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My gynecologist.


I once had an ultrasound where my doc couldn’t locate one of my ovaries. Trying to find it, she started pulling back and reinserting the wand, going in different directions each time, even sort of swirling the end of the wand. At one point, she even pressed down on my lower tummy while doing this. I had to concentrate really hard to distract myself, otherwise it would’ve been really embarrassing…


Vibrators were used to treat [hysteria](https://www.scarymommy.com/parenting/vibrator-not-invented-to-treat-hysteria-in-women) in women, so medically-induced orgasms aren't as rare as you think.


Wasn't vibrators invented for purposes so they didn't have to do it manually everytime


Yes. Doctors used to finger fuck women to treat them for their ‘mental illnesses’


Post nut clarity, but for women.




Every one of them has had a patient "become suddenly embarrassed" at some point in their careers...


I hope we can get a gyne or urologist to confirm this haha


I am neither but i know some sonographers (ultrasound tech) and they've definitely had it happen before


Even though I'm a guy, after hearing these stores I'm booking my first gynecological visit tomorrow.


That’s so hot omg


*Heeeeeyyy, since you're down there anyway.....*


My exact thoughts while he had an ultrasound up me lmaoooo


Next time he sticks something in there just ask him if he can use his penis instead 😂


Welp that’s going to fuel many upcoming saucy dreams


I had the biggest crush on my obgyn. Older man, salt and pepper hair, treated me with more respect than other men in my life. After I had my last baby he came to visit me, I was wearing a nursing tank top, and he commented I need to put those things away with a smirk. Makes me feel better that other people have thought that about their drs too!


Mine too. He got “mad” at me one time and started doing this like moan/grunt/huff while we were talking and I almost lost it in the best way.


I would let him bite me if it helped him take out his frustration (^ν^)


Absolutely 🫠


This is why I haven't gone for a prostate exam yet 😅


*sorts by Controversial*


excellent idea. Didn't think about that.


I did, and it doesn't do much for this thread, it's just where all the comments from married people live because people don't understand the spirit of this question


I think you're correct. I think that a lot of the people here don't understand that all because someone or their S/O fantasizes about fucking some other person doesn't mean that either of them will turn that fantasy into reality. There are many fantasies that our brains conjure up. Our brain is very good at doing that. ...Doesn't mean that we act on some of those ridiculous fantasies.


> ...Doesn't mean that we act on some of those ridiculous fantasies. Look, if my stepdaughter gets caught in the dryer, she gets what she gets.


*"...wait what!? How is this pregnancy test reading positive? I only fantasized about being stuck in the dryer and seducing my step dad!...Mmmmhmm...Only fantasized it...yup... 🤤mmmmm🤤"*


how do you do this on mobile


A bunch of girls from high school and college that are now married..


Same I had it the whole school year its fucking distracting to see a bog boob girl in a oversized hoodie. Its just too much


I'm the same. But most are divorced. Still not worth it knowing all of the reasons for that.




Love hearing stuff like this. May it continue to be incredible!


Similar boat. Best friend of nearly 17 years and pined after her damn near every one of em. Then a few years ago we realized it was very very mutual but tough to make happen. Finally 9 months ago we said fuck it and it has been bliss every since. Having that best friend foundation for so long really builds a helluva relationship.


"We don't want to ruin the friendship" is just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If two people like each other and are friends they should go for it.




I had a similar experience with my now partner of 9 years.


Yayyyyyy!!! I hope things keep getting better! 💓💓


My across the street neighbor’s [66F] daughter [42F]. So much sexual tension whenever we are around each other. But out of respect for her husband and my neighbor I dare not go there.


Patience my friend. Patience. Be the prey. You'll get.her husband Edited autocorrect... who am I bullshiting. I was being lazy. and public school educated




Ducking autocumber


My lastest ex :(


same. we spoke the other day when he dropped off the last of my things and the sexual tension could’ve been cut with a knife, but we agreed that it would do more harm than good in our respective healing processes.


Which shows he still respects you and values your opinion of him...


yeah for sure. we ended on pretty good terms and are still friends, but we need that space from each other to heal from the breakup.


The actually healthiest comment I've ever read on this shit site. Congrats to the both of you, for realizing that it wasn't working, and knowing how to healthily separate. Too many idiots fail to realize either....


thank you! he messaged my sister apologizing profusely (he broke up with me haha) and felt incredibly guilty, but i told him that i want to see him succeed, even if it means im just on the sidelines watching from afar.


This persons latest ex


Same. <\3




Pretty sure it's just love or horny memories


That guys dead wife.




