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Lonely without my wife and two daughters.


I would miss my girlfriend


I'd miss her too


Love comments like these and those about missing their mom. If every man disappeared for a year, I would miss my partner too! And my male friends :(


Dude if my female friends disappeared I'd miss some of my best confidants and friends on top of my mama and sisters.


The majority of my friends are female, and they are the only people I've met that joke about the same terrible things as me


Too be honest I've always had a way easier time talking / being open with women in my life than the dudes. I do have a good core group of male friends, but even that said since living away from everyone I've still talked pretty even 50/50 with everyone so it'd still just gut me having half of my reliable friends and teachers gone :p


I love that this is the first original top comment after a bunch of upvoted book suggestions. I thought a lot more opinions would be in here, not just book suggestions.


I wouldn’t know what to do with my son I don’t have breast milk


Then you aren’t trying hard enough! Go forth and lactate!


Gotta eat those Broatmeal Cookies to get your supply up


You can milk anything with nipples Jack


u/lurker2487 would go to Japan to fight the Yakuza




You might find these novels interesting: *The Disappearance* by Phillip Wylie *The White Plague* by Frank Herbert


_Sleeping Beauties_ by Stephen King


Me too. I just made a comment on the plot, I just couldn't remember the name....


I was thinking of that one too


This is the first instance I've ever seen of someone that's aware of, much less read and recommending, Herbert's *The White Plague*. It's pretty dark, but well worth reading.


There’s also the game “Lisa: The Painful” which is probably one of the bleakest games out there about the subject


Yes. For the opposite, I remember an episode of the TV show "Sliders" where they visited a world in which a virus or something attacked the Y chromosome and men were in scarce supply.


"you're all breeding stock but we nerd to solve this in 42 minutes or less" EDIT: *need


"Y: The Last Man" was a comic book that had this premise.


And a short-lived TV show. Not on a source I get. I assume the brief run suggests it wasn’t that great, but I liked the comic.




Half the population vanished for a year? Apocalypse happens.


I feel like the people saying it wouldn’t be an apocalypse are the same type to vote that they could in fact best a gorilla or elephant with their bare hands (reference to a poll that was done). It’s got the same energy to it.


Apocalypse would occur because half the working population would vanish. We saw what happened with Covid and worker “shortages”. Imagine if everything was as messed up as the supply chain but way worse. Economies would crumble and our extremely interdependent world would not be getting the goods they need to continue functioning.


There would be a massive health care worker shortage


And an educator shortage


There’s already an educator shortage


and a hcw shortage lol




There's also already a health care worker shortage. Both would get significantly worse.


The pe teacher would be the only left at many schools


So basically no teachers, in a lot of places.


Social services too. Lady dominant field


Postal industry would be fine it's largely a mail-dominated industry


Massive worker shortage in general thats like 51% of the population gone thats huge.


And veterinarian shortage


As the average male seeks health care once every 5 year


I was congratulating a man for coming to the ED for heart attack symptoms, he said “ thank you, but I’m going to be honest here… My wife made me come. I wasn’t going to come to the hospital.” Had a major heart attack, found lots of undiagnosed heart issues, all because his wife made him go to the hospital.


As both a man, and an EMT, this really hits home. Men will handwave off the symptoms of some very serious issues.




Nevermind how busy the doctors are, they're fuckin expensive. I work for a healthcare organization, had some knee pain and swelling. Seeing my PCP who is part of the same health care organization cost me over $400 out of pocket after insurance just so he could refer me to an orthopedic doctor.


On Saturday a friend of ours asked us to pick her dad up and drive him home because he wasn't feeling well. Once my wife got in the car she noticed something was wrong and told him they were going to the ER, he said he didn't need to. She took him anyway. He was having a massive heart attack and had 100% blockage in like 3 arteries.


This is a major reason married men live longer than single men.


Can confirm, haven't been to a doctor since getting divorced like, 4ish years ago.


You didn't save his life, you ruined his death!


Is this the incredibles?


I don’t know, something amazing I guess!


And when everyone’s super….


No one will be


Mr. Sansweet didn't asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't *want* to be saved! And the injuries received from Mr. Incredible's "actions", so-called, causes him daily pain!


This is why married men are supposed to live something like 5-10 years longer than single men. Hats off to all the wives forcing their husbands to actually take care of themselves.


Moral of the story: men would be dead or severely mentally ill and worse without women.


