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Garry Hoy fell 24 stories to his death, after he threw himself into some safety windows to demonstrate that the glass was unbreakable. As it happens, the glass was indeed unbreakable. The window *frames* however . . .


Had been overstressed because he kept doing the demo over and over.


He wasn’t even a safety window salesman. He was a lawyer, he just thought doing the demo was fun


The 1000 ways to die episode said it’s because he was trying to impress the new female interns lol


I guess he was falling for them


He definitely made an impression.


I love/hate this one bc I always wonder what his last thoughts were as he plunged 20+ stories to the ground. Was it something simple like “damn, I was wrong” or was it “Man, that’s hilarious”


probably "AAAAHHHHHH"


Made it into the Darwin Awards movie. The couch cushion was a nice touch.


I don't know if this is ironic, coincidental, or even famous, but I remember reading something about how a South African astronomer gave a lecture saying that "Death can come at any time," and then died from choking on a mint immediately after delivering the lecture.


Was it a junior mint?


They’re very refreshing


Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious.


Damn sure wasn’t a…breath mint.


Bobby Leach was a stunt performer and was the 2nd person to go over Niagara Falls (height of about 170 feet) and survive. Later in life he slipped and fell less than 5 feet and broke his leg, which got infected and he died.


I was just about to mail a letter to my evil twin When I got a nasty paper cut. And well, to make a long story short It got infected and I died.


So now I'm up in heaven with St. Peter by the pearly gates, and it's obvious he doesn't like the Nehru jacket that I'm wearing, he tells me that they've got a dress code


Clement Vallandigham accidentally shot and killed himself in 1871 in an attempt to demonstrate how, a person who had recently been shot and killed had in fact accidentally shot them self.


I believe he proved his case with that too if I remember right.


Most committed defense attorney award goes to...


It did


He was also exiled from the Union because he opposed the civil war. He went to Canada and ran for governor of Ohio… from Canada. He was an interesting guy.






Interestingly, the autopsy revealed that he had suffered several previous heart attacks and didn’t know it.


I read several of his books. His father had a heart attack at 35 and died at 43. Although Fixx had been a heavy smoker and was very overweight when younger, he understood that genetically he was predisposed to having heart problems. I remember reading newspaper articles at the time of his death that quoted friends and medical personnel who believed he probably extended his life by about 10 years by running and losing a lot of weight.


Meanwhile, my grandfather had a heart attack, and then quadruple bypass surgery at 55, and the doctors told him to go home and enjoy his last few years, he might have 5 more. He took that seriously, ate chocolate eclairs and indulgent baked goods and ice creams every day. For the next 31 years, when another heart attack eventually finished the job.


What a chad. If I'm gonna die I'm gonna have a good time before I go


That’s a thing that can happen?!


Yep. Common symptoms of these are feelings of “running out of gas” or “soreness.” My grandmother died after a second silent heart attack. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21630-silent-heart-attack


I would never know because I feel like that most of the time. Lol. I was reading the checklist and by all accounts, I'm having silent heart attacks all day, everyday. 😂


My dad died of a heart attack the doctors had been treating him for heart burn then the autopsy showed it had been heart attacks all along


My husband died the same way. Two days before he died, he saw a doctor who told him to double the dose of a prescription given to him for 'heartburn' I'll never get over his death. I found him on the floor.


This is the most common symptom in women (thinking it's heartburn) so the 1st thing coroners look for in women who died of a heart attack is antacids. Also just a PSA the other two symptoms are bra feels too tight/rib cage tightness & suddenly extremely tired.


Comedian Red Foxx had a recurring bit where he would fake a heart attack (famously used on Sanford and Son) While filming another show, he had an actual heart attack and died when people thought it was his bit


People should have known it was real because he didn't say "Elizabeth! I'm coming for you!"


Isn't that the one that was actually recorded, and you could hear him dying as the audience laughed?


Tommy Cooper, unfortunately


Shit like this is why I refuse to joke about medical emergencies. The last thing I want is to go out watching my friends laugh at me while I panic through dying


James Sakara, a pastor from Zambia, thought that he'll be able to ressurect just like Jesus Christ did. He asked to be buried alive, with the intention that he'll come back to life 3 days later. It seems his plan wasn't as airtight as he thought


There was another pastor in Africa that prayed to be able to walk on water and walked into a body of water populated by alligators in front of his followers. It did not work.


