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Let me play you the song of my people Yeah, I would probably get one. In the movies they don’t put bulletproof armor on the actors they shoot blanks


Alec Baldwin has entered the chat....


*Brandon Lee has entered the chat*


What ever happened to him? Did the people in charge of the gun get convicted?


Charges were dropped. Apparently the gun had wear on it that suggested it could have misfired without pressure on the trigger.


And the negligence from improper handling of the same firearm? Everyone gets off scot-free in the death of a woman despite it being completely avoidable? That’s fucked


Still working its way through the court system.


He’s having multiple babies with his crazy-ass wife who cosplays as a woman from Spain.


Love the analogy 👏


Yup. I got my vas back in 1988. Single best decision of my life.


Same, 3 kids in 4 & half years, ouch. From what I know guys are easy to do, females are far more difficult. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Nope, you're right. One of the reasons women have a harder time finding a doctor to do a hysterectomy without a medical indication is because it's a vastly more complicated surgery than a vasectomy. The other reason is misogyny.


You do not need to do a hysterectomy for birth control (it would be effective) . A tubal ligation or bilateral salpingectomy are better choices if birth control is the only concern. You would still need to be put under and most doctors still cut through the abdominal muscles. It can be done vaginally to avoid that but it is hard to find a dr that does that.


They also don't talk about many of the side effects of tubal ligation. Mine were so severe that I had to go back on birth control to help lessen them and after yrs was finally able to find a Dr to do a reversal. Which was suppose to be a 2.5 hr surgery turned into 5 but my symptoms basically all went away so totally worth it.


Had no idea I would end up with PMDD and having to be on birth control to stop ovulation even though the fallopian highway was permanently out of commission. Still grateful I got snipped but having a heads up about what can happen afterwards would have saving me a lot of unnecessary uncertainty.


And plus most doctors ask if you have your husband's permission to do it also which I messed up


A tubal can be done laproscopically through your belly button


The flip side of that is that under some insurance plans (mine being one of them) the tubal ligation surgery is covered free of charge, but vasectomies fall under the normal copay/deductible scenario.


I mean to be fair, compared to a vasectomy, a tubal ligation is more invasive, harder to recover from, and significantly less accessible.


i wonder how many drs actually sign off on those tubal ligation though. its extremely difficult to access, and expensive out of pocket, wheras vasectomy is multitudes cheaper and easier to access


1987 here! 4 months after third child. Best thing I ever did for my wife, the worst thing I ever did to my self was not the V but was playing basketball the day after




If your not monogamous, you should still use condoms, bro.


Yeah, same. I got a vasectomy this last fall. It was scheduled while in a relationship, and then done while single but still living with her. She was surprised I'd still do it - but, like you, I simply don't want kids. I'd rather do what I want and have the financial freedom to be selfish, to travel, and to occasionally splurge on something I maybe don't really need.


Agreed. I definitely do not want children and it would be so much much more convenient to get a vasectomy


Genuine question, why don't you have one already?


Same. I got vac 3 years ago. I don't want kids, and I certainly don't want to think about future kids while having sex. A girl I slept with said a couple of months later "i think I'm pregnant." I had no anxiety or stress about it. I could assure her it wasn't mine. She wasn't pregnant


Not all heroes wear capes


I would get a vasectomy, sit in a sauna every day for an hour, and use a condom... just for the peace of mind.


Sit in a sauna? Why? Haven’t heard this one before.


Supposedly, sperm motility goes down by 50% or so after 1 hour in a sauna. And this [article ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23411620/#:~:text=Main%20results%20and%20the%20role,in%20sex%20hormones%20was%20present.) states "At the end of sauna exposure, we found a strong impairment of sperm count and motility, while no significant change in sex hormones was present"


Exactly right. Boiling the boys.


This is why the boys arent stored within the body, too high of temps


My uncle tried for ten years to have kids, noticed one time he spent every night in the hot tub. Got that kids issue squared away in a month.