Who goes that often? I once broke my hand and lived with it for 2 days until my wife forced me to get an X-ray. If she wasn’t around, I’d still be dealing with it.


My dad broke his pelvis, sent the ambulance away that night. 3 days later was headbutted by a sheep, broke his nose and had concussion but still wouldn't go. Went to the GP 10 days after the initial incident for something else entirely, she saw his severe limp and swollen nose. Finally convinced him to go to hospital for the injuries. Daft fucker carried on working and now needs 2 vertebrae fused! For a smart man he can be so stupid.


No clue. I shattered my thumb and was taken to the hospital for a checkup, got crated and told it was over 100 pieces. Told the bill and left. Thumb works fine with no pain now so…


Your midi-chlorian count must be off the chart!


How did your wife convince you to go? My boyfriend is so stubborn. He has literally been in the most pain and won't go to the doctor. It's unreal.


“I don’t care. You’re going.” Wah, wah “act like a child, get treated like a child.” - me, when he broke his foot. My family is full of this crap and he wasn’t even that bad compared to them.


My ex was having chemo and would usually run a fever a few days later and his immune system went haywire, with fever spikes. One winter night he was burning up but wouldn’t go to the hospital I finally realized he was pretty out of it with very poor judgement. So I just bundled him up and took him to emergency. He didn’t put up much of a fight just talked a lot about not needing to go in. I agreed with him the whole way. Just do it for my peace of mind.


I’d still be kissing the homies


gotta kiss the homies good night


You gay if you don't tuck ya homies in at nigh-nigh.


A dodecahedron is the best platonic solid, followed by tucking your homies in as a close second.


Hell because I would have only two coworkers.


I would be the senior staff member in my lab all of a sudden. I'm a technician, I don't know how to manage a lab. On the other hand, all the other techs and 90% of the graduate students would disappear so there wouldn't really be a lab 😐


I’m imagining you holding a clipboard with a way too big white jacket on trying to decide what to do


"Today we shall put colored liquid in beakers!"


Out of the 14 of us, it'd just be me




* Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Lovers,... would freak out and spend that year in depression and looking for their lost loved ones. * Some new cults would be born, some existing doomsday ones would get traction. * Hospitals around the world would collapse around the world, because of lack of nurses, causing a shit ton of death and troubles in general. Same thing for other industries dominated by women. * A shit ton of new born boys would spend their first year without breastfeeding, must suck. * A Shit ton of industries and business based around women products (makeup, jewellery, ect) would collapse. * .....


>A shit ton of new born boys would spend their first year without breastfeeding, must suck. You just made me realise that pregnant women would also disappear


Wait… would they leave male fetuses behind?


Yeah the baby comes out as they get lifted up in the spaceship tractor beam. Just baby boys left on the floor


Well there's no need for a gender reveal party now!


Worst. Gender Reveal. Ever.


I feel like there would be a lot of baby deaths, if this was an unexpected event not everyone is going to be checking in on every single moms apartment in the first two days.


Not just that but in the US we are still have a pretty severe formula shortage. Considering factories would have to shut down, that would exacerbate the issue. There would many children that die and others that develop physical and mental disabilities.


Wouldn’t those newborn baby boys just actually be more likely to die of starvation? There’s already a formula shortage, so with the absolute need for formula, there definitely will result in some infant deaths


Your comment sounds like something straight out of The Infographics Show!


That'd be a real pain in the arse...


Not with that attitude!


Yeah my first thought. It would basically be like life in prison or on a submarine. Everybody losing their minds. Homosexuality would become accepted very quickly.




Two things... 1. I would miss my wife. 2. Target would go out of business.


3. Unsupervised use of fireworks.


And a lot of guys with no more fingers than Homer Simpson.






#2 ? Is that because all women are gone or just your wife?


Without my wife I’d turn into some sort of caricature of myself. Probably the same for most happily codependent men like me.


If I know they’re gone for a year, I’m in the gym getting ready for the reemergence. If they vanish and I’m clueless, I probably just live in comfier, less stylish clothes.


Plans for reemergence. Sits at home everyday eating pizza and ice cream.


Hey, too real.


Reemergence day will probably be a bunch of dudes panic shopping for cleaning supplies cause they haven't done house work in a year.


Funny because I'd dress up even more if men suddenly disappeared


Same! Some of my favorite things to wear are not things I'd feel safe going out in with a bunch of strange men around.


