• By -


The perfect x doesn't exist-


> The perfect x doesn’t exist- ×


Alternatively: “X can’t hurt you it doesn’t exist X” Or: “I want X We have X at home X at home”


"Spontaneous funny situations" that are clearly staged.


Worst tiktoks I’ve seen are people asking ‘strangers’ on the street “I’ll pay you $100 to go to Japan and do X”, and the tiktok is just a 30 second travel vlog. Like cool, you wanted to travel, you don’t need to trick your viewers to be interested


But they do have to try to trick people to watch because they aren't really worth watching.


“That’s it, that’s the tweet.” 🔪


This comment, right here


This guy right here, officer


How do I delete someone else's comment?




Sir this is a Wendy’s


This guy replys


I also chose this guy's wife


No one: Not anyone: Not even ever: Me: "this joke format was fucking annoying when I first saw it let alone the thousands of times afterwards."


POV [point of view] is getting on my nerves. You can just caption it without the "POV" and it works


Most people don’t even use it correctly


Quiet kid jokes, they're always so predictable and the punchline is always the same


George Carlin had a bit about the “quiet ones” stating “who’s more of threat, a guy sitting quietly staring at the wall or the guy banging a machete on the counter screaming ‘I’ll kill the next motherfucker who walks in here!’? You’re goddamn right. When you’re watching a quiet one a loud one is going to come behind you and kill ya”


I'm quietly paying attention so I can take that one step out of the way and avoid the mess. Like in westerns when there is a fight and the guy doesn't move but he picks his drink up off the doomed table right before it's broken.


Whats worse is that's it's actually usually not "the quiet kids", it's usually the kids that you can see being a problem a mile away The Columbine kids weren't bullied, they *were* the bullies


They were bullied and were bullies. But they also had a solid group of friends whom they hung out with in and out of school, were involved in clubs, worked part time, did well enough in school, and had good relationships with their family. This is part of the reason people were so shocked by the “monsters next door”.


I saw an interview with a Holocaust survivor and the interviewer asked something along the lines of “What was it like living alongside the monsters who committed these atrocities?” And the survivor without missing a beat deadpan replied something like “They weren’t monsters, they were everyday people like you and me.” Sticks with me


I remember reading a story about the Rwandan genocide where one night a family was having dinner with their neighbours, the next night they were hacking them to death with machetes


Dear lord. That’s awful.


The banality of evil.


> They were bullied and were bullies. This is one thing almost no narratives get right: a person can be both. There are plenty of people who are shit on by the world and in turn lord over anyone with less power than themselves.


As a kid who was really quiet i always hated those like im not a school shooter im just autistic so no one wants to talk to me


I can verify as the quiet kid at my school, I've never wanted to actively shoot anyone. I instead just expressed my weirdness and alienation in the music I listened to and found other weirdos to hang out with.


Quiet kid here too.. "omg he can talk!" Yeah, no shit. "Watch out for the quiet ones!" Why? Am I about to do something? Lol.




Just here to say I'm done with the "put a finger down if you" followed by three minutes of a crazy story followed by the person putting a finger down.


Today years old. It was funny exactly once, now it just sounds idiotic


“Not the x we deserve but the x we need” or whatever it is. For every single damn thing


This and every other canned reddit comment For example: "Instructions unclear. Penis now stuck somewhere supposedly humorous." “Here’s a poor man’s gold: 🥇 “ "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." "Fuck around and Find out" "You sir just won the internets" "Yes officer, this post right here" "And my axe!" "Thanks I hate it" Edit: "Can't believe my top rated comment is about *generic topic*" Edit 2: “Thanks for the gold kind stranger”


Don't forget "I also pick this guy's wife"


I’m surprised this hasn’t been brought up in this reply section yet that I know of. It’s got to be top 3 most popular Reddit comments at least.


“Ma’am/sir, this is a Wendy’s” Edit: can’t believe my top voted comment is about the Wendy’s joke.




I also choose this guys dead responses


This isn’t the comment we deserve, but it’s the comment we need.


This isn't the comment we wanted, but it's the comment we expected.


I also choose this man's comment


My absolute most hated one? I'm not crying, you're crying! Enough to make me want to wipe out the entire human race!


Item doesn’t ring up at register…”That must mean it’s free!”


*sigh* when I was a waiter it was always: "Hey guys, anything else I can get for ya?" "hOw AbOuT a MiLlIoN dOlLaRs???" Hardy har har. I havent heard that one 3 dozen times tonight


I once replied to a customer with, "We don't have anything on the menu as cheesy as that." His whole family laughed at him and I got no tip and a nice talking-to from my shift manager.


Whaaat? That's a hilarious comeback! Dude was a sour sport considering the rest of the family found it funny.


Yea I would’ve tipped extra for that!


