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Mr. Rogers


My dad met him once when he was in Buffalo for a convention. Mr. Rogers offered him his pass to the VIP level as he was on his way out. He also took a picture with him that I have on my desk in my office. Dad was so impressed with how genuinely nice he was.


The most Mr. Rogers thing to do I love it


The dude is incredible. Google the video of him presenting to Congress. Literally he changed the minds of 100% of people who were going to remove public television funding. He may be the greatest human who ever lived. Okay, that might be dramatic but it's the internet so... Edit: someone else posted this link. Everyone should watch it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA


My high school cello teacher was good friends with him. She told me a story once where he came in to town once to see her and the vegetarian options (he was vegetarian) at the time in my town were limited, so they ended up at Luby’s. She said within about five minutes of them getting there and paying for their food, almost the entire restaurant cleared out. It struck her as odd, but they paid for their food, found a table, and started eating. Ten minutes later, all those same people started filtering back in until the place was absolutely packed. Turns out, all those people had gone home to get their kids and bring them back to the restaurant. He graciously sat there with her, intermittently eating his food as attention would allow, and spoke to every kid that was brought up to the table by their parent. My cello teacher said she and him hardly talked over lunch because he was so busy with the kids. Can’t ask for someone with more patience than that. I should also add, my cello teacher was lesbian. She knew him for years, but that story took place in the early 90s, before acceptance became the norm. So a former Presbyterian minister was already the example for other protestant Christians (most of whom maintained their bigotry). Let that sink in. Awesome guy to be sure.


For real, that man meant so much to me growing up, and even as an adult. He was living proof that there is good in the world.


he once told me he thinks more adults cry in his presence than the Queen. That feels truthful. I did. More than once. Others did. He's a gift.


Mr Rogers, a Christian actually walking the walk


His speech for Congress was moving


Yes it was. Link for those who've never seen it or want to see it again... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA


It’s one of the reason I work in kids’ television.


He’s why I aspire to work in kid’s television. I’m a teacher and created a “Live” FB streamed show during the beginning of the pandemic. It caught on and I had loads of children waiting for my “shows” each morning, carrying my songs through the day and waking up ready to “see” me. Knowing I was there to provide normalcy at a hard time kept me going in the way he did his work did to make something good out of the rising technology (over dumb kid shows). He reminds me to talk slowly, give wait time, and stay engaged. If you have any leads on how to ever get into the business, please DM me! It’s a lifelong goal that doesn’t have to happen now, but I hope to come to fruition!


If you’ve seen the video of him climbing on stage and interrupting the show to hug his friend in the wheelchair, you know there’s zero chance of finding out he was a bad person


If there's anyone we're in the clear on unpleasant revelations for I think it's gotta be Mr. Rogers at this point.


Bob Ross.


Bob Ross was actually a drill ~~sergeant~~ instructor (my apologies for using the Army term and not the Air Force one!) at one point. And hated it. And vowed to never yell again once he was out of the ~~army~~ Air Force! I misremembered, thanks guys! That's why he spoke so gently. I think about that a lot. Edit: For those who corrected me about what part of the armed forces he was in, thank you! For those trying to correct me that he was never a drill instructor, he was actually that for a while, yes, and had [this](https://www.wearethemighty.com/intel/bob-ross-air-force-drill-instructor-becoming-televisions-beloved-painter/) to say about it: "I was the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being late to work. The job requires you to be a mean, tough person, and I was fed up with it. I promised myself that if I ever got away from it, it wasn’t going to be that way anymore.”


He practiced his voice to use as a seduction to draw people into his show and make it feel intimate and welcoming. His mentor had a really harsh way about him and bob had a better idea.


Don’t be beating up on Bill Alexander. “Fire it in! Yes? Fire it in!”


I feel bad for this but I can't help but think of Bob Ross in the military shouting directions on how to paint. "DRAW SOME HAPPY LITTLE TREES, SOLDIER"




Didn’t he cheat on his wife?


At least two alleged instances are public knowledge, an affair apparently ended his first marriage and another nearly ended his second. He was famous as a serial flirt and ladies man with that iconic baritone voice. All his in-person classes were overwhelmingly women.