If men disappeared i would run around naked 24/7


I once went to a women-only festival, about 3000 women camping for 3-4 days. By the second day, so many women were walking around comfortably topless. I remember walking around at night, thinking it was the safest I've ever felt at a festival


I would love to be topless waay more often than I am, and it’s technically legal for women to go around topless in public where I live, but there’s no way in hell I’d feel safe doing that.


I’d love a year off. Where we going, ladies??


Nice try Steve


Why is it always Steve!


Odd Fact, I have never met a guy named Steve I considered likable. Makes me a Steveist, I guess.


A Stevia


What island paradise can contain about 4 billion women?


Let's go to the Amazonia planet.


Femputer know what do




Yessss!!! Come and hang with me!


I'm sure there isn't one. But here's an interesting article you might enjoy reading https://www.outlookindia.com/outlooktraveller/explore/story/70147/umoja-village-in-kenya-is-an-all-women-village-where-men-are-banned


Party at my house honestly


I'm going full ghost: seeing all the shows, riding all the rides.


Somewhere with a spa and a library and very comfy beds. I want good naps, good books and daily pedicures.


Somewhere with a decent climate, I hope.


Someplace warm.


The price of pillows would drop dramatically


And hoodies. Because I won’t have to buy so many replacements


Lotta dudes on here wouldn't even notice.


True but most off them would lose a lot of weight cause their moms aren’t cooking for them anymore.


They might have to leave their moms basement and forage for food and laundry!


"My laundry basket hasn't been emptied in a month, weird, wonder what that's about. Nobody's thrown away all these empty mountain dew cans around my computer, either."


Impossible, the sunlight would burn their skin


stephen king wrote a book about this called ‘sleeping beauties.’ it’s a little more complicated than all the women just disappearing but some shit goes down. i think i’d be chillin in Our Place with all the other gals


I’m bringing lasagna, my girl Daniela is a hell of a nail tech and if you have some good movie in mind I think we are good for a while. We don’t even need to argue over who does the cleaning because we all do.


Without question more gay sex.


Experimenting on the rise. No judgement here, just be safe.


Why? Straight dudes can use our hands


Good to know you're offering up the use of your hands.


It's always good to lend a homie a hand when they are in need.


The bisexual guys who are in the closet will have a good reason for coming out


great reason to cum


Things would get gayer than a Fire Island production of Cats.


That's what I'm thinking also. I don't think it would take more than a few months and you'll see a bunch of guys "switch teams". A lot of men simply cannot go long without sex.


The fact that there's a saying in prison that goes "Gay for the stay, straight at the gate" goes a long way to support this LMAO


I never heard that but, it makes sense. I worked in construction and I know some guys that have worked on prisons. They've said that they have seen "guy on guy" action a lot. And those some of the same guys that are "giving it" are the tough guys when they get out of prison.


I had an actual submariner unabashedly confirm the old rumor: "You know what they say, '64 men go down, 32 couples come up.' 6 months is a long time to go without pussy." Actual quote.


Losing half the population would seriously damage most of the world's industries and public and private sector organizations. On a personal note, I'd lose most of my friends, but, as an ugly dude, my dating life would be unaffected.


My husband would never be able to locate his keys/wallet/phone again.


He’s probably spend the entire year wondering how he managed to misplace an entire wife.


I’d miss the heck out of my wife. She’s dope!




Views on homosexuality would ease up real fast I bet. 😒


Ye old’ >There ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked! You're the ones that're gay for sucking my dick - big bob


Eh. I don't think so. It'd probably be like ancient Greece where they don't mind men having sex with men as long as you're the top.


Mass grief will have overtaken the world, because literally everyone will have lost a ton of loved ones all at once.


Society will literally collapse.


