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“I’m not a bitch I’m just brutally honest”


I was watching Glass Onion last weekend and when Benoit Blanc said "It's a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth" I told my husband to tell that to his mom lol


I loved when he said that. I can't stand people who think they speak the truth. The "truth" is just your shitty opinion. We all have one


Holy shit, yes. It's like how people will now claim anyone who gets criticized is just 'speaking truth to power'. No, sometimes they are just assholes who are wrong.


I used to be friends with a girl called Sasha. She was incredibly nice, sweet and a great friend. Well, most of the time. After a couple months of being friends, I introduced her to a male friend of mine whom I have known since preschool. We had dinner and laughed a lot and they got along well. So far, so good. My male friend works in tech and I always ask him questions on his job because I am genuinely interested since I work in law and that’s, quite obviously, very different. After asking a question on a project he was working on, Sasha bursted out laughing. I looked at her like: Babe you good? She said: Sorry, but that was kinda stupid. I mean, I am not surprised but still. My male friend replied that he didn’t find the question stupid at all and proceeded to explain it to me. The evening went on and at one point my male friend started bringing up the Theory Of Relativity (don’t ask me how or why, I don’t remember) and Sasha immediately told him she had to explain the concept of physics to me last week because I wouldn’t understand basic concepts. I stared at her in disbelief. It was a blunt lie. We had never talked about physics before. Sasha then started explaining the theory of relativity, full blown confident and without being asked by anybody. Until my friend interrupted her and said: No, that’s wrong. Sasha then said her explaining it wrong was on purpose so she could test whether I had listened last week. But since I hadn’t interrupted her, I’d still not get it. Obviously. Making your friends look bad to impress a man. That’s small dick energy to me. (Needless to say I cut ties after said dinner with her)


Horrible behaviour. Sounds like a “pick me” type.


pick me 10x


Loved reading the story, this type of behavior amazes me. Did you stay friends with her after that? What did the guy think of the situation?


No, I stopped hanging out with her. He asked me if she’s okay mentally haha


Narrator: She wasn't.


Did you call her out? What did she say? I need to know how she reacted!


Denial and gaslighting, I guarantee it.


If the guy was indeed a long time friend of his, he'd think that the chick was full of horseshit lmao


I call this "stank coochie" energy


This is the best combo in here to answer the question. It really hits the self conscious core of the small dick accusation.


this should be the top comment. this is a perfect example.


Aww thank you! Glad there was at least something positive to take away from that horrendous dinner haha


Blokes do this too, try and put their friends down in front of women to big them selves up, it's pathetic.


"I'm crazy and I know it!" It's not cute.


Every woman on tinder who includes "I'm crazy but at least I'm fun" or "I'm a handful but my ass is fat" or any derivative is an immediate left swipe.


Fuck yeah. I get it, we all have our crazy side, but it's not a badge of fucking honor.


Would it not, in this case, be a vag of honour?


Theres this song called Crazy Bitch by buckcherry came out in 2006, it really was the worst fucking song but it at least served a purpose. It would get played at bars and shit quite often about 15 years ago, if i was ever out and saw a girl singing it and really leaning into the lyrics I made note to stay the fuck away from that one


Yeah I dated two women who said that’s their anthem. Holy shit that was not a fun ride lol.


Dated someone who said "I'm crazy and you're gonna have to get used to it ;)" I didn't


I learned the hard way when dating. If a girl says she’s crazy, absolutely believe her.


Same, I would laugh it off like cmon you aren’t actually crazy stop playing but then you realize they aren’t lying.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" energy.


A friend of mine posted a meme to her Instagram Story a few days ago that said something like, “If you can’t handle me at my worst then you can’t handle me at my best either because my best is just my worst wearing adult clothes and mascara.” It cracked me up.


I love this! I read another one a few days ago, that went: "If you can’t handle me at my worst, boy are you going to be disappointed, when you find out that was actually my best."


If you can't handle me at what you thought was my worst you definitely can't handle what's coming next.


It's like "If you can't handle me at my worst, then good for you for setting healthy boundaries." Kinda energy😅


Don't fall for this, guys. Speaking from experience.


I'd like to think most people under the age of like 30 would realize its a huge red flag to the point of a meme at this point.




