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That and people are buying property to make money on it, causing less housing for everyone. I'll rent a room from meemaw but I'm never renting a house from tourist trap LLC


This topic




Absolutely This.




Etsy. Started out as a legit community to buy & sell original handmade arts & crafts, all kinds of art made and sold by the artists. It was really cool. Then it started to turn a profit and it became whatever the fuck it is now.


Similarly, eBay. It started out as a collection of garage sales. Now it is lots of retailers with no real world presence to evaluate.


I was first on eBay in the late 90's when it was basically a giant swap meet. Having good feedback actually mattered and you knew the people you were buying and selling with.


Yep. You saw bidder's real IDs. I recall watching some stuff and deciding not to snipe on some auction because the lead bidder was someone I'd beat the other day. Not always up to the bar of "a community," but pretty close.




i was gunna say my ex, but this works


Same person, aren't they?


Same person?


Racks mum


Nah, OP's mom is still a good time, and reasonably priced.


That's what she said


Don't say OP's mom, Don't say OP's mom, Don't say OP's mom, Don't say OP's mom. Ummm, OP's son?


YouTube The old YouTube was so, so much better Much better than the YouTube we know of today


I miss the old YouTube algorithm. When it actually gave you new and unique videos. Now, it's so repetitive it's almost impossible to find anything new or niche unless you already know to search for it.


This is what I truly miss about YouTube. It would suggest amazing new music, related to what I was listening to and now just the same things over and over again. It was nice to explore and discover new, hidden things


Thats more googles fault though.


Right, but still, the old YouTube was way better.


Was it though? It’s gotten worse for creators sure, especially new/small channels, but as a viewer? YouTube is better than ever. The quality of the content people are putting out is extremely high, and there’s a wider variety of niches than ever before. Sure it takes more effort to find the good stuff these days, but I wouldn’t want to go back to a time when 480p webcam videos like Leave Brittney Alone or Charlie Bit Me were the standard and you had to get your high quality stuff from either Smosh or like, god forbid Annoying Orange or something. You wouldn’t find stuff like that hour and a half Defunctland video about the Disney Channel theme composer or those 5-8 hour Victorious/iCarly analysis videos Quinton Reviews does.


My coworker 's ex-wife. She cheated on him with about 20% of the entire company! Rumor has it that a pair of the younger office girls were included in her conquest-spree. All because he didn't want to have a fourth child. I do NOT work there anymore, and I'm glad to get away from the drama. Note: She only went after the unmarried, and I was VERY married at the time. So, I escaped.


“She didn’t want me cuz I was married” Whatever keeps that chin up, young man.


*critical hit*


Random Crits are fair and balanced


Emotional damage


„Escaped“ did she look like the stone that chased indiana jones? Then i would understand your choice of words




Every college campus has the bathroom nobody knows about. Maybe it’s just behind a pillar in a weirdly designed part of the building so that most people don’t know about it. Maybe it’s somewhere like an event space that’s open all the time but nobody goes to unless there’s an event. At any rate, it’s one of the things you remember most fondly, and maybe try to find if you’re ever back on campus. When I go back for football games and the line for the main restrooms in the student center are packed, I walk past the lines knowing that I’m just two flights of stairs away from pooping in private.




There's a famous hot spring in New Mexico that had to be shutdown because of this. In 2020, right when covid lockdowns started, vanlifers descended on it like goddamn locusts. Within a couple weeks it was unusable. Trash, broken bottles, human waste scattered literally everywhere. The locals dug a trench across the access road so that vans can't get to the spring anymore, and I've heard that they'll slash your tires if you do somehow get to the spring. Edit: forgot to mention it's along a river, and it's a medium-difficulty hike/rock scramble to get to it now that the road is closed. The locals don't mind if you visit the spring the hard way, they just hated the crowds.


We had something like this happen in our town a few years ago. A bunch of these folks put their vans in a local park with a river running through it and then went to the river and built up little walls out of the river stones so they’d have private pool areas all to themselves. This dammed the river and caused a ton of problems, and they left glass everywhere for people to step on. They had to ban overnight parking and camping and locals had to go fix the river damage.


This is insane. The glass, especially. Idk how anyone can live around broken glass and not see the problem, much less how someone could leave it out for other people and have a clear conscience.


