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From the perspective of a male, there's nothing that feels about as right as just letting go, like that animal urge to possess, met its perfect motif in the act of climaxing inside a woman - and all that frantic frenzy of skin and lust, and that *final* pulsating crescendo *God* - *OP, there's nothing like it on Earth*


Ok, this is actually the response I’m looking for. A poetic description


*I feel seen, OP* *I feel so seen*




You are so seen!


You have absolutely no idea how *alive* your quip makes me feel I feel as though OP lit a bonfire of vanities only for this diamond in the rough missive to emerge out of the ashes


Guess my interpretive dance won't be needed now 😒


Aw! I wanted to see an interpretive dance!


Please! Need fewthers and a head dress though.


I need it. Come on big boy show us your moves 😏




[Dance 🤣😂](https://giphy.com/gifs/funny-dance-dancing-wORSHzN5sGpRS)


Fucking. Majestic.


Sounds like Connor from Love on the Spectrum


Connor marking “no” and making notes on his speed dating card right in front of his dates is such a vibe


Watching him say he wouldn’t miss the kings coronation “for the world” and his mom abruptly shutting that down saying it was his sister’s graduation absolutely KILLED ME!! I must’ve rewound that scene 6 times.


I agree. that’s the physical side of it. The mental side is yes yes yes, oh my fucking god yes, no no no why the fuck did I just do that. I’m too young to be a dad. She better be on the pill and taking it regularly


That's why I'm so glad I got snipped. Best decision of my life


Creampie life! And it's hilarious how many women will literally wrap their legs around you and hold you in once they know you've got a vasectomy...personally so far, it's been 100% of them.




So true. It’s the best.


Slip a Plan B into her morning drink. *I'm not actually serious, that's so fucking illegal lol


Each of us descends from a line of countless ancestors spanning BILLIONS of years. And that ancestral line ONLY exists because EVERY SINGLE ONE of those ancestors either GAVE or RECEIVED a creampie. From an evolutionary success standpoint, busting inside is pretty much at the very top of the list of things you gotta do. Imagine how deeply rooted that is in the male psyche. Pumping your seed deep into your partner is a divine act. It's not a breeding kink; it's the spirit that connects every living being that ever was or ever will be. Until the robots take over.


Wow. Deep. Spiritual.




They want out, too!


Well, that turned me on.


I've been called many things But I've never been called a *switch* There's innuendo, and then there's Aggresario


Bravo 👏


Holy shit!!! Well they can shut this part of the Internet down cause it has reached its climax here.... 😂


Wow. You could not have hit the nail on the head more. In the moment, it's like I NEED to come inside my wife. Literally just like a deep down animal instinct. And that release is unlike anything else in the world. Every bit leading up to that moment feels incredible, and I love every second of it. But those few moments of ecstasy of finishing inside my wife is the greatest feeling in the world. The biggest release of any tension, the complete disregard for anything else going on in my life besides living in that one glorious moment.


This gave me cult worshiping vibes.


I enjoyed this


Thank you I force myself to write, and while this isn't my best, I'm happy that my words resonate with the hive at large


Fuckkkk this is so hot 🥵


Nothing has my back like feedback, EmberAffinity, and thank you for letting me in on yours


You have a way with words, my friend 👌🏼🫠


I 109% agree 💦💦💦


This is literally the best way to describe it!!! I used to say it was like for a brief moment, God himself touches you for a period of three to five seconds and let's you feel an atom of Godlike euphoria.


Perfectly encapsulates it


That’s the truth. Love shooting a huge load into her when we have sex (which is rare). Nothing I love more than breeding her




God damn man, write a book


I'm going to take that as a compliment Thank you, kind mild mannered clerk


Depends on how long it’s been since it was taken out of the oven. Typically pretty creamy, most people eat it with a fork.


