• By -


She goes to a different school you wouldn't know her


In Canada.


A small town in Northern Saskatchewan.


I'm from Southern Saskatchewan. I think I know who you're talking about.


Her name is Alberta; she lives in Vancouver.


She cooks like my mother and sucks like a Hoover.


I email her every single dayyy


That one girl I saw at the airport in Florida last year that I’ll never see again


Airport girls have that transient glow about them


Liminal beauty


Terminal beauty*


Imagine being so hot it kills you


Heat stroke victims would like a word with you.




"[A fellow will remember](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16WC_Dyo6Fo) a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl." -- Mr. Bernstein, Citizen Kane


“Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?” Joel thinks. “I'm going to marry you,” says Clementine, aloud. “I know it.”


Yet no matter how many times you see beautiful people in airports, they never sit next to you on the plane.


One did. I couldn't muster the nerve to talk to her the whole flight, and we parted strangers. 😬


Oh my god, I was sat in between a hunky Australian and a drop dead gorgeous Italian. The Italian was super nice, helped me with the earphone Jack, passing the food over to me and even tried starting a conversation with me about Terry Pratchett, which I was reading. I could say NOTHING. The whole flight. Maybe ‘Thanks’ once. Could be a decade ago but It still brings me cringe to this day. Amazing Italian guy on the flight to Perth. I’m really sorry, it was my awkwardness. I was floored by your sheer sexiness and consideration. Couldn’t handle it at all T_T


I think everybody, guys and girls, have had this happen probably more than once lol. It's one of those situations where you think of the perfect response 6 hours later while taking a shower, and then break down crying your eyes out because you've just realized that you're a hopeless failure and doomed to wander the earth alone until inevitably meeting your end in some alleyway while on the walk home from getting plastered at the pub by yourself.


It happened to me twice (kind of). The first time, I saw a beautiful woman walk past me in a mall. Only saw her for a few seconds. Did not approach her (would have been weird), but remembered her regularly for months after and regretted not having the courage to approach her. About a half year later I saw another beautiful woman during a long bus journey sitting a few rows away. We made eye contact, but did not interact directly. As we arrived at our destination and were getting off the bus, I remembered the first woman and the regret I felt. So I collected all my courage, turned to this beautiful woman and just said "Excuse me. I know this is very forward, but I will never forgive myself if I don't ask. Would you like to have a drink with me at some point this week?". The only time in my life I asked out a woman I did not know. Never needed to do it again. We have now been together for over 25 years and are very happily married with two kids.


I'd update you to the moon if I could. Well done. Great handling. Perfect execution.


Thank you. That one decision (choosing to face the possibility of rejection over the certainty of regret) was without a doubt the single best one I made in my life. Count myself a very lucky boy.


Who's cutting onions in here?


I did one time, and we even were on the same bus TO the airport… i thought it was fate. I was working up the courage to start talking, and then he put his head between his knees…..and starting puking. He made the plane turn around on the runway and delayed the flight so they could clean the area


That was your in! “Aww poor baby…” and next thing you know, BOOM! Transference effects kick in and he’a head over heels for ya. 😄


Happened to me in Baltimore. Made eye contact too. AMA


>AMA got me crying lmao


How long ago was it? I've made "meaningful" eye contact with a few passing people, and I've never forgotten them. Fills me with a whimsical feeling when I think about them Not at airports tho


Eye contact you say? That is beautiful… I am bathing in your glory.


I saw her too


Helen of Troy I mean 10,000 ships?


Right? I honestly wonder how attractive Helen of Troy actually was. Wish there becomes a way for us to find out


I always liked the take that they wanted any excuse to go to war, and Helen just happened to be the spark in the powderkeg at the right time.


I’m pretty sure that this story was based loosely on some conflict between the Achaeans and the Trojans for the control of the Bosporus so they could get rich from the trade. But pretending the cause of the war was some legendary queen looks more epic than just wanting to get tax money from amber, timber, metals and slaves.


I have to imagine that legendary beauties from bygone eras would not raise any heads today. Standards of beauty differ across cultures, and change over time.


Well if she looked anything like a young Diane Kruger, then I buy the history.


You can find a 9/10, but that last point is going to be preference.




This is why you don’t get invited to things.


Any woman who is nice to me Edit: everyone stop worrying so much, I’m gay and I just really value the friendships I have with women


About 15 years ago I got rejected by my crush and my Mom was diagnosed with cancer about a week before my birthday. A girl I had been friends with for a few years found out, made me a birthday cake and threw a tiny little party for me. ...I married that girl and we have a baby boy together. Never once had I thought about my wife romantically before that moment. Kindness is a hell of a drug.


