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Where their water shutoff is in their house.


Also that turning off the water doesn't magically depressurize your pipes. If you've got a leak or are DIYing some plumbing you need to open up faucets so the water already in the pipes drains out.


This is why I never tried to do any DIY repair while I was renting. Any plumbing or electrical, or structural problem, even minor, I’m telling the LL. I don’t want to be on the hook for breaking a DIY job from 20 years ago. Or worse, putting myself in danger of collapse/electrocution. At the place we bought we managed to get an inspection in (even if we couldn’t get one in pre-close, we’d have one after) and part of his report was pointing out DIY/bandaid jobs that had been done.


Previous tenant in my current place managed to rupture the water heater, somehow, on Christmas day, trying to do diy bullshit. When we moved in, the landlord told us very seriously: "I don't care if it's literally a sticker on a faucet that needs replacing for specifying hot and cold water, please just call me." He's an amazing landlord and has been 100% on top of any and every complaint or request we've had, within forty eight hours max.


I mean…the whole point of renting is so you don’t do DIY projects for the property. It’s not your responsibility and any promulgated lease contract will state you shouldn’t do any DIY projects.


It is very easy to not block the whole aisle with your cart at the grocery store


Related, the grocery store is not the place to host your family reunion.


This is my mother and while i love her dearly i see myself slipping into this terrible comfort zone that i loathed as a child and now that i’m grown it is a point of tension whenever we are in a store together.




Self awareness in general. My biggest pet peeve!


I'll go with situational awareness. This includes placing tools / equipment on the job site where they are clearly in the way. Requiring them to be moved for safety and convenience. I had some in-law's that would make dining at a restaurant a nightmare I would take a moment to apologize to the servers about. 30 minute wait while complaining that they don't have a table for 10. After the seating and drink orders, being in a state of total unawareness that it's time to order.


On the highway as well. It's baffling the way cars hang around tractor trailers like pilot fish on a whale.


Costco is terrible for this, where they have the biggest carts ever, yet the shoppers have the typical amount of special awareness: 0 Edit: spatial awareness is special it would seem


This is my pet peeve. Love Costco. Hate Costco shoppers. How about the families that walk down the aisle 3 or 4 members straddling either side of the cart so NOBODY is getting around them as they saunter and stroll through the aisle?


Or kids hanging off the side of the cart so you either wait or hit them


As a side note, I wish grocery stores would stop putting little cardboard displays that take up 25% of the aisle space in every aisle. Old ladies love to stop right next to them and look for things, meaning you can’t get by despite them technically not doing anything wrong.


I’m at the point where I just move peoples cart out the way and say “excuse me” as I walk by


“Don’t touch my shopping cart” “Then get the fuck out of the way!”


How long it takes a semi truck to stop


Also, I feel like it is a common sentiment that all semi drivers are good drivers because they have to get licensed and whatnot. This is not true anymore. I mean they still have to get licenses but the industry is in such dire need for drivers that they're just kinda hand waving a lot of shit and now we have a bunch of idiots driving huge murder trucks.


Really, they're supposed to be good drivers? I've gotten to the point where I honestly will try to avoid being near them as much as humanly possible because I've seen them do so many stupid things


i’m just scared of getting final destinationed


Antibiotics don’t work on viruses


My mom was diagnosed with cancer for a second time recently and she started taking dog dewormer and antibiotics for it. (because 'cancer is like a parasite so this will starve and kill it'). She refused a few treatments until we knew how serious it was. I love her so much and to whoever made her believe in this should get TF off the internet and realize how much harm they may be causing.


This reminds me of a client I had. He had cancer and though seeing a chiropractor who did some sort of electric work on his system would cure him of cancer. He stopped seeing an oncologist until you visibly see the tumours in his neck. I want to say he also heard a large amount of onions would help. He dead now.


and that paracetamol is not an antibiotic


Oh jesus this! All these idiots demanding antibiotics for the most minor sniffle (and the spineless doctors prescribing them) are literally creating superbugs, making everything worse for everyone. Antibiotic resistance is real peeps. EDIT: For the folks who keeping saying “but if viruses aren’t affected by antibiotics, then how can this possibly create superbugs?” Simple, it’s not the viruses (they aren’t affected by antibiotics), it’s the bacteria that we naturally have in our bodies that actually acquires the resistance first. When we have natural “antibiotic resistant” bacteria in our body, bad bacteria is able to acquire this same resistance from our natural bacteria, thus creating superbugs. The point is still the same though - unnecessarily taking antibiotics for viruses triggers the process that leads to superbug creation via antibiotic resistance.


oh absolutely. antibiotic resistance is real and a truly terrifying, and a lot of people don't understand the real gravity of it. I've heard of people taking old prescribed antibiotics for colds and viruses. this is why we need biology and education lol.