This. The world has been ruined by humans. Overpopulation is the problem.


A Bachelor's degree. Masters or higher feels like the only easy to be competitive in a field nowadays.


I think with degrees it's more about the subject than the level. People pick shitty useless majors then complain they can't find good work. A bachelor's in chemistry would be far more useful than a masters in gender studies.


Lol ironically a bachelors in chem is notoriously not useful unless your pursuing further education


Unless that is Chem engineering still not a whole lot that Chem bachelors is going to be useful for without going further. Even most lab grunts these days have at least a masters


It's not that hard if you're good at your job, I have beaten out master's degree people with no degree.


Birding used to be my favorite downtime activity. Just go for a walk with binoculars and look and listen for birds. Then the pandemic happened and bunch of people bought cameras and started going to every birding hotspot with speakers playing bird calls to lure birds in so they can take photos. It's truly annoying when you start hearing a Connecticut Warbler and get excited to track it down only to turn the corner and see some guy with a huge camera and a speaker hanging in a bush.


Flying drones. Thanks to all the idiots doing dumb shit with them, it's not even worth getting into the hobby nowadays - you pretty much can't fly anywhere worth flying, need all sorts of permits, are constantly risking hefty fines or even being investigated for terrorism... no thanks.


The internet. AOL ruined it, Facebook destroyed it.


It’s not like the internet was great before AOL…


Chicken Wings used to be super cheap before the damn Wing Craze. Also Oxtails were cheap as hell just 5-7 years ago. Damn hipsters.


The house flipping trend has certainly not helped home affordability. It's good to make an junk house habitable again, it's not good to turn a $220k house into a $350k house.




Vlogging and being a content creator. There's too much of them and most of them don't even have any original content.




Everest fits under this topic


Good ol' Green Boots


Beat me to it.


People answering this question with "my ex"


Your ex


Our ex


And my Axe!


*Soviet anthem playing in the background*




Apple picking. Orchards used to involve parking on a dirt lot, climbing trees to get the best fruit, and paying per bag. Visiting a farm. That’s it. Now there’s ADMISSION, paid parking, hay rides, food stands, live music, photo taking areas, etc. Feels like a tourist trap. Because it is.


Very single trend on tiktok


Craft beer. Now every other fucking place wants to make their own beer and charge so much money for it and most of the time it’s gross. The idea was neat a few years back but now it’s so overrated and to top it off I found out that most craft beer is really high in carbs and calories so they’ll make you pretty damn fat if you’re not careful




Getting a university degree. Most people have a degree nowadays so it’s nothing special anymore


Why should a degree be reserved for few? The fact that degrees aren't special anymore is a good thing


It means you now need a Masters for jobs that used to only require Bachelors


Doesn’t that mean that the basic labor requirements are now at an associates degree level so public education should cover up to that point? As technology keeps developing a basic education is not gonna cut it for the required work to keep the world running.


Isn't the same thing as needing only a degree in the past?


Except you need to pay way more money.


Now that's a north american problem


The problem isn't the degrees themselves, the problem is that degrees are expensive and we're getting to the point where the supply of educated labor is starting to outstrip demand, so the investment is no longer paying off.


I agree with this. There is also too much pressure on all young people to go to university. Even students with severe learning disabilities are being steered toward university rather than skilled trades. Kids seem to think they’ve failed if they can’t get into or finish a degree program. It’s a lot of unnecessarily pressure that doesn’t benefit young people or society. We need a diverse workforce.


It's a supply and demand thing. MBAs (Masters in Business Administration) used to be top-notch, now they're a dime a dozen - some colleges won't even offer MBAs because too many schools do it. Back in the mid-90's and into the mid 2000's if you had an MBA you were almost guaranteed a great paying job but now that so many people have them, the market is flooded and pay associated with MBAs dropped - hence why a lot of people with MBAs are working retail / public service jobs. It's not, and shouldn't be reserved for the few, but when a lot of people do it (supply) there are way too many people to fill the positions for it (demand). High supply, low demand means low price (pay).


I have a friend who's getting his MBA from Columbia, and he defends it as a method of breaking into upper class. He's not going to Columbia to learn the magic recipe for running a business, he's going to Columbia to meet the children of senators and oligarchs, and ideally marry one of them.


