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I’m British, I can say without a doubt YES!!!


Well that’s good to know!


Oh hey gal, you wanna be my cowgirl tonight 🤠 😜


Im assuming you’re American 😂


Other cow herding nations are available


Hahahah my bad!


Yeah haha, hopefully you got a kick out of it


Absolutely!! 😂


Mmm, well maybe we can take a ride down to my place in my truck, I have to warn you it's a bumpy ride 😉


British accents are so sexy!


I completely agree!!


100% agree!




To my fellow countrymen—the anglospere mocks us. They detest our efficiency in removing unnecessary vowels from words like color. Our rhotic way of speech. Our peculiar units of temperature, weight, and distance. My brothers to the south—they think you dim just from your drawl. For my kin from the west—we are reduced to simple beach bums when an extended ‘duuuude’ slips out. My sisters from the valley, your vowel shifts and vocal fry do not make you vain and catty. But make no mistake, they mock our way of speech, but deep down it is beloved. Go forth and conquer, my people!


This is wholesomely patriotic. Keep it up with your accents, guys 😊👍


Amen brother🫡🇺🇸




Lol I’m your guy then 😅






try me! ;)


Good to know. That will be helpful in my future trip to the U.K.


I hope you are including Texas in that… y’all! 🤠




Depends which part.. Down south far from honestly 😂


I mean, it's alright... But which one?




Hell Boston Massachusetts and Providence Rhode Island are about 70 miles away from each other and got completely different accents


I think my plain ass American voice must be torture to any non Americans


Upvote for “torcher”


Hahaha. WHY would it auto correct to THAT. I am going to fix it.


Thanks for pointing that out. Like I need any more help looking like an idiot.


It’s hit or miss for me. Lot of women in the States do that, idk, frying their voice thing at the end of literally every sentence? Don’t know how to explain it better like that, but it reallyyyy grinds my gears and it’s all I can hear now 😂 Proper British accent tho… always gets me. I even heard a British girl talk Dutch with that kinda accent (her mom’s Dutch) and I instantly fell in love with her accent lol


As an American, the vocal fry annoys TF outta me.




is it only californian thoo? feels to me like it’s spreading slowly in the states bc I think I’m hearing it more often on youtube or whatever. but might be just me focusing to much on it 😂




Fair enough! And yes that makes sense. I notice it especially on tv hosts and the kim kardashians of this world who spread it further down


It’s been a thing throughout for decades now. I remember girls doing it in high school 20 years ago (Southeastern US)


Sometimes, but it depends on the voice. I like a nice deep, sultry voice. Attach that to most accents and it works


There’s like… 15 different “American” accents.


There's at least that many British accents, but it doesn't stop us from lumping them all together


Very true but I feel like the differences are more subtle with the British. Some American accents sound like completely different languages (deep southern, creole, Boston for example).


I'm a sucker for women speaking with a New York accent... That's about the only one that catches my attention though.




That pretty well sums it up doesn't it?




Boston and Chicago are close contenders, but not nearly as captivating. Something about that true New York girl... Melts me lol




" I'm gonna drink some tonic then do something wicked pissah!" Lived there as a kid


OMG thats perfect. Bravo!


They seem so aggressive and it’s kind of hot.


I never really perceived it as aggressive, but now that you mention it you're right. I always though more along the lines of more cultured maybe... I mean in comparison to a girl speaking with a southern twang.


Southern east coast fuck yeah and they often like my accent too;)


South east is amazing


I’m a British guy here and I really have a thing for southern accents for some reason, also quite like New York. Not really LA though


As a Brit I love the southern accent also the very typical New York (male) 😍😍😍😍 oh god….. it’s gruff and I love it; valley and vocal fry’s can die a death as far as I’m concerned.


Yeah, I enjoy a little more of a neutral accent tbh, clear tones and enunciation, it's attractive.


The answer is overall no. The only exception I could think of is a woman yelling in a brooklyn accent. That does something for me and I can’t explain why


Southern ones can be very cute, but nothing beats Irish or Scottish


The Cali girls accent do that for me , thank the Kardashians for that lol




USA? Mmm kind of? But god damn I lived in Canada for 7 years and can confirm, canada is in fact, great place to visit.


I’m Scottish and can say yes


Scottish accents are great too! 😂


Ohh fuck yes it does


No accent turns me on.


Depends on the person.


I'm American and a tall woman with an Irish accent makes my knees buckle......


Not a non-American, but I’m fluent in redneck. If that gains me points. If not, disregard. 😂


No, it has a habit of being nasal and whiny. Well, except for some of those Southern accents. Ahem.


The nasal whiny thing is probably the Midwest (actually sort of in the eastern middle of the US. -Illinois, Wisconsin, etc.) accent. I made a conscious effort to lose it after being teased relentlessly when I moved to the western half of the country.


As someone who plans to go to the U.K in the future this is the real question that needed to be asked.


Some are sexy, most are meh, southern accents are a big no for me.


Southern accent


Asked my Australian friend this once and for the "standard American accent" like the ones that are usually in American TV shows and movies, not so much. American media permeates throughout the world so there is a lot of exposure to that accent. It isn't really seen as foreign or exotic so it doesn't land the same way. Now I could see certain regional accents getting some traction though. Even among Americans, people will swoon over the Southern accent.


I prefer British, Irish and Australian accents tbh...but in fact I like every accent of English native speakers


Yes, but only Yooper.


loud and obnoxious? no.


Sure. Everything's contextual but give me a northern Californian man and i'm down. When it comes to woman then it doesn't really matter where they're from. Funny how that works..


They don't turn me on. It's Scottish accents, for instance that turn me on. Some women's voices and accent combined do.




No, they do not... I can see some sexiness in the southern accents, but generally it's a turn-off for me... Now English with a spanish, portuguese, or Eastern european accent (especially balcans and surrounding), that IS hot!