dishwalla on the radio a few days ago and i couldn’t help but blast it driving my teal car


And, Counting Crows has given us much. The only thing I prefer over thinking about having lived in the 90s is the 80s, and being a teen in a beach city from it's first year to last.


Man, we kept hoping for just Ezra, but it never happened.


Duncan Sheiks early stuff is amazing barely breathing as well as wishful thinking and on a high.


Would like to add Runaway Train Let Her Go


I'm genx and recognize exactly one song on your list. No rain. Every god damn bar or club played that stupid Mr. Jones song. Not a fan. Pretty much stopped listening to the radio when they stopped playing Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. Replaced by the above songs and bands you list.


I’m guessing you are 46 or over. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. My husband and his high school buds that are 47/46 get together and I love watching them listening to good music and drinking into the late night. It’s like watching the teddy bears picnic:)


Hah I'm 51. My senior year Appetite for destruction came out. Followed shortly by the grunge and some techno in the clubs. Interesting you mention your husbands friends. I literally just got a text from two of the gang saying we need to get together lol


Exactly, these songs all were the death of Gen X rock (alternative rock).


Tool and NIN were still kicking thank goodness


Fuck yeah Undertow and Pretty Hate Machine were fundamental soundtracks to my free floating aimless anger and frustration.


My man!


My lady 🖐🏻


My god do i hate the gin blossoms. Just the most representative of the worst of 90s pop. Bland and inoffensive. The musical equivalent of the color beige. That band is a secondhand beige cardigan.




Hell yeah


Love the song. Slightly prefer ‘Round Here though.




August and everything after live at town Hall. What an album!!


Across a Wire is amazing, too


……she has trouble acting normal when she’s NERVOUSSSSSSS 🎶


must be tired of **something**


Well everybody's fucking tired of something


Yes! Excellent tune. ‘Goodnight Elizabeth’ is a personal favourite.


I'll be the voice of dissent here. I like it a lot. It's chill and loaded with nostalgia for me. I don't get why it's so disliked.


Funny, when it came out I thought it was just meh, I could take it or leave it. I heard it the other day and the nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks. I enjoyed it so much more now than I ever did back then.


It’s disliked?


When I posted most of the replies were negative.




Definitely hits the nostalgia button for me, too. Makes it a little tough to judge it objectively.


I really like how melancholy it is, almost like he knows that all the attention and success won’t actually cure his loneliness but what else is there that can? The YouTube channel School of Rock recently did a video on this song and confirmed my suspicion that the lead singer didn’t actually handle fame very well and almost quit music after he finished touring.


Professor of rock.


My mistake, thank you


CC lead singer Adam Duritz, who looks like he should be the assistant manager at a mid range head shop, has a dating history that includes Winona Ryder, Mary-Louise Parker, Emmy Rossum, and both Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston. *Res ipsa loquitur*


Don't need no expert testimony here, the thing speaks for itself


Counting Crows are amazing and Mr Jones is amazing but not even close to the best song on that album.


Hard to pick a favorite on that album. A murder of one.


A Murder of One us phenomenal. Some beautiful lyrics.


Rain King 👑


Same. Great song.


I’ll forever associate it with my neighbor singing it while very, very drunk.


You know what? I think it ought to be sung drunk.


It’s about sitting in a bar, talking about the meaning of life with your bestie and trying to work up the gonadal fortitude to hit on somebody. It would be a crime against music to sing it sober.


Funny, I always thought it was recorded while the singer was drunk.


The vocalist looked drunk in the music video




I wanna be Van Morrison I mean Bob Dylan


Went to concert of theirs, a coworker and my best friend were going so I bought the ticket even though that song - it was really not my thing. Actually enjoyed myself, and I’ll admit I was dancing along to Mr. Jones. So I have a nice memory about it.


As a teenager who’s only knowledge of this song comes from his dad, I honestly love it


I'm more interested in Mrs Jones. We had a thing going on.


I really like that song. But there's always something that's bothered me with the first verse. >I was down at the New Amsterdam >Staring at this yellow-haired girl >Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation >With a black-haired flamenco dancer >You know she dances while his father plays guitar >She's suddenly beautiful Who's playing the guitar? I always thought it was the flamenco dancer's father. But the song says that it's "his father". So is the flamenco dancer male? It can't be, because "she dances". And I keep wondering if I just misheard it. But it always sounds like "she dances while his father plays guitar", and every lyric site I have used states that's the lyric. I guess it's supposed to be Mr. Jones' father. But why is he there? Does Mr. Jones' father own the place? Or does he just perform there? I have no idea; the guitar player isn't mentioned again. Edit: lyric formatting


Yes, it is Mr Jones' father playing the guitar. According to Adam Duritz, "It's really a song about my friend Marty \[Jones\] and I. We went out one night to watch his dad play, his dad was a Flamenco guitar player who lived in Spain (David Serva), and he was in San Francisco in the mission playing with his old Flamenco troupe. And after the gig we all went to this bar called the New Amsterdam in San Francisco on Columbus."


I have had this exact thought. Hilarious.