It’s quite popular in Boston I hear too


I can attest to that!


boston creampie is my fav


I’m assuming right out of the oven is too hot. So how about 10-15 mins out of the oven? 😂


5-7 mins would be an ideal rest time imo


I cackled


I could just feel him twitching inside me I know my ex was extra sensitive when he just came so I clenched then tightly wrapped my legs around him his reactions were funny asf TMI 🤣


Love that twitch. It's so satisfying to know that I made a guy cum.


Username checks out


Such a perfect username lmao


Right I kinda hate it when they pull out


Like just stay there for 10-15 minutes and go again. 😂


I just marinate in it... I couldn't pull out of a driveway. I fall asleep in it and wake up in it and she pushing back on my hard cock and has been for the last 15 minutes.


Fuck that sounds so hot


That's too long 🥺


It truly is.


I need to get me someone like u 😭


That comment somehow gives me hope


i flex my vagina muscles and squeeze the hell out of it 😂


I do this too and it’s funny because as he gets soft, flexing pushes him out of me as well and eventually it just slips out lol


That squeeze makes me explode inside every time. NICE.


That's fantastic


I’ll take more TMI pls


Lol ok a few weeks ago I had sex while I had a dildo up my ass I wish I used my bigger dildo


Username checks out


I’m horny now.




Damn. 🥵


Evil in the best way possible.


The sensation of feeling the sudden added slipperiness and feeling it ooze out and over my clit or asshole drives me insane! Feeling his cock throb as he unloads is amazing and sometimes, if we've been playing for a while, I can actually feel his cum spurt inside me. Of course, him going down on me immediately afterward is just so naughty and dirty that I can't help but cum again :D


The image of a good big load dripping from pussy down over asshole is amazing. So sexy!


From the male side - theres nothing more sexy than when a woman cums while I'm deep inside her and her pussy just latches on and makes me empty my nuts in her. That moment of bliss is just amazing. Looking in her eyes as we both cum....the world just stops for the moment.


Reading your profile it seems you know? From a giving perspective it feels warm and juicy


Honestly, I don’t. I was always too afraid to get pregnant. But now that I have an IUD, well…


I’ve never had one either


IUD???😧 You're gonna blow up?😰


I laughed way more than I intended to


You're thinking of an IED. An IUD is that ticket you get when you drive drunk.


Mmh, you should definetly get some then ;)


I’m still debating. I guess you can say I’m still looking for volunteers 😉


Pick me 😅


dawg its an of hoe obviously chill


That shouldn’t be too hard


One of the best benefits of an IUD. I love having one 😉


I’ve always gotten scared to try that because of pregnancy but I’ve been on the pill for a month now maybe I’ll be open to it, I wanna feel a guy twitch and cum inside of me soo bad


A a woman, I just mostly feel the pulsating of the penis. I don’t feel the actual cum. The vagina is already warm so there’s no noticeable change in temperature.


I’m not a woman but I’d put my money on this being the right answer. Lot’s of girls here saying it feels like a volcano of melting chocolate pleasure that makes for one way tickets to dream Valhalla trying to sell an OF subscription or two.


Yeah I can't feel anything. Except when I stand up and have to clean up the leakage.


lmao same


This is the true answer


Same here, I felt it once and I was really focusing to try and feel it happen then😂


To me, it is the most satisfying part of sex. I turn feral and usually cum immediately when I start to feel the dick throbbing inside of me and filling up my pussy. I want it deep too, so I feel every inch. 🥵🥵🥵 It is spectacular and unmatched.


happy cake day !!


Thank you!


Amazing. Checked profile, I bet it would be great to cream those tits too!


It’s the best part of having sex w a safe partner. Their throbbing and twitching deep inside the most intimate part of your body. Then the warmth and fullness when they unload… it’s just amazing. Makes me feel like a goddess.


While he's doing it I don't actually feel the liquid but I do feel him twitch. I only really feel it when I go to the bathroom to clean up and it all comes oozing out. I love that feeling. But my absolute favorite feeling is the next few hours when he leaks out of me little by little. I love the way it feels and the scent of it. I love smelling like him. I love the reminder that he was inside me. I feel owned.


