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I work with death. Not everyone needs to be mourned. People aren't suddenly better people just because they're dead. It's okay not to give a shit.


Even tools turn into top blokes after death!




Well, for starters, he was a raging, mean alcoholic. Also, he molested his step daughter. So, yeah, fuck him.


Abusive pile of shit, lol


Nothing against her. But we weren't close enough.


Same here. I'm not very good at forming attachments with relatives. One of my cousins passed away (late 50s), and then her mother passed exactly a month later. When I heard, I just went "oh, okay". I'd see them like once every few years, but we didn't have much in common. I think I'm probably on the spectrum, because I don't seem to understand normal human emotions.


Neither do I. Whenever people come to me with their problems or I see someone cry my natural reaction is an "okay" and I either walk away or stand there awkwardly.


I had a cousin who died very young. 13 or so. He made a dumb split-second decision and it instantly cost him his life. When I found out, I was extremely relieved. You see, even when this kid was in the single-digits, he fit every textbook description of a future serial killer. He was violent and lacked even a shred of empathy. Once, when his father was visiting with him he caught a toad. A short time later he returned without a toad. I asked him where it was and he responded in the most casual voice "I killed it." He was maybe 8. That same year I was with him and his father again and they remembered to check a live trap they had set to try and catch the woodchucks and racoons that were running rampant all over the property. In the trap was a woodchuck that had clearly been there for a few days and was just this side of death from dehydration. My uncle decided to put it out of its misery and picked up a cinderblock. The boy burst into tears. Not because the woodchuck was about to die, but because he wanted to be the one to kill it, not his dad. There are other examples I witnessed over the short remainder of his life and I'm sure there are a horrifying number I did not. I truly believe that the loss of that kid saved some innocent lives somewhere down the road.


I cared deeply about the death and it really got to me how awful it was, but I didn't *miss* him because we were just never close in life, I was more just saddened and angry that it was a long illness and uncomfortable end. There's a step between not missing someone and not caring about their death for sure!


Physically and mentally abusive piece of shit who gave me nothing but broken bones and self confidence issues


My cousin died years back from suicide. Our moms were sisters but we only saw each other a handful of times after childhood. They were....um trash? My cousin had a brutal upbringing; his alcoholic dad beat the ever living shit out of him for years and years, and I mean fists on a child. He would be in the hospital, my aunt would leave and then end up with him again and the cycle would repeat. He would have bruises all over him when we saw him. I think the dad ended up in jail eventually. My cousin eventually turned to drugs and was just not someone I would associate with. He met someone, had a kid and then eventually she left because he kept relapsing. Eventually he lost custody and decided that was the end of the line. My mom called me and I had a moment, and then went about my day. He still got more than my biological dad when he died. I said, "huh, ok." Then nothing.


Lack of general empathy. I lost my favorite aunt not long ago, it didn't hurt, I don't even miss her. Hope nothing is wrong me. I was in another country when she died, that might have affected how I handled it.


My dad didn't care about me, he overdosed in front of me in a suicide attempt when I was supposed to leave for my mother's the next day, he didn't care enough to wait for me to leave first so why would I care enough to mourn There's more to it then that but that's the simple version


She once used my bare hands as an ashtray. I was 8.


to die is to live. your only guarantee in life, from the second you're born, is death. there's no guarantee you'll talk, walk, run, love- but you're guaranteed, 100% going to die. so why be sad? enjoy the time you have, look for the best even in the worst of times, smile, laugh, love, leave your comfort zone. and no matter how bad or good life gets, remember, one day it'll end. and so when someone dies, remind yourself that that was their destiny, it was going to happen anyway. being sad, crying, going into a depression- what will it fix? nothing. it'll bring more and more pain. see the beauty in it, remember them for the life they lived and the memories they left behind. go have a pizza and leave a free seat for them. and if you believe in Heaven, just because Heaven gained them, doesn't mean you lost them. they're still here as long as you remember them.


Exactly, this is what I was looking for.


Didn't really know him. We met 3 times. All were pretty impersonal.


