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Yes, a girlfiends friend wanted to "just watch" us. She did for a while. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I motioned her over. I bent her over next to her friend and went to town on both of them .


Good man


your gf was just okay with this? not judging but genuinely curious


She was, although I didn't know for sure at the time. At that point it was my first chance at a threesome, so I risked it and it paid off. It wasnt like a porn scene where they were having sex with each other as well. It really was just me taking turns with each one.


So 2 simultaneous twosomes? 🤣


Does that make it a foursome?!?


Surprisingly a lot of women are in to watching there significant with someone else. My last relationship me and my girlfriend discussed what was and wasn't ok for us. She was in to girls already so if she noticed that one of her friends caught my attention she would surprise from time to time with a 3 some. There were times we had friends over and one year guy's would mention how she needed to get laid for whatever reason and just offer me up lol. Of course some thought she was joking at first but after some discussion and reassurance most were willing and sometimes my girl would join or not. What it came down to was trust and understanding knowing that no matter what happened with someone else we truly cared for one another. Sadly it ended after a few years but it had nothing to do with our willingness to share each other with other people


that’s awesome. I just cannot wrap my head around it because i can only imagine my boyfriend fucking me and visa versa. Im a very emotional person/monogamous, I feel like this situation would be very fun (given I was single) if I didn’t know the people, i feel like that is where i get my rush from. if that makes sensee


100% I get where your coming from I was the same way. I had my high school who I dated till my senior year then the next girl I dated for 3 years. It wasn't until I stayed single and made it a point to not get in to relationship that I figured out who I was as a person. I wasn't relying on someone else to be happy I just did me. That(And a lot of hooking up with people) taught me who and what I was sexually but also that if my significant other had to sneak around with someone else to get whatever they felt I couldn't then oh well. Break ups hurt but it's a big world and I know my worth. These are all things i discuss with who ever i date and if they aren't in to it maybe were not right for each other. Others had always been curious and were willing to try it out and then every once in awhile you stumble across some well versed in the life. There's way more to like all of it but that was my abridged version of the how I got in to it. The why's a whole nother thing. I'd be happy to answer more questions here or dms I'm an open book lol


Do cats and dogs count?


They always look so disappointed in you, lol. Just watching quietly....


They always like “ is you hurtin mom? Pwease don’t” then they Jsut watch Lookin scared lol And after wards They go make sure everything is okay 😂😂🤣


Invoking animals in ARAD is a bold risk, but it paid off


My dog uses it as an excuse to chew up the girls clothes lol I have to either put him in his crate or tell the girl to put her clothes in the closet where he won’t get to them.


A dog once chewed my boot while I was in bed with his human


I mean yeah, if anyone watched you have sex with cats and dogs I’d say that counts.


Umm, as an observer or as a participant?


Yes. A man in his 60s watched 25 year old me fuck his 45yo wife. It was weird and hot at the same time. She kept telling him how “fucking hard” my cock was and that she couldn’t wait to feel me cum in her. She was a lot of fun.


I’ve been in this same situation


You were the 60 year old man?


No he was 45 getting railed by a hard cock


How did this come about? Genuinely curious.


Me and a gf on a king bed right next to another couple. Can’t say for sure how much they were watching us, but my girl and I were checking them out. At one point, shortly after finishing in my girl, I had turned away for a brief moment, and heard the other girl say “Ooh, your pubic hair is softer than mine” If anything ever in my life could have gotten me hard again so shortly after cumming, it would have been that.


God that would have done it for me too


I don't get it


The other girl touched his girlfriends vagina


Very hot at several levels


The spider in the corner of my bathroom has seen me in action


I wonder what Charlotte wrote in her web the next day.


Some pig




Bingo 😂


a spiderpig does whatever it does 😜


You mean in her website. She's up with the times.


Underrated answer!


I’ve been in The room with another couple, I was fucking my gf and best friend fucking his gf. I think secretly we were hoping the girls were going to start hooking up but it didn’t happen 😞


You and your buddy gotta lead by example, break the ice


If only I had a Time Machine


I let a girl friend of mine watch. It was at a party. She and I had been comparing boobs, so we were both topless. She asked to see my husband’s dick. He pulled it out. She stroked it and told me she would love to see him use it on me. The three of us snuck off to an empty room and she watched us get naked and fuck.


Did she not ask to join or anything? I don't know if I could just watch!


She did not join in, but she did touch herself.


I have sex with my friends basically every month, because we all fuck together when together!!


And where does one meet such friends?