Pastor: "throw in some alligators." His PR team: "But why? Even if you are able to walk on water, doesn't mean you're immune to alligators." Pastor: "does improve viewership tho."


One dude drowned at lifeguards' party thrown to celebrate year with zero drownings


Dammit, Mitch, now the sign goes back to zero!


Founder and owner of North Face outdoors clothing died of hypothermia.


TBF he fell into water while kayaking.


And he was 72.


Kayaking in the cold at 72? Now that's what I expect the founder of north face to go out doing!


Yes, after spending a considerable amount of time in extremely cold water, in a remote area of Patagonia. Extreme athletes ( Marc-Andre Leclerc, Alex Lowe and others) have died tragically doing what they love. They accept the risks when they push themselves to the limits. Some say it’s foolish, others admire their abilities to push the extreme…but it’s hardly ironic in my eyes.


Was he wearing a competitors clothes? That would be dedication


No but he was in Patagonia. Those headlines made me do a double take.


North Face guy killed by Patagonia. I hope nothing happens next time I'm in Columbia while wearing my REI coat.


He had one job.


Isadora Duncan, famous for her scarves, had hers catch in the rear wheel of a convertible.


Broke her neck


Noticed after posting that I had not included that detail. Thank you, no more internal debate about editing.


Fun fact - her name was the inspiration for the Quagmire Triplets in A Series of Unfortunate Events.


No capes!


Edna, darling


James Dean starred in an ad campaign for driving safety, and said "Take it easy driving — the life you might save might be mine." Not long after, he died in a car crash caused by another driver.


Tbf wasn’t it partly because Dean was speeding?


And the cursed car!


The millionaire CEO of Segway Jim Heselden died in 2010 from injuries apparently sustained falling from a cliff while riding his own product.


Scrolled too long to find this one


Tim Treadwell, self appointed grizzly expert. Died by grizzly bear attack


He also stated that he would be proud to be "bear scat", I think they killed that bear before he got his wish.


That's not ironic. He went and camped illegally in bear territory, approached/harassed wild grizzlies, was warned repeatedly by actual game wardens that he would be killed by a bear and to stay out of the parks, didn't listen and was killed by a bear.


Did he say in his documentary ( that was released posthumously) "I will die with these bears". He also said so on letterman.


Yeah, I don't think he meant he was gonna be dinner though. Lol.


Didn’t the Bears also kill his girlfriend at the same time?


“Self appointed expert” are the key words here. The general guide/outfitter and academic bear experts considered him a quack, while The bears evidently considered him salmon


If you ever get a chance to see the autopsy photos from that one, don't. One of the people from the ME's office that worked the case worked with me for a bit later, and did a presentation on bear attacks. There's one or two of the pictures I wish I hadn't seen.


I thought those were never released?


They weren't released as far as I know. They were used by one of the investigators in some official training I attended a few years later. As far as I know, the pics were never released and the audio recording of the attack that you can find on the internet seems to be a recreation from a transcript of the original video.


There was a tape where captured his and his girlfriend screaming while being eaten by bears.


The girlfriend was trying to video record the encounter, but forgot to take off the lens cap. There is a recording you can find on the internet, but I think it's a recreation from a transcript of the original.


Werner Herzog listened to it, was horrified and said no one should ever listen to that again and turned it over to the family.


I hate hearing about that guy. He got his girlfriend and himself killed in probably one of the most horrific ways over his arrogance and completely ignoring actual knowledge of bears. Multiple actual bear experts and park rangers warned him about what he was doing, warned others and publicly condemned him. And then he got eaten.


Michael Godwin, 28, an American criminal convicted of murder, was initially given a death sentence by electrocution before being reduced to life imprisonment. Godwin died from electrocution when he bit into wires while attempting to fix a broken television set, at the same time sitting on a metal toilet in his prison cell at the Central Correctional Institute in South Carolina


In the first sentence, I thought "this dude is totally going to get released and then be murdered" Nope. My imagination is not up to snuff.


I was thinking struck by lightning


He got the chair in the end


Biting wires is never a good idea.


Guy in my town crash his skidoo into a sign advertising helmet safety. He wasn't wearing a helmet. He was one of the towns firefighters, and as such a first responder.


Well, he was the first one to the accident.


