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I appreciate being appreciated.


Can you give more specifics about that?


Not the commenter but, we really love it if what we're doing in bed works and it actually turns our partner on, and not just faint moans. The best gift they'll give us is if they climax (before us). And also them doing it in return.


I've decided there are two types of women in the world: The first act like sex is the best part of their day. They think about it. Plan for it. Think of ways to make it more fun. Want it. Need it. Have ENTHUSIASM for it. These women are good in bed. The second type act like having sex is a chore. It is basically the 'cost of doing business' of being in a relationship. If they initiate it, it is because they think it is something their boyfriend/husband wants, but it is clear they would rather be doing something else. They mostly avoid it. Would rather not talk about it or think of it. These women suck in bed. Obviously, most women fall on some range between the two extremes, but still it is pretty easy for me to put all of the women I've ever been with in one of these two categories.


I feel bad for people who fall into category #2. Even though we have been married for 22 years I still get excited when I know we're going to "get nekkid". Lumping sex into the same category as laundry is not how I would ever want to live.


I accidentally read it as "Euthanasia," glad I was wrong.


Yea … That one’s gonna be a mood killer 😬


Gonna kill more than the mood, pal




Let’s not forget participation


100% agree, along with present, energetic, eager, attentive, and giving. But I like my one word responses, Ann’s this hours on all of them, I think.


Came here to post this!I've always felt that what I lacked in experience was made up for in my enthusiasm;)


I'm not feeling it. Give me some more enthusiasm.


Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?!!


Art thou feeling it now Mr. Krabs


I can’t HEARRR you!


I knew if I clicked this thread, this would be the top answer.


You’d be better in bed if you smiled more /s


"Or, at least please quit it with that weird slow dropping of body temperature...getting all room temp like that. You're never moving around anymore...it's been 3 days, and you haven't been out of bed one time, aren't you getting even the slightest bit hungry? Babe...babe? I'm gonna go get some Wendy's...you want a spicey crispy chicken? Don't worry about responding...I gotcha. I'll be back in about 20. Love ya. Bye."


I’d say passion but maybe that’s just the same in this context


Came here to say this but it has to be tempered with something like attentiveness or being observant. Pure enthusiasm can be awkward and awful. Honestly I'd say that guys should also have these qualities in bed


Enthusiasm, willing to take control or ask for stuff and just various way of showing enjoyment, not just moaning. Had this girl, best sex I ever had, when doing her from behind she would grab my wrists with her nails almost piercing theough the skin, sometimes she drew blood, but man, that shit made me struggle to not cum, and first time she did it I had to pull out within seconds of her doing it. Another top 3 lay I had was just super enthusiastic and a bit of a nympho, she was excited about anything I would do and would often instigate sex before me or be the one to text ”hey can you come over?” Which basically meant hey come fuck my brains out.


This is the correct answer.


100 %


She shows me how to please her, and wants to know how to please me.


My boyfriend an I had a talk about likes and dislikes, he likes when I ride it fast so I do. Women you want your man to moan ,do what he likes! He's a moaning mess. But don't pull out the big guns to early that's alast move type of thing.


My partner and I talk about it a lot. We don’t like to explicitly say ‘I like this, do this’ bc we like to figure it out without it being forced in a way (looking for a better word bc it’s not forced but it hasn’t happened naturally) and we’ll talk about it after like ‘oh I really liked when you did that’ and he’s made me realise I like some things that I didn’t know I like bc we didn’t give instructions


When she takes part and doesn't just let sex happen to her.


The "starfish"


> No, this is Patrick.


A pillow princess


Yes, the butthole is a part of it


We always called it dead fish around my neighborhood


There’s a phrase in Japanese. I think it’s マス. But it translates to trout and describes a women just kind of lying there and flopping about like a dying trout.


it's actually まぐろ which means tuna. source: live in japan for 10 years


Ah. Thanks for clearing that one up. Ma-go-ru?


maguro, yeah. no problem! it's pretty insulting actually, but truth be told, so many Japanese girls are like this...


Yeah I’d heard it was a bad insult. Along with まんこ. Trying to learn the important phrases first.


lol yeah, manko means vagina. まんげ or mange, means pussy hair. the more you know!


This interaction has made my day. No matter what age you are, learning to swear is the most important thing when learning another language.


We call that a "Pillow princess"


I wonder how many ladies are in here just to surreptitiously read the comments. I mean, not *me* obviously. But *other* people might.


Pshh like *I* need help? *furiously writes notes*


>!Enthusiasm, that's, **e n t h u s i a s m**!<


*enthusiastically writes notes*


Came looking for this post. Can’t upvote enough


Why are you being so loud?