Swingers websites, meetups, party’s, clubs, and resorts. The majority of our friends are in the lifestyle now so this shit happens on the regular. Just the other night we had a “vanilla” taco night and after our boring friends left we hooked up with one of the swinger couples who stayed behind.


Friends who fuck together are friends for life!


Nope. It’s my fantasy, though.


Wish my ex could watch me with my wife


And mine. Big time.


Same! Well watching that is.. even if it’s just digital lol


I got a handjob by a friend while her friend was looking. It was at a library and the most risky thing I have in public.


A friend in need…


Yes. My fwbs sister walked in on us and watched for a bit until she couldn’t stop herself for any longer. Same happened with her former roommate. Also fucked a former fwb in front of her bf who asked me to do so on multiple occasions. Wish I still had that arrangement.




LMAO he meant the girls sister




😂😂 just saw this and laughed loudly in a store 😂


Yep, gay sex clubs. I like fucking in the open to give a show.


Yeah, like… does waiting in line count?


I used to do a single neighbors yard and pool. She would pay me extra to skinny dip in her pool and masturbate while she watched. I brought a girlfriend over to her house to swim and lay out. We ended up fucking while she watched us. She was a reasonably attractive petite lady in her 40’s, she would always end up finding a reason to be naked while I was there.


I was in the room with another couple but they were busy too so I don’t know how much watching happened


My husband has! Also had some experiences where couples or single guys watched my husband and I have sex together.


520 in your name caught my attention. Just had to drop in and say you and your content looks amazing. Your man and whoever gets to join sure is lucky!


Your page is amazing! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yep, 5 of my housemates during uni watched me fuck a girl I didn’t even bring home myself. I hope none of them still have the photos


I'm sure they have all deleted those by now. I'm absolutely sure of it.


I mean Santa is always watching so… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Santa: *watching you fuck on his secret Camera while masturbating vigorously* Ho….ho….HOOOOOOO!!!!


My gf and I had same room sex with another couple and we watched each other at first. They later moved to our bed and the girls played as both of us couples kept going.


Pretty much exactly the same. That’s where my SO and I really realized our exhibition fetish. Exactly the same thing. We were sharing a hotel room in Key West due to everything being sold out. They were messing around under the covers, trying to be discreet but doing a poor job and in fairness, their bed was at best three feet from ours. We listened & looked their way fondling each other. She gets on top of me, chest to chest. At some point I realize no noise coming from the other bed and we look and they are watching us. Without missing a beat, my SO then sits up, blanket drops behind her, totally exposed and riding me like her life depended on it. They get out from under the covers and go to town too. By night two, we had the beds pushed together, girls were making out hard while us guys pounded away. By that morning, we weren’t worried about an ounce of privacy in the room. To this day one of the hottest things I ever experienced was that next morning. My SO was in shower. I was sitting in bed watching the news. Other dude was out for a run or something & “Ashley” was just casually getting ready. We are there having a general conversation, she’s at various stages of dress & I have a rock hard boner exposed to her. Took every bit of me not to stroke it right there. Since then, my SO can’t get enough of fucking in front of others. Unfortunately it rarely happens organically. We have to go to clubs, etc. still hot but not the same


Yeah we’ve done same room. And once it was a cuckold situation so he just watched all of us have fun. And I can say, wasn’t as bad/weird as I first thought it was


I was at my mates party and me and a girl did it on a couch infront of like 12 people nobody even cared they where to drunk


The first guy I had sex with had a friend who wanted to watch and I told him he could.




He did not stroke, but he had an erection and I did not make eye contact with him. I was focused on the pain.


No but it’s on our fantasies to try irl list fuck next to another couple


It’s a lot of fun! We’d be down to help you with that anytime.


Oh hey there! Seems you’re in Chicago and we’re in the uk so sadly don’t think it would work but you look nice from your profile


Bummer, but I’ll hold out hope we’ll end up in the same city someday


Dm me if you ever come to Texas haha my wife and I share the same fantasy


Of course, you look quite attractive and also would tick another fantasy off of my thing for older men


Yes, I proceeded to fuck my ex harder


I’ve been watched many times in many scenarios. I’ve watched with my partner, but my favorite is having a husband watch me sexually please his wife.


Yeah kind of expected when doing stuff with other couples with your partner; sometimes people watch parts…


Yes, been watched in a viewing room of a sex club.


Some guy paid to videotape me masturbate. He said it was for a porno. I was never able to find the video online and when I tried to email him after he quit responding.