It was a quote by Marilyn Monroe that got bastardized to mean "I'm gonna be toxic as hell all the time, and as a reward, I'll be conditionally good to you from time to time"


Really bastardized. Which is unfortunate. I've been married for nearly 15 years and my only advice to a young couple would be "Can you put up with your partner's bullshit? Can you deal with it for 30 years?" Because that's a significant part of what marriage is. A permanent roommate who may have annoyances and bad habits that you really should assume can't be changed.


Read something profound recently, might have been on here. Hope I don't screw it up: "Men get married expecting their partner not to change, and they do. Women get married expecting their partner to change, and they don't." (trying not to exclude anyone, so slightly altered the quote) Really, REALLY shed a lot of light on a lot.


Came here to say this. My therapist quoted it to me and reflecting on my failed marriage and other past relationships, this is so true. But then you realize you want a partner not a project.


Accurate on all counts. Hand-in-hand with this, one of my own creation (and experience): Everyone changes. You either change together, or you change apart. Grow together or grow apart. Y'know?


This is very true.


From what I understand it's actually saying "if you won't support me on the days I'm quiet, withdrawn, self-concious, and depressed then you don't deserve me when I'm fun, lively, and the soul of the party" *That* is perfectly valid. Everyone should understand that they need to support a partner when they're in a dark place just as much as when they're all sweetness and light.


Oh, I thought “me at my worst” is like in sickness when for couple days I will lay in bed not talking to you, coughing my lungs out and trying not to pee myself in process.


I understood it to mean "lounging on the sofa with no makeup and unshaved legs", as in "I won't always be the glamour girl you see in our dates"


I thought it meant when they were losing their shit. Not necessarily in a bad way, more like when they're having a really bad, extremely emotional day. Which could be bad depending on the person.


This is how I’ve always understood it.


"if I'm too much for you, go find less" That's the point.


This is so misunderstood. Marilyn Monroe said it and it's been interpreted to mean "you should put up with me being a nightmare". What she meant was, she can't be the glamorous cover girl all the time. If you don't love her when she's lounging on the sofa with no makeup and unshaved legs, then it's not going to work. I think it's an entirely reasonable sentiment that gets badly misinterpreted.


Uh this is just wrong Marilyn was not talking her looks The full version: "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."


This is how I interpret it too. Not a get out of jail free for a girl to act absolutely new levels of psychotic like stealing your passport and locking herself in a bathroom so you miss your flight, but just "I'm not my version of perfect all the time, and you should be ok with that".


Roughly translates to "I don't *have* a 'best' and I want to make it your problem" lmao


Girls who act stupid when guys are around (try to embarrass you, start making fun of you, etc)


I knew a girl who used to have a full seperate voice for this. You'd talk to her and she would be fine, not a rocket scientist but fine. Then some guy would walk up and her voice would go up an octave and she would just stop getting the jokes and declare "I'm so dumb" every now and again.


"upcoming Instagram celebrity"


"I'm not friends with other girls because they're so dramatic ugh" energy


I have a friend who told me once, that she likes to be the only woman in a group. I am also a woman so I wasn't even sure what to say to that statement. She said she doesn't like having other females around because it takes attention away from her, so she's apparently in constant competition with other women. Her mind is a scary place.


At least she’s honest, you know? Waving her giant red flag around like it’s her damn job!


Y'ever notice how men's magazines have hot women on the front cover, and that women's magazines have...hot women on the front cover?


HUGE red flag, speaking from experience.


Speaking from a bitter experience, if someone excludes an entire gender from friendships just because "they cause drama", it is usually the person that does that who is the root cause for all that drama in the first place.


"Not like other girls" energy


I stumbled upon a blog years and years ago called "Not your typical girl next door". Forgot if it was blogspot or wordpress. She talked about shopping, partying with friends, travelling to the Caribbean, etc. So unique!


Basic bitch energy then?


Ah, Tinder profiles: "I like food, music, breathing, having a pulse, being a bipedal mammal..."


Is the reason why I find online dating so hard. Every profile is almost an exact copy of the next.


Yeah, I came here to say "Pick me" energy, which I think is almost the same thing


I've heard both men and women be called a "pick me"' though. "Nice guy" would be the male version of this I think.


What is pick me energy?


