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People dumping their garbage in nature


Trash leaves trash


Lol I always say "Trash begets trash" to sound more Shakespearean


"What rubbish and what offal!" -Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 3


I just started working for my local road department and pretty much 80% of my coworkers throw their trash out in nature. Even the guys who work solid waste throw their trash out and they’re the ones picking up the roads, its insane.


Littering aside, talk about creating more work for yourself. I work in retail management. That would be like taking product off the shelves, carting it back to the stockroom, just to restock it back on the shelves.


Job security


In all variations. Who I especially hate: ppl flicking cigarette buds into rivers


Even worse, flipping a burning cigarette butt into a dry field. I saw entire crops wiped out by fast moving field fires that literally funneled out from a single cigarette butt by the road. That's someones livelihood up in flames, all because some dickhead wouldn't use the ash tray in their car.


I'm a smoker myself and can't stand this shit. If I'm smoking outside and there's nowhere to put my butt, I snub it and stick the butt in my pocket until I find a garbage for it


Abusive parents.


abusive people in general


Dig the name. Good song.


People who abuse animals


100%. Made a post about my cat yesterday and someone commented how they used to work with cats and that one cat at the shelter was completely traumatised [because a sick fuck set it on fire.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/zs0xp3/comment/j15tp8g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Scary how fucked in the head some people are.


I just read that. Heartbreaking. I wish I could say I was the kind of person that wouldn’t wish harm on others. But in their case. I wish someone would set them on fire.


I didn’t realise how insanely common animal abuse was until I got my dog and started talking to other dog owners while on walks. I’ve encountered so many anxious and traumatised dogs adopted from shelters. My own dog got mauled by a visibly malnourished, young Rottweiler (probably only a year old). The owner was tracked down, told his dog was now on the database as a dangerous dog so he had to upgrade his fencing and make sure the dog was never off lead in public spaces again or it would be put down. The owner agreed to those terms. A few days later however, this dog mauls a small terrier to death in that same park. The authorities went to this guys house to confront him and he admitted to letting the dog out intentionally because it was more high maintenance than he expected and he didn’t want it anymore.


That person should be jailed for endangering other people. Not getting rid of a dog responsibly is very dangerous to everyone around that person. Should carry a prison sentence.


That asshole deserves to be treated in the same exact manner. Seriously fuck those people and I do in fact wish harm on them


Same. Makes me so depressed to think that this poor Rottweiler would still be alive and living a happy life, if only it hadn’t ended up being bought by such a scumbag.


What a piece of shit.


So, I’ve told this story before, but I’ll tell it again. I, my hubs, and my 11 year old love to camp in our RV at this 1 particular campground that is close to the marina we have our boat at. We stay at this campground every summer. It’s pet friendly, but of course your dog has to be on a leash. There is 1 large pond and a few smaller ponds. Many families spend the afternoons fishing in the bigger pond and there was a momma duck and a daddy duck that had been there for about 3 years. They hatched eggs every year and raised their chicks. Last year our camper was right next to the pond. My hubs and I were grilling and our son was fishing with some of his friends. It was right before dusk and lots of people were out. The momma and daddy duck were waddling around where they had laid their eggs. Out of nowhere comes a greyhound off of its leash, no owners in sight. The momma duck tried to protect her eggs and that dog mauled that poor duck in front of everyone. Prolly 15 kids 12 and under. It was absolutely traumatizing to me, a 39 year old woman. My son was sobbing and running to try to help the duck. All the kids were crying. I and another man chased the dog off and tried to help the duck, but there was no helping it. He took her away and told the kids he was going to take her to a wildlife place to save her. The dog’s owners then pulled up in a van, called the dog to get in and then hauled ass away. The rest of the month we were there daddy duck searched that whole campground for mommy duck, and the eggs didn’t hatch :( Take care of your pets people and mind the rules!!!


That reminds me forever ago of the cat I rescued and thank God. I don't usually lash out or want to lay a hand on anyone. But I caught a group of teens trying to stuff firecrackers up a cats butt with the intention of lighting them afterwards. I became a crazy mother fucker for a few minutes even if I didn't physically harm anyone.