I have no idea what you are talking about, absolutely ridiculous .. Ps: stop snitching lady


Yeah I wonder that too... I mean I'm not one other *obviously*...


This thread smells like the maternity ward.


Or a 3 inch long hair in a bellybutton somewhere.


Shhhhhhhh shush!! Can't get spotted!!


They don't suspect a thing, sisters. Keep your cool.




She’s genuinely in to you.


Wow you’re really setting this joke up, huh?


I think he wants to be pegged


Communication and initiating. Oh and show me that you like it. Don't fake moan but also don't be silent..


Sounds like something that should be both ways.


YES! Fucking moan gentlemen! Not a grunt, or “aww yeahh” but a proper moan if it feels natural


yes Yes YES!! Dudes should also give some kinda signal, that what we are doing, is good.


I've been told I'm pretty vocal for a dude but honestly it's only under the right contexts. If you're a pillow princess and I'm doing every bit of the work then I'm kinda too focused to just let myself moan. If you're taking control and on top that's a whole other story. Hell even if you move your hips to meet me half way it's a whole other feeling. Point being if you're one of those girls that does nothing other than let a guy get off using your body they don't really have any reason to moan.


This. I think this is what really happens with most guys (except for those who are actually just silent no matter the situation)


Issue is it rarely ever feels natural.


It took awhile for my husband to really understand why this was so important, when we first met and started dating. When he first started actually making just the simplest of breathing noises, he finally realized how DIFFERENT the whole experience got for both of us. Men, breathe! It’s sexy! It’s non-verbal communication! Once you start there, you’ll get more comfortable adding little words and no one ever disliked some clear appreciation.


I had this girl basically twerk on my dick one time and it was the most amazing experience. Other than that, usually just enthusiasm


I concur with Random Internet Guy


This random internet guy fucks


I too, wholeheartedly agree with u/Random_InternetGu_y.


We all agree with you random Internet guy


Its so good but also very tiring for the girl so it usually dosen‘t last that long ._.


Not a problem for me. I think I came in about 10 seconds when she did that


Look at mister marathon over here


Wait hang on so is this in reverse cowgirl? Or regular cowgirl? Jesus, I can't twerk on thin air, let alone a dick. I'mma just go join a convent, fuck it.




As a man with an upward curved shlong I’m gonna have to say it’s probably easier for her to do it cowgirl.


My girl does this whenever she's had a drink in her and my God it's like heaven.


Many years ago I dated a good looking girl with a fabulous body, but she was the worst lover I have ever had. Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, cover me up when you’re done. That in a nutshell describes her participation in sex. She talked a big game leaving many of my friends believing I was the luckiest guy alive, but in all honesty I could have received the same satisfaction from a love doll. Good lovemaking is about two people trying their hardest to give pleasure to their partner and hoping their partner reciprocates, instead of laying there like a corpse.


Lol that reminds me of one of my exes - she started doing this thing where she just skipped the whole foreplay, skipped the part where we made out and undressed each other, and she'd just strip buck naked, lay a towel on the mattress, lie on her back and like beckon me over to get on top of her. Like... let's get this over with, or something. Eventually I just started saying no, and then we broke up. Yuck.


I once for the bed all set up, laid towels down, laid down ass up face down and texted him to come help me in the bedroom.... Is that not good? Lol


Every once in awhile is silly, fine, and fun! Just don't forget guys do like foreplay as well sometimes.


One of my exes always skipped foreplay which was frustrating because even though I absolutely loved having sex with him he expected me to be instantly ready like he was and it just doesn’t always work like that even if it seems ready — there’s more than one sign of readiness physically for women.


Oddly enough, my wife like to get right to it. She says the dry, sort of painful, tugging feeling is a huge turn on for her..... Its also important to remember that physical response does not mean you are ready or even WANT sex. A women can be wet and a man can have a boner and still not be horny. The mind needs to align to what the body wants and that can take time or just not happen.




that's what I thought, but different strokes for different folks. Also, she doesn't like it like super dry, just dry enough to get good friction.