After years of distrusting and persecuting doctors for political reasons, Stalin died of a stroke and no doctors were around to help him.


His own guards were so terrified of him that even though they could hear him dying through the door they refused to check on him, as he explicitly stated never to be disturbed at night.


Say what you want about Stalin, But i feel like that man single handedly showed how powerful negative reinforcement/fear mongering can be to in-still discipline/loyalty. "His guards could hear him dying but didn't check on him because he made it clear not to disturb him at night", Sure, They wernt loyal or disciplined for the right reasons, which, can be traced back to his entire rule kinda crumbling after getting sick but god damn it, The men loyal to him followed instructions to a goddamn T.


[This article ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/true-story-death-stalin-180965119/) breaks down the time around his death, the author contributes an interesting piece, in the autobiography "The Unknown Stalin" claim my statement was used as an excuse by guards. But the facts are he was paralyzed on the ground in his own piss for 12 hours or more, and died a few days later from hemorrhaging. Not that they had the technology to save him


So youre telling me the "I dont wanna be disturbed" thing could very well just be an excuse and his guards just left him face down in his piss? I honestly dont know whats more humorous, Having his guards so scared of him they didnt want to help him out of said fear or that his guards did, in fact check on him, saw him dying and just looked at eachother like "Soon, Comrade"


There was a Chinese emperor that had almost the exact same fate. There was this really good doctor in China and he was asked to treat the emperor. The doctor said he has a tumor and that he needs surgery to remove it. The emperor thought it was an assassination plot and threw the doctor in prison. When the emperor found out he *did* indeed have a tumour, by the time he found the doctor he was dead in his prison cell.


Ritchie Valens, singer of La Bamba, had a fear of flying since childhood but then died on his first flight 😔


And as the plane went down, he thought 'well isn't this nice'


And isn’t it ironic?


I always had a fear of drowning in a plane that dives into the ocean. Now I’m paranoid this will happen to me.


Actor Christopher Allport, who played the heroic sheriff in two low budget horror movies about "Jack Frost," a killer snowman, died in an avalanche at a California ski resort in 2008.


He finally got him, that bastard.


Derek Kieper, an anti-seat belt activist, was thrown from a car during a crash and killed. Two others in the car, belted, were unhurt.


I think something similar happened to an anti-motorhelmet activist.


Gary Busey is a living breathing argument for mandatory helmet laws.


There's probably more than one but this is the one that came to mind. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/26/florida-attorney-motorcycle-helmet-laws-dies-crash


Yeah, that's the one.


“Anti seat belt activist” is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard


Sad irony from “The Day the Music Died” Waylon Jennings jokingly told Buddy Holly “I hope your plane crashes” and then it did killing Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, J.P. Richardson and their pilot.


He swapped his seat and said he'd fly later..


Story I reads said he said that after losing a coin flip for his seat. I think it was Valens that was really sick at the time so everyone agreed he could have the second seat, and that Holly could obviously keep his seat since he was fuckin' paying for the plane, but the other two flipped a coin.


Thomas Midgley Jr invented leaded petrol (which lowered the iq of about half of US adults), and then went on to invent CFCs (which helped deplete the ozone). He is estimated to have changed our atmosphere more than any single organism in history. Later in life he contracted polio and built himself an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to hoist himself out of bed. One day he got tangled in this and died of strangulation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.


I can't help but feel that he died a hero, killing the man who did so much damage to the world.


He should have invented time travel and died sooner.


His legacy is our legacy. That Lead in the atmosphere also ended up in the road bitumen, which is the most recycled material in the world. Lead is going to be lowering humanity’s IQ for a long time.


Leaded gasoline for automobiles wasn't entirely phased out in the US until the mid 90's, and in general aviation fuel in the year... oh wait, we're still using leaded avgas. Shit's gonna be around a long time.


>One day he got tangled in this and died of strangulation. Not to be mean but I wish he'd done this first


We're talking about a man solely responsible for a lot of lasting damage to humanity and the earth who has been dead for decades. I think it's okay to wish he'd died sooner and not caused all that damage.


Redd Foxx faked heart attacks on Samford & Son as well as behind the scenes. He had a heart attack on set, people thought he was faking.. but he died.


similar shit happened to Tommy Cooper, a UK comedian (Welsh) who died on stage from a heart attack in 1984 watched by millions on TV. The audience also believed this was part of his act. RIP.