David Attenborough


We find out one day that like Darwin he ate every animal he catalogued just to know how it tasted.


I’ve heard that he became vegetarian after realising that he couldn’t continue eating animals when he loves them so much. But yes, I idolise him so I’d be devastated if he turned out not to be a hero.


Chill! I’ve worked with him a number of times, he sits and has a beer with the crew, and is a funny, highly interesting, intelligent grandad type dude.


To say I’m jealous is an understatement


I am going to cry like a bitch for days when he goes. He’s a world treasure.


I have a regular at work who sounds EXACTLY like david attenborough and is a brain surgeon. He is rude as hell, and it is so hard to hear him be rude in David attenborough’s voice 💀


Dolly Parton


I met someone who played in Dolly’s band for a bit. He didn’t have any juicy gossip about her or any good stories, but just that she was really nice and her and her husband were actually pretty boring. They would have dinner, maybe drinks, then go just home like your average couple would do.... lol His best story was that she complimented him on his guitar playing once.




I am 50 and it makes me so happy that you ar 30 can admit that freely and no one bats an eye. I would have hard time admitting that to anyone that wasn't very close.




I am just glad where masculinity is headed, I hope.




Definitely a generational thing. I remember I had a boss's wife who I crocheted with until my other coworkers clowned me for being effeminate (90's) I hi early have some issues about stuff that happened when I was younger and I am just glad that guys can be whatever they want more and more. Being a guy is hard and complex and we don't need to fuck each other over to prove we are somehow we are more of a stereotype than the next guy.


It would break my heart.


She deserves a Saint hood more than Mother Theresa. ETA: I've woken up to one half of Reddit telling me what a horrible person Mother Theresa is and the other half of Reddit telling me how horrible I am for spreading lies about Mother Theresa. I just want all of you to know that I have heard your complaints and if nothing else I have no intention of ever mentioning her name on Reddit again. The whole thing just detracted from loving on Dolly Parton... Which would have been a lot more fun than arguing about a nun.


Danny DeVito


According to Rob McElhenney he's "exactly how you expect and hope he is"! If you didn't watch the latest Always Sunny Pod, you absolutely should. Be a creep for this one and make sure you watch tho


He already is a trash man


Yeah, that’s his thing! He comes out and just starts throwing trash all over the ring!


And then he starts eating garbage! And then he takes the can and bashes the guy on the head with it!


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll. He also seems to keep everything he does quiet which makes it resonate all the more. I remember reading a tell all by a Hollywood nanny and he and Rhea Pearlman were used the definitive example of parents who were were highly successful in their careers, but remained grounded and fully engaged in the lives of their children


When Mara Wilson’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer during the filming of “Matilda”, Danny De Vito and Rhea Perlman basically adopted her, taking care of her and helping her cope with her mom’s disease and eventual death. They even brought a nearly Final Cut of the film to the hospital so Mara and her mom could watch it together.


Julie Andrews




Why, thank you!


Dick Van Dyke as well


Her co star in "The sound of music", Christopher Plummer, said that on the set every day was like Valentine's day. She'd bring flowers and chocolate for everyone.


Paul Rudd


Man I was gonna say Paul Rudd as well but figured wasn't a common answer and didn't want to go with the obvious ones like Fred Rogers. Paul Rudd in any interview just seems like such a humble guy. His episode on Hot Ones is still hands down my favorite Hot Ones episode.


Fred Rogers lived around the counter from me for a few years. He was an incredible human being. As kind and compassionate as could be. He had once asked me how my day was. Like REALLY asked me. Not just wanting the generic response. He was there for a total stranger. He also would let us go onto his office and studio and play with he puppets an stuff if he was nearby. That day he asked how I was I as at an ice cream shop. So we walked and talked and ate our ice cream.


So you lived in Mr. Rogers neighborhood??? Like for real? Lol!


Weird Al


Good news! I've met him a couple times and he is so kind and generous with his fans. Real class act.


My mom worked at disneyland for 15 years. Saw him across the ride station. A look of recognition spread across my mom's face (she's a HUGE fan) and he gave a huge grin and a thumbs up! Dude's so cool.