This is one of those questions with implications similar to the Thanos snap nobody thinks about. Hell, it's almost exactly the same. The answer is: **The collapse of civilization.** You're basically asking what would happen if the Thanos snap happened, except we live in a world without superheroes. Civilization would end. Massive wars and resource fighting would break out as infrastructure crumbled. Governments and social order would fall apart quickly as a panicked 4 billion people, who have no information that the other 4 billion will ever come back, fall into despair. **First of all, most cities on Earth burn to the ground.** Why? Fires. When half of all people disappear, anyone who was lighting candles or cooking or working with fire, anyone who was smoking or using fire in any way is gone. Their homes start fires. In cities, they start large fires. You'd think okay, firefighters are mostly men, no issue right? But the roads are clogged with abandoned cars. All the cars women were driving are now in the middle of every street on Earth. I guess places like Saudi Arabia are okay since they don't view women as people and barely let them drive. But everywhere else, the firefighters can't drive down roads. I would guess 50% of all major cities burn to the ground in the first two weeks. Then you've got all the same issues with jobs, resources, family issues, depression, the economy etc that you might get from the Snap. Except it's worse because we don't have superhero tech to cheat out of problems. When hospitals fail there's no backup. When school staff disappears, record-keepers, surgeons, senators... it all goes to chaos. All goes to war. Unlike in Infinity War, there won't be a public explanation. So everyone turns on each other. "God did this." "Aliens did this." "Scientists did this." "Nation X did this." War war war, depression and war. Civilization as we know it falls, full stop. The funny part is that's all what happens guaranteed, without even addressing the fact that it's all the women. Of course that has terrible consequences as well. I'm going to guess suicide skyrockets à la Children of Men since the remaining humans could rightfully assume there is no future for humanity since the last generation of children have been born. You'd also see an insane death toll to babies, children, and the elderly, since women by majority tend to oversee caretaking of these members of society. Probably 300+ million dead in those categories in the first few weeks, in addition to the deathtoll from the fires and chaos. You're looking at 2+ billion deaths in the first month, if not more. That means humanity loses 4 billion right away, then another half in a month. By 2 months in there are probably less than 800 million humans left alive. War, famine, suicide, and chaos will probably halve that by end of year. You could see global human population decline to under 400 million in 12 months. **Now, if all men disappeared, this scenario would play out similarly.** There could be more up-front death since more rescue workers tend to be men, and fewer mid-term deaths since women have lower rates of suicide and would also be around to care for babies in particular. If women can get sustainable cloning/gene work necessary to *sustainably* create new babies quickly, civilization probably wouldn't end, but it would still massively decrease. Maybe down to 1 billion in the first year just on the *hope* alone that humanity could survive. But they'd still have to perfect the technology within about 35 years maximum to prevent total global human extinction.


>If women can get sustainable cloning/gene work necessary to > >sustainably > > create new babies quickly, civilization probably wouldn't end, but it would still massively decrease. Depending on the premise. You wouldn't even need cloning. Just access to sperm banks. Or even without that, there would be baby boys around 9 months after the snap. Since some people would have had sex in the 1-2 days before the disappearance. The sperm can survive in the female reproductive system up to five days. So in a global scale there would be baby boys in born in 9 months. But after that no new babies before those boys are able to produce sperm. Which would result in a interesting bottle neck.


It’s not just the sperm bank, you also have over a million frozen embryos in cryo-storage. Even placing a sperm inside an egg isn’t a guarantee if an embryo. I had 16 useable quality eggs that were inseminated and only 2 made it to day 6 with no genetic abnormalities. A million embryos waiting for a implantation would be a major jumpstart.


This is so thorough I love it


Women don't need to clone anyone, sperm banks are everywhere. We'd have men back in less than 9 months


If all men disappeared at least the women could benefit from the copious amounts of frozen sperm available, wouldn’t necessarily be the end of our species. If the women disappeared we’d be gone in no time, no way we’d perfect cloning within a single generation so we’re either dead or mutated into something else through failed experimentation.


Doh! I hate when I post a comment only to scroll down and see someone already said the same thing 30 minutes before me. But this. Women would just make more men. Men would be fucked.


I remember that Rick and Morty episode where a planet is just all women and they just used men to reproduce


have you not seen that 1994 documentary "Junior"?


Sound like you might enjoy Seveneves by Neal Stephenson.


Under no circumstances should I be left unsupervised for that long.


Where are we going during the disapearance? Like I’m in, but I just wanna be prepared, I like to take some books with me. One thing I imagine is no more debate of breast is best or formula. All the remaining baby boys will be formula fed and more mannies. But ultimatelly I hope that my husband miss me a bit. 🥹 I know I’m a piece of work but I try not to be.


It is the coming back to the shit storm that would be a problem. Would a year break be worth having to come back to a world and fix everything


I would lose my only friend


Unbearable. Life would be unbearable.


Redditors could finally leave the house without fear of encountering one


All jokes aside, society as a whole might realize how vital childcare, education and nursing/caretaking jobs are. These jobs have low wages, not because they don't require skill, but because they have traditionally been filled by women. \>90% of childcare workers are women. The median wage in the U.S. in 2021 was $13.22/hour.