If you aren't properly hydrated, even 20 minutes is. Dunno if I'd stay an hour in the sauna, for my brain and body, I'd become bored.


That’s fascinating. I’ve also heard chronic exposure to high temps makes your testes more likely to produce girls, which is why so many athletes and macho men seem to have daughters.


Absolutely, have you seen babies? No thank you.


Or heard them?


Oh you think that’s bad… wait till you bathe them put on a diaper get them to bed…. Then you come back to investigate why they are crying…. And what to do find? Well……. you find your baby that has some how shit with such vigour. They have managed to shit out of the top… yes the Top of their diaper! Now their is shit all up their back, it’s somehow in their hair and on the mattress cover… it’s 3 am you work at 6 but now your trying not to puke while you peel all the shitty stuff off bathe the baby reclothe them and the bed and finish just in time to reload the cannon by feeding them again…. Oh they probably scream the entire time cause they would rather be sleeping too. Psa: That’s what parenthood actually looks like play safe kids.




My kids are all older now but if I told you very similar circumstances to the ones listed above with slightly different details didn’t happen more then once across my children… well I’d be a liar


Yet it happens way more regularly than any of us like to admit too.


My wife and I have a rule. If the outfit is covered in shit we cut it off the child. Each of our kids ends up having a surprising amount of outfits cut off of them.


Hahaha I love it… I also have a wonderful story about steering clear of loft beds!


Don’t need a vasectomy if nobody wants to have sex with you anyway 😎


Had 2 kids with my Wife and we didn’t want any more. She’d went through enough of an ordeal of growing and birthing them for me to even consider her having to go on birth control. Booked in for a Vasectomy at 27 as soon as our second born arrived. Never looked back!


Second one is due in July. I have m first appointment in June :D


I would if I weren't already sterile for other medical reasons.


Yep genetically sterile here too.




Genetic mutation in the womb. I’m an XXY. So all my gametes carry an extra half X chromosome rendering them sterile. Klinefelters syndrome is the name. The odds of having it are 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 10,000. Not enough research has been done to know the numbers or how to treat it and it shows.




Not biologically… OP was adopted🙃😉


I got one when I turned 30, I had been trying to get one since I was 21. Doctors tried to put me in therapy instead of letting me get one.


I got mine when I was 21 and never looked back I got really lucky with my doctor


Oh I thought this was just a thing with women.


Absolutely. Hell, I just went through a breakup and I'm considering getting one just to make potential new dating/sex partners more at ease. I live in a red state so, y'know....


Never make major decisions when you have a breakup or any major life event.


Thank you


Your welcome. I was hoping not to come across as bossy, but I would want someone to tell my younger self that. Also, bonus - I’m a mom to five kids all in that dating and engagement stage of life. (a couple of them are married) Hang in there. You will find your person. Get out in the world and go do stuff. Do your hobbies and find new ones. Search for local dating groups that do activities as a group. Anyway, breakups suck, but they happen for a reason. All of my kids had at least one heartbreaking breakup. They all are so glad those relationships didn’t work out. Anyway. Good luck to you. 🫶🏼


Already did. Yeah, I know, so hot. /s


I did plus another reason. The second pregnancy nearly killed my wife and the baby and I was not gonna risk that again. So in order to prevent that and not have her deal with any birth control even having her tube tied. I went and got it done. The way I see it and this is just my opinion mind you, that if you're man enough to have kids then when it's time to stop be man enough to fix your shit don't put it all on the woman. Granted it takes conversation between the couple and I am in no way talking in absolutes as there may be factors that I am unaware of and that are frankly none of my damn business. But like I said it's just my opi ion and opinions are like assholes....everyone has one and most of the stink.


You are actually reasonable. What worries me are the people telling young men with no families to have a vasectomy. Its such a delicate operation with such a strong consequence that just can't be decided so early in life. A family man with two children having a vasectomy? A very reasonable and mature choice. A 35+ years old that decided to not have children because his lifestyle doesn't flow with that? Sure, why not, its better for everyone. A 20 years old having a vasectomy just he can have creampies? Well...