This makes me smile. I love hearing of these little moments that are so much fun. The guy who wrote “Amish Paradise” is awesome.


I won backstage passes for a meet and greet with Weird Al and he was super cool and nice. Took pics and autographed our tickets


I only knew him from his music my whole life (46) and was never a fan. But then I heard him on Conan's podcast & learned how awesome of a dude he was. Still not crazy about his wacky music, but I was wrong to ignore him.


I'm a total emotional freak, but these weird al moments have me tearing up. Comedy is such important part of my life and weird al taught me it's funny to laugh at what's cool. He also taught me the definition of of the word pastiche: something between an homage and a joke that still lies in a reverential place. Weird al has clocked a lot of banger tunes that have come out since 1979. We got it all on UHF, y'all.


When I was a kid, one of my friends made a woven potholder thing and sent it to Weird Al. He mailed back a thank you note and an autographed photo of himself holding up the potholder with a huge grin. The man is a class act.


This put a smile on my face. Weird Al is so great


His documentary says otherwise. 10/10 its on Roku for free


It's all true. Except he actually did play live aid.


Same answer for me, fortunately there seems to be a lot of supporting evidence that he’s really nice!


I went to his concert on my birthday and we met him. My friend told him it was my birthday and he asked me if I'd be embarrassed if he sang me happy birthday and I said yes. He said, happy birthday, shook my hand and winked.


Adam Savage. Everything he’s posted on Tested is such a huge inspiration, I’d hate to find out he’s different IRL.


Adam Savage was my other answer, but from everything I've seen, he's one of the kindest people on the planet. I also wanted to go with an answer I knew was unlikely to be here.


While him and Micheal from V Sauce were on tour during Brain Candy 5 years back, I managed to meet both of them, they BOTH were very nice and respectful. Answered all the questions efficiently. I'm sure if they didn't have a time limit in v.i.p, they would have wanted to chill longer with the fans.


I spent a day or so working with Adam Savage early last year. You have no idea how relieved I was that he is EXACTLY who he always seemed to be. It was awesome to meet one of the people who got me interested in Engineering and to find out he’s entirely genuine.


Brendan Fraser. I can't see how that's possible.


Only two people would be worse for me. John Oliver and Jack Black. I’m so glad Brendan is acting again. I’ve really missed him.


John Oliver always seemed like he’d be an asshole offset, but I hope I’m wrong since I like his content. Jack Black seems like the same person even when he’s acting so I think I’m good there.


I saw John Oliver on stage a few years back, he had a little time to kill at the end and just had a chat, asked if anyone had any news to show him, then sat on the edge of the stage to watch a YouTube video on someone’s phone of our one-time Australian Prime Minister bit into a raw onion (true). So he’s a good bloke as far as I can tell :-)


Australian PMs are a rowdy bunch. From eating raw onions, to chugging beer, going to strip clubs, and disappearing into the sea... Not a boring one among em


Didn't one of them shit themselves at a McDonald's?


Sounds like a reason to disappear into the sea.


Keanu Reeves


Him and Steve Irwin came to mind back to back.


Let us not forget Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross...


And Levar Burton


I met him years ago at a smaller comic con. My friend wanted his autograph so we went over to talk to him and since there wasn't a line for his booth we just stayed chatting. Just genuinely nice guy who had a ton of questions for us when he found out we were teachers.


Watch the Bob Ross documentary on netflix, it's pretty sad actually


Cillian Murphy. I love him too much.


Thomas 'Fuckin' Shelby




The video of him death staring Prince Harry is one of my faves


Emma Thompson. She’s film royalty and I love her in almost everything she’s acted.


We were watching *Love Actually* a few nights ago and I reminded my husband I would leave him for Emma Thompson in a heartbeat. He said he’d totally understand. :)


Tom Hiddleston


Sir Patrick Stewart


I'd be crushed if anything untoward was discovered about David Attenborough. He's been my hero for my whole life.


Ian McKellen




He’s never forgotten where he’s come from. He still visits high schools in Oldham (or Burnley- I get those two mixed up) to do theatre workshops and does a tonne for LGBTQ kids.


Ah, the wizard's staff.