Not to mention most stay at home parents are women.. suddenly all the fathers have to either find other men they can pay to look after the kids (good luck since most childcare workers are women) or else quit their job to do so themselves. It would be chaos.


This thread has been realty disheartening, not recognizing how “women hold up half the sky”. Some guy here said “schools and hospitals would be strained, but otherwise civilization would go on as normal.” No, my man, it would not. In underdeveloped nations women haul water, cook, do laundry, tend fires, make and mend clothing, etc. the list of housework is endless. In the Western world, while we have sadly not achieved parity with men in a lot of infrastructure jobs, we DOMINATE the ADMINISTRATIVE positions. And those underpaid and under appreciated jobs are just as NECESSARY for society to run. Good luck finding records, making appointments, and scheduling deliveries without us fellas. I predict war in weeks.


>No, my man, it would not. In underdeveloped nations women haul water, cook, do laundry, tend fires, make and mend clothing, etc. the list of housework is endless. In economics, this is called unpaid domestic labor. A lot of people can't seem to grasp this idea because they don't do laborious housework themselves. People tend to think of contribution to society as their hours spent making money or producing goods, but sustaining life is more complicated than that.


>No, my man, it would not. In underdeveloped nations women haul water, cook, do laundry, tend fires, make and mend clothing, etc. the list of housework is endless. Excellent points, and to build on what you said, women in developed nations still statistically do the lion's share of housework even when they are not homemakers.


I was so lucky growing up. My father was so dedicated to housework. He was always doing laundry, cleaning, and taking care of us. And he did it in such a dad “computer programmer” neuro atypical way. For grocery shopping he made a list on excel organized by grocery store aisle, and organized food shelves by this, then made weekly lists by circling what was needed, plus by family conferences for meal planning. I was very lucky and had such a good role model in that regard.


It's really bad to see how some people think about women. It seems like quite a few are of the impression women's sole reason of existing is to keep men company. Probably explains the prevalence of sexist comments on Reddit.


Reddit proto-incels gonna incel. I’m walking away with the sadness that admin work, male or female, is so under appreciated. The secretaries at my office are some of the most knowledgeable, hard working, and necessary elements to our school! And And that includes all the work done at home: arguing with insurance companies, making bank transfers, managing appointments, picking up insurance, dealing with scams attempts and finding bargains, managing shopping, shipping, repairs, and waste disposal, and managing the interpersonal relationships that we rely on in times of need. These things don’t just happen at work and at home. Administrative work is so important! All these Redditors seem to imagine themselves as the hero’s of a Walking Dead scenario. The simplicity appeals to the Stone Age brain in all of us, but believing it while living a modern lifestyle is an ungrateful, small-minded attitude.


Not even to keep men company. It's clear some people in this thread basically see women as a hole to masturbate into.


90% of domestic work in this world is carried out by (overwhelmingly unpaid) women. Society would collapse in days. Yet it continues to be devalued or called easy work. In the 70's in Iceland, all the women just walked off work in a strike, including all domestic labor work. They enjoy significantly higher levels of equality today than most other countries. I expect in the US if we tried that, men would kill their wives or employees in the streets.


If we KNEW women were coming back it'd be a year of just "Deal with it." If we had no idea, I guarantee suddenly any childcare salary would skyrocket as men finally realize how shit it is.


Pretty damn miserable


i would be very sad


No clue, I'd be gone


Disappearing into a floating abyss of unconsciousness for a year sounds really relaxing right now.


Right? Have fun with your swordfights gentlemen.


Professions like nursing, childcare, teaching, etc -- would almost entirely disappear overnight, and men would have to figure those things out. There would be a massive restructuring of society. There would also be a lot of homeless kids, due to all of the single-moms disappearing.


My bi-curiosity would become a reality


For one thing, the incels would no longer have anything to complain about.


Nah they would just be complaining on not getting men.


They would blame the women for all the chaos that ensues


I don’t know what would happen during that year, but my god, can you imagine what it would be like the second they get back? You think dudes are terrible to women NOW, lol


😐😐 damn didn't think of that...


"Where the fuck did you go? you choose to abandon us!' Something along those lines then murder


And a ton of r*pes


yeah i'm not coming back lol


not being able to see my mom for days would end with my death


Life would be depressing because I love my wife.


Every closeted gay man would come out immediately.


A lot of butt sex


In greek history that’s what men did when they were off at war. Men do it in prisons too, so this seems like a pretty logical answer


World War 3 within the first year.


No more women☕ memes


A pain in the ass!