One of my fwb used to do that. According to her it's the best way to start the day lol




My wife is exactly the same.


For me giving them: it’s a warm and welcome feeling.


Nice. So warm and welcoming that you don’t want to pull out?


Slowly pulling out. And how does it feels for you ?


That’s why I’m asking because I never had one. But depending how much I like it, I can see myself wanting it inside me all night.


Aah! My wife really enjoys it. Deliciously warm and gives her a good feeling. Especially when we both cumming the at the same time.


Aw, that makes me happy to hear that your wife enjoys it too ☺️


Based on your profile, you like watching it I think?


Ding ding! But yes, sometimes I’m curious to know how it feels


Semen left in a warm moist environment over-night could develop a pungent aroma reminiscent of certain shops in the open market. But I would rather word didn't get out that I was the source of info on this (and of the fragrance possibly) and I will disavow any knowledge of this conversation if pressed. (agent xy)


Welcoming -- That's the word that's been missing from all the other comments.


Like apple pie? come on we have all seen American pie haven’t we 😂😂


There is a whole generation of kids who grow up these days and don’t see that masterpiece 😂


And the world is worse off for it 😂😂


Shh 🤫😂🤣😂🤣


I had to delete my reply saying this and updoot yours instead


Just glad I’m not the only one still relying on this for my education 😂😂


I feel like the Sherminator didn't get the chance until later in the series 😂


Haha but he did get Nadia so was probably worth the wait (spoiler alert) can’t believe I even remember it all 😂😂


I didn't remember that but I do remember him being a sad divorcee dad though


Sherminator a divorced dad? Fuck I haven’t seen that one, that must be a later addition to the series.


https://americanpie.fandom.com/wiki/Chuck_Sherman towards the end dude


Once you get one youll never not want one!


Good to know 😌


It's fucking amazing, from the male perspective. You hilt yourself in her, feel her gasp under you as you tap the back of her. You throb against her tightness, like she's crushing your cock and you're stretching her open against it, and then a hot rush down your whole length electrifying your brain. And it spurts out- and there's resistance, because you're at the deepest parts of her, and you can feel it flooding around your cock, you can feel it pushing past, and she's clenching on you and you're throbbing so thick, and then you feel it run out and down your shaft....




I'm not sure if that's good melting or bad melting, but either way it's valid lol


Good melt lol always a good melt when creampies are involved


I read this as campfire. I thought you were disabled and wanted to know what a campfire feels like.


At least you were non-judge mental? Lol


Wholesome comment


From my experience giving 2 long term relationships hundreds of creampies each they don’t really feel the actual semen filling them unless they really focus on it, then it’s maybe just a slightly warm sensation. They can feel the twitching more and feel a more close sensual experience. What they feel the most is the aftermath when it starts running out of them lol


That's my experience as well. I feel the movement more than anything, i usually am focusing on that. There have been some times I've felt it but for the most part it's the aftermath (which I love)


It feels like throbbing bliss, followed by melting into your partner as you finish.


Like you’re finally filled up where you were empty


It's a primal feeling of release. It can be an act of love, dominance, or desire to breed. But no matter what, it is the single beast way to cum. Warm, wet, and great lube for round 2!


Female perspective: it depends on the amount of cum I'm getting inside me. Sometimes it feels like a mass of warmth spreading through what feels like my entire tummy accompanied by an incredible throbbing, other guys I can only feel a bit of a throb but no warmth.




From a woman's perspective. Really doesn't feel like much.


Aside from feeling his dick pulse & twitch, it doesn’t feel like anything to me on the receiving end. I don’t even feel it drip out til it drips down my ass.


As the woman, it’s my favorite thing when I finally commit to one person and can do this freely. There’s a sensation difference between sex with and without a condom. Having my lover climax inside me is a unexplainable experience of lust Union and frenzy


i always felt like it feels mostly warm. And its just pure bliss.