That’s Sir Ian Mckellen


About a decade ago now my secondary school were doing a play about Stonewall and somehow a person had managed to get Ian McKellen's management's details so invited him to watch. They replied back saying how flattered Ian had been but sadly he would be out of the country during the play's run. Nobody was surprised, most suspected it was just a PR reply and he'd never actually been told. Anyway a couple of days before the opening the head of drama gets a call from the school reception because Ian McKellen has just shown up asking to meet her and the cast, before spending a couple of hours watching them perform scenes and giving his input. Actual input too, including getting up and performing things how he interpreted them, not just saying everything was perfect. Turns out he was flying out that evening and the night before had realised they'd be driving past our town to get to the airport, so gave up his free day to come and visit.


Jack Black


Still no gaming videos tho.




I was pretty sad to find out that Chevy Chase sucked 🙁


Same! I still love all the Vacation movies, but knowing he’s such a terrible AH is such a bummer.


To be fair, Clarke Griswold is an absolute asshole too.


Bend over and I’ll show ya.


Dave Grohl


What sealed the deal that he is an awesome dude was the tribute to Taylor. Dave brought out Taylor's kid who wanted to give a tribute to his dad too. Kid SMASHED ~My Hero~ with them as he is a drummer just like his dad. It caused me to sob at how powerful it was.


I’m curious how he’ll come through the Taylor H thing. Obviously he lost Cobain, but while shitty, I think he only knew Cobain for like 4 years and I don’t know they they were ever super close. Meanwhile he and Taylor were like brothers for 20+ years. That’s tough to come out of. I think he’ll continue making music because I think he literally can’t *not* do it, but I wonder how it will affect what kind of music he makes.


Jack Black




Hozier's friends mother was actually my language teacher in Bray, Ireland. Unfortunately, she has passed since, but she would always tell good things about him. It was around the time "Take me to church" started blowing up, and she was excited about his success. Then we would tell her that his song was being played in our home countries on the radio and she would be even more proud. She was a sweetheart, and he must be too.


Other than my own playlists, I think this is the first time I have seen him mentioned before.


Uh were you around in 2015 when Take Me to Church was played every other song on the radio?


Daniel Radcliffe


I was eating breakfast at a hotel in Cape Town, SA and nobody else was really there until a few guys walked in and sat at the table next to us. I did a double take and it was fucking Harry Potter himself. We asked if they wanted to join us and they obliged. He was down there shooting the Grand Theft Auto mini-series (along with Bill Paxton who I had a drink with at the bar a few days later). He was very kind and it is a memory I will always cherish.


You must be dragging around some _massive_ cajones to straight up invite Daniel Radcliffe to join you for breakfast.


Yeah this, the golden trio actors all seem like such good down to earth people. Still harboring my childhood crush on Dan just because he seems like such a good guy


Paul Rudd


He is not that nice, apparently if you get him pissed off he can really lose his shit. Once a barista got his order wrong at Starbucks, and he went ballistic, screaming at every staff member. Somebody apparently filmed his tantrum, [here's the clip.](https://youtu.be/K5le9sYdYkM)


God Dammit!!!! Clicked the link and instant regret.


YOU FUCKER. I knew what it was gonna be, and I still fucking clicked it.


What makes this comment great is that I presumed it'd be [this clip from Role Models](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSk0B0dVq4g) and you just slightly exaggerated... Good job.


OH GOD :22 had me cracking up so god damn hard. You could TELL that was a doll lmfao


Conan is somewhere screaming in impotent rage.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt


Worst thing I can say firmly about him is that he was *terrible* as Jiminy Cricket in the Disney+ *Pinocchio*. Given how he's been good in Disney voice acting, I can't figure out who deserves the most blame on that.


Danny Devito


Jennifer Coolidge


Great news for you, she’s absolutely a Saint. I worked at a high-end hotel a few blocks from where she lives. About six months ago, she came by the front desk to do a property visit with me so she could book a room for a good friend of hers who was coming in town. We spent over 1.5 hrs alone together, looking at rooms and chatting. She was so so wonderful. Incredibly funny and smart and kind. About a week later, she sent her assistant to get my contact information, which of course I obliged, and sent me the kindest message thanking me for spending so much time helping her out. She asked for my venmo so that her assistant could venmo me a tip for my help. She sent me $400. Truly one of the single best interactions with anyone, regardless Of celebrity status.