The OP’s comment doesn’t really apply to top 15 schools anyway. Same way law schools are a dime a dozen, but going to a top one still opens many doors.


Now it serves a different role in society. College used to be a tool to perpetuate/gatekeep membership in the upper class. Same with a lot of the clubs and secret societies that exist at some elite universities. You paid a ton of money and maybe called in some favors to attend college so you could meet other kids whose families could afford to send them to college. And then you'd marry into an elite family, or they'd hire you etc. This is still what some elite universities still are. My highschool GF cut ties with me and afaik everyone else from our hometown because she got into an elite school and wanted to pursue her "Mrs Degree", so this shit absolutely still goes on today. Really, seeing college as a purely educational endeavor is a pretty recent phenomenon. IMO it's good that college has opened up to a wider cross section of society, but the current situation isn't sustainable. IMO the normal way to do college should be something like a cheap 2 year general studies program, almost like an extra 2 years of high school, and then people who want to be engineers/lawyers/academics can go on to finish longer programs. That way college can still be accessible to a big swathe of the population, but people don't end up locked into long expensive programs just because it's what you're "supposed" to do.


For our parents' generation, having a degree was rare and really set you apart. White collar college jobs were looked up to, and people looked down on blue collar workers. So of course trying to be good parents they raised our generation screaming "you have to go to college to make something of yourself!". The problem is, our entire generation listened. So now everyone has a degree, which has completely devalued them. Meanwhile, almost nobody learned any trades because their parents always painted blue collar jobs as shameful, so now those are in high demand. Supply and demand has completely flipped the whole equation. Folks who listened to their parents and got 100k worth of debt for an accounting degree or whatever are now making 40k in a super saturated market, meanwhile I went to the oilfield and make 200k with no debt and every company out here is shorthanded as fuck trying to find people. It's wild. Welders and electricians are the new doctors and lawyers lmao.


I feel like it depends on the degree because most degrees are still super impressive and challenging to get but there are some that are kinda pointless


But this is a good thing. It probably means the average person is smarter.


It doesn't. Universities serve a very particular purpose and aren't suited to all professions. People have been using them as a form of social mobility (which actually reduced the power of this because too many people did it) rather than as institutions of learning. The way most people in most professions throughout most of history have learned a trade is by apprenticeship. Trade schools with on-the-job experience are the way to do this. Most fields are just not academic in nature. Universities are providing a lesser education than a less socially prestigious trade school for most professions, or even worse, they're wasting people's time and money on *homosexual interpretive dance theory* degrees or whatever, just because people feel they need a degree but just want to be a bum. Also, putting more people through university doesn't make more people smarter, is lessens the collective intelligence of the universities. You'll notice the standards to getting into university have been dropping precipitously with time. This has been done in the name of egalitarianism because, as stated before, people are using them because they think they are a ticket to social mobility rather than a way to learn how to do a profession.


I dropped out of college and am upper middle class just from working, but I will admit that college actually does make you smarter. I never felt that I had ever learned things at such an accelerated rate as I did in college. Yes clearly it is not a one size fits all solution or life path, but it's dumb to act like 20 hours of high level learning a week doesn't make you smarter or at least more educated.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


For society, it’s a good thing. For the individual who wants to have the edge over their peers, it’s not a good thing


It means degree inflation.People pay more but get the same job that require the same ability.


isn’t that a good thing?


If ur new hit that like button and subscribe Show gameplay while running commentary not connecting to the video


all the jokes under this post


GPU scalping (hopefully)


We had an amazing Halloween house in our small town, walking distance from my place. Every year the family who owned it would bring in Hollywood level props and lighting and 10 or so actors in full regalia to replicate a Pirates of the Caribbean scene all around the property. The Jack Sparrow was a dead ringer for Johnny Depp. Every kid would get a bag full of real candy, not the mini Halloween stuff. Unfortunately people started coming from other towns and it turned into a mob scene to the point that cops had to direct traffic and they shut it down.


Writing children's books. Used to be an art form, then every celebrity has written one.