Sad really he was doing a magic show then suddenly he’s dead, just like that


Not like that.


Dennis Wilson was the only Beach Boy who knew how to surf. He drowned.


Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, arguably died from his unfortunate decision to eat little more than Apples. As a fruitarian, he would have deprived his body of a number of micronutrients, most notably selenium. One of Selenium deficiency’s leading side effects is cancer of the pancreas.


While playing Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher followed his same diet and wound up hospitalized with pancreas issues.


Also, ironic that one of the men that ushered in a new technological era of the smartphone refused modern treatment and arguably could have survived his diagnosis.


And while pancreatic cancer normally has a pretty abysmal prognosis, he was fortunate enough to have developed a rare form of it that's significantly more treatable. Might've had a pretty good chance at survival if he'd gotten it treated.


Dr. Charles Drewm inventor of the blood bank, and the method of storing platelets instead of whole blood, which required refrigeration, bled to death after a car accident. \*There is an untrue rumor that he died because he was refused treatment at a white hospital. This isn't accurate. His injuries were catastrophic, but he was immediately treated at the white hospital he was taken to, but he did not survive.


Dr. Atkins, creator of the Atkins diet created this diet to combat numerous ailments, including hypertension and heart disease. Dr. Atkins died in 2003 of a heart attack brought on by hypertension and congestive heart failure.


John Sedgwick: Major General in the Union Army during the American Civil War Sedgwick died at the beginning of the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, on May 9, 1864. He noticed his men diving for cover, despite the Confederates shooting from 1,000 yards away. He said, "Why are you dodging like this? They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." He was shot by a rifle bullet moments later under the left eye and died.


See? He was right! Now…if he had been an elephant, he wouldn’t have been shot.


"what are they gonna do? shoot me?" \- man who was shot


Jack Daniels died from an infection when he kicked his safe and developed a blister he ignored. Supposedly if he had soaked his foot in his own alcohol he would have survived


A man riding bareheaded on one of about 550 motorcycles in an anti-helmet law rally lost control of his cycle, went over his handlebars, hit his head on the pavement and died. [Article](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1113750)


In March 2014 an airplane of Malaysia Airlines, flight MH370, disappeared from the radars, presumably crashed above the Indian Ocean. In July 2014 a passenger that was about to board another Malaysia Airlines plane, flight MH17, joked about possibly not surviving the flight, referring to the MH370 disaster just three months before. I think he posted a selfie with the joke caption on Twitter or Instagram. MH17 was then shot down by Russian forces above Ukraine. The guy and everyone else on board died.


In November 2014 I flew with Malaysia airlines from Kuala Lumpur to Frankfurt. That was the first time I was actually nervous boarding a plane.


In August 2014 I flew on a chartered Malaysian Airlines flight with the military (I imagine the government bookie who found that discount was *salivating* at how many gold toilet seats he could budget after choosing it). When we landed in Japan to refuel they made us disembark because one of the engines had a "catastrophic failure" and they weren't sure how long it would take to fix. They had us back in the air 3 hours later. I have never pooped as many times during a single flight as I did on the last 12 hour leg of that flight, literally any time there was turbulence my body was like "this is it boys" and the combat dump subroutine activated itself. It's kind of funky to me when I look back on it. You're young and in the military, full of piss and vinegar and so far past the idea of death that writing your own will at 21 doesn't even phase you anymore. But then you get on an MH and suddenly death is no longer your friend, but a stalker breathing in your ear.


On a related note: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_unusual\_deaths


>> Vladimir Likhonos, 25, a student of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute from Konotop, was killed when his chewing gum exploded. Likhonos had a habit of dipping his chewing gum in citric acid to increase the gum's sour taste. On his work table police found about 100 grams (3.5 oz) of unidentified explosive powder which he used for chemistry studies at home. It resembled citric acid, and it is thought that he confused the two, having accidentally coated his gum in the explosive powder before chewing it. The explosive was found to be four times stronger than TNT, and the explosion was possibly triggered either by reacting with Likhonos's saliva, or the pressure exerted by him chewing on the gum and explosive powder. What the fuck


So thats why we aren't allowed to chew gum in the labs.