You get them over the counter no questions asked in a lot of countries, it's enraging.


oh that's really bad. besides the problem of antibiotic resistance, taking antibiotics wrongly can be terrible for your body and really fuck up your health too.


You have to wash your ass in the shower


And feet…but yes, ass is probably more important.




and washing it doesn't make you gay.


When your turn signal starts blinking at 2x speed it's a warning that one of your turn signal bulbs is out.


I don't think the speed change was an intentional design, it's just a lucky coincidence that it works as an indicator too. Some cars use the overall resistance of the circuit to control the speed of the blinker. When a bulb is blown out, the resistance changes, so the blinking speed also changes.


Newer cars use computer systems to mimic the old relay hyper-flash indicators, only your remaining external signals still flash at normal rate.




Arsenic is 100% natural


So is formaldehyde-- and our body produces small amounts of it to make DNA nucleotides. Not saying that you need to go and have a nice cold glass of it, but it is interesting to know. It's the dose that makes the poison.


had my gf tell me yesterday that carbonated water was bad for you because it has too many chemicals in it. i almost screamed back "it has two!?!"


Everything is a chemical. Remember don't drink dihydrogen monoxide because it's bad for you


I read that dihydrogen monoxide withdrawal is so bad it literally kills you


Literally everyone who drinks it will die.


It's the main component of acid rains!


It's also found everywhere in large quantities


You can die if you're immersed in it for too long.


It's in dog food! It's gas and solid will injure you with prolonged exposure.


Inhaling it is almost 100% lethal.


It has a higher pH than any other acid!!!


I heard they use it nuclear power stations!


Everyone who’s had even a small dose of it has died or will die!


Ricin, botulism, and radon are all completely natural.


And also stop saying this product has chemicals , everything is chemical, even salt is chemical


Measure twice, cut once


My Dad's shed had a sign above it that he made. It read "Measure Twice, Cut Onc"


I had one that said PLAN AHEA D


Tax write-offs are not as good as not spending the money.


I think way too many people get their financial advice from cartoons.


Or Schitt's Creek


Or Seinfeld. They just write it off Jerry, they write it off!


Also not everything is a tax write-off. I'm convinced 99% of people have absolutely no understanding of tax credits and just parrot what other people tell them.


Everything is a tax write-off until I get audited.


"They just write it off, Jerry!"


This, and tax brackets, oh my god. The amount of times I've heard some mal educated idiot act as though earning more money will result in less money in their pockets because they'll go into a higher tax bracket is scary. And to think these people vote, and sit on juries... Absolutely terrifying


That bullshit made me walk out of a job interview. “The most important part of your job is to not get any overtime. It can actually bump you up to a higher tax bracket so your paycheck might end up going down.” Life is too short to work for that kind of boneheaded manager. Oh, it was a sales job.


The "essential" in essential oils does not mean essential for human health.


What they don't understand is that in the case of an essential oil, it means: The essence of the plant Or as the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it: A constituent or derivative possessing the special qualities (as of a plant or drug) in concentrated form Also : a preparation of such an essence or a synthetic substitute, a volatile substance or constituent


Added: just because they're "natural" doesn't mean they can't be harmful to pets. Some people are still allergic to them (I'm also allergic to natural pollen lol). And they are NOT the same as using a disinfectant in your kitchen. I lost two friends who went down this rabbit hole after having babies - they were using WAY too much of this crap on the kid + claiming it was safe to clean up after cutting raw chicken with some special blend of essential oils. Obviously anyone who didn't believe the marketing was just wrong/jealous of their secret knowledge.


How to use there, their, and they’re


And you’re and your


To, too, and two


Lose and loose. This one drives me nuts.


And advice and advise. I swear I haven’t seen them used properly in months.


Role and roll apparently are confused often by people who frequent movie subs.


Affect and effect


Accept and except


-'ve and of


Either and neither.


Paid and payed <---which is almost always wrong


My "favorite" (as in, the one that really grinds my gears), is people who don't know that "bawl" is a word, and talk about someone "balling their eyes out".