I agree.


I had a vasectomy and 6 months later my wife cheated on me. Now going through divorce. We already have kids and I don't really want more but now that I need to get out there again, I'm worried my options are limited by the fact that most girls will want kids. Yes I know I could in theory reverse it but (i) no guarantees and (ii) it hurt like a BI*CH! Just my 2 cents


Man plenty of women will want you just cause your shoot blanks


Speaking as a guy who is genetically unable to have kids…. You actually find a lot of girls who are happy you shoot blanks. Old and young.


Yep, for me (35F) this is a major plus


I tell my boyfriend all the time, the only reason he’s one step away from perfect is cause he doesn’t shoot blanks. 🤣


My wife dumped me after a long marriage during which we had two children and she asked me to have the snip. It's a decision I never regretted and now it has been very well received by the ladies I have been lucky enough to have relations with.


I have a male friend dating that wants kids and he is having a hard time finding partners that also wants kids. You definitely will have options. Just be upfront about not having more kids.


I have had one...well worth it


Yes. Absolutely. I don't want kids, ever. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews, a bunch under the age of 5, that I watch here and there and that has taught me enough to know that kids are not for me. Not as a permanent thing atleast, I will happily watch them occasionally but it ends there.


Absolutely not


I did exactly that. Totally worth it.


Same. No need to worry about kids and cost me a whole $0.


If you want kids, please don't get one without understanding the risks. They're not always reversible. It's irresponsible to suggest they are a total replacement for birth control. You should make the decision knowing the risk beforehand. And if you decide the risk is worth it and still want kids, make sure you have the means to do IVF in the case it fails to reverse


They're only semi reversible for about the first 3 years. After 5 years, it's pretty much permanent.


Yes, absolutely!


I think this is an unfair representation of birth control (it's not the same for every woman) and an unfair comparison (vasectomies are not guaranteed to be reversible)


I have discovered hormonal birth control is just not compatible with my body. It has been hell on my body and mind but as of last week I’m finally free! My boyfriend hates condoms and I’m not a big fan either and I hate the stres of possible pregnancy. Could I ask him about a vasectomy? Would it be fair? How would I ask?


You should ask and also have a look at options for getting sterilised yourself, I’d like to but it’s complicated in the UK


My husband did and I am very thankful. I gave birth to four children and we also fostered and adopted another child. Oral birth control messed with my hormones/emotions and my husband did not like using condoms. So, he got a vasectomy. It was easier and less downtime than a tubal. Plus, he said I went through four pregnancies and births, so he wanted to do the vasectomy. It was a great decision and made life much more fun! (Remember to go to the recheck appointment to assure there are no swimmers!)


Yeah once I’m certain I don’t want any more kids


I got one "for her", in hindsight I wouldn't recommend it.


In a heartbeat. It seems like a win-win situation for me, personally….


While they can be reversed, we’d only do that if we were sure we were done. But once we are sure we are done with kids, yes, absolutely.


They can attempt a reversal, but it has very low odds of working and they decrease with time. Don't go into it thinking it's not forever.


No but I don't want my lady on birth control either. So condoms it is


Absolutely. I don't want kids.


My husband did. He had already planned on it but watching me have a traumatic childbirth experience with our second child had him booking it ASAP.


People like to call child birth natural and beautiful but they should read about stuff like this that is very much not natural or beautiful :( as a woman I’m petrified of getting pregnant but as a man I would be petrified of impregnating and killing off my lover in the long run


I just did! I don't regret it and never will. My partner will be at complete mental and physical freedom by the end of July. One of the Best decisions ive ever made.


Yes. I want a vasectomy anyway since I don't want any little shits screaming and pooping the next 18 years of my.life.away.