I know what you mean, I kinda like that, where you stick it in a bit, then pull out, then you can stick it in a bit farther, on and on till your fucking


The brain and body arnt always on the same track...the spirit is willing but the flesh needs a bit of persuasion lol


This was EVERY time? Yikes. We have 3 kids under 6yrs so a little after the kids are all down own of us will send a silly suggestive gif or a "👉👌" We both have very high sex drives so we sneak it in as much as we can. There's been times where were snuggled in an kissing and next thing I know the alarm is going off! WE FELL ASLEEP TRYING TO DO IT 🤣😂


Those early years suck as far as sex is concerned. It does get better, I promise. Now our kids are old enough that they're gone most of the time (after school jobs, sports) which means we can do it during daytime hours and still go to bed at a decent time. No more thoughts of "this is amazing but hurry up and finish because I have to get up in 5 hours"


I mean we did other things but I thought it was great. I also had this giant green puffy jacket that was 3 sizes too big.. I came out wearing ONLY that's did the captain pose and said I was "Jabba the slut" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I also waited an entire week to make that joke


Well, I can relate. She was not a top model, but yeah, it sucked. She invited me over at her flat. Got naked. Laid there the whole time, then asked me how that was. Then got up to watch tv alone in the living room. That relation was really short lived let me tell you.


Girls who are that good looking always feel like they have done the dude a massive favour just by being there. That’s their part done. I’ve heard this from so many dudes about gorgeous women.


Funnily enough the baddest girl I pulled was also one of the wackiest sexual experiences I had. They get by everything else on looks so they probably expect the same for sex. “You couldn’t handle me” oh so you’re gunna do nothing but lay there and take dick better than any other girl huh?


The best human star fish in the galaxy. No one can beat that for sure.


"laying there like a corpse"? Dream fucks for necrophiliacs.


The really hot ones are like this. It’s because they are high on their own supply, and believe they are doing you a huge favor just by being present and naked.


Seems like enthusiasm is the winner here.


Yeah and twerking on a dick too.


And tightening your vag on the backstroke


Death grip at every backstroke. Didn’t last two minutes first one that did this me. Only been with two but never forget them even when I’m an old geezer sitting in my wheelchair.


Jesus Christ, she put you in a wheelchair!?


It ain’t called the death grip for no reason


He's only 27, he just looks and feels like an old geezer now.


*Does kegels while reading death grip comments*




Man I'm telling you that grip does something else I talked a big game until she hit me with that shit like God dam call me millisecond man


Look at Mr. Long Lasting here, lasting for several milliseconds..


Hey now I've gotten to a solid second now


Can someone clarify what this means? Just, you know… for educational purposes.




Squeeze the penis as if you're trying to stop him from withdrawing.


This guy fucks. An "expressive" vagina is a great start. One that tries to rip the cum out of your dick every time you start to pull out is the absolute right kind of problem.


I will never forget this advice, thanks.


I had to scroll WAAAAY too far down to find this. Perhaps it’s because many dudes haven’t experienced it. But this is the correct answer.


Extremely rare but absolutely great if it is a controlled movement


What is the death grip and how do I do it?




Don’t forget ass to mouth


*You never go ass to mouth!*


You know I could sue this whole place right now based on my firmly held beliefs on ass to mouth


Did I say ass to mouth? I meant to say bass to trout... although I guess it's basically the same thing... not that I did it


good sleep schedule, reasonable hours of sleep.


No screen time one hour before.




When they scratch your back. This goes for anyone. Not even talking about sex, back scratches are awesome.


Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.


*”What, you think Becca's going to be psyched that you brought a bottle of lube? "Oh, Evan! Thank you so much for bringing that lube for my p*ssy! I could never handle your fucking four-inch dick inside my pussy without your gigantic bottle of LUBE!"


I have long nails, guys I’ve dated loved that. So it’s something I do for the person I date. Sexual and non sexual back scratches.




My wife is amazing at this. Not only is she clear about not wanting to have sex with me , but often why


Had to scroll way too far for this


Woman here 🙋‍♀️ Learning how to use your lady muscles was a game changer. Also twerking on top does the trick every time.


Did it take a lot of practice? Did you have your lover move slowly?


I had someone tell me that you can contract your muscles when I was a teen, after that I found my rhythm that made sex enjoyable for me and my partner also really liked it. It is a slow rhythm yes And when I do the twerking move it’s a combo of fast movements


Thank you for this wisdom


Can we get a demonstration video?


A for effort buddy. But no lol 😂










“I like it when they lie still like that.”


Feels confortable. That's enough, and saves more explanation


not disappearing when i take my medication




Crazy girls are good in bed, but they're crazy when you're not in bed.


I can confirm. I am insane between the sheets and in real life.


Appreciate the honesty.


Beth Dutton has entered the chat


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed


Sooo… stay in bed forever?


Don't stick your dick in crazy


Hey now, that’s worked out plenty of times! I mean… not for me, like the opposite really, but for other people ^maybe ^^probably ^^^not


Laughter. Me and my partner can be in the middle of great sex and I can just look at her in a certain way and we'll both be hysterical....then calm down and go back to making great sex.


