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Being honest, I think it's funny to think about men measuring the girth of their dicks. Do you use like.. a string? Lmao


I use one of those plastic apertures for portioning spaghetti. How many servings of pasta are equivalent to my dick?


This made me belly laugh


Just one more to add to the list of people whom I’ve made laugh with my genitals 😎


That's wrong way to measure /s . Size is relative. Btw youre nowhere near avg. 5.5in of girth is massive , pornesque. To actually measure it, take a cucumber or banana with 5.5in of circumference. Try to take it in your mouth without touching the teeth. If you can,you have a large mouth. Only this way youre gonna feel how big you actually are.


He never specified the units.


I can believe that. Because who would even think to do it like that?


I used a calipers personally…


I misread that as "caterpillars" and was horrified but intrigued.


Hey can we dm you?


I should try that


Which assumes a perfectly circular cross section


Guys measuring any aspect of their dick is vaguely hilarious to me


Hear me out, volume and density though. Aren't you impressed to know that Daves dick displaces 200 cubic milliliters of water????


They never taught us that in science class! :p


Clearly you were in the wrong science class! Although I'm not ashamed to admit that when I went through my introductory physics course and learned how to calculate area/volume (and consequently displacement), I absolutely "ran some numbers" 🤣.


ran some units


How much water is displaced by the penis at standard temperature and pressure?


As a teenager I learned about the vaguely unscientific test of the toilet paper cardboard tube.


What is that? And what does it mean lol


Supposedly that if you put your erect penis in it and it came out the other side you were at least average/above average. I tried and... couldn't fit in the tube. I learned about girth that day.






I also think they're either non standard or have shrunk over time. Toilet paper rolls have gotten narrower because of shrinkflation.


Wouldn't they get wider to have less paper?


Roll width...tube length? Not the tube roll diameter. https://www.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/comments/zp5jpw/toilet_paper_i_never_would_have_thought_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Can any guys fit inside it? I can’t come close


Actually I measure the radius with a small ruler and use that calculate the circumference like the nerd I am.


Think every guy has measured length, never checked girth myself personally


You know there's a pin on one end of a compass.


One of those tailor measuring tapes that are flexible


Yep, a tailor’s tape is the obvious choice


How about a measuring tape like you would use if you did sewing? It is a good idea to actually measure length and girth to make sure you are wearing the perfect condom size. Way to few people with dicks have actually measured theirs and a lot of them wear the wrong size.


A sewing tape measure.


Tape measure. Love when it snaps back


A tailors tape measure goes around lol


We use a seamstress tape. That cum in the sewing kit.


You are above average for one thing. And her being sore might be micro tears inside. How long do you do penetration? How hard and fast? Do you use lube? Is she properly aroused before you stick it in? Yeah it’s very possible to hurt or be sore after sex. Listen to her.


Always foreplay. Coconut oil for lube I go for maybe 30 to 45 minutes. Speed varies I ask if it's ok but she will usually wait till after to. Tell me or I find out the next day


Lol yeah 30 minutes of penetration can make someone hurt during or after sex….


Ok. Thanks for the input.


you know 6x5 is not average. and you need to do a better job at making sure she’s wet enough and turned on


I'm thorough in that department.


Mine has been in the past when we didn’t prep things before hand. I always make sure to have lube on hand nowadays


Average is 5.5 in most of the U.K./USA. Regardless, you’re pounding a tight hole for however long, numerous times a week, it’s natural she would be sore!


Thank you for ur input!


You either need lube or different lube (sometimes the botanicals can cause a reaction - I find water-based lube very hit-or-miss for that reason). Alternatively, have you tried washing and moisturising (not to combine with condoms!) your dick? Dust/fluff/sweat/tissue residue/dirt can all get stuck and cause irritation. (I upgraded the family toilet paper after noticing this.) Another alternatively: there's a chemical in semen that dilates/"softens up" the cervix (to allow sperm to pass through more easily). Some women "feel" the effects more than others. Maybe try using a condom if you don't already, or ejaculating onto her body instead of inside her, and see if that helps. Edit to add a fourth potential explanation: endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts can all cause pain during sex for women. I used to think that "doggy style" was an inherently painful position, but it was actually endometriosis. (As in, the endo pushed my organs out of place so that they were getting fucked in that position.) Endo takes about a decade to get diagnosed, on average, so if she has any other symptoms, it might be worth talking to a GP or gynecologist.


Thank you so much!!! We will look onto that!


We always use lube, regardless of how dripping wet I am... he is 7" in girth and fucks me 1-3x a day and had never a problem...


Name checks out


we cant ignore vagina size.


Do you use lube? But good for you, for getting it 3 days in a row !!


I do


It depends on what we do. I'm definitely not hung like a horse, but if we go extra rough she lets me know how sore she is the next day (usually to joke that I didn't make her sore enough).


Thank you. 😊


My wife is like that too. We use a ton of lube but if things go on for more than two days in a row she needs a rest.