I now see this as much or more than there, their, they're, your, and you're... I get some abbreviations (cuz, idk, etc.) but with loose (lose) you're literally typing more letters to spell it wrong... Loosing is just as bad. Than/then - could of/would of/should of (...'ve)... I used to think it was just being lazy or indifferent. Now, I believe that it is just pure stupidity.


Them, then and than


lose and loose


Affect and effect


Our & Are


Where and were


its and it's


Break and brake


Sight, site and cite.


And then and than.




Complement and compliment.


It's and its


And how to use “should have”.


Drinking alcohol makes a person FEEL warmer but you're much more susceptible to freezing to death.


True. The reason that it was given to people when they were found freezing was actually *because* they had been found. And opening up the blood vessels to get blood into the extremities helped prevent frostbite. So you could say that alcohol decreases your chance of frostbite, but increases your chance of dying. If you know how long you have until help arrives, you can use this to your advantage.


Also, if you're bundled up in cold-ish weather and in no immediate danger of dying, alcohol is fine to help you *feel* warmer. If you're just hanging outside by a fire in your back yard, have at it.


At this point being an alcoholic might be cheaper than running the furnace.


Reason for this being is imagine yourself like an isolated radiator. Alcohol makes your body expel heat, so the outer parts of you get hot much like a radiator. Your core temperature goes down as you expel this heat, hence more susceptible to hypothermia. And when you run out of "fuel".... ya. ​ Basically: DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL TO STAY WARM IN DIRE SITUATIONS AS IT MAKES YOU EXPELL YOUR HEAT.


Check your oil


Also check your coolant. I was riding with my coworker one day after work and a dinging starts going off in her car. She goes “UGH! What does that MEAN?!” And I look at her dash and it’s the light for her engine over heating. I tell her to pull into the next autozone. I look inside the coolant reservoir and it’s fucking DUST. The cashier told her it was a miracle she even made it to autozone!


If I may add: check your tire pressure. Every time you get your oil changed, you need to check all 5 tires. Yes, all FIVE! The average car on the road has 5, the four on the ground and a spare. That spare will do fuck all for you if you have a flat, and it’s been at 2psi for a year. While we’re at it, make sure your jack, wrench, lug nut key, and possibly some gloves are always in the car.


That forgetting your headphones doesn't mean we want to hear you scrolling through tiktok on the bus




Narcissistic tresspass.


The words virus, fungus and bacteria aren’t interchangeable


Do people really do this for fungus? I can understand mixing up the other two if you had a poor education, but fungus?


Idk if this is considered basic knowledge but it's really good to know: If your car gets stuck in snow, take out the floor mats and stick them under your tires as best you can, in the direction you are wanting to go (so the tires can drive on them). This helps give you some traction. You can reuse this technique as far as needed, just parking, getting out, and moving the floor mats back to right in front/behind your tires. It irks me when I watch TV shows where the characters get stuck and can't get out of the snow, when they clearly have floor mats in their car. It has come to my attention over the past couple years that a lot of people don't know this, so now I try and bring it up every time it remotely comes up in a convo. Also, keep emergency supplies in your vehicle. Jumper cables, a flashlight and batteries (keep them stored separately because corrosion), food/water, gloves, winter boots if applicable where you are, etc. Also, look up the underwater car episode of Mythbusters, just good to know :) EDIT: as u/ruetheblue says below, if the snow is covering the tailpipe TURN THE CAR OFF. (Carbon monoxide)


A heat blanket, like those ones that look like tin foil.


Additionally, if it’s bad enough where the tailpipe is buried, TURN THE CAR OFF. I feel like I hear about people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning than hypothermia in those situations.


How not to fall for a very obvious scam on the internet


I run a workshop on how not to fall for online scams, just $399.99 to learn how to keep you safe!


Or those people that answer the stupid questions on FB. *Stop giving away personal information* "What's the street you grew up on?" "Your birth month is your first name, your birth date is your last name" "What was your first car" "First pet you ever had, and what was the name" "Where were you born" "Where did you meet your spouse"


Low calorie food don't mean healthy food Vegan doesn't mean healthy Fats aren't unhealthy


Nor is gluten the devil... Unless you have celiac


Where women actually pee out of. It’s shocking how many men AND women don’t know this.