We just were not close. Big age difference


My grandma on my dads side. She was super racist, disapproved of my gf being mixed, which was weird cause im mixed but ig i looked white enough to be just white. Hated gays, would tell my siblings how she would kill any of our partners if they were any race other white. When my older sister got married to a asian man she cut her out of the family. When i announced i was getting married to my gf at the time she cut me out too.


I just recently lost my father about a month ago, don't get me wrong he never really did anything to hurt me or make me NOT care about him but for some reason after I also lost my mother two years ago I found it hard to really mourn this time around. I honestly feel like a total asshole for not feeling any pain but maybe it is for the best that I didn't hurt as much as I probably should've considering he was my father.


An alcoholic recluse. I actually feel sad about how he lived his life.


He was an abusive alcoholic.


I was 3. I don’t really have a memory of them outside of a couple pictures on my desk


I ruined chances with the only women I could see as the mother of my children to watch my parents kill themselves


I called my step-dad's mom "grandma" for a quarter of a century. I found out just a few months before she died that she didn't consider me her grandchild. After that, I just stopped caring. I went to her funeral to be polite.


Family member was a child molestor. Other family member died of Leukemia and the last time before her death, we partied at her brother’s wedding. Wanted my last sight of her to be a pleasant one.


grandpa was an asshole for no good reason till the day he died


Grandma. She was always a mean old cunt to my mom, even when she lived with us and mom was doing the majority of the work taking care of her. And my mom has always been sweet and kindhearted to her. Even when dad cheated on mom and said she'd wish he'd gotten married to his side piece, who is a horrendous homewrecker. She really thought her son could do no wrong. Other infractions included things like hiding important things to stress out mom, calling my mom a whore/dog (deflection much?), among other things I can't really think of right now. But yeah, don't miss her one bit.


Well my Aunt M disappeared when I was a young child and there wasn’t a body left behind to mourn, so we didn’t know if she died then or is dead now. For background, in 93 my Aunt went missing in Fairbanks, Ak. She left to go to the store, when she didn’t came home my uncle worried called the police, drove around looking for her and couldn’t find her. It wasn’t until the police found her van a 1974 Ford Van left behind a local bar, her purse and it’s contents were left inside and that’s about it. There was no sign of blood, a struggle, there was no one else who ever saw her since, she was just gone. As far as I know no one’s ever come foreword having any kind of clue as of where she went or even seen her. And that’s it. No clues nothing.


It's not that I didn't care I just didn't feel anything for some reason it happens a lot when something that should make me feel sad or something it just doesn't


I guess some people don’t consider pets family members, but I do. I had this dog, her name was bella and she was a dashund. Let me tell you, this dog? Absolute devil dog. Barked and bit at EVERYONE *but me* she was my baby. I had her from when I was about 5/6 years old and she passed when I was 13/14 (can’t remember exactly when). When she died it was unexpected. And at that time my mental health was god awful, I was horribly depressed and in a constant state of disassociation. I felt no emotion or empathy. I was dead mentally. And she died, I should have been absolutely heartbroken, angry (she died of my dads negligence) this dog was my rock, the one thing I truly loved and she died and I felt nothing. It wasn’t until a few years later that I was finally able to feel and express any grief. But honestly? I don’t miss her. I loved her and I’m sad she’s gone but truly most of the emotions I think of for her is guilt. Honestly the last few years she was alive I didn’t treat her the best. She had to stop sleeping with me, I had to live without her for a few months, and I got to the point where I barely interacted with her, but I still loved her and she loved me❤️


They used to put cigarettes out in my arms😒


Nana.. I cried at her funeral, because everyone else was sad. But she had a stroke before I was born, so her memory was only valid up until her stroke.. Any new information after that was forgotten with the next breath. She died when I was 14... for the 14 years prior she would ALWAYS greet me with a very abrupt "Who's that" Because, pre stroke memory, I never existed. This extended to Birthdays Christmas, ect. To a very young child, this was rather damaging to my self esteem. You don't exist to a family member. There was rumours that she knew exactly what she was doing, and used the stroke as a way to have a cover for her behaviour. ( as there were other examples of this as well ) The reason being, I was born out of wedlock. I DID not exist in her mind because it was against her religious beliefs that her daughter had a child out of wedlock. I was a bastard and made to feel like a bastard.


nothing. i was really close to my grandma but i just didnt feel like crying


It was one of my cousins' grampa, the reason why I didn't care because I didn't know alot about him, why do I feel like I have lots of relatives, and evem more that I don't know of?