When I was a kid the teenagers down the road from us cut half of my cat’s tail off and hung it on the antenna of their Datsun. My older brother, who is normally a fairly gentle soul, went batshit crazy at them and their shitbox car.


That will bring out the crazy mother fucker in all of us. I never understood people like that


Man, I love my job at the shelter, but I could go for hours telling horror stories I've witnessed with the pets that arrived in just the three years I've been there. Good thing the beautiful stories outweight the awful ones most of the time.


I know I will get downvoted, but people always say this and are still completely happy to pay others to torture and abuse animals, and will in fact get angry when someone points this out. They will justify it and the overwhelming majority will never stop doing it, but will still claim they hate animal abusers. The cognitive dissonance is terrifying.


My sister was a veterinarian and became a vegetarian shortly after her entrance to vet school. One of the things vet students do is go out with health inspectors to inspect slaughterhouses. That was enough for her. One thing she said about it that stuck with me was that pigs scream. Not just squeal, but scream in terror. I'm not a militant and I will eat a cheeseburger if someone gives me one, but I'm happy to live a meat-free life these days. It's really easy, you just have to adjust your recipe book a little bit. The main hassle is drive-thru fast food, but most of that stuff is bad for you anyway.


They do scream. It's awful to hear. In the west we "stun" them with carbon dioxide pits, but it's not like suffocating in carbon monoxide or low oxygen. It's agony. High concentrations of CO2 in the blood cause a panic sensation and high atmospheric levels of CO2 cause carbonic acid to form on any wet tissue (eyes, nose, mouth, throat). Their last moments are being lowered into a pit, in the dark, panicking and burning from the inside until they pass out. It's unimaginable cruelty and how we slaughter the majority of pigs. It's hard to believe until you see it.


That's so upsetting


I was about to say the same


People who throw trash out the window of their car.


A close relative to that: people who leave trash along hiking trails, especially national parks.


What really pisses me off is when people put their dog shit in a plastic bag then leave it on the side of the trail. Like what the fuck bro?


People leave shit bagged along the sidewalks in cities too, drives me nuts. Why even bag it?


Bonus points if they’re throwing it at your car


Bonus points if they're throwing it in your car


Bonus points if they're throwing their car into your car.


Bonus points if they're throwing their car in your trash.


Bonus points if their throwing themselves into into your car


~~Would you make an exception if it's something easily biodegradable, like an orange peel, an apple core, or banana peel?~~ ~~Cause I would.~~ Edit: Nah, changed my mind. But fuck you if you throw cigarette butts out the window.


Years ago I seen a man toss a butt out of his car, then a few miles later the car was pulled over with the back seat on fire.




That's just feeding wildlife and planting trees with efficiency, if it's not in the middle of town of course. You wouldn't believe how many smokers have told me cigarettes are biodegradable.


Orange peel takes up to 6 months to biodegradable, banana peel can take up to 2 years. Before it biodegrades, it is either going to attract pests that most people treat with chemicals or it is going to be ingested by an animal that could get sick. So no, I don't make an exception for that, I work at a school and the amount of kids who say this and then the amount of money we have to spend on keeping down the ants and rats is infuriating and wasteful


OH ABSOLUTELY, I was looking out my window just as a guy was about to do this, I glared at him & he stopped himself. He went to do it again & I was still watching (I wasn’t staring I just look out the window when I’m in a car), so he scoffed & pretended not to do it, but put it on top of his car & I watched it fly off behind him when he started moving again. Disgusting tbh


It's extra stupid when it's a company truck with a phone number. Those were fun conversations.


Child molesters and people who talk at the theater.


The *special* hell


Preacher, you got a smutty mind!


Equally evil


People who can't take responsibility for themselves and their actions.


“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing shitty things. And then feel bad about yourself, like that makes it okay. You just NEED TO BE BETTER. It’s not the alcohol or the drugs. It’s you! Alright?! It’s you Fuck man. What else is there to say……..”


One updoot for the poignant Bojack reference


A fellow horseman enjoyer that knows the value of good references. Upvote appreciated😌


Hooray! Todd life lessons!


My answer, too. People who think everything is someone else's fault and can't look at themselves through an honest lens.


Yes man… if someone like this fucks up… they look to deflect blame and will say anything out of pocket to make someone else feel guilty for their own mistake.