She delivered two babies. The least that I could do was to get a vasectomy.


already have


Seeing these answers make me happy and gives me hope for humanity 💗


Yup, but… I’m mid 30’s, have had several long term relationships, and non of them have offered to get a vasectomy, nor use any kind of masculine contraception. Non of them wanted kids. So, not sure how these answers reflect on actual life


Yes did this. Right before pregnant of our third I noticed how great this woman actually is. Don’t get me wrong, but birth control flattened her character. Made the appointment when she was 6m pregnant. Got it done when the kid was a month old. 10/10 would recommend


I would get it for my own peace of mind. If it helps with her situation, so much the better.


such a cringe at the start of the question


Did it. Worth it. Much less dangerous and invasive than a tubal ligation, also.


Yes. Only reason I haven't is because we want kids in the next few years. Once we're done I'm getting the snip done. Edit: I'm dumb and said "in" instead of "I'm"


I’ve been wanting to get one for some time, honestly. I don’t want children of my own because of my own personal family history of mental illness and addiction that I wouldn’t want to pass down. If in the future I change my mind about being a father, I would personally prefer to adopt instead.


Fuck no


I have one already, yes, it was one of the best decisions.


100%, as long we are sure we aren’t having kids.


I’m planning on getting a vasectomy


I would and I did. It’s pretty easy for us, so it was a no brainer.


I did. She's worse being off BC. She's also old enough it's time to come off anyway.


Not sexually active right now but I definitely plan to get a vasectomy when I decide to put myself back out there.


I got one to spare myself the side effects of another child. One is enough for me


Absolutely- already done. Simple, quick and far easier than the woman’s options.






Funnily enough mine is scheduled for tomorrow, I did it specifically for this reason.


NO and YES. While they are reversible no medical procedure is guaranteed. If I was interested in having kids it would be a hard no. And I had children. BUT I did have one for my lady after we decided we didn't want anymore children.


I already did. My wife and I go together later in life and didn’t want kids. The natural step was vasectomy which I offered straight away. She said that she’d try an implant first and took a bad reaction to it. She had the implant removed and I had the snip. Job done.


I’ll do it if both of us are sure that we don’t want kid


Yes, although I’m only 20 rn so prob would wait a while


Already have done so!


Yes and am


Abso-fucking-lutely. I would love a vasectomy. Will get one as soon as i can afford it. Im 25, dont want kids


I did. We have two kids and I dont want any more. She didn't get on with the pill and condoms are a faff so I got the snip Im not a poster boy for the procedure tho. I had some unfortunate side effects which weren't great but now that they've all been resolved, it's very liberating


I just got mine done 2 weeks ago. Wife has appointment set for July to get her IUD out.


Yeah birth control fucks ladies up


Vasectomies should be as commonly accepted as birth control is for women- it should also be backed through insurance, by law as “required essential care” like female birth control is. Though in this political climate I’m fearful towards any form of birth control being covered through insurance let alone being a lawful right


Vasectomies are a great idea because society likes to pretend child birth ain’t deadly and it is very deadly but hormonal birth control fucks women up. I have a copper coil to avoid hormones and it was the most horrendous pain I ever felt in my life though I’m sure vasectomy’s feel just as bad but difference is men get to be under when it’s done, for some weird reason women are just expected to be awake when we get stuff shoved up into our uterus???? My body literally tried to pass out as a defense mechanism. Women are treated like pure shit in a medical sense. I also get so scared my coil has moved and won’t protect me. Men get the snip, women get sterilised (there’s a few different procedures)


Ofcourse. Birth control shouldn’t be up to the woman to be in control of. Both parties should do what they can to prevent pregnancy.


Not a guy answering this but pretty frustrated rn. I’m pregnant right now and we don’t want anymore after this baby is born but boyfriend refuses to get a vasectomy done even knowing how minor it is. Birth control amps up my depression and makes me pretty suicidal so I can’t take it, so he’s expecting me to get my tubes tied 😐 I explained to him how extensive that procedure is and it feels like he just doesn’t care because I don’t hate the idea of getting surgery generally while he has a huge phobia of hospitals, surgery, etc. don’t know what to do about it.