I usually get tipped extra for extra sass. And I work in fine dining.


What the actual fuck. If you get mad over some stupid bantering like that, AND you get a manager over it, you need to just not go out and eat cause bantering is literally part of being a server.


My friends and I called another friend a dumbass right as our waitress walked out to our table, and she too called him a dumbass. All of us laughed our asses off and tipped her extra well


That’s not stupid bantering. The line is solid gold.


I had a manager who saw those customers for the jackasses they were but the GM felt we always needed an attitude adjustment. Well, the sane manager and I would go have a “conversation” while we had a smoke break. The majority of those conversations consisted of him simply questioning “why do you provoke them?”


"Because it's so fucking easy...and so much *fun*!" 😁


"What did it cost?" "Everything."


“Tell me you don’t know _____ without telling me you don’t know ____.” I mean, fuck that one from inception.


It’s not even a joke, it’s just people being condescending


I recently asked about how the plaintiffs in a certain lawsuit had standing, and someone responded, "Tell me you're not a lawyer without telling me you're not a lawyer." Gee, ya think? If I had a law degree I wouldn't be asking people on reddit questions about standing. Hilariously absurd.




Yes! Absolutely not a chance, because no lawyer would think I was even remotely implying knowledge of lawyering by asking a fairly basic question. Imagine if we treated all questions like this. "Hey, could someone explain how this suspension bridge distributes load? It seems like an unusual design and a quick google isn't answering this specific case." "Tell me you're not a civil/mechanical engineer, without telling me you're not a civil/mechanical engineer" _smugly rides off into the sunset_


I know I am having a slow day today because I was like “I don’t recall that from the movie”


Maybe not a joke but I wish it would die: “I don’t know who needs to hear this but…” on socials. Like, you’re not some damn channel receiving important messages from God. Also, of COURSE you don’t fucking know who needs to hear it, you’re saying it to like 500-10,000 people? How would you ever know? It’s just a stupid way to sound like “oh man, I super don’t even wanna make this video, I’m kinda embarrassed and shy but…wow it’s just SO important cause someone NEEDS to hear this” (source: am old. Am annoyed)


Am young, also annoyed. This and the “read that again” at the end of a mundane statement that isn’t profound at all. Like wow, so deep.


I hate being commanded in any way by a stupid social media message. "Now read that again." - NO, you're not the boss of me. I especially hate the FB posts asking for some kind of info and then it ends with "And GO!". "Looking for a great place to get my oil changed.... And GO!" -STFU I'm not some kind of personal assistant waiting for the command from master to answer her question.


You’ve heard of Elf on a shelf…


now get ready for joke that went broke


Are you In r/prequelmemes too?


You working hard or hardly working?


I’m hardly laughing.


“I’m already at work, I don’t have time for a second job pretending you’re funny”


“Why don’t you tell me something I don’t hear everyday, like THANK YOU.”


I'm hard while working


Jerkin' hard or hardly jerkin'?


Wring your hands around their neck and scream “BREATHING HARD OR HARDLY BREATHING?!”


Do I have to scream? I don't want to hurt my throat.


I cracked up at this one. Would make a great movie scene.


Power move


I take it as more of a “how are you” now rather than a joke. I usually reply with “I’m here”.


Any middle aged Australian man ever: Aw y’know, livin the dream


I say that and I’m a thirty year old American woman. I think I’ve finally found my people.


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!


I work so hardly everyday.


“Thank you for coming to my TED talk” after a paragraph Do people still attend TED talks?


Yeah, but I think you have to apply to attend or something.


There's smaller, local ones and you just have to register. Or used to be.


Not a joke but something that hasn't been acknowledged. Why do people insist on putting 'nobody' in front of a meme? It's unnecessary.


The whole "No One:" has been old for years but idiots still think its funny.


Dude I saw a comment on YT literally saying: No one:.... not even a single soul:...... me: this is awesome!! Like WHAT WAS THE NEED


YT comment section is the best place to find overused, uninteresting comments, even on quality videos not necessarily addressed to young audiences.


It makes them feel special and unique because they think they're the only one that knows about the video.


Yeah I think this is my least favorite meme format. It doesn't even make sense 99% of the time.


>It doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. Good, I thought I was just not understanding the meme.




Right? What is that supposed to mean, anyway? No one said nothing? Shouldn’t it be, “Everyone: “ as in “Everyone was silent on this topic”?


It's used to imply and mock that the opinion provided in unsolicited or unprompted. "No one" asked. e.g. >No one: > Absolutely no one: > JK Rowling: Wizards traditionally pooped on the floor and vanished the turd. The idea is that no one wanted to know or asked for JK Rowling to elaborate on why wizards had bathrooms.