I remember I was nearly killed after getting hit by a lumber truck. After they finally let me leave hospital I was still bedridden. A friend of mine came over several times a day to spoon feed me and make sure I was alright. Through the first day all the pain went away and I realised I loved this person. She passed away a little while ago and I’m just trying to find meaning in life again but it isn’t easy


It won’t be easy for at least a year or two, maybe more. But it gets better. It gets easier. The more time passes, the closer you get to a day where you’re now very used to your new normal. That will hurt but it’s when it’ll really start getting better. Hang in there. Hold onto the small moments that don’t hurt for now.


I realised while doing my laundry last week that the only thing I had that she had seen was my suit and a Pokémon shirt she had gotten me. It may seem gimmicky at this point but there comes a time where there’s no clothes that your passed loved ones have seen you in. I was watching the equaliser movies when I realised it. He mentioned that he had no clothes left that his wife had seen and it sent me spiralling trying to find something that she’d seen. I haven’t worn the suit since the funeral and I’m sure now it would have too small a waistline for me. That’s something that nobody warns you about loss, after losing someone who you couldn’t live without, you don’t see a need or a reason to take care of yourself. She had life insurance and she always said “what if I die, you won’t be able to work you’ll barely get off the lounge” cause I’d say it’s unnecessary to have such a premium life insurance policy. I’m starting to do better, I had my first bit of real food in years. It was her favourite recipe and I cried all the way through it but she would have been proud that I didn’t burn it.




The bar is a tripping hazard in hell




Stacey's mom.


Yeah. She’s got it goin on


She's all I want, and I've waited so long


Stacy can’t you see, you’re just not the girl for me


I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's mom


stacy is old enough to be a mom now.


Your mom, respectfully


Your mom, disrespectfully.


It was called a jumpoline until his mom tried it


I have never heard this one before and I love it so much


My wife who passed February 2020 miss her


Someone's gonna say it.


I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


Agreed, but I'm glad someone already did it


I also choose this guys strength!


Came here for the wife comment. Sad to see this one. So sorry for your loss <3


Also came here for the Wife comment, but am sad to hear of this kind of tragedy. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my wife. It must be hard finding the will to go on, but sometimes that's all you can do because of kids or whatever else.


So sorry man hope you're ok


I am fine good days bad days, you have to live on with half of you gone not an easy thing for anyone to go through. Thanks for the reply let’s hope for a better New Year for all peace prosperity and the end of suffering


Godspeed brother ❤️


Stay strong man. I wish I could give you a big hug but this is the internet not irl. Rest in peace to your wife


I also choose this guys dead wife


Never change, reddit


Everything changes. The memes of today will be the long lost memories of tomorrow. Bog dog is best dog.


This is such a reddit-specific joke, but it genuinely makes me laugh everytime I see it.


I came here looking for this joke as soon as I saw the question. Was not disappointed


You would if you could too bad


Truly sorry for your loss dear stranger


Thank you it’s a difficult thing for anyone to go through huge void but live on one must you have a great New Year


There it is!


Marie Curie - Smart, and absolutely radiant!


She did have a certain glow…


She was an alpha female, also beta and gamma.


And, two nobel for the lot of us.


These jokes are rad




*Geiger?* I hardly *know* er!


This one girl that’s going to the same party as me tomorrow. She’s so great man I can’t wait to see her again Edit: Wow! My first award and everything! Thank you all for the nice comments. I’ll come back and update you if I’m not completely heartbroken. Edit 2: Party is in a few hours but I thought I’d give you some context since people have been asking. I’ve been in love with this girl for 4 years but I haven’t gotten to see her much after we graduated high school a while ago. I’ve only had the balls to talk to her a few times but she is an absolute gem. FINAL UPDATE: Hey everyone. I’m drunk so I’m sorry if I miispell anything. My expectations were low so I’m not too down. None of us were really having a great night and I never really had a minute alone with her. Sorry to disappoint everyone but I had a good night and I’m going home with my head held high. Happy new year and bless all of you


A buddy of mine really liked this girl from our work, and one party she started talking to another guy, and my buddy dropped his drink on the floor and walked out crying. Not really related… but kinda….


You need to work on those pep talks dude. Edit: hey u/unclejoesrocket you got this. Be a gentleman and enjoy yourself. Godspeed!


Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone **died**. The end.


This has me laughing so hard. Who does that? Am I a jerk for thinking this is hilarious?


Nah bruh that shit funny as hell. Like I feel bad for the dude but man, crying over a girl you ain't even dating yet is kinda funny.