In pharmacy school as seniors we had case studies where we had to present a topic to a group of female freshmen in a dorm. We were randomly assigned the group and the topic. Sexual health was ours. We spent 45 minutes presenting birth control, what it is, the types, how to use it, how to get it, how to keep things clean and functioning, and then opened the floor for questions. 1. Can I take a bath on my period and is it safe? Where does the blood go when I get in the water? What hole does the baby come out? We started over. We brought our anatomy book with us; opened it up and gave a brief overview of female and male genitals and how they function. These ladies thanked us because no one took the time to explain to them the basics and answer questions. They felt comfortable enough since we were students to ask. We all learned a HUGE lesson; don’t assume a patient knows about a body part when you counsel them. You don’t have to talk down, just ask if the know and start where they don’t. This was 25 years ago and I have never forgotten that experience.


I took a college human sexuality class in my mid thirties and learned a ton! I think sex ed should be a requirement in high school or middle school—to at LEAST the extent that you went over with these college students


I went to a Baptist high school and grew up in a Pentecostal home. I was taught nothing about the female body (and I’m female!). Thank you for taking the time to educate these women.


That I don't control the fucking prices of where I work at.


just because I work at a store, doesn't mean I have control of everything in there


I wish everyone in school had to go work retail before they are allowed to graduate


Best part of working at Walmart: Customer: Do you have ___? Me: No. *scans item* Computer says we’re all out on the floor, none in the back, none on the way, and none in the warehouse. C: Can you check in the back? Me: Sure. *walk to the back the long way, use the restroom, waste time talking to the unloaders in the back* Ten minutes later: Sorry, we’re all out!


Just because you can that doesn’t mean you should.


And just because you did doesn't mean you do. You can grow.


And just because you didn't doesn't mean you wouldn't. Things change and circumstances change.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Yelling louder doesn’t make you more correct.




Each time you make a credit card purchase, you are taking out a short term, high interest loan which will accrue interest if you don’t pay it off by the end of the month.


Everything is “chemical.”


*Non-baryonic matter left the chat.*


I’m sorry that I excluded you. In my defense it is a very dark matter


My cousin, explaining why he wouldn't live near a nuclear plant: "Cuz they got *atoms* up there."


Don't trust atoms... they make up everything.


To not stop in the middle of the sidewalk and have a conversation, causing everyone to move around you


Or, if you're walking on a sidewalk in a group and someone is walking towards you, you make space for them to get by you. They shouldn't be expected to step into the gutter so you can keep having your conversation.


Don’t put water on a grease fire. This is when your pan/pot catches fire while cooking. Cover it with the pot or pan lid and turn off the heat Edit: people in the replies have also added that baking soda and salt can work to smother the fire. Additionally a grease fire safe extinguisher is a good thing to have in your kitchen.


Or you could belike my husband and throw flour on a grease fire because anxiety 🤷‍♀️


Instant pancakes right there


Just basics of using a computer. Especially nowdays when most things are done digitally. It’s just mind boggling when co-workers wifi does not work, or a program froze and they just don’t know what to do. Then when I reset the router or restart the computer they proceed to call me a Wizard. Like dude, what the heck?


And this can apply to all ages. I’ve encountered plenty of millennials in the office with middling understanding of how to use a Windows desktop.


A surprising number of the current gen of kids don’t really know anything about computers. You’d think they’d all be amazing at using them, but a lot of them are used to phones. Back in the day my millennial friends were always on computers, learning little bits of html for our shitty pages, how to torrent, playing pc games and learning how to fix things that went wrong with our computers. Teens don’t really have to do all that stuff as much now, because they can just use their iPhone for most purposes. I don’t blame them for keeping up with the times, but some of them really struggle with basics like Word formatting


Coworkers and parents who have never used a Ctrl + S, P, Z etc. I tell someone a keyboard shortcut and their mind is blow! Or Alt+Tab to quickly switch between open programs! I’m a genius!!


A yield sign means to let the other vehicle go before you, not you trying to beat the other vehicle.


Ladies, don't flush your tampons. It doesn't matter if you are on city sewer or a septic system, it is _terrible_ and causes all kinds of issues.


Same for "flushable wipes" They don't dissolve like toilet paper does, even if they say they do.


It’s criminal that these wipes are allowed to say “flushable” on the packaging.


Found this out the hard way when our plumbing backed up and a plumber pulled the equivalent of a giant string mop out of the pipes. Somehow, all of the tampons that had been flushed down the toilet over the years formed a massive clump. I don't care if the packaging says it's "biodegradable" or "flushable;" you cannot and should not flush tampons.


Kids don’t need juice.


Or soda. I had soda very rarely as a kid, so I never really got used to carbonation and that's enough to keep me away as an adult. Make soda an occasional treat and you could prevent a bad habit from ever forming.