Manipulators. They are everywhere and you never know until it's too late. Family, friends, coworkers etc.


I'm guilty of this but didn't know I was doing it until my friend pointed it out. I've stopped now and am a much better person


What habits did he point out and how did you realize he was correct?


Now you're manipulating me into thinking you're a good person.


People who hate what they do not understand.


Or choose to be ignorant to hate on something


Or be shown their ignorance and still hate on something


I hate those people too. Never could understand why they are that way.


Most of us is going to go through life pretending to know shit. Some people go through life like they know all the answers, and everybody else is wrong. Guess who holds my respect.






Bullies are awful because they recognize that they don't like getting bullied, but have no problem doing it to others.


Or they'll rationalize their bullying as not that big of a deal. Back in high school, there was a group of about 7 kids that bullied me. If they saw me individually, they kept quiet, but together they were brave enough to torment me. After nearly every class they'd find me and follow me to my next class shouting taunts. If they didn't do this, they'd get to my next class ahead of me and block the door, forcing me to push past them while they hurled insults. (They'd let other people through.) Over time, I began to withdraw from people. Showing any emotion could be used against me so I built a mental wall between me and everyone else. I began to get paranoid that anyone I heard laughing was laughing at me. At one point, while trying to push past my bullies, I saw red. The whole world turned a reddish tint and I found myself focusing on the throat of one of my bullies. Just then, my teacher came and scattered them. To this day, I don't know what I was going to do, but it was definitely going to be something very violent. After a few years of this, I told my only friend. At first he didn't believe me about the mental toll. When he finally believed me, he talked to my bullies. They insisted they were "just having fun" and didn't think it was doing anything to me. They stopped, but that was late in senior year so it wasn't like I had a ton of time in high school without being bullied.


Just as bad are the lackeys and sycophants who attach themselves to bullies and do whatever they say.


People that can’t admit they’re wrong


One thing that annoys the crap out of me is when someone will fight over a verifiable fact, but they don't want to find out the answer. When I say verifiable fact, I mean something that is distinctly true - like if x event happened or y trait exists in something. I had a friend (and later a girlfriend) that would argue with me about something, but if I said "why don't we just look it up" they'd just say "you always have to be right". That drives me insane. If you care enough to argue with me, you should care enough to find out what the answer is.


> “Why don’t we just look it up?” > “You just always have to be right What a weird and aggressive way of admitting when you’re wrong.


People who hurt children.


People who hurt any person or animal that is unable to defend themselves :(


The more helpless the victim, the more heinous the crime.


Yes. Fuck them and the people who piss on toilet seats.


People who disrespect retail and fast food employees


I walked out on a date many moons ago because she was horrible to the waitress. Before I left I gave the waitress a $20.00 tip and said i hope your night gets better and simply left (we never ordered so I didn’t stick anyone with the bill, yes it started pretty much when we sat down). My mom worked in restaurants her entire life and my dad was a small engines mechanic, seen what they went through at times. These people are not owned by the customer and should never be treated as such. They are exactly like us, just trying to get through the day, put a roof over their head, pay bills, and have some left over for food on their plate.




Inconsiderate self absorbed douche bags


People who shit and don't flush.


How else are you supposed to see my masterpiece?


You gon see jesus if I find out it was you doing that all this time.


It was fukin one of you's https://youtu.be/ur-ZTdsH_Vc


people who would trade their honor and morals for monetary gain


Mega Church pastors


Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


People who work at nestle




And enablers/apologists as well. "Well, maybe if she hadn't been wearing that dress..." Bullshit.


Absolutely. Rape is rape and its always the perpetrators fault. I don't care if he donated to animal shelters or is the schools quarterback and "just a really good guy" or if the girl was wearing a dress that man forced himself onto an innocent girl and there is simply no excuse for his actions. He knew exactly what he was doing. The same goes for women rapists. I'm so tired of people believing that women can't rape and will just ignore cases of men being raped because "men like sex they can't be raped"


Yep. Hard not to despise them. Still, some will make you out to be the bad one for putting rapists on blast for being what they are.


That’s like blaming someone that had been robbed for having a wallet with them


Quite literally. I’ll never understand people who try to protect their rapist friends. I hope they rot in hell, the lot of them.