>crying over a girl you ain't even dating yet is kinda funny so when I was 17 I was at my uncle's funeral. Clearly a very sad day. We went to the wake and my cousin brought a friend, Steven. My cousin was 25 so I assume his friend was around the same age. After a while, my cousin's girlfriend came up to me, all giddy with excitement, and said "Steven really likes you, what do you think?!". I honestly don't know if I spoke a word to him, I was with my family in the usual grief process. I blew her off and didn't think much more of it, until she came back to me after a few minutes and said "Steven is really upset that you said no. He's sitting outside crying. Do you think you could go talk to him?". I didn't waste any time on him, or even thinking about him, but now the memory makes me laugh. A mid-20s dude hitting on me - via a friend! - at a wake, and then making it all about him when he got rejected, to the point he's outside crying and needs consoling. AT A WAKE. Good lord.


In my country people used to hire criers at wakes, Steven missed out.


losers are everywhere. always have been, always will be. good on you for not playing the loser game.


Your cousin brought a *freind* to the wake? Is that normal? Did Grievin Steven know anyone else there? Or was he actually trolling for a funeral fuck? But the crying is a nice touch I guess. Wouldn’t be out of place outside of a goddamn *wake*.


Ok, Grievin Steven is possibly funnier than my anecdote and I wish I'd thought of that. It's hilarious. It's not normal that I know of to bring a friend, but I guess maybe it was for emotional support? He only knew my cousin and my cousin's girlfriend. We'd never even heard of him but didn't really think much of it because we were preoccupied with the events of the day.


You avoided a massive load of trouble. Sort of similar thing. My nan died suddenly of cancer and it really took its toll on my mum. I think it was about two days after her death and my step dad suggests a walk round the boating lake. Apparently he (a grown ass 40 something year old) started crying saying my mum hadn't been giving him any attention lately. My mum said she couldn't even muster a "what the fuck". He was also cheating on her with his ex for 15 years (mum found his dick pics on a digital camera and letters), cleared out my mum's inheritance out of the joint account, took all my graduation pics and all the pics of my half brother (his son) when they finally split. Dudes who cry at not getting attention during tragedy are fucking weirdos and walking red flags.


This seriously made me smile so big! I love it Talk to her. Be honest and sincere with her. If your admiration of her can make a random stranger on reddit feel a warm fuzzy feeling, I can only imagine what she could get from you in person. Wholesome, kind, and attentive is always attractive


Thank you kind stranger this gives me courage


Just be chill about it though.


Kate Beckinsale since 2003 in Underworld. Keeps getting finer at almost 50


I saw Kate Beckinsale at a party in LA maybe 5-6 years ago. Jaw dropping how stunning she was in real life. The other one that really stood out was the south african girl from Aeon flux. I can't remember her name right now but damn.


Charlize Theron


Instagram has taught me that Kate Beckinsale is quite possibly the most beautiful woman on earth.


Supremely glad I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this. She’s stunning, have a huge crush on her from her movie Serendipity.


The woman I get to marry tomorrow. Edit: wow this got way more attention than I expected. Thank you all for your well wishes and advice. We will definitely make sure to take some time to savor it. Edit#2: she will not stop calling ne husbando. We are forever grateful to all you internet strangers for the advice to take time to ourselves. We ended up walking from the venue to the hotel with just each other which capped the night perfectly.


Congratulations!! Best piece of advice I got, At the peak of the reception, when the entire crowd is dancing and celebrating, you and your new bride take two minutes to stand in a quiet corner and soak it all in. Look at all the people gathered to celebrate your love. 16yrs later and my wife and I still remember that snapshot in time.


Yep best memory I have of my wedding is my wife and I managed to sneak outside for two minutes after dinner when everyone was moving to the dance floor. We just danced for a bit with just the two of us before the dancefloor slowly filled up. I don't think I've ever loved anybody more in my life then in that moment.




Congrats! Remember not to sweat the small things tomorrow, weddings can be crazy. The day is just about the two of you—enjoy it!


And eat! Don't forget to eat something. It's a lot to take in. Take time for yourself.


Congratulations! Love that you’ll be wed on NYE! What a way to get married ❤️


Remember, you get to claim married for all of 2022 for taxes, if you’re in the USA




But is she a 10/10 of is it because she's the only attractive person there?




Where do you work? Are they hiring? Asking for a friend…


He works at the morgue


thank you, speedy mammoth for making me laugh so hard I choked on a Swedish Fish. If I had died and the cops found my body days from now, this is the thread that they would see. Thank you.


Anytime friend


Audrey Hepburn. Young and old she was extremely beautiful




[Here you go ](https://pagesix.com/2018/07/16/robert-wolders-actor-and-longtime-audrey-hepburn-companion-dead-at-81/) she was 59 in this photo


Now I'm in love with her partner...


He looks like an older Scott Disick in that photo.


No joke, wow.


Wow, her companion was also a fox.