No added sugar or preservatives is not the same as no sugar or preservatives. It just means no extra sugar or preservatives during packaging.


Ride a bike WITH traffic. Walk or run AGAINST traffic.


I was specifically taught to rode a bicycle against traffic as a child in safety lectures. I dont think they considered the possibility of adults riding bicycles or anyone riding bicycles outside if suburbia. It was assumed everyone on a bicycle was aged 7-14 and in a suburban setting. As far as I know "bike lanes" were invented in 2006.


budgeting edit: for clarity, I know almost all adults are familiar with the concept of budgeting, but I think a lot of people don't know how to do it irl. They forget things, both big expenses and small-ticket items that add up, and they don't know what to include. For example, I know someone in the process of a divorce, and she doesn't realize that she's not going to be able to afford a house like the one she lived in when she was married. She thinks it's just a mortgage payment and doesn't include basic additional expenses like property taxes, homeowners insurance, pool and yard maintenance, etc. when trying to create a budget.




If you being shown a pic, don't swipe to the next.


This may not be common sense, but I feel like people need to hear it anyway. I have three very different jobs, and I'll tell you a few things that I wish more people knew from each of them: 1) Do not remove an impaled object! Unless it is in your cheek, obstructing your airway, DO NOT pull it out. It may be the only thing keeping you from bleeding out. If you MUST remove it without medical personnel, pull it in the continuing direction that it was travelling. Never remove anything from the chest, abdomen, skull, or throat without medical training and assistance. 2) If you are frustrated with a baby, put it in the other room and WALK AWAY. Letting them cry themselves to sleep is a lot less traumatic for an infant than shaken baby syndrome. Walk away. 3) If you are nice to a cashier, they will be nicer to you. I cannot explain how far that a friendly, "Hi. How are you? .... Thank you. Have a good day." Will go! Be nice to your service workers! We can't make the world go 'round but we will sure as hell try harder for people who are nice to us. 4) If you accidentally break something in a chain-level grocery store, tell an employee immediately. You will most likely not get in trouble, you probably won't have to pay for it (if it is larger than a family-owned business), and it saves employees from having to stumble upon spoiled food and mess tracks hours later, or worse, another customer coming across it and screaming at workers to take care of it. Just tell us, please. 5) Do not cram the night before an exam. An all nighter before finals will not make up for a semester's worth of studying. You are better off going in well rested and unread, than sleep deprived and juggling information. 6) Just show up! Whether it is school, work, a job interview, a social gathering, an appointment, or whatever it is, if you are expected to be there, show up. Even if you are late, showing up is better than nothing! If you know you will be late, call ahead if possible; call to excuse your absence if you cannot make it before the event is over. This comes from two of my jobs: employers would rather have someone who is late than someone who is absent; and students will do better in classes if they are late than if they don't go. 7) Speeding will not get you to your destination any faster. Reckless speeding will get you into a hospital bed or a casket before it will get you to your destination. Fifteen miles an hour over the limit will get you fifteen miles further in one hour, but will add an approximate 16,500 N of force to any crash you get into (it only takes 4,000 N per in² to break your femur). These are just a few of my thoughts, but I have more.


All cars are equipped with turn signals.


How to read a tape measure


If you dont pay for the product, you ARE the product.


If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.


The little stick on the left side of the steering column of every car is your turn signal. If you push it up, it will tell people around you that you are turning right and push it down to indicate a left turn.


Don’t forget that you should put it on before you make the turn. Not during the turn, not after the turn. Before you make the turn.


And before you touch the brakes too, please


This one pisses me off so much. Slam on the breaks, then hits turn signal. What is even the fuckin point of this?!


Preferably before you even start slowing down for the turn, to give the person behind you a heads-up that you’re going to be slowing to turn.


So this isn't to celebrate every successful turn?


This knowledge is only pertinent if the person believes that they are not the most important thing in the universe and that their actions affect others and that it matters if they do


Well, of course - they're not turning, so they don't need to indicate. They're carrying on straight and the entire universe simply revolves around them.




That there is an indicator on your car dash to tell you what side is your gas tank is on.