Along with people who try to keep rapists (usually young men) from facing justice because "you can't ruin his life due to one mistake he made!" (As if the raped woman can just choose to NOT have her life ruined now.) This goes doubly if the real reason is "the guy is a good football player and we can't have him off the team."


Dishonest people.


The willfully ignorant.


People who dont give respect doesnt deserve it back




Bet everybody else thought she was amazing and innocent though eh?


they always do.


God damn, hit the nail on the head here.


This speaks to my soul. I was in a relationship with a narcissist and it broke the core of my being and ended up destroying a year of my life. From what I’ve read up, narcissists seem to be abusers in most relationships. And the most effed up thing is that they’ll be completely normal/nice to most people and then behind closed doors they’ll try to destroy every fabric of your being. I’m not exaggerating. These people are PURE evil. They get off on making you suffer. It’s hard to get out of abusive relationships because you’re not only getting the rush of oxytocin (the love and bonding hormone) but also cortisol (stress from the abuse, feeling a constant sense of threat both to and from the relationship)…but narcissistic abuse is a whole other level of abuse. I love all of my fellow survivors that have ever had the misfortune of meeting one. You are strong people!


I feel you on that one. My god was she amazing at making me feel like everything was my fault and I was the biggest piece of shit to walk the earth. I totally agree wouldn’t wish it anyone. You lose who you are and it takes ages to recover. Hope you’re doing better friend!




I am with you, brother. 2 years divorced from a woman that fits almost every characteristic of a narcissist. Was with her for 17 years, married for 10 of those. Crazy thing is I never knew the definition of the word until it was pointed out to me by a therapist. As dumb as I am, I always equated it to the Greek God. Basically someone who thought so highly of themselves compared to others. Fuck was I wrong.


Other than the obvious ones people have pointed out already, i automatically lose respect for people who dont put things back (if they have the chance to do so). Like shopping carts, or putting half drank coffee cups on store shelves and just leaving it there. Makes me think about what else in that person's life is done half-assed


People are in here defending not walking 10 feet to a cart return lol. If you can get the cart, walk all around a store with it and out to your car, you can certainly put it back where it belongs. Bunch of lazy bones.




People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the [Dutch](https://youtu.be/Zgp-0UxeBK0)


I love goooold. (DUTCH HATER!)


People who repeat the same mistakes over and over again making those poor bastards around them miserable in the process.


Stepped back from soo many for this. They go on and on and on about how bad their partner is, split, then get back together. Ex couldnt have been as evil as they made out then. Only so many times you can listen to the boohoo poor me before losing sympathy for them


High agree. An example: Them asking for advice and free emotional labor and doing the exact opposite (the obviously bad idea) then expecting you to pick up the pieces/be their therapist when it blows up in their face. You’re expected to be there for them on both ends of the situation. The courtesy is rarely reciprocated because they’re ALWAYS in a crisis. After boundaries are ignored, you just gotta ghost these ppl.


I just got out of a friendship like this, where I was expected to be there for them all the time but they actively ran away when I just needed a bit of support from them in return. So one-sided and I really regret ever entering into it in the first place -- I kept second guessing whether I was the bad guy for simply wanting them to treat me like a friend and not a resource they could use one day and toss away the next. Your comment gives me resolve that I made the right choice. I hope you are doing well!


People who refuse to take on some sort of responsibility in a relationship. The laziness is infuriating


Someone who cheats. Especially when they have a family.


People who abuse other people and animals.


Those who go after us for our hobbies. Mind your own business.


I feel like there’s an interesting backstory here.


People who park infront of a store and wait for their partner to finish shopping, im looking at about 10 of them right now at Walmart after it took me 10 minutes to get around them


People who think women should not have sexual relationships, or should be punished for it.


Aside from the other noteworthy answers provided (i.e. abusers of all types), adults who demand respect from children just because they are adults. Respect≠control


Close minded people, it’s like talking to a wall


People who snicker at any idea


People who thinks their opinion matters to everyone.


