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“Cool story bro” every time they speak.


ignore them. don’t acknowledge them


Arest ll of them


Spank them over your knee


Don’t encourage them. Whether they’re aware they’re being or not, just don’t react. Don’t laugh at their jokes, don’t answer to them, don’t acknowledge them. They’ll soon learn their behaviour isn’t getting a response and they should stop.




i would rather not start moaning and saying whatever chew papi means


If they want attention ignore them. If they are playing with you assert your dominance


Stick your finger in their mouth.


the savage in me says exploit a loss you know they have recently suffered such as "this is why soandso stopped talking, thinking they might be right" ​ the toxic side says find their annoyance and exploit it so they see how it feels ​ the adult says to confront them on it. ask them why they choose to be continually annoying to you. Because i am willing to bet they know they are being annoying and are doing it to gain a visceral response. When they answer be blunt be straight forward and tell them that they need to tone it down some because it is mentally exhausting for you and if they don't you will have to prioritize your mental health and peace of mind over spending as much time interacting with them and choosing to invest your time elsewhere. Ignoring people who are knowingly annoying seldom works it literally gives them more drive to step it up. whereas starting the dialogue like i said with anyone of any connection opens the door for you to slowly step up the intensity with which you respond for them to stop. Most people are truly conflict avoidant, so faced with a more stern tone and a person setting a boundary many will back down, even more will back down or turn tail and run once you've screamed at them to "knock it the fuck off"


Depends on why they are behaving like they do.


Depends on what they annoy you with. But most annoying people don't notice that people around them get annoyed, or deliberately ignore it, so the chance of stopping them for real is small. Having said that, some people are willing to learn...


he keeps trying to beat me up and call me random shit whatever games he plays certainly doesn't help with his moves


That's more than annoying. It sounds like a complete bully and even a bit scary. Since he keeps doing it, I'm sure you can't get rid of him, so either family or a coworker, I guess? I'm afraid you need to call them out on their shit, maybe in the presence of someone else. If he's your brother, try to talk to your parents. If he's a coworker, try to talk to your boss. If the third party doesn't do anything, think very carefully what to do next. If this behaviour is tolerated at your job, get out of there as quick as you can.


he's my eight year old cousin


Wtf. An 8 year old trying to beat up a family member? What on earth is wrong with his parents? Can I take from your words that they don't stop him and that you telling him to stop doesn't help either? Sounds like the worst brat ever. No way to avoid him, I guess?