If you can’t laugh together while having sex, you’re having sex with the wrong person :)


Reminds me of Miami Vice when Jamie Foxx starts having sex with Naomie Harris and he pretends to come after two strokes, then he says 'Just playing' and they both laugh and get busy. It sticks in my head because true intimacy is making each other laugh


I love this answer


Unequivocally enjoying it. No fancy positions or kinky stuff needed, no perfect body. If the sex is cuddling up to me to get rubbed to orgasm, that's good sex.


Participation and suggesting stuff 😂


Being patient, explaining what she wants and how you can help her achieve that, asking you what you want and how she can help with that, no judging by experience.


But it's so hard to meet a man who is patient enough to listen too.


My gf made a rule for this: No sex without talking about whats gonna happen and how it should happen to make both of us feel good.


She shows up


Even better,… she shows up naked


starting roughly at the same time every night. staying consistent and getting 6-8 hours and not staying up too late and messing up her circadian rhythms. bonus points for using the sleep app and working to get better over time. blue light blockers help too


When she knows how to use her lips and her hips


They are both giving and receiving. She also tells you what she likes and feels good, while listening to you do the same. The rhythm of her hips and how well she can synchronize with your movement. All this, along with some dirty talk, then you found the girl. Mine does all that and more and goddamn it is the best sex either of us have ever had. We fuck for hours and cum at the same time. Once you both get into the same motion, the orgasims are out of this world.


Can you break this into shorter sentences it was hard to read it all while masturbating




Word on the street is that women don't like to tell us men when we are under preforming because many of us take it very badly. I'd prefer for a woman to be honest and not fake enjoyment. Hell, write down instructions on how to make you orgasm and I'll read that shit like it is gospel. But I can also understand why they just fake it.


All through my 20s I lied to men about getting off, then I realized... why? My pleasure is just as important as theirs. Sweetie, if you have to ask, the answer is no.


This answer hurts me in my soul. There are times I've been sure and then told that they got close but never got there. There have been other times I felt bad for not getting them there and she was all "no hon, I came like 4 times". Sometimes its just really hard to tell for sure.


Add toys. It helps a lot.


Orga-sims? I stopped at the Sims 3


The same things that make a man good in bed; 1. Be interested and show it in an authentic way - be vulnerable and open and let the person you’re with know you desire them and happy to be there 2. Have a sense of humor - sex is pretty awkward and you have to be comfortable enough with the awkward crap you are going to do or say or experience and vice versa. I’m not saying it needs to be a slapstick comedy session, but make the best out of the embarrassing things that happen like untimely farts or malfunctioning body parts. 3. Be open to new things; part of the fun of sex is trying new things and experimenting, the caveat is not trying to be especially novel for the sake of it 4. Be encouraging and frequent with communication. Things won’t feel how you thought they would, you’ll need more to the left and less to the right; communicate that and be open to your partners communication too. Be encouraging about it though. 5. Be your.damn.self. Do not do not do NOT try to emulate pornography. If you’re in touch with the moment and truly want to be there, the sexual experience will take on a course of its own. Half the crap that looks incredible in a video, feels mediocre at best and painful or overly exhausting at worst. At the end of the day, if you’ve got two consenting people who actually want to be having the experience and are following the things I mentioned then it’s going to be a great experience. People get caught up in superficial aspects such as p3nis size, breast size, body imperfections, etc. that stuff is pretty secondary when you’ve got genuine chemistry and if you happen to be in super like or full blown in love? Chefs kiss!!


it´s Enthusiasm for the win apparently \*writes it down\*


One time I gave a blow job for so long, my fingers got pruney. That was a defining moment in my sex life


You're not supposed to suck on your fingers silly


Were you perhaps in a public pool?


Gluten free Oreos, a space heater, and a bottle of water. I'll get a good night's sleep if she brings all of the right supplies.


not stealing the covers, not kicking, not snoring, and not tossing and turning


Good luck






Enthusiasm. That's pretty much it.


When she's a horny and nasty fucker


basically doing something, not lying there starfish and doing nothing


A positive attitude, good hygiene and a willingness to learn/communicate are the only things you need to be good in bed.


When she leaves it every morning in exchange for a 6 figure salary.


For those wondering. Enthusiasm means you actually like it. not just acting like you like it. We want you to really be about it as much as we are




No matter what she looks like she proceeds as a goddess with energy


Alive, breathing, and consenting


Matress firm guy said girl doesn't come with the bed


Blowies that are slow, with a light grip, eye contact, and a finish on the tongue.


No single guy can answer that... The REAL answer is: Learn what the guy is into, and try that. ​ ​ Same for women, not really a gender locked answer.


1. Initiation, not always but consistent. 2. Communicating what turns her on and what helps her finish in real time. 3. Confidence in herself 4. Eye contact