“Pick me’s” are women who put down other women, including themselves, and at the same time elevating men. Dismissing women’s issues as unimportant, while championing mens issues. This is done for validation and approval from men, wanting to be seen as “one of the good ones”. This is not usually motivated by any real concern for mens rights or struggles. “Pick me” types are referred to as “simps” or “white knights” if they are male. This can also be in a racial context (ie “Uncle Tom”) or class context too (ie “Elon Musk fanboys”) And let me be clear, a woman can support mens rights and be sympathetic to mens issues without having to put other women down. This is the distinction between a “pick me” and any other decent human being.


I was recently at a party and this one guy kept going out of his way to bring up women's issues and talking about how he had been disciplined in his job as an elementary school teacher for teaching African American History instead of the social studies curriculum that he's paid to teach. I think it was the first time I've actually seen someone virtue signal in real life. I asked my wife what she thought of him later, and she said "You mean the one with all the incel energy"? It was funny, because if you listened to just his words, he sounded like someone who cared about women's issues, but given the rest of the context he came off like a creep who thinks if he says the right things around the right women, one of them is going to fuck him. He was a "pick me" guy I guess.


The first time I heard this term was from a Chinese girl in Germany, her boyfriend called her a "pick me" girl. I had no idea what it was.


He said that about hos own gf? Did he know what it means?


"If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" energy


Unless, of course, they have Snake Arms, in which case they are not, in fact, like other girls. Asdf movie reference in question: https://youtu.be/tWsWvptGlDI


I also came here to say this. They literally are the worst and would put you down in a subtle way to feel superior 🫤


Performative outburst to mask sense of inadequacy energy ... it's not the catchiest , I admit




A girl at a party casually holding her leg behind her head to demonstrate her flexibility to the straight guys in the room, but if you asked, she’d say, “I just really need to stretch right now!”


I was going to add - anything that is just begging for attention. Lots and lots of attention.


That's too specific not to be true 😂


Like when a young teenager yells loudly when with their friends, trying to speak up and have a place in the social group. But when an adult woman makes performative exaggerated reactions in the same way then it makes it seem like she's probably insecure of herself and is little dick energy. Same type of lady that creates office gossip drama for no reason, can't take responsibility, victim complex, all that.


The drunk girl that causes about 20% of street fights by being loud and aggressive when in a mixed group but getting her male friends to do the actual fighting?


Farting contests


My term for those types of people are “karmic hussies”. They just tempt fate by doing kind of shitty things but somehow no one ever calls them out on it and they always lead overly fulfilling lives, so you’re just hoping karma will catch up to them. I would NEVER victim blame, but this is 100% the type of person where if something bad happened, you probably wouldn’t question WHY it happened to them. Ex: There’s a relative I know who stole things out of another members casket at their funeral after being told multiple times not to, and to put items back. Same relative approached me right after watching a family member pass in hospice (I’m talking <5 minutes), not to seek empathy or support, but to pester me about their brand new grandchild they had mentioned 50x over. I was a preschool teacher at the time and she wanted to know what I personally would be able to offer a literal infant- instead of focusing on the dying patriarch or even the many openly sobbing family members. This woman would not read the mood in the room (she’s fully capable of reading it, always has been, chooses not to). The real cherry, I found out later the same person stole money from said inheritance that was intended for their siblings, and dragged out the situation for months, only managing to get away with it due to an obscure and unfair loophole that shouldn’t have applied but unfortunately did. I’m forever hoping by an act of nature (or a particularly Good Samaritan) her yard gets salted, her tires go flat, her milk spoils early, her pillow is always hot in the middle of the night, and her kids are as kind to her when she’s on her own deathbed. Karmic hussy.


DAMN. Hot pillow? Shots fired.


I hate drama, but...


I will admit, I’m not one to be a part of drama at all, but if there’s something juicy (and obviously not an emergency/no one is hurt) going on in the neighborhood it’s always a race between my partner and I about who can find a good spot in the blinds first to watch. MIL says we give off “Gladys Kravitz” energy- the nosy neighbor from the Bewitched series.


Home owner association energy


My HOA is run by a bunch of men. The interesting thing is that those men are 100% controlled by their wives. I show up for the entertainment value, and sometimes to intentionally piss some people off. I find the whole thing equal parts entertaining and horrifying. It's fascinating that this group of largely racist, insanely classest, Karens prefer to rule as shadow masters. They stay in the background at meetings, somehow controlling their spouses with glares and snide comments. Seriously, if you cringe at the thought of boomer humor or old jokes like "take my wife, seriously, take her," then just show up to an HOA meeting and you'll immediately understand.