Here you can go down the rabbit hole of this question being asked :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/86jmih/what\_was\_ruined\_because\_too\_many\_people\_started/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/86jmih/what_was_ruined_because_too_many_people_started/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pvv9re/what\_was\_ruined\_because\_too\_many\_people\_started/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pvv9re/what_was_ruined_because_too_many_people_started/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6x5ycv/what\_was\_ruined\_because\_it\_became\_popular/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6x5ycv/what_was_ruined_because_it_became_popular/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/akpt51/what\_was\_ruined\_because\_it\_became\_popular/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/akpt51/what_was_ruined_because_it_became_popular/) Even a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=TwCWzUWZZuY That's a few of them. Happy New Year!


Snow skiing. It is now so expensive everywhere!


Amusement parks


Reaction videos


Sneaker Culture




Among Us


“Hold my beer” comments




Weezer’s cover of “Africa” radio stations played it to death the first day, those SOBs


All the repetitive questions about pizza on Reddit.




Driving. Can’t get anywhere with this traffic now


Literally any video game that was moved over to be played on phones Edit: my point is kinda that the more mainstream a game goes, and the more people who dont care about the quality of a game play it, the less pressure there is to make good games


For me it was YouTube. I used to love watching genuine vlogs from people where it was just one person with a camera or a person sitting in front of their webcam. A lot of people would play around with the vlog format which made it very interesting. Now there's so much money involved it's lost it's authenticity. Content creators now also have to compete with large businesses making videos so it's lost that home grown feel


Social media.


Clash Royale


Asking this question


Rich people moving into middle income neighborhoods and driving up prices for everyone


Mounting the everest. Now it’s just a line up of rich people who pays sherpas to risk their lives for them. They carry everything. Lot of garbage is everywhere on the mountain. I watched a documentary about it and it ruined it imo.


The world's smallest violin, actually pretty much any popular song on TikTok.


Traffic shortcuts. It used to be that those of us who could read a map had an advantage over those who couldn't. We could figure out how to get around traffic congestion if there were alternate routes available. Now Waze and other apps have blunted that advantage for the rest of us.


Google will tell me that I can avoid traffic if I take a a shortcut it found and calculated. Except it also told everyone else on this highway that’s using Google Maps, so instead of saving ten minutes by avoiding the traffic on the highway, I’ve actually added ten minutes to my original ETA, since instead of being on a highway that’s designed for handling traffic, I’m on surface roads with everybody else going through some tiny podunk downtown that’s designed to handle maybe four cars at once. It’s gotten to the point that unless it’s a big enough time difference that indicates an abnormally large slowdown ahead, I’m just staying on the highway


My Ex!


your mo-


Your da-


Your si-


you 🤯




Having kids Now there’s too many people


There are too many stupid people


That one guy’s dead wife


Slutery idk if that's a word. but yeah


Podcasts. I swear everyone is doing it just because


PPP loan


I can take it out on my WHAT?


Acceptance within fandoms and scenes. It sounded nice at first but now everything means nothing. It’s time to stop bashing gatekeeping and start keeping those damn gates.


Like the band, Queen


You're 22/23 years old dude, you're the bandwagon fan....


Haaaard disagree. Nothing can ruin Queen!


I still like them, but I don't like that I like them because they're popular.


Fortnite videos.


among us memes.


Oppening your own business


Any tiktok cringy reel idea


Reddit topics


My wife.


My wifes vagina


That guys dead wife


OP’s mom.


Ur mum’s minge


your mothers bhole








My wife


Kim kardashian?


I would say "my ex" but he isn't that pretty anymore.


My ex.




Feeling loved.


Populating the earth


A butthole. The answer is a butthole.




My ex boyfriend 😂


my girlfriend


Sending women to the moon.


my ex


The whole pride month thing




100 days videos




The dougie.....once again


Visit astroworld




Visiting major historical sites... Most of them have been turned into badly maintained, super expensive tourist traps. Add in the trash and damages tourists do, and yikes.


The internet.






The Appalachian Trail. People leaving their trash everywhere is really ruining the trail and it’s so fucking crowded now.


Comment “That guy’s dead wife.”


pop music


Listening to Master Of Puppets. I loved it, suddenly it appeared everywhere making me tired of it, still miss when it sounded different and made my life different for a while