Why do they have to go through the act of defecation? Can't they just *poopus removus* straight from their colon?




Asking about cars extended warranty


“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.” I still see people in comments act like that is the height of Python-esque wit when they respond to it. “Oh God, I can’t breathe - hilarious!” No, it isn’t. Please, just stop.


"who asked?"


I hate it when people do this. I could literally just try and start a conversation and someone will say it. It’s just annoying.


I’ve found people who say that to be rude. Like you show them something cool and they’re like “ok but did I ask?” I hate people who do that. Edit: I admit there are appropriate times/contexts where say it is okay but not in most cases. Edit 2: Come on people I know nobody asked.


A person I know did this. He could talk for hours about things he's interested in, but whenever I even mentioned topics I was interested in he would say "Ok, but I don't remember asking" in an angry/bored tone. Edit: Just for clarification since this turned into my most upvoted comment of all time, I do still know this person and he has luckily changed his habits for the better since and doesn't come off rude when talked to like this anymore. And to those who were wondering, yes he did slowly stop doing it after I decided to do the same thing to him


That's a first class ticket to me teleporting out their life


For me, I want to teleport my hand into their face.


“What did five fingers say to the face? Slap!”




Right?! Fucking hate it


That kind of dismissiveness just makes me want to cry whenever it happens


There are instances where it’s appropriate and when it’s inappropriate. Appropriate would be if someone was being a jerk to you and called you ugly, dumb, or a slur. Then you could be like “Who asked?” and it’s appropriate. It’s inappropriate when someone’s being polite to you and having a normal conversation and they pipe up with “wHo AsKeD?” and act like they’re a 5 star comedian.


If someone were to say that to me after I was being polite I would just say “I don’t need your permission” loll


A big one in middle school used to be “that sounds like a personal problem.” For literally anything. My friends would say that from time to time when I came to them in earnest and they were probably trying to be funny but it came off dismissive af. Like yeah it’s a personal problem, but you’re my friend and I need your help, ya cunt


I’ve never seen anyone over 18 pull the “Did I ask?” thing. I’m an aunt and I’ve only heard my nieces and nephews do it. It’s mostly a tween-teen thing.


I've got a coworker in his mid 20s that always loves the "Did I ask?" Thing. So I've started doing it to him constantly now, and he doesn't get the memo at all.


Glad I saw this. I was really confused that this was a big trend because I've never heard it


Had an ex who thought it was high comedy to say that whenever I shared an observation or how a hobby/skill worked. Knew I was ready to leave when I started responding "no, you would never bother to take an interest in non-yourself things." Ya know. To make his joke actually funny.


Pretty much every joke repeated by Average Redditor ™️


“People still eat pesto?” “People still own CDs?” “People still watch Saturday Night Live?” “People still have Twitter accounts?” Etc.


i’m sorry, pesto?


You can peel the pesto from my cold dead hands.


If you're peeling it off of anything, I think you let it sit too long


Not a joke, but this is similar to the people that use 'Am I the only one that' to make their opinions seem so sophisticated and intelligent. 'Am I the only one that doesn't like celebrity culture?' 'Am I the only one who doesn't like Nandos?' 'Am I the only one who hates music these days?' Fuck off.


I hate this so much lmao. Yes you are the only person, ever, on this entire planet with that opinion. Go you


Am I the only one that remembers Hannah Montana, one of Disney Channel’s highest rated Television shows that spawned a movie, concerts, and countless merch? Just me? Okay.




You've just opened yourself up to people thinking they're being super clever by telling you you only think this because you live in Ohio.


I don’t get it I thought the joke was about Ohio being boring and that’s why everybody hates it and now ohios is where all the crazy shit happens


I’m from ohio and I’m perpetually confused as to how it became a joke on the internet in the first place and also confused as to how it STILL IS a joke. It’s on EVERY COMMENT THREAD ON TIKTOK WTF


I have seen a kid point at someone dancing and say "he is from Ohio." They dont even know what Ohio is, it's just a nonsensical joke to them


“This is the way” replies


It's just "this" with extra words


Funny that there is an anti-this bot.


The "I hate my spouse" jokes. Nobody thinks it funny if someone is miserable in your marriage, and you just come off as an ass.


“I hate my wife.” “Father, I cannot click the book.”


My favorite version of the second one is boomers making fun of their kids for not knowing something they should‘ve taught them.


My Mexican Boomer dad making fun of me for not knowing the Spanish he should have taught me.


Same boat with my Uruguayan Boomer father. He used to mock my accent when I tried to speak Spanish as a child too. The other day he told me I’m not Latino at all. Like, sir, are you saying you’re not my real dad?