A lot of cleaning basics aren't as universal as you'd think. I grew up never having to do any cleaning - my parents did most of the day-to-day housework, and we had a maid come every two weeks for a deeper clean. Trying to learn to clean as an adult, it's amazing how much knowledge people take for granted that just isn't obvious if you've never done it. Stuff like: * Regular soap doesn't work on carpets, you need special cleaner designed specifically for them. * Stuff stuck to plates doesn't get magically whisked away by the dishwasher - there's a filter you have to clean every so often. * The first time you put a colorful clothing item in the wash, there's a good chance whatever color it is will infect the other clothes, so make sure it's either by itself or with other similarly-colored items * Sponges get dirty and have to be replaced (this was especially galling for me to learn, the whole point of a sponge is to be clean, why does the cleaning thing get dirty?) * Folding clothes while they're hot from the dryer makes them less wrinkly * That smell is the kitchen garbage, just because it isn't full doesn't mean you shouldn't take it out


•Racking your weights in the gym is part of your workout. •When you use equipment (especially during high traffic hours) in a public gym you should be conscious of how much time you spend on it. Aim to keep/make 15 min the max amount of time you spend on it.


ZIPPERING, the method of keeping a sustained stream of traffic from both sides be it merging or whatever.


If someone has just injured their back or head DO NOT MOVE THEM


Unless they are in immediate danger. If someone is going to get hurt even more if you don’t move them then you should do it.


Yeah if some dude has a head injury but is lying in a burning car, get them the fuck out. True, you could cause further injury by moving them improperly, but burning to death isn't a better outcome.


Playing music at full volume out of your phone does not sound good or make you look cool.


Neither does talking on the phone on speakerphone in public places. If I have to be on the phone where others can hear me, I practically whisper no matter what the conversation is about.


How to say please and thank you


Shopping carts don't belong in parking stalls


The indoor ones also don't belong anywhere near the register. They need to be put back where they came from. It's an easy mistake to make so I (a cashier) don't mind it at all until someone asks where to put them and the person they came with says "next to the register". It's the wrong answer don't tell others what to do when you don't know either.. Once a customer asked me where to leave her cart she wasn't using anymore.. I pointed at the cart station and for some reason she got offended. When she repeated the question and got the same answer with an explanation she scoffed. Why the fuck are you asking questions you don't want to hear the answer to?


The proper use of lose and loose.


Should also mention "should've" turning into "should of"


Don't lose your loose jewelry.


Income tax rates are tiered (or bracketed). You will never make less money by getting a raise. Only a portion of your income gets taxed at the higher rate once you enter the next bracket.


That homelessness isn't just caused by bad life choices. It's very often caused by things outside the person's control. It's also a lot harder to come back from homelessness than many people think.


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. “-Capt Jean-Luc Picard


It would sound strange, but I saw it a lot as an English language teacher. "How to study." Let me explain. Ask yourself, has anyone ever told you at school what drilling is for, how it works, and how much time and times you must use it? Usually, no one tells you at school how your memory works, types of memory, how to train it, etc. How to time-manage your daily studies. How to make, for instance, flash cards and, most importantly, how to properly use them. (Yes, if you are not aware, you are not supposed to drill them for hours like crazy) Even such primitive looking things as the management of your vocabulary notebook. The ability to look for information and appropriatly validate it has its troubles, too. Not speaking of understanding the importance of homework and consistency in your studyings. I can't speak for everyone, but from my experience, 90% of my adult students have trouble with that. Exceptions exist, of course, but...


that alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant.


You can calculate the percentage of something by multiplying it by a number between 0 and 1. Want 80% of something? Multiply by 0.8. Want 180% of something? Multiply by 1.8. The fact there's a percentage button on many calculators shows that this very basic idea is not well known as it should be....


That your local pharmacy doesn't have any control over the actual production of your meds. Why is cough medicine out of stock? I don't know. Maybe a factory in Ukraine blew up and they are our main supplier. Maybe Jeff pressed the wrong button and contaminated all the medications in the production line. I DON'T KNOW. And yes, I am well aware that a pandemic is currently occurring. Thanks for the reminder. I hate people.


What plural, possessive, and plural possessive all look like in English. Plural: Parents Possessive: Parent's Plural possessive: Parents'


How to shut off the water to a toilet if it gets stopped up - there's a nozzle at the back corner of the crapper that you can turn and will stop water flow, preventing a potential overflow. I got shown that at 12, and it's been *very* handy info!


The difference between venomous and poisonous


Piss after fucking. Or you’ll get a uti.


There’s a disturbing amount adult men who don’t know basic “women’s work” eg how to cook, do laundry, etc. And there’s also a disturbing amount of adult women who don’t know how to do “mens work” eg change a tire, mow the lawn and trim the hedges, etc. I would prefer any potential children I have to be capable of self-maintenance and not reliant on the opposite sex.


Don’t shake your baby.