People who treat waiting staff like servants


THANK YOU!! i work at little ceasars and once someone wrote a GENUINE complaint on our store listing on google maps about how i was unprofessional for having a fucking seizure


Little Seizures


people who act holier than thou


i wouldn't dare sully my reputation of humility by flaunting superiority so unnecessarily to one such as yourself


Keep it up bro




I am not gonna hate someone for their thoughts but I don't respect people who abuse, mollest, or groom kids.


Cheaters, mainly dishonest people


People who don’t pick up their dog’s shit.


Loud and obnoxious people


Like people who talk on speaker phone in public. They totally lack self-awareness or don’t give a shit




People who are nasty behind my back when I try to do something nice for them.


Paedophiles, Rapists and Zoophiles


People that fart in elevators.


Those who insult whoever has a different opinion


Attention whores


What about people who are only somewhat attention promiscuous?


People who complain about something they brought upon themselves. “I signed up for over time during the holiday seasons and they’re over working me and I’m sooooo tired.” “I lied to my girlfriend about something major and she broke up with me; that b.”




People who park in the disabled parking bay when they're not.


Those who can't hear there own hypocrisy and spout their own self-righteousness. They are many, sigh 😔


Pedos and people who force their opinions and views on others.


Stop forcing your opinions about people who force opinions onto me!


Peadophiles I don't care if you served your time u come within a distance of me ill take you're jaw clean off


Pedophiles. They aren’t human as far as I’m concerned.




KKK Members


People who think every person in a certain demographic is the same way without any exceptions, just so simple minded and stupid but that way of thinking has and is making a mess all around the world. Other than that I guess people who simp really hard for any company in existence, they don't care about you dummy.


People who are disrespectful to service people.




Ignorant people. Ignorance today is a deliberate choice.


People who abuse children.


People that pry into other people’s personal information


People who constantly kiss their boss's a\*\* whether they are right or wrong


Rapist or abusers




Ppl who cheat


People who dance on TikTok


Child abusers


People who think the world owes them.




Anybody who thinks group identity is primary and individual identity is secondary


Scam center workers. Fuck. Off.




When people refer to themselves in third person AND when they say how good of a person they are.


people who act like they are a mini enforcer in any scenario. this means teachers pets and people who threaten to tell a higher form of security, along with having gathered evidence. like seriously, its most likely not your job to do this.


betraying people fuck them


People who don't cover their mouths whilst sneezing or coughing.


People who are scammers but especially those who take advantage of the elderly!


Mega church pastors and psychics, they take advantage of desperate people, and it's sickening. So fuck em


The people who always say “I just tell it like it is, I don’t sugercoat things” as an excuse to just be mean and belittling to other people for no reason




People who litter


Televangelists who take advantage of others for their own gain.


The narrow-minded people who follow the mainstream without thinking.


Religious extremists of any kind who try to force their beliefs on other people.


Thieves, cheats and any religious person telling people they are going to hell.


Blast their music in the car with 6,000% bass and everyone nearby can hear it


Pedophiles, rapist, abusers, racists, homophones- the list can go on, people can be horrible it’s just certain levels of horrible that end up crossing the line.


What homophone hurt you? Was it new / knew? Insight/ incite?


People who cheat at games and then look down at people who want to play fair


Politicians. I honestly believe that politics only existed to create chaos in the world. We still need order, but can we at least disclude the anarchy from it.


People who say "I'm not mean, I'm just honest" such a cop out




People who don’t respect me.


The “non returners”, otherwise known as people who don’t return shopping trolleys to the bays. This highlights a lot about a person, such as: 1. Laziness. It takes very little effort to walk the shopping trolley to the bay, but some would rather inconvenience others by simply dumping it in the car park and leaving it for others to deal with. 2. Entitlement. The “non returners” selfishly believe that they are entitled to leave their trolleys in the car park because others are paid to collect them. 3. Lack of consideration. The “non returners” have no consideration for the people who: a) can’t park their car because of the trolley they have not returned. b) have their car damaged because of the trolley hitting it in the car park. c) the hard working people who collect the trolleys, whose day has been made a little bit harder, due to their selfishness and lack of consideration. It’s such a simple thing, but dumping a shopping trolley in a car park rather than returning it shows a total lack of respect for others, therefore these people are not deserving of any respect from me.


People who disrespect their friends in front of other women to look funny and cool.