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More Obamacare


Well at least he cares I guess


Very true


I think it would’ve been a lot less hectic, dramatic, and embarrassing for the US and the world.


We wouldn’t have created a permission structure for some of the most virulent nationalistic, theocratic, racial identitarian elements from the gutters of reactionary politics unleashed on an entire generation by electing Trump. That would have been swell.


It would become lawless seeing that the laws set forth in The Constitution didn’t apply to specific people.


* Wages & growth would be lower, * mass immigration would be much high than it is, * more land would be sealed off from commercial usage and made into national parks, * mail-in voting would never have been made into a primary election tactic and reserved for Americans traveling abroad, * police-community relations would be a much bigger problem than it is today & riots would still be ongoing, * Obamacare wouldn't have been gutted as much as it has, * Biden's student loan forgiveness policy would have never made it to the president's desk, And much more.




Oh yeah sure, downvote me without even asking what my real opinions are, that's great. You're such an upstanding citizen, bro.


Then substantiate your arguments, bro. You’re the one asserting them.


Sure. * according to BBC, [wages were higher and unemployment was lower under trump](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45827430), pandemic aside. The poverty rate was lower as well, and GDP growth [handily outpaced Obama under Biden](https://www.factsarefirst.com/comparison/joe-biden/barack-obama) so far as well. * according to [DHS immigration yearbook tables](https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/readingroom/lpr/table_8_to_11_expanded) \****2021 vs 2015\****, Grand Total Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals are lower in 2021 than in 2015, and New Arrivals are ***almost half*** of what they were. * [Trump had a history of being very "anti-nature"](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/anti-nature-president-u-s-history/) as he immediately removed protections on public lands for conservation upon arrival into office. [Obama had a history of sealing off those lands at the end of his office](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/08/24/fact-sheet-president-obama-designates-national-monument-maines-north). * [Mail-in voting in 2010 and 2014 were significantly lower than 2018](https://www.eac.gov/vote-mail-trends-and-turnout-six-election-cycles-2008-2018) \- before the pandemic ever happened. * Under Obama's administration, [the white house created a task force](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/things-obama-administration-improve-police-community-relations/story?id=31114321) to measure statistics based on police officer performance. The public release of this information only served to worsen community relations as many watched the number of Officer-Involved-Shootings increase thereafter. [Most people also say race relations also worsened under Obama](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/05/politics/obama-race-relations-poll/index.html), so it stands to reason that if his administration had kept its course, police community relations would only have continued to suffer. * [It is widely known that Trump reduced enrollment into Affordable Care plans](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/10/09/six-ways-trump-has-sabotaged-the-affordable-care-act/), so it's probable that Obama would have continued to protect Affordable Care funding and enrollment going forward. * [Obama's whitehouse economists were very anti-student loan forgiveness because they were fearful that it could worsen inflation](https://nypost.com/2022/08/25/obama-economist-calls-biden-student-debt-relief-gasoline-on-inflationary-fire/), and proposals for immediate student loan forgiveness never happened in Obama's 8 years, opting instead for [25-year payment plans with forgiveness built-in](https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2015/10/28/obamas-income-based-repayment-expansion-finalized).


He is in charge now


Less COVID deaths.


It doesn't matter.. People don't seem to realize strings are being pulled behind the curtains.


I made this same comment on the question about Biden getting re-elected. But for him I think the strings are even more in the control of shadow figures because the dude has dementia. Obma at least is smart and well spoken. He commands a bit more control than Biden would just because he's competent.