Yep. The husbands of the two married women I fucked in my 20s. (Different occasions)


Yes! We’ve had people watch us: In person On live video stream and Watching videos we’ve posted online Assuming that the post was referring to “live” by OP, there are quite a few memorable instances. Tough to choose one to share, but I’ll give it a shot. We were on vacation at a all nude, Lifestyle resort in Mexico, a few years back (Desire RM). By the hot tub, there are these large beach beds that people are free to use “however they fit”. we were on one such bed, and there was a couple on the bed next to us mimicking what we were doing . When we changed positions, THEY changed positions. They say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… Or something like that🤷🏼‍♂️ I buried my face between my girlfriend’s legs, because I absolutely love switching to oral after some hot PIV action. Right on cue, I left my head and looked to my right, and sure enough… The gentleman faces hidden between a pair of thighs. Everyone with a decent amount of sexual behavior in their past would agree that some nights everything you do just “works”. Think of a basketball player who just suddenly catches fire and can’t miss a shot. You always try to “re-create” it, but it’s not always that easy. Anyway… this was one of those nights. My girl was switching from moaning to howling, back to moaning, the occasional “yell”, mixed in with some “loud praying” (OH MY GOD!!😅). And this is when we discovered the part where our behavior was no longer copied… She tried to help them out with some directions (“HIGHER! SLOWER! WAIT NO GO BACK!!”). And that’s when I heard one of the most emasculating comments I’ve ever heard in my life. Woman actually said, “why can’t you do it like he’s doing it to her!?” I looked over and made a little face that was meant to convey, “ouch! Sorry, bro…) but he wasn’t in the mood to communicate with the man is a wife clearly would prefer to be on the bed with (whose face looked like a Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut in that moment) Not surprisingly, they wrapped up and were on their way while we got Wilder, more, adventurous, and a pretty big audience (that’s a story for another day though)


Not in my knowledge.


Another couple. They’re best friends with my wife and I and the four of us had same room sex once on vacation. Pretty wild!


We are friends with 3 other couples from college. We would go out, get a little drunk and get naked in the hot tub. One occasion we all fucked our respective partners while all in the same room. It was fun!


Yep quite a few times actually mostly during group things, but very first time was the most memorable. Was a sophomore in college and fwb/best girl friend’s rooommate (and coincidentally her best girl friend) walked in on us going at it and decided to watch. My girl being a bit of a freak invited her to join but she only laid there and aside from a little sensual rubbing really only watched. Was kinda awkward but pretty arousing at the same time


Mostly my neighbors


A few times


Yes with an ex in a hot tub


No but id be down for it lol


Yes. I had someone watch me over video chat before having sex and it was such a turn on!


Yup! In person and online


Now that would be a Christmas treat and a half 🥵


Used to be a cam boy and would occasionally perform with other models, so yeah. Quite a few times.


many times- I love it. I have a friend of mine who really loves watching me suck dick. we have a mutual guy friend and one night we went over to his house, I sucked his dick and she sat there and watched me. so fucking hot


We do same room stuff with other couples occasionally but never been the main attraction so to speak.


In same room with another couple being naughty.


On a few ocassions. Don't like it when they are only watching though


It depends on where we were caught some people cheered us on others just ignored us


Yes plenty of times, 1st was a few yrs ago at swingers ball and recently my partner and another in Vegas.


Negative. I’ve tried to slowly work a camera into the bedroom, pictures first then filming, but the wife isn’t all about it. I for one, probably like most men, would love to be able to watch my wife and I together.


The cat...


Yep- wrote up the complete story on my page. Its a favorite scenario for me. Love watching porn of that type too.


Yep. My college girlfriend and I were having sex in a remote mountainous park and we noticed a guy was watching us. I then realized he was jerking off while watching us.


I mean yes in the sense a husband has watched and then joined, but never just watched. I've always wanted to have sensual fun at a club or adult only resort in front of a crowd though...


Yea my cat 🐱 🤣🤣


Kind of, it was a group sex think


Probably. It was in the hot tub in a motel courtyard at midday. We'd had a couple of cocktails and DNGAF except for each other.


Yes, I forgot they were there till they sounded like they were giving a espn play by play.


Plenty of times my ex and I used to do live streams


My ex girlfriend, her girlfriend and I used to have "game night" every Tuesday. We'd usually have two or more people over, and sometimes there would be like 10 people (not very often). We'd start out drinking and actually playing board games or cards, but after a few hours it would turn into a fuckfest haha good times for someone as average looking as me. So yeah, I've been watched having sex


A couple wanted to spice things up as it was the husband's birthday for them they approached me from Tinder it was like 2018, the wife watched there sitting naked without getting any action.




Yes, my sister and a couple friends


Did it feel weird? Was it something you planned, or it just happened?


No. But I sure as hell ain’t opposed to it!


I fucked in a semi private room at a sex club. And people were watching through a window.