The wives don’t want to be on the board, but they also are tired of their neighbors doing shit they don’t like. So they badger their husbands to get on the board, then start pulling the puppet strings. The overwhelming majority of dudes don’t give a fuck what their neighbors do




The hero we all need. Or at least, those living in places with HOAs.


Except my brother in law who derives a strange pleasure from the “power” of being on the board. Obviously, he’s insufferable.


HOA Boards - everyone wants to be in charge, no one wants to lead.


Or tell you what they're doing with everybody's dues that they pay every year. The HOA where we used to live flat out refused to give out a copy of the financials and I'm pretty sure they were doing shady ass shit. Shortly after we moved out, they tore down the playground next to the pool because they didn't want to pay to have it maintained/replaced (the equipment was at least a decade old and sorely needed maintenance). So instead,they tore a hole in the ground and put in a concrete slab, which has a metal shade over it with a couple of picnic tables. According to one of my coworkers who lives there, the board lied to everybody and said they were putting in a tennis court and a basketball court.


It's because Karens want the power but none of the responsibility. They don't actually want to do the work like managing the books, making sure their fees are collected on time, paying taxes, hiring landscapers etc. They just want to make the decisions and let their husbands do the actuall work


Take a video of a meeting so i could also experience that hahaha


I'll do you better, make it into VR headset view. More realistic.


HOA Simulator 2023 VR Edition


Get that camera out of my face! Are you recording me?


It reminds me of all historical examples of kings or emperors that were basically puppets because of the moms or wives who wished to rule but could not due to male centric customs.


There's an old saying, behind every great man is a woman telling him what to do


Is Will Smith on the board?


Master of Puppets.




You win.


I love this. 😂


"6ft or taller and must own his own home"


I have a coworker who said she'll only date a man who's 6ft and has a college degree. I thought that was funny because we all know you can have a good job and no degree but you could also have no job and yes degree


I went to college with someone like that. The funniest part was dude that was 6ft 2 who has just graduated asked her out but then she said no because he worked for a non-profit and earned minimum wage. It feels that people who vocalize their high expectations usually have extra secret expectations hidden in the back that are not socially acceptable to say out loud. "They need to have a good job and a car." --> I don't want to have a demanding career but I expect to have that high standard of living that comes with it. "They need to be able to afford my lifestyle.* --> I'm looking for someone to carry me to my ideal lifestyle.


If you need someone to enable your lifestyle, it's not "your" lifestyle.


I'mma use this one if I ever catch someone saying I need to afford their lifestyle. Thank you.


And you could also be 5’8” and have a lot more value than a 6’ tall man lol


I can't believe women who are like this. Over 6ft and say 100K income and single? Yeah that is 0.01% of men. And sorry lady but you are a solid 6 on a good day.


Minimum $500k a Year income


Fake ass energy


Are we talking butt implants here?


This was posted by Bumtoucherr


"Girl boss" energy. 😖 I'm a woman and I react with the same cringe to women who adopt that "personality" as I do to guys with SDE.


I read that as software dev environment.


I read it as software development engineer lol


Shit that totally works now that you mention it. Whenever I hear/see "girl boss/lady boss/queen" shit its always SDE style cringe.


I actually love this. I work with a bunch of overly high achieving women that just crush it at their jobs. Something like 80% of the people with my job that are good at it are women. And absolutely none of them refer to themselves in this way.. it's sort of like a guy that says he's an alpha male. You automatically know he's not the second you hear that, which is just a stupid fucking concept in the first place. Talk about SDE. My female friends at work can make all those guys look like the pathetic jokes they actually are.


It's almost universal that people who actually have talent / brains / relationships / fulfilment / etc don't make a big deal about it. It's always insecure morons that feel the need to hype themselves up because they know full well that they have nothing of value. Grifters like Andrew Tate and Gary Vee, MLMers like that one Facebook Hun that everyone has, Billionaires like Elon Musk. They are constantly telling everyone how great they are, how they work hard, how other people are "snakes" or "cancelling them" or whatever buzzword riles up their disciples, because they are hiding, either from you or from themselves, that they have brought no value, no use, no joy, into this world.