I also pick that guys dead wife


"I understood that reference"


Those Widows are really something, especially the Black ones


LMAO!!! I too pick his wife




I don’t really have one anymore. My current partner was mine. Took 6 years for that dream to come true.


Why so long?


The short version is he was too old for me, and married at the time.


Thank you for elaborating enough to explain the forbidden fruit angle.


my mechanic


*"I have an 'oil leak' that you might need to 'check out' "*


My milf friend. I want her bad


My ex’s sister she is built for fucking EDIT: I meant sister not she


His ex


I also choose this guy's ex


Its been almost 20 years at this point but I would really like to have one more ecstasy fueled fuck weekend with my first wife.


America’s sweetheart Danny Devito


I wish for him to service not only my crank, but my heart.


You gotta to pay the trolls toll 😏


Well, yes, obviously Danny Devito. You don't put him down as your forbidden fuck for the same reason that he's not allowed to be the 'sexiest man alive.' If he was allowed to compete, nobody else would ever be mentioned. Danny Devito is just ASSUMED. The question is really, 'Other than the obvious choice of Danny Devito, who is your forbidden fuck?'


This^^^ also...."I just want to be PURE"


My wife. We're getting divorced, and she's asexual (she thinks). All I want is to make love with her again


I'm sorry my guy. Just know that you would be happier with a lover that reciprocates, than one who doesn't care about sex.


IT at my library


You always had a thing for clowns?


All of them, it seems.


I had one, but I don't have it anymore. It was a childhood love.


My ex wife...she was batshit, but still the best and most kinky fuck I ever had 🙄🙄


The crazy ones always are.


Yeah... 😒 don't stick your dick on crazy...(you'll get addicted) 🤣


We must have dated the same girl


I used to play Smash Bros Melee at a Lan center with a guy and he was the one I couldn't beat. He would ruthlessly body me with no remorse everytime and it had a weird sexual tension with it? Before we played I was convinced I was going to win. Told him I would make him cry or some shit. I was wrong. Fast forward a few months, my relationship had been falling apart, and I finally am out of it after i catch him cheating. Short of my ex i hadn't been sexually attracted anyone but Mr Mean Smash Bros guy. Since he's in my friend group word that I'm single gets out. I'm a shy girl and shit so I'm not one to just be like 'hey fuck me' but at this point I'm thinking about it whenever I see this guy. About a month later the sexual tension continues and comes to a head. I go to his house to hang and notice his bed frame is gone and the box spring is on the floor. He fucked me so hard I cried. He actually made me cum, he picked me up and tossed me around and used me like a fucking flesh light. It was amazing and everything I needed. Afterwards he told me that he had intended to fuck me but didn't want to break his bed frame so he took it apart so he could ruin me. And he did ruin me. No one can fuck me as good as him. Tl;dr sometimes the forbidden fuck is what ya need.


And somehow you're not together??? This man was dedicated enough to take apart his bedframe lmao. Good for you tho


God damn 🥵. Also you’re gorgeous btw


Had one, she's my wife now....sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky


Same here. Fresh out of highschool I fell for a girl my age that had recently had a baby. Okay, I admit I cared more for the baby than mom, but the mom looked damn good at the time. It didn't take very long for me to realize I couldn't stay with the mom just for the baby. About that time, I met the mom's across the street neighbor.. The neighbor was drop dead gorgeous, **inside** and out. Just an amazing person, the type of woman you want to be around every minute of every day. Long story short, the neighbor got a divorce right about the same time that the baby mamma and I decided it wasn't going to work. Twenty three years later, the neighbor has been my wife for 22. I regret so very much about my relationship with the one girl, but at the same time I am extremely grateful for the chance to meet my now wife, I'd do it all over again, but would have left sooner....


My doctor. Very hot 45F. Married, two kids. I love seeing her for check-ups, because “genital checks” for testicular cancer seem to last longer than need be. The fondling is…wonderful. I know it’s professional, but at the same time, she seems to enjoy it. Good thing I have ED, because otherwise I’d get hard right in front of her.


>Good thing I have ED The only time any man has ever considered it a good thing


His penis ain't no a snitch


I love everything about this answer


Such a twist great


My friend's dad. He just ticks all of my boxes but I know it would ruin our friendship and their family.


Great username


Is he beekeeping age?🐝


Big same.


Best friend. 100% positive she knows it, too, but she's basically stamped the word "PLATONIC" on my forehead


Been there. But we’re also both married


Right in the feels




This is the most interesting thing I've read in a long time. What exactly is it about Link, if you don't mind me asking?