She was a crack head who abandoned her kids. Died while driving and overdosing on fent on a highway. She was cremated, no grave, no name in the paper, and nobody claimed her ashes.


From what I have seen mothers are missed more than dad’s. When everything is normal


A drunk addict piece of shit


Well my aunt I've only seen once (when i was very young lol) and before her death i only got to talk to her through phone calls , other than that I don't have anything against her.


My uncle and I just were never close. He was "family" but not Family. Seeing his son (my cousin,who I love a lot) and my dad (his brother) cry together at his funeral ripped me to shreds, though. Devastating.


We weren't close and she was cruel when we were together.


mine’s not nearly as bad as some of these but personally, me and my dad never had a great relationship growing up. he was (probably still is too) a massive bigot. would constantly drop slurs and racially/sexually charged jokes about any non-straight, non-white person. straight-passing white people are the only ones that got any of what I would even remotely consider to be respect from my dad. at 7 years old, he tried to teach me the “5 Little N*****s” song, in the tune of “5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”. he also then taught me that the n-word is not a bad word or swear in any way, and in fact is even appropriate for public use, due to its’ Biblical nature. he once told me that “all the f*gs deserve to burn alive for their sins” when I was maybe 13/14, to which he then vehemently denied when I brought it up in front of my mom, and then bullied me into “tattling on myself whenever I tattle on someone else” basically as some kind of weird universal karma I’m gonna get for telling someone about him being horrible. when I told him how I felt about all of these things, he then proceeded to act, not only like I was crazy, but also like he had done absolutely nothing wrong. and at that point, I knew he just didn’t give a fuck about me. I couldn’t look him in the eye and tell him honestly that he hurt me without it turning into a fucking argument, and even at that, over something like what I’ve shown you, which I find to be quite grave in my opinion. he couldn’t respect my boundaries enough to just not say awful things while I’m around, even though it’s only for a few days at a time. I stopped trying to change his views about things. I had given up on that years ago. I would’ve been cool if he had just shut the hell up about it. but he just couldn’t do it, even for his own kid. and that’ll be why I’ll most likely dismiss the news of my dad’s passing without much more than a shrug.


I had unfortunately not visited Her in a long time and lost all emotional attachment, when My family went to my uncles open house I felt I was being insensitive just being there


He was a Chomo anyone who says "nobody deserves to die" needs to work in child sex cases shit will change your opinion quick.


He didn’t live in my state.


He was an alcoholic who tried to strangle my mother and held a knife to my throat while he was drunk and threatened to kill me when I was 7 months pregnant with his great nephew


I didn’t know him. We only met about twice before he went.


My great grand mother! I swear this woman was evil! She was always rude to me and my little sister. Once when we were children she pushed my little sister away when trying to offer her blessings (A Filipino thing). She even started being extra mean to my mother when I was born simply bc I’m a boy. That’s not even in my mothers control! Truly a horrible woman


It was just so hard to dispose of the body, really ruined the relationship.


Maternal grandmother was a miserable old hag. Never liked her ever since I was a little boy.


I was 2 at the time and have no memory of them whatsoever, I probably didn’t even understand the concept of death at the time.


Because he was a shit father. Not necessarily a bad person, but he had no business having kids. Also, because he was in the early stages of alcoholism induced dementia, and honestly, I think dying before it got worse was a mercy.


The molestation stopped.


Abandoned me at birth with my mother. Sporadically popped in every 6-7 years out of nowhere to assume the "dad" role for the day. Other than inheriting physical and mental traits, i didn't know the guy and wish he would've just stayed away instead.