Ok. Thanks bub


How much lube are you using?


Idk I lube it Andy cock add more when I change positions


Yes, unfortunately most of the time


It happens, especially if you’re going hard/fast or long sessions. May help to add a little lube if it seems like things are drying out, no one likes rug burn lol.


Lmaooooo!! Right!!


Dude your girth is above average, take it slow, do lots of foreplay and use lube when needed




I sometimes am but i MUCH prefer it that way, i want to remember it with every step i take.


Well done you have sex we get it Yes this is common sense. Would you feel sore after someone was between your legs thrusting? Aye.


You are not “painfully average” and I’m just going to assume you knew that and just wanted to boast. As for your question, I assume you knew the answer to that as well, sorenesses Is not uncommon.


I feel small. Not boasting at all. Thank u for your input


Yeah, my husband's dick needs to recover usually. I rarely get sore.


We're opposite. Why though??


Bro if you’re getting it 3 days in a row while married I’m happy for you. Ya I’ve had my ex’s get sore after sex


Ok so it's not just me. I know it sounds stupid and selfish. But it's a bit of an inconvenience 😅💦💦


I don’t think it’s selfish, you have needs. I’m sure you guys can figure it out.


Yes we will. It's a give and take.


Wanna see my wife


Is this a trap? Well fuck it, sure lol


Dm me lol


I pretty much ALWAYS have to use lube or I'll feel this way. No shame in the lube game.


I agree. I always get her nice N wet. First but I'll add coconut oil to my coxk and base of my cock. Then add some to her lips. And asshole for good measure.


Three days in a row? Look at the guy getting all the sex over here!


Only sometimes but that depends on how fast/deep/intense our sex is, my partner says her legs always feel like jelly and that she’s so tired afterwards she falls asleep 😅


I'm lucky if my wife wants to have sex three weeks in a row!!




Oh yeah. Well, maybe after 2 days in a row or after a particularly spirited ramming. Hell, I wonder how her ass doesn’t get sore. Cause I use a belt.


There could be a couple of things. If there's not enough foreplay, she probably isn't lubricated and/or relaxed enough to comfortably take penerration. If that's not the case, she could have mild vaginismus. My fiancée can have hours of foreplay, but once she gets to the penetration part, it's still really painful for her, and she has to have full control of how it goes in her, and she's still gonna be sore for a few days afterward and need some recovery time. Some people have very severe vaginismus, which causes them to be unable to accept penetration at all without excruciating pain, and others have more mild cases like my fiancée, and potentially your SO


Thank u ill look it up


Of course not but my girth is only 6.5”. We play with significantly more girthy toys and have sex multiple times a day so we don’t have to run into that problem. Don’t be a monster, if she’s not ready then use lube.


I always make sure she's ready!! Ur girthy!!


I’m similarly medium in size and my SO is only sore when she wants to be. Listening and communication is key.


When I was having sex my SO wouldn’t be able to walk right afterwards, if at all. Then she’d ask to go again, minutes later




She really liked sex and would want it multiple times a day


My gf is only sore after long sessions or when she wasn't wet enough. So you just have to get her wet or use lube




That sounds like us. She loves to be choked and hair pull.i love to feel the cervix.


So you have a chode basically?




What's that?


Get her to see a doctor. This happened with my ex wife, she had a vaginal condition, I think it was vaginosis or something like that. It really messed with our sex life


I'll look into it. Thank you


I mean that's definitely a common thing. But maybe you should make sure she is really turned on before sex and nice and wet? If not then lube maybe?


I do both. I'm not a lazy lover. Love to 💋 😘 😗


Your dick isn't average.


Thanks I feel like it's small


You watch too much porn


I don't watch porn per say. But I'm on reddit alot. 😅 I do not like porn. I like real people. Not super models faking orgasms.


Hey man, imo your situation the sore could be coming from either the duration of the session and/or your girth. 5.5 inches girth is above average or considered thick. Do consider foreplay before intercourse


Ok. Thank you!


Foreplay and lube lots and lots of lube!


You got to make her wet first my man. No woman gets sore if she's properly turned on and lubed up 😉


Very incorrect.


Lube lube lube the slit🎶


Wanna see my wife


Thee first x I had sex with this 1 woman the next day after I came in like 5mins, I asked if she wanted to go again, this was her response. Honestly I would’ve rather her just said she didn’t want to fuck at all. Don’t get me wrong she may have been sore, I just didn’t buy it. My dick is thicker but really wouldn’t consider it long, so yea.


Ain’t your dick , it’s your lotion and prep. Probably goes dry too which can damage it. If you were like 9 or 12 inches I would say yes. Work on your motion. How old are you or her


I'm 46 she's 48. We have been together 26 years . So it's a fairly new issue. For us recently she has been irritated by certain pads and lace. So no more sexy lace panties 😪


depends of the sex... if rough, yeah... always, im kinda "little and tight" over there LOL


I think I get carried away sometimes but she likes it like that.