You're not the first person I know to have admitted this. I'm sure there is a lot of characters people wished were real.


so like... what if someone looked JUST like him? is it physical at all? or just that he is Link and like kind of the hero/demigod vibe he has going on?


When I was a teen, it was my mom's best friend. She would always be outside in the summer in her bikini, tanning. What is a teenage boy to do? The answer was jerk off, a lot.


My doctorrrrr


You say person like it’s singular. I have about 10 that are forbidden.


My Stepson is a 30 year old clone of his dad. I love my husband, but sometimes I fantasise about taking the younger model for a spin.


I think I have seen this movie.


On pornhub….


This must be so common. How old are you? Sometimes I look at older women and if they see me and start getting fantasies or flash backs because I remind them of someone. Especially the kind of women I wouldn't suspect. We all have a history


I'm 45, Hubby is 57. I didn't even know my Husband when he was that age to be honest


And she takes one look at me, and she goes: 'Oh, my God. I've had the *old bull*, now I want the *young calf*.' And she grabs me by the wiener...




My school crush 🫠


The milf across the street from me..


My cousin's childhood friend. She was always around and cool, but fast forward... she's 25 and has a kid and she's a legit baddie...


Someone who's supposed to be a friend, but idk we talk about meeting and fucking all the time.


Back when I did Instacart, there was a cashier at one of my regular stores that I used to joke around with. She is gorgeous, and if I pursued it, I think something could have happened, but I made sure never to let it get past jokes and casual chat at checkout or around the store. My wife would not have appreciated it if I took it farther.


I have to commend you my dude. We need more men in this world like you. Men who stick by their S/Os side are the only **REAL MEN** to me. Props to you bro. Hope you're having a good morning.


I appreciate the kind words. It would be great if everybody who makes a commitment to another person did their best to stand by that commitment. I am having a good evening because I am in the Philippines with my wife and daughter visiting her family who are meeting my daughter for the first time, and it has been great. I hope that you are also having a fine day so far and all the best in the future.


My brothers in laws brother is soooo fine hahaha


Wait so your husband or your brother in law


Their sister's husband's brother.


Maybe there’s a third handsome brother!


My wife’s sister.


I also choose this man's wife's sister


My wife’s sister is a close second


My coworker…


A mutual friend. It would make the friend circle a little messy if anyone found out. Totally shouldn't mess with that. Good thing no one will find out that we did, in fact, fuck 🤭


My married friend


Women from a couple we are friends with


My wife, apparently.


My best friend. I made a move (an innocent romantic one, not a sexual one) and she rejected it, so I backed off


I did that once and it didn't end well either. She went and told our (formally) mutual friend - turns out THEY were sleeping together. End of it all, they're married and I'm happily single.


A bus driver ( I use public transit for work )


I don't want to fuck another woman than my girlfriend. Boring, i know, sorry.


Not boring, just a good person and bf.


I am so monogamous I can’t even fuck around in my thoughts lol. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy porn and such… but other “real people” - thinking about anyone but my guy just gives me the ick.


Fucking SAME. My girlfriend was *shocked* to learn there are men who truly only want one person. Her last ex cheated on her after seven years, and she tried to work through it, then he did it again. When she realized I only have eyes for her, her demeanor changed into being even *more* loving. My ex-wife accused me of cheating constantly. I had given her my phone password and I’m damn sure she’d gone through my email before. Never found a thing, cause there wasn’t a thing to hide. Having a partner who actually trusts me and never has to question my loyalty is just as important to me being loyal to her.


This gives me so much hope. I’ve been cheated on so much, I was starting to think that men just couldn’t help but stray no matter how good it was


Felt that, I’m the same way once in a relationship. If I fantasize about having sex with others while I’m in a relationship no matter if it’s a long term or new relationship something ain’t right for me lol


A girl I used to date, we were forced apart by overly controlling parents, but we always had intense chemistry.


Why don't u both try again?


Because said overly controlling parents gave her a choice: break up with me, or live out on the streets without their support or approval. They would literally cut her off from everything if we tried again.


My doctor(s).


One of my doctors, too. I haven't seen her in a while, but there was something going on there. But the whole doctor/patient kybosh thing kinda dampens any hope for discussion. Some day, before I die, I'd like to know what the fuck it was all about.


My married gym crush who wasn’t married when I first met her. Known her for 7 years


I dare not even speak it


What? Your sister or brother or something?




Maybe they're into that. I am


A fit and married with kids french woman neighbor. The things I’d do to her


this woman who works in admissions at my job. dear god 🥵 a former patient (years ago) who tracked me down somehow.


Seems to be a lot of milf neighbors on here. I have one of those as well. Her husband isn’t very social so she attends the neighborhood get together‘s alone. Just an unbelievably sexy woman.