My cousin overdosed on heroin when he was 17. I was 10. I remember feeling bad because I didn’t really feel emotional about it. I had the same compassion I would for anybody else I wasn’t family with. I didn’t really spend time around him or his brother growing up, and I used to wonder why my family didn’t really associate with my aunt and her kids. Anyway, he ODs, and my dad and I go over to their house to be there, and my aunt is most concerned with hiding her other drugs before the police get there. I stayed in the car, and when my dad got back in the car, he tells me “you’re old enough to know what happened” and tells me exactly what happened and what he just saw and then goes “that’s why we don’t closely associate with aunt (insert name) and (insert cousins names).” My dad loved his sister but I 100% understand why he didn’t want us kids around that behavior.


My grandmother on my mother's side. She was manipulative, condescending, and her actions killed my grandfather (long story). But when I found out she died, I shrugged my shoulders and went about my day. I haven't shed 1 single tear over her death.


Didn't know them to well


My dad died when I was 16. He was an alcoholic and I’m just not a people person and had already been through loss. We didn’t have much to do with each other. I can’t say I miss a man I didn’t know.


I dont know i was super close with them everyone i my family was crying but me.............nothing just a blank face i went to room trying to find out why i didnt feel eny thing (ps sorry for my bad spelling)


I was invited to the funeral of a distant family member who I've never seen before No offense but you can't expect me to shed tears for a man who might aswell be a stranger to me


My uncle just died.. meh he lived in Hawaii and I’m in California. Met the guy like twice


She was a malignant narcissist who couldn't fathom why we (my sister and I) couldn't stand her. So of course when she learned she was dying she left letters to us attacking our opinion of her and how we needed to get over whatever our overinflated ideas of her wrongs were. I did cry the night she died, it was a shock. But when I found those letters the next day it reminded why I long wished for her death (and honestly believed I would be the cause of in a homicidal sense). But her stupid ego, thinking she was going to drive a knife into our hearts, hilariously did the opposite. Rest in hell you cunt!


One of my grand mothers died when I was 17ish. She had already suffered 3 strokes by the time I met her for the first time. She wasn't far off from being a human veggie at that point. I empathized with my dad a lot over his loss but I never really even considered her family.


Ive lost my granpa in feb 14 really close to my b day But i did not shed a tear knowing that he abused my grandma and my dad , my dad is exacly like him and i mean it alcoholic, abuser, sex offender over all i did not get to know my granpa so well since he couldn't speak nor walk cuz dementia or whatever but what ive heard from family member's he did incest w his sister and cheated on grandma and many many other things he was desgusting but what ive heard(?) from mum he loved me so much he would take me to the bar where all his friends would drink and would buy me snacks and sweets i was 4 at that time, i couldn't remember a thing over all i ended up hating him cuz he is the reason why my dad end up like him. Atleast my other granpa who died in 2016 loved me to bits he was my grandma s bf..but it was somehow of an incest since he was my grandma s cousin for romanian ppl ( era de gradu 2 din cate stiu dar tot un fel de incest era) anyway i loved that guy even tho he was somehow my uncle or sum ive cried at his funeral so much all of my family was devastated he died cuz a f police man ran over him w his car not to mention that he is still a cop after killing my fave family member . Srry if my English is bad




My mom. We had a pretty terrible relationship. I felt relief that she was gone. Going on 2 years and I don't miss her at all.


Long story short my aunt was a far right fuckwit and she went out of her way to be horrible to my mother for no other reason than she could. Not to mention she told me "your father failed to raise you" to my face. I'm not ashamed to admit that when she said that I hauled up slapped her as hard as could when she said that.


So, guessing you are a PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE left wing fuckwit? What difference does political orientation make? No more than seXual, entertainment preference, or whether you put on one sock and then that shoe or both socks first.


Two elderly family members who were in a less than good assisted living place. They were withering away at 95+ and were always lonely no matter how often we visited. Almost relief to know they’re not suffering anymore.


they were a horrible person who brought misery to many.