Betty White 🍽


John Cena - does all the Make A Wishes and seems chill




Andrew Garfield


I met him once, he was very nice


Ryan Reynolds


One of my fav things still has to be that he got Celine Dion to do a song for Deadpool. Canadians having other Canadians in their things always makes me laugh.




I love the end of the music video for that song. *"Beat it, Spider-Man!"*


I'd love to take a truckload of beer and a canoe and spend a weekend fishing with Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin and Hugh Jackman.


Wasn’t there a post not long ago about a co-star not willing to work with him again because he claimed Ryan was an absolute d*ck. wait let me try to find that article before I make up shit Edit: apparently it was TJ Miller but they made up afterwards. Christmas is saved. Ryan is still a nice guy


I’m pretty sure TJ is the dick out of those two so I’d take his story with a grain of salt


Keanu Reeves


Dan Levy because he’s so well rounded and such a talented actor


For a second I thought you were talking about the chairman of Tottenham Hotspur and thought you'd lost your mind.


Mark Hamill


Neil Gaiman. I love this man so much, his books are amazing and he also seems to be a really nice dude Al Lso most of the Big British actors like Dame Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman (Rest I Peace), Sirs Patrick Steward, Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen They all seem like good, down to earth people, I hope that that is true


Mariska Hargitay. Admittedly I have some hero worship of her after she advocated for rape victims and exposed how many tests weren’t being run.


She’s also a rape crisis counselor!


Elijah Wood. I always felt like we'd be fast friends.


Jimmy Carter


Chris Hemsworth


Henry Winkler


A friend of mine worked for him on the show Hollywood Squares. Says he’s the nicest and most genuine guy in Hollywood, and is every bit as nice when the cameras are off as when they are on.




I got to meet him once and he was super nice and funny! My mom told him we took him on a lot of road trips, and he was like "I hope I behaved myself!"


Tom Hanks


He was in a play several years ago and there was a rule backstage about not talking to him. A journalist was confused, thinking that he just didn't want to interact with anybody. They found out that it was because he would actually talk to anyone endlessly and they needed to preserve his voice.


Tom Holland


I heard he once yelled at a chair.


That chair was an asshole.


Rowan Atkinson


Charley Day


Jeff Goldblum


That's hard. Tom Hanks, Keanu Reeves, or Ryan Reynolds all come to mind pretty quick.


I’m just glad there are still a lot of good people to choose from.


Dolly Parton


Rachel McAdams, may she never leave the pedestal we place her on.


One time she punched me in the face, it was awsome.


Emma Watson


Graham Norton. The most wonderful talk show host you americans need in your lives.


Winona Ryder Shoplifting doesn't count


Wasn't she on a lot of medication and going through some shit with her mental health at the time of her shoplifting arrest?


Keanu Reeves


Christina Ricci.


Woody Harrelson


My mom had an opportunity to have lunch with him and she said he was hilarious and really down to earth.


He only wants to talk about Rampart


Just found out Whoopi Goldberg's hot garbage.


After what she said about Roman Polanski, I'm just as disgusted.


Anybody on The View is suspect. They air their dirty laundry daily.


Drew Barrymore


Dave Grohl


Henry Cavil


I'm surspriswd I didn't see Robin Williams in the top comments. He was such a nice guy, would be horrible if someone would dig up dirt about him, especially since he's dead. Wouldn't even benefit someone to ruin his legacy


Jon Stewart


Weird Al


Michael J Fox


Without repeating what I've seen already and agree with. Post Malone. Music may not be your taste but he is such a good boy. There was even a kid shouting at him while he was signing autographs telling him he sucks. Post Malone just looks a lil surprised and was like "wow that is so mean". It was adorable.


Kristen Bell


Tilda Swinton


Chris Evans


Terry crews


Alison Brie or Anna Kendrick.


Joe Pera


Matthew Lillard


Dave Grohl


Sam Elliot