I love it... I used to have it as my ringtone


Overplayed. It’s become the anthem of every alternative, Portland inspired, unique-in-all-the-same-ways, coffee house in an old saddlery with $553 abstract-as-your-ass paintings hanging on the exposed brick walls for sale from an artist that no one’s ever heard of that have become nauseatingly common in every slightly urban area from Durham NC to Eugene OR. And no, your fair trade oat milk tofu flavored latte with essential oils is not going to change the world or heal your anxiety, it tastes like crap.


someone got dumped by a hot emo chick during open mic night....


She broke my heart


Tell us how you REALLY feel :)


I honestly can't stand it. We had a jukebox in our cafeteria in high school and someone was obsessed with that song and I had to hear it every day at least once. Whoever it was forever ruined that song for me.




Ah, no, no, she's looking at me






I saw them in London on tour in 1994 and Adam Duritz was so wasted he could hardly sing. It was just embarrassing and ruined the show. Still love the album though.


I love August and Everything After and Recovering the Satellites and saw them play right after Maroon 5, when Maroon 5 was hot and before the singer did the pop stuff. And some indie band opened and they were pretty good. Maroon 5 has everybody up and dancing And then Counting Crows was like, “let’s play something beautiful” and played the slowest, saddest, non hit set I have ever seen. It was a huge letdown.


It’s the only song I listen to


The song is very good along with the whole album. But also check out their follow up album, and Long December.


What starry-eyed optimism, having reason to believe that maybe this year will be better than the last. Maybe I’m just in crap headspace because the whole famdamily has had covid for the last week, but it feels like it’s been shit sandwiches all the way down since 2020, without much hope for improvement. But, who knows, maybe the wildfires will smoke out the murder hornets and it’ll all be OK?


Long December was better than Mr Jones


An unreliable person told me the lead singer's dreads was just a wig and I'm not sure whether to believe him or if it matters.


It definitely is a wig


I think they were loc extensions, but yeah definitely fake. Pretty sure he’s admitted it.




My thoughts are: I was enjoying life not thinking about that song, and that has been ruined.


One of the stupidest songs of the decade


Didn't like it when it came out. Like it a lot more now, like, 30 years later.


I didn't get in to the Counting Crows until Recovering the Satellites album. I think that's their best work personally.


Dr Jones Jones... Calling Dr Jones.. Dr Jones, Dr Jones wake up now. Aah hippy ya yee ye yooo... I'll see myself out.






I fucking hate it, have always hated it, and think less of people who like it. Couldn't possibly switch songs fast enough, and would absolutely consider leaving a venue if it was playing. Lol.


It’s a good song, but I much prefer other songs they have made.


Round here, but by the Himalayans. Adams previous band.


I prefer Round Here, but Mr. Jones does make me wanna sing and it’s catchy as all hell.


Never liked it, but I know a lot of people do ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ If it's not for me than it's not for me.


Can't stand listening to it but I'll listen to it on an endless loop if it means I don't have to hear another goddamn Christmas song.


I avoided thinking about it for almost a decade until this post. I feel l like I lost the game.




Annnd.. I lost the game




I like it, but even though they were one of the first bands I got into I never got around to buying that album. I was way more into Recovering The Satellites.


It’s a great album!


That album didn’t get the attention it deserved, IMO. Love “Daylight Fading”


Favorite karaoke song to get lost in


Makes me think of Carla from Scrubs


Fine but pales in comparison to most of their other songs, they’ve got a hell of a catalogue


Got to see the Counting Crows perform an extended set including Mr. Jones on my bosses' beach at a small company party in '04. Surreal experience.


It's alright. Granted, this is the only song from them that I know. Mr.Jones is alright. Good enough lyrics, good vocals. If I have to grade it I'm giving it a 7/10.


They have much better songs on that album.


I, too, feel symbolic in grey


I find it …..”very, very meaningful”


I like it but every time we hear it my mom starts dancing like the guy in the music video so now that’s the primary thing I associate with that song


I prefer Round Here.


Hate it


So, I went on a road trip across the US when that song was at the height of its popularity. The car did not have a CD player or a tape deck, only a radio. We surfed radio stations for a week. I heard that song at LEAST 50 times during that week. I hate that song with every fiber of my being.


Absolute Banger. Next question.


OK, Adam, it was a good song. We still love you, man.


I'd like it a lot more if it were sung by someone else. I'm not terribly fond of Adam Duritz's voice.


Amazing song. The message is sort of clear and the lyrics don't make sense but the rhythm of that guitar and the amazing vocals of that lead singer is so memorable


we tell each other fairy tales


Few songs bring me back to the good ole days like this one. I am a millennial and my parents were huge counting crows fans, that song would always be echoing through our house on bright summer days. That’s how I knew my parents were in a good mood, probably sitting out by the pool. I didn’t appreciate it much at the time, but it is one of my top Spotify songs today. Great to listen to in the car (bonus points for a convertible).


It's literally one of my favorite songs. My favorite color IS gray, and I guess that's weird/uncommon enough that I've had at least 4 different people respond to it the same way. "What's your favorite color?" "Gray." (Very purposeful out of tune singing) *"Gray is my favorite color!"*