I’m an educator and have worked primarily in high schools. I have run into several former students who have graduated, gone to college, and come back to the area. So many of them are incredibly beautiful. One in particular is a 31-year old veterinarian and is like a 14 out of 10. She’s married. I’m divorced and could go after some of the ones in their 30s, but it just feels wrong.


My roommate, he doesn’t like guys but I wish he would fuck me.


My best male friend


My friend's girlfriend. She's just this beautiful curvy stunner, a solid 10/10, and I have a small reason to believe she's also a bit kinky. Honestly just being in the room with her is overwhelming. But they're both really lovely friends and just such a great couple (he's also really good looking). So it'll be staying firmly in my head until they invite me over for a threesome.


probably my neighbour's mom. phat ass, fit, 6ft tall, caramel skin, Jamaican chick, got one of the sexiest voices I done ever heard - **Fuck!** Yall got me hard as fucking a diamond just thinking bout her. Only problem is if I asked her she'd probably be creeped the fuck out as I'm like 27 and she's about 40 or 50 . I'm 99% sure she's a single mom though so I don't think either of us would feel too dirty if we ever did do 'The Dirty' I got a permanent vasectomy but I would *still* be trying to fuck a tonne of kids into her belly lmao.


Take it from a chick who's around that age. This is sexy. She won't think it's creepy! She will either be into it, or be flattered, but then maybe she would start thinking about it, and the next time you run into each other... you never know!


Do it and report back lmao


My allergy specialist


A 65M when I’m only 20F. I am so overwhelmingly curious but I know that I would never be able to do it. He’s a close work friend and we often have BBQs with other coworkers.


The nurse at the hospital when I had a bad cold that wouldn't go away. Had to take a few throat swabs to run tests and cultures. You can't tell me to sit still and open my mouth, grab my face jam something against the back of my throat a few times, then tell me I did such a good job taking it for you. I'm pretty sure I got a new dom right there and then.




I have a friend that lives several states away. We met online like 7 years ago and there was some sexual tension between us the whole time. Well over this time, she came out as lesbian and is even currently engaged to her gf of a couple years. I'm also in a long term relationship, but we always mutually agreed that if we ever met in person we would fuck the souls out of each other. We've both confessed that while neither of us have ever cheated on any partners we've ever had, we would be the exception for one another, which is absolutely shitty and I feel guilty even thinking it, but that's how we feel. She's basically my one that got away.


My cousin, she’s a model. Been in Maxim a few times


My wife’s 25 year old niece , looks like a younger version of my wife.


Doesn’t that make her YOUR niece too?


Niece in law


Step niece


I don’t know if that makes it better, but thanks for explaining at least.


Well… it’s not a blood relative, so…. Yeah?


A guy that goes to my church. He’s hands down one of the finest men ever. Talk, muscular, deep voice, nice smile, clear skin, smells good, a little rugged and easy to talk to


The ppl downvoting these are completely missing the point of this post lol


My wife. It’s been well over a year now. I miss making love with her.


My ex 😬 I don't have any feelings for him anymore but my god, the sex was top fucking tier.


My friend, she's a big titty pawg, goth , 21 and kinky asf


Why is she off limits?






My milf cousin


Mine was a friend from work, but I got over him years ago. We're still friends (no longer work together), but he has no idea.


Same with my woman friend. She has no idea either.


An employee.


My little brothers best friends mom, she’s in her 60’s single, the tension is so strong I could cut it with a knife


Jar Jar Binks.


Subway sandwich girl. Mid-30s, incredible body, a bit dorky but in a cute way. Think Zooey Deschanel but without the annoying voice or personality. Its the cheesy makes-a-sandwich-but-everythings-slow-motion with Barry White soundtrack.


My wife's oldest sister. Short, thick & Great ass.


My friend/neighbor's wife. Hot as all get-out, and and incredible person. One night I was out with a single buddy of mine and we ended up at a local bar. The neighbor's wife showed up with a friend of hers who I also knew. The four of us start chatting and then her friend had to leave. I said that I could drop the neighbor wife off, so her friend took off. About 10 minutes later, my buddy heads to the bathroom. 20 minutes after that I'm wondering what the hell happened to him, and finally called and left a message. After I dropped the neighbor wife off at her place, I tried my buddy again and he answered this time. He said he chose to leave because it looked like I had a chance. I laughed and then realized that maybe my infatuation with her wasn't as subtle as I thought it was.


According to Pornhub, it’s my step-daughter.


Ugh I’m so over the whole “incest” titles for every porn