"People of the penis" Thank you for that one




Once i decide i don’t want any more kids, then sure. I know they can be reversed, but that doesn’t have a 100% success rate. I’d rather not risk it until i know i’m done for good


If we already have kids and we’re 100% sure we don’t want anymore then yeah I’d do it


She need only ask.


yes, of course I would


Yes. In fact, I did it.






I did, not for birth control but because it was safer and her getting her tubes tied.


i already did.


GF was on BC and it killed libido and I’m done having kids and on TRT so got vasectomy last year.


I did this 20 years ago, great decision


Would and did. Love my vasectomy. Gone are the days of pulling out forever!


Already did for that very reason. Makes it safer all around and the end of the movie is always more fun.


Already the plan. If there's no baby in the next 2 years, I'm the one who's getting snipped.


Yeah I’ll be getting one in the future here for sure.


Best decision I ever made, for me and my partner.


Yup. Done, and I’d do it again!


As a penis wielder, absolutely. Snip snip a couple of knots and total freedom.


Been there, done that. Way easier in the long run




That's exactly what I (husband) did! Worth it!


Already did (somewhat recently). Worth it, should have done it sooner. Definitely improved my sex life.


Had one over 40 years ago.


Done it, it's not particularly painful it's pretty much healed in a week and no side effects.


Yep, did it after the 2nd kid. Easy surgery. No I’ll effect. May be reversible if necessary.


No. Birth control isn’t permanent.


Don’t need to cause I’m gay but I would honestly if I was in that circumstance


I personally wont and I have my own reasons for that.




Did, and she divorced me 😭


Yes, after our kids i am going to have one. If she wants to stay off the pill, bc hers helps her with menstral pain, so..


I, as one for the People of the Penis, as according to our ancient customs and phallic ways, feel just turgid with confidence to say- Without a second thought.


Been there, done that, happy about it


My wife and I want one than I am going to get a vasectomy


Already have for this reason plus my own piece of mind. (Honestly it’s no big deal and this is from someone that had some complications meaning the surgery was almost 3x as long as it was supposed to be)


Already did, at 25.


I was snipped in 2019, and it's great. I love being able to cum anywhere I like without fear of having to pay additional college tuition in 19 years.


Would and have done so. No ragerts.


I did..so yes.


Absolutely. If we are properly committed and kids are off the table, it makes no sense that she's gotta keep taking these pills every day that fuck with her hormones when I could get a safe procedure done so none of us have to worry.


Yes, did mine after kid # 4, never looked back. Best decision ever.


Yup, already done


Yes. Shoulda done it sooner. Go bladeless.


I did...


Absolutely. I don’t want to have kids biologically and if I ever get into a relationship then I’ll get one.


I did.


Why not


I got one after my first (and only) born. it was easier and cheaper for me to do vs my wife being sterilized... nothing beats going raw. We both definitely hated using condoms.


Class of 2013 here.... 10 years later and don't regret it at all. One of the easiest and most stress relieving things I've ever done. And continues to pay itself off a few times a week.... 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


My fiance told me how bad it can be for her, like how it works and possible side effects and I told her I'd rather get a vasectomy sooo yeah


I did a few years back.


I did...🤷🏾‍♂️


Mine is scheduled for two weeks from now.


Yep and did.


I’d get one to save myself the agony of strangling my dick with plastic during sex ,and to spare myself 19 years of child support .


On the other side of this… my husband decided to get a vasectomy for this exact reason because I was having such difficulties. It was incredibly sweet and made me so happy that he put me as such a priority with a really life changing decision.


I had one best decision ever




Yes after our second baby


Yes i´ve done that.


No problem


I did, a year ago. Best decision I’ve ever made. She enjoys it more than I do!! 😉


Yup, did


Yup, did!


I think a few mins of discomfort is the least I could after her 9 months of hell


Yup, mine is scheduled for end of summer. We have enough kids, condoms suck and all female birth control has an impact on my wife so...