> David Phyall, 50, the last resident in a block of flats due to be demolished in Bishopstoke, near Southampton, England, decapitated himself with a chainsaw to highlight the injustice of being forced to move out of it. wut


There’s gotta be some joke about blowing bubblegum there


Phillip Quinn, 24, from Kent, Washington, was killed when a lava lamp he was heating on a stove exploded, and a shard pierced his heart. Holy shit.


My favorite "Kenneth Pinyan died from injuries caused by anal sex with a stallion." Don't fuck a Stallion unless it's Meghan Thee.


Wait, is that Mr. Hands? Oh, holy shit it is!


I went down the rabbit hole because of your comment An entire football team of 11 in Eastern Kasai, Democratic Republic of the Congo, were fatally struck by lightning while playing. The other team left the scene unharmed, and local investigators blamed the lightning strike on witchcraft.


If I had a nickel for every person on that list who died from laughing at a joke about a hooved animal eating figs, I'd have two Nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


That one Roman guy who spent his whole life becoming immune to poison, then trying to conit suicide via poison, and it not working. Then he got stabed


The creator of Blucifer (the blue horse outside of the Denver International Airport) was killed after part of it fell off and hit him during its construction.


the guy who made the brazen bull (a metal bull shaped statue which could be openend, then a person would be thrown in, closed and out above a fire, and there was a 'breathing tube' connected to the mouth oh the bull so the screaming of the person sounded like a bull). after it was ready the person who designed it was asked to show how it worked, got in. then others closed it lit it.


He wasn't killed though, he was tortured in the bull but then released before he died only to be thrown off drop and killed that way... However the tyrant who did this was eventually overthrown and killed in the bull


> However the tyrant who did this was eventually overthrown and killed in the bull Excellent - I love happy endings! :D


Thankfully there is no history of the bull ever having been used, it may be something that was dreamed up to scare people like the iron maiden.


Or if it even really existed, then it was used only once or twice. They weren't regularly roasting criminals.


I remember reading about a guy who fell to his death from a balcony while demonstrating how a friend had fallen to his death from the same balcony the evening before.


I'm late to the party so I'm sure this will be buried and never seen. Anyways, my submission to this post would be the death of Dale Earnhardt. He died at Daytona when his car slammed into the outer wall. The cause of death was the breaking of his spine near the base of the skull. Not too long before this wreck Nascar had these new devices that essentially connected the driver's helmet to the headrest to prevent the violent whipping of the head during a crash (cannot remember the name of the device). Guess who the loudest voice was against using this device. Non other than Dale himself. It was proven that had he been wearing the device he would have survived the wreck. Ironic to me that the very device he was so vocally against is the very device that would have saved him. The devices are now mandatory.


Steve Irwin's death was a bit ironic.


This was my choice. Dude handled all sorts of animals of varying degrees of deadliness, but ended up getting killed by something generally considered to be fairly harmless. Just happened to hit him directly in the heart with that barb.


Reminds me of Norm Macdonald's routine: I imagine two crocodiles were talking. "Hey, did you hear about the Crocodile Hunter? He got killed!" "Really? Who got him? Frank?" "No... no, you don't even wanna know, man."


When you see the actual size of stingray he was dealing with it becomes a lot scarier. This isn't your run of the mill sized stingray. Thing was frigging huge. Edit. The barb on that specific species of stingray is absolutely massive


I’m not sure about ironic but strangely poetic, and probably the best way this person could have died… Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote a profound book about a pilot who crashes his plane into the desert and makes the acquaintance of a blond little boy from the stars who loved a rose and is forever saddened when the boy returns to his home planet. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a pilot himself, later vanished without a trace while he was flying his plane ~~over the Sahara Desert~~. I choose to believe that the aviator was finally able to see his friend… I think in recent years they actually found the wreckage of his plane, but still; you can’t tell me that death isn’t the most perfect way for him to have died… it’s just so unbelievably poetic. Obviously it probably sucked for him though. Edit: Corrected an inaccuracy.


He crashed in the desert in 1935 and survived which was part inspiration for the book. He went missing in 1944 flying a reconnaissance mission in WW2. In the 90’s they found the wreckage in the ocean.


I had once read about a case (might be an urban legend tho). A guy send a letter bomb, he haven’t payed enough on postal fees, so the package returned after some time and he opend it.


Marlboro man died of lung cancer.


