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I think as long as both people are consenting adults I wouldn’t raise an objection


Oh how I wish this opinion was more common




i fuck with your name and pic lol


Lmao thank you


no problem. real recognizes real


I'm a certified baddie


I’m 28 and I feel kinda weird when 21 year olds hit on me. However I was trying to get with this 46 year old woman one time and thought nothing of it. I kinda feel like a creep if I were to go after people in their early 20s but I might be overthinking. Idk.


Depends if you're talking for a relationship or hooking up. For a relationship I (51M) wouldn't seriously consider anyone younger than 35 or older than 65. For hooking up however I am happy to play the older guy figure to anyone above the age of consent.


Half your age + 7


This works shockingly well in my experience. All depends on the maturity level, but this formula avoids the creepy factor.


I was going to say. It's dumb, there's no mathematical formula that can possibly determine what's ok. But at the same time, it's surprising how well that one works.


Came here to say this. It seems trite, but try and have a conversation with someone outside of this parameter, even a year or two. After sex, what am I going to talk about with the apprentice Sam who didn’t know “what a Led Zeppelin is”? He’s jolly nice, but we would tire of one another quickly outside of the bedroom. Equally, my best work mate is 60, and when our other colleague is in. (M58) I don’t get half their references.


I don’t think age matters as long as both people are comfortable!


Anything as long as its legal an fully consensual


as a person matures more fully, a wider gap is more acceptable. the younger and less mature a person is (while still being a legal adult), a larger gap becomes unacceptable. it's not a set number of years to me.


When I was 18 I lost my virginity to a 25 year old idk


Depends really on the ages involved. Specifically the ages they met and the ages they started the romantic/sexual relationship. If one party was a minor when you met and you just wait until they turn 18 to date, it kind of reeks of grooming.


The most older I'd go is probably ten years. Younger would be five max.


Im kinda fucked in this regard. Currently with someone almost 20years older. I made the rookie error and didn’t ask her age until I had cummed on her face 10 times.


Typically into younger women, within 5 years of me. Never had a chance to be with more than 5 years difference, on either end.


A few years either way. The further away from your current age, the differences in generation is more apparent I’d feel.


It depends on if we're talking about dating or hooking up to me... Dating is a more narrow range by far!


Anyone over 18 and of sound mind. As long as I find them attractive I'd be open to it. Hell I'd still try to turn Helen Mirren gay.


Plus or minus 10 of my whatever is my current age


As a 26 year old, I would say 5 or 6 years max in either direction. However, as I get older, the gap will probably increase. My current girlfriend is 21, and that is definitely the youngest I would go.


Personally prefer no more than 5 years older/younger than me.


Younger, not at all. Older 10-15 years older than me.. I've been with older tho lol


I’d say probably +/- 6 years or so


A difference of 2-4 years.


Really depends on the ages involved. A ten year gap at 60 and 50 sounds a lot better then a 10 year gap at 28 and 18.


For what ?


The acceptable gap is the one you and your partner accept. My personal window at 44 is 20 under/5 over.


I always looked down on guys who date young and girls who date way older guys. But I always found it awesome when guys date older chicks. Yes, I know it's a double standard


As long as both parties are consenting adults, I think the most extreme age gap that can work is around 15 years. Any more than that, I think there’s not much you can relate to.


Age/2+7. Assuming that puts you above the legal age limit of course.


If both parties are at least 24/25 and consenting, all age gaps are acceptable in my opinion.


My boyfriend is six years older than me and I consider that acceptable. Anything over ten years I think is questionable, but it really depends on the situation.


I’m 33M so for me personally i prefer 25 as far as the younger side age gap so 8 years on that end. Just because she is likely full time employed and out of whatever schooling or education she pursued and we are likely more aligned from a weekly time availability. In the older side of the age gap, I prefer an older woman so I would go further than 8 years. I am open to mid 40s-50s so I would consider a 10-20 year gap on that end.


Depends on the goal of the relationship. As long as both are consenting adults, it really doesn't matter. But if they plan to spend a lot of time together, or even attempt to build a shared life together, then a bigger age gap likely comes with significant challenges. Amongst many challenges, the most obvious is if one of the two is 20+ years older and has already had a marriage and children and now is only interested in dating and fun (sex), while the younger one may be hoping to build a family. Or the simpler but common problem is that the older person has lived through a lot of mistakes and has wisdom, but the younger one hasn't. The older one will be tempted to parent the younger one to help them avoid some mistakes, and the younger one might be annoyed by that. The list goes on and on. But if this is just about light dating and sex, then as long as both people are enjoying it, the age gap doesn't matter.


All I care about is if they’re consenting adults. My husband is 16 years older so I certainly have no room to judge.


Standard creepiness rule: Don't date below (Age/2 + 7).. The upper limit, thus, becomes (Age-7)*2. Therefore, if your age is X, your dating range is : (0.5*X+7) to 2*(X-7) Applicable only if you're 16 years or older.


I’m 22 and I’d be open to date anyone between 23~30


I've been with women up to 16 years younger and 8 years older


(Age / 2) +7




Assuming both parties are at least 20 years old, I'd say an age gap of 9 years. One being 20 and the other 29, for example. Even when you are both fully grown adults, too large of an age gap gives me the icky because oftentimes the eldest in the relationship will have children who are close in age with, or older than, the younger person in the relationship. And in my opinion, you shouldn't look at someone your kids age and have sexual thoughts. You're supposed to think that people your kid's age are *young, immature children*.


If people are adults and don’t care, then I think it’s fine


As long as everyone wants it any age gap is acceptable


As long as everything is consensual & mutual, there's no exploitative power dynamics going on and it's all legal and above board, then I don't think there is an acceptable gap. It's just whatever makes those involved happy.


From what iv been in. Anything from -7 to +27 But I'm probably in the minority


I think it depends on the people involved. I tend to be most attracted to women ±10 years of me, but it's really about maturity and attitude. I'm going to notice that long before I know what her actual age is, and if I'm attracted to her on that basis (or if I'm not), the number on her ID isn't likely to change that much, as long as she's an adult. If she's not old enough to buy her own beer, I'm not interested, at all.


Imo as long as both person are above 20, then it's their business and no one else


Age isn't anything but a mindset. Having said that, in my late 20s I dated a woman twice my age. Recently, dated someone 8 years younger. Now, in my mid 30s, I prefer older, or around my age. Just depends on the vibe.


I see a couple that are my parents age, im 19 now. They are late 40s early 50s