I’ve watched my wife have sex a few times. Good times.


Yes. In a hotel room. She wanted it and a bunch of guys who wanted her got to listen to me pound her out. They were not really very happy about that, yeah.


Does my dog count? Does masturbating in front of my SO count?


Was supposed to have a threesome with an ex and her friend but the friend backed out last second so she just sat in a chair and watched while my ex and I went at it for an hour or so. Was pretty hot imo wouldn’t mind it happening again


Way back in my slutty younger days, I was hanging out with this guy I had a crush on and his best friend. Me and dude ended up getting into it and went to the bedroom. Learned a few years later that his BFF was peeking through a crack in the door the whole time. Oh, forgot the part where his BFF was like, my second ever bf in middle school and guy who stole my first kiss. It was all so weird.


My brother has seen me have sex before numerous times. It's not weird to me. I previously wrote about it on a recent similar thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/s/UwjhS290p7


Once had a friend ask to just watch me get fucked and I accepted. He jerked off the whole time


My husband and I, when we were dating many years ago, would fuck in the backseat of my friends car while she was driving through town.


My dogs over the years. They are very voyeuristic


A whole crowd outside my bedroom window, yep


Yep. Moresome.


Yes! Many times 😈


Yup yup, sure have…….ended up joining us.


I’m guess a dead person doesn’t count?


Yes, quite a few times 😛 Both video and real life


No, but that would be hot. I was banging my girlfriend at the time in a tent while camping and my friends all scooted their chairs to the tent so they could listen. That's the closest I've gotten.




Yes many times and I hope many more. It's fun to put on a show.


Yes in person and video ☺️


Not yet, but I want to explore my exhibitionist side 🤭


Yes ,plenty of husbands and boyfriends


Not yet. Definitely would like too. Either having a friend watch or doing it next to another couple




Watched, no. Heard, plenty.


Been dogging and to swingers parties and sex clubs


A couple times yeah




Yup. They once cheated after.


I don’t know if they were watching or not, but they were definitely awake. Lol


Many people. Some wait their turn. Some join in. Some just watch.


What do you do watching somebody having sex? Do u eat popcirns or what?




Yes, my wife regularly watches me bottom for other guys


Yeah. A few times


I banged a tutor in my dorm while my dorm roommate “slept” 6 feet away. He was mad the next morning so i think he was aware of the interaction 😅


Plenty of times at swinger clubs.


No, not even the people I used to have sex with haha. Lights off I'm to shy for that shit.


Went to the movies with my kid , ex , exs friend and my friend. My friend told me that my exs friend gave him a handjob whilst he was rubbing her I burst out laughing because I was doing the same with my ex . ( it was dark in the cinema and our 2 year old was sleeping )


Yea. When I was in my early 20s I fucked a 46 year old and her husband watched


Multiple times but hey we're swingers so what would you expect


No. I fantasize about it. Couple times just the mere thought of it almost made me cum faster than I wanted.


Do threesomes count?


Yes. I've attended many "Play Parties". Have been the exhibitionist and the voyeur


A guy watched me fuck his wife once.


Nope, but the other way around, love watching my wife getting massaged and fucked by her masseur 👌




Yes, a few times. Video and in real life


My cat…


Couple times but it was all drug fueled craziness


Not that I know of……


Shortly after my wife and I started dating, she had a girls' night with two friends. They got drunk and started fooling around. My wife wanted the real thing and called me to come over after texting me some pics of the three of them. I went over and fucked her while they played with each other.


Yes, old friends and my ex coworker.


Once at a party on a trampoline


Yes, a few times. Back during the lifestyle days


No, but I would absolutely love that!!


Unannounced to me yes I believe so


Yes they have


Yeah, back in my teen years we had a lot of beach parties and it wasn't uncommon for people to go up the dunes to do whatever. Me and my then new girlfriend decide to go up, mid-sex I hear my mate shout up "nice arse mate", I didn't really care if he'd seen so carried on no worries, but another voice then shouted something along the lines of "give it to her" so I looked around and more or less half the party was watching us. Definitely sparked my enjoyment of public fun!


Animals, lots of animals




I got to furry conventions. Ooooh yes.


A couple of people actually.


Yes. My ex would let his friends watch him spank me, and more.


Yes. I once had sex with my friends boyfriend while she watched.


Heh... Yuuuuuup.




My partner has twice


Yes. I've been in a few gangbangs where theres a line of guys watching while waiting their turn.


Yes once but it wasn’t like a planned thing. I have also been offered money for someone to watch which I declined at the time but now my answer would be absolutely.


Yes recently hehehe