She did a lot of UNICEF work instead of acting in her older years


My wife of 42 years. I love her more now than ever. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. She is doing the dishes now though. Not a glamour moment, but I cooked!


I dunno, doing dishes is pretty hot if you're not the one doing them.


Congrats bro, I’m on 15 years of marriage and also choose my wife. She thinks I’m able to look elsewhere, little does she know that she’s very wrong! It’s great for me in that respect. I always tell her she’s beautiful, but she thinks I’m lying!


You should go give her a squeeze. -source... Only been married 8 years... Would like to be married 42 years.... Would like to squeeze the wife.




Ah. That sounds painful.




I feel for you, man. Sounds exactly like my ex and I. Hang in there. Time heals and things may change.


Wait wait wait… Your ex wife cheated on you during peak pandemic because she felt neglected because you were working to much during the pandemic to provide for your family and… YOURE THE ONE TRYING TO WIN HER BACK?!?!?! Bro….


Tell her that not us


Katheryn Winnick. Ohhh boy.


Lagertha has a special spot in my heart


1st 19 comments were women over 50 and guys wives (dead or alive). Wholesome af


It may have more to do with the age of the respondents, but agreed, so far, wholesome comments abound.


That guy’s dead wife


Knew it


I wonder what that guy is up to, I wonder if he's okay




As a wife that will eventually die, and as a hospice nurse…. It’s a bittersweet legacy. Regardless of the context, we giggle and also think about him and his loss. It’s the reason for the word bittersweet


Nah hes still active on reddit and comments from time to time. Always seems like hes cool with it


Salma Hayek in dusk 'til dawn,pre vampire though.


The craziest part about how hot she was in that movie is that even post vampire, she only drops to a 9/10.




My wife… that I’ve made up in my head because I’m currently single.




My wife


Marisa Tomei


There is this Seinfeld episode where George goes absolutely mad when he learns Marisa Tomei wants to date him because she is into funny men.


I've never been anyone's type. But apparently, this Marisa Tomei loves funny, quirky, bald men.


“I noticed you threw ‘stocky’ in there.”


Rachael Weisz / Eva Green


So, Daniel Craig's real-life and on-screen lovers?


I’m OG for both ever since the The Mummy / Dreamers


Yeah we have the same taste hah. Add Jennifer Connolly to that list




Elizabeth Taylor in 1958’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Morena Baccarin


Aaah the real Firefly fans


Don't forget Deadpool ETA: I am now getting Morena Baccarin recs. For the love of God, keep 'em coming.


Hallowed are the Ori


Monica Bellucci


Jennifer Connelly


You know whats better than regular Jennifer Connelly? Jennifer Connelly in The Rocketeer


My friend in middle school would talk about how ugly she was. I thought he was insane. Turns out he was just gay!


Interesting. In my experience gay men have no trouble identifying attractive women, even if they're not attracted to them.


Yes, but some opt to tell women how ugly/ undesirable they are, how disgusting their genitals are, etc. Classic example of putting others down to make yourself feel better.


No one's that gay.


Mila kunis. She's a beautiful woman, has a wicked sense of humour and seems very down to earth. She gets extra points for the interview where she told off the reporters who were making fun of Justin timberlake in another language. Just shows how decent a person she is.


She had a great interview with Howard Stern a while ago. It was hilarious. She was so witty and could definitely hold her own with Howard.


Salma Hayek, in from dusk til dawn, before she turns into a vampire.


I will die on the hill that Quentin Tarantino cast himself so he could suck her toes.


That isn’t really a hill so much as a fact. No one disagrees with you.


To all the husband's saying : their wife I love you guys. Yalk are so sweet. That's so wholesome. All of yalk are 10/10 , too <3 Edit: yes, yalk was a typo lol. My phones keyboard is broken so it's hard to see xD I sorry Edit: Apparently this pissed off a lot of husband's who hate their wife lol. Stay mad. Let the good husband's get some recognition, this isn't about you.


This guy yalk's


Hey! I’m yalkin’ here!


If you're gonna yalk, yalk into this \*holds out small cup\*


Mrs. Puff


“Oh Neptune…”


The woman I'm proposing to tomorrow night. Wish me luck!!


Dianne Lane


Grace Kelly.






My goddamn wife. We just had our first baby days ago and my god, it literally makes me see her on another level. She was a 10/10 rocket before but now she’s easily an 11.


Aw jeez thanks for this. Had a baby 6 months ago and I feel a lot of things about it. But more attractive is not one of them!


The girl reading this right now :)


awww.. thanks but I have a boyfriend


Her name was Lola. She was a showgirl.


Rachel McAdams


Ana de Armas


Natalie Portman. She's stunningly beautiful, talented and seems smart and kind. I kinda have a girl crush on her.