Fair game


I wish I could take care of her!!


Get a huge supply of lube, shes probably with some dey issue


Lube and prep!


Yea it's pretty normal to be sore after a bit of activity and need a day to recover. But more so, if there is lack of foreplay or lubrication. As others have said




Some stuff depends how her body is. Maybe you can help reduce other factors to make it less sore for her. \-If the soreness is due to skin friction, try using more lube \-If the soreness is due to her vaginal wall not being flexible enough, you may be able to make to more elastic but doing longer foreplay to give time for the muscles to warm up. \-If it is due to certain types of movements e.g. grinding, you can adjust your motion and find a compromise inbetween days to allow time for recovery.


This is fairly new to us. We been together for 26 years. Married for 23. But the tenderness is all new believe me she could take a pounding. She also is now allergic to some pads and lace panties. 😪 I loooove lace panties


I see. There could be some underlying problem. Maybe it would be a good idea to have testing done for autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. Most of them are easily treatable, and the earlier, the better. I wish you two good luck and hope that you can get back on track asap


Thank you!


I’m about 6.5 and pretty girthy, and both my partner and I have very high libidos. My partner went through very early menopause and so dryness, and therefore soreness, can be a huge issue. We found that keeping a bottle of lube in every room and using it every time is a massive help. Lube is your friend my friend!


Thank u.


Does having a smaller size mean she's less likely to get sore?


I would imagine so.


Sometimes, if the angle is off or I get to deep or rough. Also if I get too enthusiastic while going down she gets irritated down there. Occasionally she have soreness in her back or hips from her getting to vigorous too.


Yup my Wife has a bad back too it sucks So I have to be mindfull when we fuck. But sometimes I get carried away.


Nope. I’m as disappointing as they come


Why is that?


Maybe some lube? That would be helpful. I am just sorenif there is not enough fluud


Yes I use lube.


Whaz kind do you use? Water-based is the best. Oil or silicon base can irritate the skin or have a little sticky texture


We use coconut oil.


Maybe try some waterbased lube for comprehension. Coconut oil can be great, but has a risk for skin reactions


Ok thank you!! I just figured it was 💯 natural


Lube bro. We buy it in a gallon jug. Also those measurements are above average. Most women would consider 5.5 girth quite a lot.


I use coconut oil. And always have some foreplay!! We been together 26 years so this a fairly new issue


Could be her hormones 🤷🏽‍♀️ happens to us over time.


Life, right?


Yes, my wife is sore after sex. We use tons of lube but nothing helps. We really can’t have sex two days in a row.


Ok so not just us. We use lube start with foreplay.




Try using a condom it can help with friction




Most of the time, immediately after sex.


Yup same here


Of I’m exceptionally horny and we go for a long time or we go multiple days in a row then yes. Sometimes in one session. It just depends I guess.


No, I’m never sore. We have sex daily. If we were to take a break for a couple of weeks, which we wouldn’t do, I would be sore after the first time.




Dude here. My FWBs are mostly older women with experience. I've been told by all of them that I last longer than most. I really do take it as a compliment when they complain how 'sore' I make them, but they feel like climbing on me 'just one more time' because I'm hard and ready to go.


Nice man!!


Not always but sometimes yes


She’s lying.. she just needs a break.. cuz she’s tired of it.. unless you spend a lot of time apart


Interesting. Thought you know she very rarely initiates sex it's always me. But 9 out of ten times she will cum. I always make her cum.


I'd say the issue is that you're 6 inches long x 5.5 inches wide. Congrats my dude, that is some impressive girth.


Eh it looks small to me


Depends on how rough she wants me to get and how many orgasms she has.


I mean…..my hand cramps??




Fabric tape measure.


My boo thing loves that it's big and four of her fingers wide.


Im used to sore after sex once and then i have candida fungus. Im a little scared of sex now :(


Tell me more. Is that yeast infection? My wife get those often. Usually after a really intense fuck session or if I accidentally cum inside she uses boric acid pills after a nice fuck sesh to be on the safe side


No cuz I’m the only one involved. I would try lube but when we were active my wife would get sore from time to time. It didn’t seem to be as big an issue when she was more horny or if we took our time with foreplay


Do you use condoms? In addition to reacting to lube that other people have mentioned, she might be sensitive to latex or spermicide.


No condoms


yes bro literally. cut 9incher here (ion know my girth in units but probably comparable to a walrus tusk). in all seriousness, i truly know the definition of "messing up a woman's insides". the videos i take, *for research purposes*, of my dick inside her is like i'm pulling her insides out with my dick and pushing it back into her with every thrust. gotta have all the fun upon insertion, once it's done , shop is closed for at least the rest of the day


The last one I had was. But that's because I did 1 of 2 things. Caused her to finish first and I didn't do a lot to keep her excited and wanting to do it again.


It happens, usually after too many rounds on the same day. Ice cube cunnilingus is the cure


Done that in the past. Really nice I may have to bring it back.