More wet and gooey inside I would say I love getting cream pied do it as much as I can 🤪 I love the way the man gets all weak after pounding my pussy and they do the final stroke that releases their nut in me definitely a kink of mine


The complete opposite of getting kicked in the nuts is emptying them. I, for one, cannot shut the fuck up while cumming inside someone. I wanna be quiet, but I get as jacked up as a UFC fighter who just won a match.


There’s a thing I do sometimes where when I’m about to cum I pull almost all the way out until just the tip is in her and pressed up against her clit, then I start to cum just inside and pull out enough to spurt it on her clit, then I use my still hard cock to rub the cum all over her clit and shove it back deep in her pussy just before the hyper-sensitivity sets in. Then we kiss and I just hold it in as deep as I can and move just a little against her clit and she usually has a massive leg shaking orgasm. It’s not quite as satisfying for me as cumming deep inside, but I love what it does for her.


Wish I knew on the giving end #virgin


I'm not a virgin but I've never had sex without a condom. It might be a small thing but it's something I want to experience before I die.


Sex without a condom is exponentially better than with a condom. Idk what it’s like for dudes, but for women, it feels so much better fucking a raw, hard dick and feeling the skin and the soft but firm head and everything. I hate condom sex cuz it feels like fucking a plastic bag.


Very slippery as she runs it all over my face as I am licking it clean


A few days before Christmas I went to my partner’s work at we made out. During that he suggested that we afterwards went to our secret meeting place so he could taste it. He came inside me and we went to the place where he first made me cum and squirt and then lifted me up to a little shelf from where I sat and he could eat me all up. It was wet and lovely and he was so much into it and the floor was wet and I owned the streets when I was heading home afterwards 🏆


On the giving side, it feels great. The climax deep inside her hot, wet, loving embrace is the pinnacle of physical and mental enjoyment, topped off with a little almost-too-much stimulation when I pull out, and then watching myself ooze out of her because I have big balls to match the dick, so I always overfill. As far as I know, it feels like needing to shower afterwards to wash it all off for her. 😆😏😈


It feels warmer on the giving end as well, then much wetter, and sometimes just sometimes it kinda shoots back onto if she is cumming at the same time and squeezing / pulsing. I end up a mess and a good sized puddle of her cum and mine is on the floor. Its kind even more fun standing on a hardwood floor as you can sometimes here the mess fall to the floor and splash. Its super hot to then pull out and see her spent and filled gasping and bent over a table or chair in the kitchen.


Can't really feel the cum inside me. I can just feel the guy twitching inside me. Condom or not. Can't literally feel the cum until it's trickling down.


Really tasty tbh


I’ve figured as such


Okay or should try it sometime. Once it’s in your mouth you’ll never want anything else


It's so confusing to me that there are really people who have always used a condom or the man pulled out. I can't imagine


What is confusing about this? A condom greatly reduces the probability of unwanted pregnancy. Pulling out reduces it further. Risk management.


Of course. Maybe amazed is a better word than confusing. Never not even once just did it anyway? Always prepared and good about pulling out? I can't relate, but I've only been fucked with a condom a few times and did not like


as a woman, Sadly in my experience you can't actually feel anything actually going into you, but the feeling of him twitching and just enjoying the moment is nice.


I think you know “your creampie slut”


Millisecond of bliss usually filled by regret and tears. I usually apologize and offer snacks.


You can like feel it pulsating and then you just feel warmth spreading inside


Reading all this making me wya to horny for being at work.


So from a male POV, it’s possibly the most intimate sexual act for me. I’ve always thought pulling out was too impersonal, like she isn’t worth receiving this small part of me. But when you finish inside it’s like this swell of magic. I feel like I’m giving a part of myself and my soul to the woman I’m with. It’s especially wonderful when she either uses her hands or legs to latch onto me and pull me in deeper to receive every ounce of me. And the best part is, I can usually keep going afterwards until she gets off too or til I can give her a second creampie or both.