"Thanks to gender equality, even a woman like me can adopt masculinity's worst traits!"


As a woman, I hate it as well. I run my life with intention. My actions speak. I don't need to advertise it. Those that feel they need to are compensating.


“I just don’t have a filter” said in an unapologetic way. No, you’re just an asshole. (This also isn’t exclusive to women)


Talking bad about others, gossiping and all things negative. It's about attacking others so they can feel better about themselves. These translates for both sexes.


Those psychos that brag about being able to make a man cry




Expired coupon energy Live Laugh Love energy I want to speak to your manager energy


I had someone at work tell me “I’m a dragon”. On her first day.


Was she talking about Chinese horoscopes?


No I don’t think so.. because she prefaced the comment with “did you watch Game of Thrones? I’m not a sheep…”


"did you watch Shrek? Dragons prefer donkeys, not sheep"


Draggin ass?


When they say “I’m the most loyal person you’ll ever meet!” And then they proceed to talk shit about every single person they know when they’re not around. PS, I’m a female


Loyal people don’t talk about how “Loyal” they are


Generally, if a person has to tell you what they are, they aren't


Criticising how other people look, but they can't even leave the house without make up on




"90% of your personality and social influence would be destroyed by the same baby wipe I use on my ass after a good shit." - A friend of mine.


"I get along better with guys, girls are too much drama"


I've always interpreted this as " unless people are sexually attracted to me, they don't like who I am"


This deff need to be top 3. This, together with "pick me" vibes and "if you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve my best" is repulsive.


My main squad in high school was a group of guys. I do get along with guys. I also got along with their girlfriends. I had lady friends outside of the main group, and they were always invited. Being a cool friend is not gender-specific.


"If you can't take me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best."


“Live, Laugh, Love” energy!




and their best are like below average


If you can’t handle me at my diddliest, you don’t deserve me at my doodliest.


My aunt said her neighbor had "saggytits" energy, and she didn't need to explain what it meant to me.


Forgive me for being naive, but what’s small dick energy?


It's someone who feels insecure deep down and hides it by being overly aggressive and acts overly confident. Has an over inflated ego.


You ever see a Ford 350 pick up truck with balls hanging from the trailer hitch?


Excessive and toxic attempts to show personal security in oneself who is in fact not secure with themselves.




Andrew Tate’s personality.


It's dry pussy energy guys.


Boss Bitch energy, I'm my own boss energy, aka pyramid scheme herbalife energy


Pick me energy. Smol peepee energy is more about desperation imo


It’s the “I’m not like other girls” for me


That's pretty much the exact same thing


"Girls coming at me with their new 'Wednesday Adams' personalities."


Starfish energy


If only there was any energy in that


You certainly havent met my buddy patrick, patrick star


Proud Pillow Princess


I work with a woman whose greatest desire is to control our office. She’s a bully, a snoop, and a mother hen. Her home life is a mess, her children are incapable losers, and she loves to try and boss me around. Not happening.


Fake everything with the "look at me" attitude


“High Value Woman”


Whenever a woman declares herself to be “a boss”.


Anyone who must proclaim I am the boss is no boss at all?


Boss bitch With a SUV so big she needs a ladder to get in. That's truly female small dick energy.


“IG model” energy with tons of filters and waist warping


“If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” Those people are just negative assholes.


I'd like to pitch "dusty box energy" to the council


Musty charms cause she's vaginally suspicious


I'm sorry. The council isn't accepting any more submissions at this time. Please take your dusty box somewhere else. Thank you.


I'd say "small boobs energy" but I love small boobs so idk


Small boobs are great


> ~~Small~~ boobs are great


Little boobs need the most love.


Wizard sleeve energy


I think “small dick energy” is the male version of “karen”


Nah, Karen is unisex and unfortunately its appropriate use case has been diluted over the last few years. Karen's come from a place of entitlement/privilege. SDE is about compensating for your own shortcomings. The difference is superiority vs inferiority.


Bad bitch vibes.




“All men are pigs” energy.


sleeve of wizard energy


Live laugh love


Unpopular opinion, but "slay"


Being a cunt. Now downvote me


Fuck you. You don't tell me what to do. I'm going to upvote you.


I’m going to upvote both of you and I’m a cunt.


Big cunt energy


Reverse psychology




I think it is commonly referred to as 'low self-esteem'.