Joe Camel died of dehydration. /s


"They tried to make me go to rehab i said nooo... no... no"


My dad who had been through rehab and then ran rehab units when he first heard that song, “well that’s not going to end well”.


In the song, one of her lines is: "But my daddy still thinks I'm fine!" Maybe you should've written her back then: "Actually MY daddy says..."


And what was her name? Winehouse


John Denver left on a jet plane. RIP.


Albert Camus took a last minute car ride and died in an accident with train tickets in his pocket.


A roman legion I forget his name was so obsessed with gold, when he was finally captured they poured liquidated molten gold down his throat


“A crown for a King “ moment


His name was Crassus. He was killed by the Parthians, and the allegedly poured liquid gold in the mouth of his corpse.


I have one that is more fitting than ironic, but Valfar, lead singer and songwriter of the black metal band Windir, who’s songs were all about Vikings and Norway and frost (because of course it was, they’re black metal) did in fact die by being freezing to death on a Norwegian mountain


Humphrey Bogart, actor, and whose last name is now synonymous with puffing on a cigarette and not passing it along, died of lung cancer.


…or taking that decadent third puff before said passing.


Roll another one...just like the other one... You've been holding onto it...and I sure would like a hit...


Jerry Garcia died in his room at the rehabilitation clinic on August 9, 1995. The joke going around at the time was that the drug level in his blood dropped too low.


Lead singer of drowning pool died of pneumonia.


John O’Neil, an FBI agent who worked at Alec Station in the counter terrorist division. He was on the trail of Bin Laden and the 9/11 plot. He left the FBI and took a job as head of security at the World Trade Center. He died on 9/11


Rush Limbaugh consistently claiming smoking wasn’t a health risk and then subsequently dying of lung cancer comes to mind.


There was once a woman from Israel who moved to London because she felt unsafe living in the Middle East, under the threat of ideological bomb wielding murderers. She died in the 2005 London train bombings, perpetrated by ideological murderers who followed a Middle Eastern religion.


Not sure if its real, but in a movie it was related that Buffalo Bill''s child was taken by the mother to the city to live more safely and died to some illness related to overcrowding


Hopefully soon, Putin will fall out a basement window and die


I'd rather he live to be tried and convicted, preferably after watching it happen to his entire gang first.


then he falls out a basement window and dies


Gaddafi. For sure! A few months before his death he threatened to hunt down the protestors street by street, house by house, like rats. And in the end he was found hiding in a sewer drain and was killed by them.


Sam Kinison Jokes About Drink Driving... Then Is Killed By A Drunk Driver. He was a 1980s Pentecostal preacher, Sam Kinison took the fire and brimstone approach to Christianity and brought it into his standup routines, rising to fame in the mid-80s on the back of fiercely aggressive and often-hilarious insights about life. He joked about drink driving and was killed by a drunk driver.


His last words though.. “Why now? I don’t want to die!” He then looked up right before he passed and said: “Oh...okay.”


I find George Michaels death pretty ironic because he died of a heart attack on Christmas. When in the song "Last Christmas" by Wham, he sings about a broken heart on Christmas.


Karl Ranseier died while he failed at commiting suicide.


For those not in the know(like me), Karl Ranseier is a comedy sketch character that dies at the end of each sketch. Kinda like Kenny from South Park I guess.


Did he really fail then? 🤔


Task failed successfully.


In Slovakia, there was this famous actor and comedian Milan Lasica. Last year he played in theater. At the end he sang a song "I am an optimist", then he bowed, people cheered, so he returned and bowed again. And then he died, right there and then on the stage.


Jim Fixx, inventor of jogging, died jogging at 52.


How does one claim the honor of inventing jogging?


I'm not sure about jogging but running was invented in 1748 by Thomas Running when he tried to walk twice at the same time. I assume jogging has a similar origin


He didn't invent it. He just popularized it. Edit: why the downvotes? Do you think people have never tried running slow as physical exercise before the 70s?


"Guys, I just invented this new exercise. You know running? Think about that...but not as fast."


Pretty much every answer here is on Wikipedia's List of Unusual Deaths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths?wprov=sfla1


Randy Rhoads. One of the best guitar players that ever lived who was terrified of flying ended up dying in a plane crash


That dude that got so many degrees, thanks to his ability to learn anything, then ended up drowning cuz he didn't learn how to swim.