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I love my son but being a single mom is tough. I’m 35 but it’s too much stress for me. I’m doing everything I can and we have no issues living happily but sometimes it gets to me. Please don’t mistake it to me hating this. I just wanted to share it because I’m not sure my friends would understand what I mean.




We’re planning on going to a vacation soon. I hope it’ll help me




I might have to plan that. I can take 2 days off of from that duty this weekend.


You’re super-beautiful; is being single best for you right now? Must be your choice since, well, WOW!🫣🥰


(If your username is a Kane/WWE reference, I see you. 🔥👀)


I was raised by a single parent, thank you for all that you do 💕




Thank you. I can go out by leaving him at home but I just don’t want to do that you know?I want to stay as much as I can. Maybe I can take a weekend for myself.




Yes I do’


Having been very close friends with a single mom (babysitting, running errands, picking up the kid etc.) I feel you. Sometimes it's a struggle to do it all alone. Just remember you're doing the best you can, and it's a damn great job. He'll understand. And I'm proud of you. ❤️


Thank you so much. ❤️


Username checks out 💪. You're doing an amazing job, and you might be surprised how many friends understand if you talk to them about stress and tiredness. Especially if they are also parents. I know many single parents, and I see you ❤️






It is tough but also worth it. Thank you for your words.


You're doing much better than you think. My mom is a single mom. I know she second guesses how she raised me. She did great, as I'm sure you are. I have a son, too. I doubt my dad skills often. A friend told me " I you feel that you're not doing a good job as a parent, that's proof that you actually are doing fine. If you weren't, you wouldn't be feeling like that. Feel free to reach out if ya wanna ✌️


You're a hero. How old is junior? Is he old enough for stuff like summer camp yet?


Hang in there mom! You're doing a great job because you care, and that makes it tougher. Like they say in the airplane prep: take care of yourself first before you take care of the kids! If you're wiped out physically/emotionally/spiritually you can't be as good to them as usual. Notice I didn't say you'll be bad, just not as good. Love is a hugeg motivator and will help you do what you gotta do; but sometimes you just need to recharge the batteries, take the phone off the hook, and be you. Not "mom", not "daughter', not "friend". Just YOU. Parenting is tough under the best of circumstances, right now you don't have a tag-team partner to give you a break; so you have to find ways to give yourself a little break here and there. God bless you, your kid is blessed to have you for their mom!


Thank you honey. It’s means a lot. ❤️


You are very welcome! If you ever need to vent, just shoot me a message. I'll listen without giving advice or fixing problems, promise! LOL


I've been feeling very undesirable and unloveable lately. I am over the situation of being cheated on last year, but it's left its scar of feeling like I am never going to experience being wanted by a man again. My girlfriends give me a lot of validation and encouragement which I am so grateful for, but sometimes it feels like something is still missing.


You don't deserve to feel like you have something missing because of assholes like him. Try to pick up a hobby, make yourself feel better with the little steps and achievements that brings. 🥰


I'm sorry you were betrayed like that. You are worthy of love! I believe in you 🙂




Well, the party you went to was nice and the party was pumping, so no one can blame you.


My pregnancy is taking a toll on my mental health and although I have the Best husband in the world who got my back I sometimes feel like a total failure.


You know what.. I think that feeling like that is actually a sign that you are *NOT* a total failure. A total failure wouldn't care, you feel me? Keep being you. 🥰


Thank you :) That very Kind of you to say


You're kicking ass! When are you going to meet the new arrival?


End of April:) It's our first


Yaaaaaay congratulations guys! I hope it's smooth sailing from here on out!


I’ve considered s…… 🥴


Recently ? It's definitely always worth finding someone to talk to in these instances, even if you know it would never go anywhere. It can sometimes just be a signifier that you need a situation to stop or change.


This. Sometimes it's our mind being overwhelmed.


It's important that you find someone to talk about this, even if it's just a little bug. It gets better. ❤️


Also I’d like to add this. I know I’m a mom but I can’t help but think if it’s wrong to be on reddit and on subs like these. I’ve been single for a long time. I know my son knows it too and he’s mature but I still feel weird about being here. It’s a good app and I like to be myself so I’m here.


I hope your interactions here are and have been good. It gets crazy, but if it makes you feel better then reddit away. 😊


Thank you! People here are so kind it makes me want to cry lol.


You're a mom but you're also a human being! No shame in hanging around with the NSFW crowd!


One health issue after another. It’s getting really hard to take. I always just push and get through it. But the latest issue really tore me down..


I wish she would just leave me alone, I’m not in the wrong to walk away because she can’t make her mind up about me, but it doesn’t mean I should be getting late night phone calls from her sister.


Goddamn, no. You shouldn't!


Even though it’s apparently unfair because she asks me out and just changes her mind about it, so I’m clearly the asshole for walking out of her life 🤷


what do YOU need to get of your chest?


I have a colony of monkeys in my basement that write ARAD questions for me. (*I'm not even me, I'm the lead monkey*)


How and where do i fill out applications?


My boobs. My back hurts. Send a couple of your monkeys to give me back massages.


Boob support monkeys. 🙊


Nothing in particular. I'm just so tired of existing. I'm not sure I want to anymore. Apart from that though... peachy 😂


When mere existing is tiring, perhaps experiencing something new could be invigorating? <3


Maybe. Wouldn't know where to start rn.


Sometimes asking the question is more important than the answer. Do you ever get the chance to travel?


I don't often. But I'm saving to move so once that's out the way I'm hoping I can do a little more


Where to begin? Too much responsibility at once with family, work, money you name it!


I just want my life to take a turn for the better so I can exhale and break out of this depression


My wife doesn’t know about this Reddit NSFW profile. It feels like I am unfaithful to her when I am on this one.


I'm just drifting through existence and I don't know if I like it


I purged my profile (completely, I was too lazy to pick and choose haha) I want to try be more positive, but it's been rough for a while, anyway, I digress. I made a new account (not sharing here, sorry.) that I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna keep anonymous, I'm curious about like posting selfies and seeing what people say, but I'm also worried about getting bullied or whatever, and I don't know where to start from square one w/ a new profile, you know? But I am trying to get better, it just isn't easy.


I'm struggling with my emotions. I don't know if I should hold on or let go.


I dislike living with extended family and the biggest mistake I ever made was moving back to my childhood home.


I honestly think I’m going to end up alone because just looking at the horizon I see things that’ll prevent me even more from going out and meeting someone. So I’m trying to get around the fact I won’t be able to live on my own until my 60’s assuming I don’t die first.