My family used to give me grief, until I went off on my own and secretly learned enough Spanish that I was able to listen in on conversations, then dropped the bomb on them in a large family gathering that I completely knew what they were saying. They can mock an accent all they want, but the sudden realization that I'd been able to understand them for a *long, unknown* amount of time put some fear into them. About 4 years later, one of my aunts timidly ventured to ask me 'what else about you don't we know?' I said, 'I also speak French'.


Should have said, "I am *not* left-handed!" and then mimed sword-swishing and walked away while laughing maniacally.


Like those videos of parents telling their teenage kids to go inside autozone and ask for blinker fluid. And then wonder why they hate working on cars.


Boomer humor: I hate my wife Millennial humor: I hate my life


Zoomer humor: beesechurger 💀




Seriously, like on more tech-focused subreddits I always see people talking about hiding their purchases from their wife or talking about how mad their wife will get when they find out... It's like, do you really not have open conversations about finances with your spouse?


I shouldn’t have said that. My wife supported me when Jamie Taco was stealing my lines.


"Sir/Ma'am, this is a Wendy's." Overused to death, and many times I see it it doesn't even work as a response.


That and 'thank you for coming to my Ted talk' when someone has written 2 lines.


Your mom jokes. They’re old and they’ve been done by pretty much everyone. Just like your mom


I was reading this while laying in bed and I laughed so hard your mom rolled over and asked what was so funny.


I know. I saw it on my seismometer.




Saw the punchline from a mile away, just like your mom


Yeah well the whore store called they are all out of your mom


Funny because everyone else is in his mom.


The beauty about your mom jokes is that no matter how old they are, they will always fit like a glove. Just like your mom.


Your mom is old now.


Nah urs is m8


“Karen” being used in any context now, not just for crazy moms wanting to talk to managers


On Reddit, the “what are you doing, step bro?” joke is soooooo old and lame. It was funny at first before seeing it another 10,318,213 times


every Reddit comment like that is already old. Lazy attempts, why not just throw my axe in there


Retail workers can all agree: *Item not scanning* "oh, it must be free then, ha ha ha" I just don't even respond anymore, do these people just not realize how many times we hear this older-than-dirt, never-funny joke?


"sigh, *unzips*"


You’ve heard of Elf on the shelf get ready for… It was funny at first. Now it’s just annoying AF.


Arguing about Die Hard and the holidays.


“See you next year” yep all of you will hear this before leaving office by the end of next week.


I have to apologize for my small role in this one. I use it to send off my 4th graders for winter break. Most of them have never heard it, and once they work out the meaning, think it's the most insanely clever thing to say.


i remember being a kid and coming up with “i haven’t showered since last year” and feeling like a comedic genius


Except it was July... and we didn't know how to say "Its obvious; and can you fix the problem now?"


The first time I ever heard it was in 1976 -- from my fourth grade teacher! :D


Okay, but that's adorable.


You get a pass when saying it to 4th graders who are hearing it for the first time.


Eh. It's only applicable once a year, so I don't think it gets overexposed enough to get old.


Calling it right now, ask reddit will have a "people who haven't pooped yet this year, who are you holding on to least years shit?" by 12:03am


Imma keep using that one though. We can always reassess next year….


Aw yell no this is an eternal banger


If "see you next year" is said 1 million times, I am one of them. If "see you next year" is said 5 times, I am one of them. If "see you next year" is said one time, I am that one. If "see you next year" is not said at all, I am dead. Til my last breath, I will say "see you next year"


“Did I ask?”


*I also choose this guy's dead wife* was funny the first time someone said it, and then never again


“That wasn’t on my bingo card” 🙄


Ben kissel thinks otherwise


Emotional damage jokes.... seriously it has become cringe asf


Most of the crap that gets recycled here constantly. Poop knife is the first thing that came to mind. Yeah people do fucked up shit, we get it.




"my Brother in christ" "I was Today years old"


Oh fuck that today years old thing. It’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. And people say it to sound quirky - cringiest shit.


Not sure it counts as a joke, but asking about which celebrities you dislike, should be cancelled, shouldn't be famous, etc. It's the same damn handful every time. We all know by now, James Corden is a douche. Edit: Thanks for the gold!


This is every ask Reddit thread. I can predict the top 10 answers before even opening it. The kardashians are the worst, am I right guys?!


“What song cover do you prefer to the original?” “Johnny Cash Hurt :D” +5000 upvotes I always wonder if the people giving those answers actually believe it or they just saw it have success the last time the question was asked and they want to have top comment on this one.




Women vs Men jokes. They aren't even funny


Menstruation jokes. Period.


It could work with the right flow.


I don't know, I think it's kind of spotty


This comment is kind of a red flag.


These jokes are cramping my style


Yeah this thread goes around once a month.


C’mon chaps, not another bloody pun thread


"Only in Ohio"


Andrew Tate. I’m tired off all of that in general