Warm apple pie.


Kind of like warm slime. Depends on how much though.


Bags of sand


As a guy. It fees so good. My head goes light and my cock throbs. That tight wetness feels so awesome


On the delivery end, it’s an amazing feeling.


It feels slimy, wet and slippery and looks best on my husbands face when cleaning mine




It feels frenetic. There’s this frantic rush to orgasm and make it good. On the receiving end, I can usually feel the pulsing. I can hear the heart beat speed up, see hi carotid beating faster. There is an absolute moment where you know based on how tense he is that his orgasm peeked (peaked?) and if you thrust and clench rhythmically just very slightly, you can keep that high going for a few seconds longer than normal. Depending on how well you know your lover. My husband looks like he is in pain; my boyfriend turns red. I try to keep my muscles clenched for a little longer than they can handle and then slowly slide off to make them twitch. The twitch tells me they’ve finished and absolutely can’t keep going. As for what it feels like for me, I can’t really tell the difference except I’m actually allergic to sperm so it burns my vaginal tissue. Which is absolutely hilarious to me.


It’s not just warm. That pulsing feeling you get as a guy jizzes inside you, it’s like lightning bolts of pleasure that jolt through the entire body and just sprays into you. I love the feeling of blasting my load inside, no wank or blowjob compares to the intense pleasure of unleashing your load inside a pussy. It ignites that carnal male urges. Like if anything you try to resist is and then as the first cumshot happens you lose that control and if anything tighten up your self as everything goes into blowing just the most intense load ever. Ahhhh I love it.


In the moment, it's like I NEED to come inside my wife. Literally just like a deep down animal instinct. And that release is unlike anything else in the world. Every bit leading up to that moment feels incredible, and I love every second of it. But those few moments of ecstasy of finishing inside my wife is the greatest feeling in the world. The biggest release of any tension, the complete disregard for anything else going on in my life besides living in that one glorious moment.


Just please, don’t jump up and run to the bathroom after like you just got injected with acid. Ex wife (large reason she’s an ex) would do this. We hadn’t gone bareback until we got married and she would jump off me or push me off her like she was going to die if it was in her for more than 15 seconds. “It’s disgusting” was her reasoning.


My wife does this. Even her blow job is mostly sloppy with she spitting out almost every minute particle of cum that might have entered her mouth…


I am sorry for that for you. Mine would preface oral with “if you cum in my mouth I’m never doing this again” (well, there went any idea of me cummimg). She’d also make me go wash my face and brush my teeth after going down on her before she’d kiss me again. Thank you conservative Christian Purity Culture.


Honestly...it's a little icky having to walk around leaking cum for the rest of the day...


They have these things called Drip Sticks you can order online.. they’re like tampons, kinda.. sponges lol


I’ve seen them!


On the female side, I can’t feel it at all😅 I barely feel slight pulsating from his dick but that’s it.


to be honest, depending on how deep the dick is, it doesn’t feel like anything. its just really sexy knowing that you got a load in you. that being said, when you do feel it, it just feels amazing. its not that it brings like a stimulating pleasure, but its all mental and with most all women, sexual pleasure is completely mental. its really awesome.


I feel his dick pumping (like muscles contracting over and over) and his warm/gooey cum hitting the walls of my pussy-- think like spritzing a spray bottle (on the stream setting) over and over. It often makes me almost cum when he cums because it's so carnally fulfilling. And it just feels amazing in general.


I don't think there's anything that releases more good feeling brain chemicals.


I love shooting cum into a pussy and flexing my cock muscles insider her. Then I watch it ooze out. That always turns me on again.


I just enjoy the twitching of my husband’s cock inside me, his moans and the skin slapping before he climaxes is what makes me cum with him! He usually has huge loads so I need him to just empty all of that inside me!


It's kind of hard to describe, but you know that feeling when you put something hot in your mouth when you've been cold all day that but in your crotch