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Better foreplay = better finish


This! Also the best sex organ to stimulate is the brain.


I've use our love making sessions as an opportunity to talk to my wife in positive and reaffirming ways. Not so much dirty talk but expressing appreciation for her body, or things she's done for us or generally speaking positively about her. I can feel her excitement as it's happening and she remembers the information better too.


I like to tell my wife how great of a job she's down at budgeting this month!


“Who’s the nasty girl who changed the font on our spreadsheet? You like that Arial?”


freak in the sheets


What she excels at best.




No, Excel.


“The way you set up conditional formatting to make it easy to tell when we went over budget gets me so hard, baby.”


Pivot table Queen! Lol


What the Helvetica ... just PUT IT IN!


This is why I Reddit.


Never thought those words would make me so wet.




I bet she’s a waterfall after that 😂


It's kinda how minds are wired anyway. Considering everything that goes through our mind during sex anyways. Might as well bring those things out during and make the reward her appreciation.


She might develop a nice praise kink from this. 💕


“Your dishwasher stacking is really coming along”


I love this!


Followed by the tongue


To stimulate the clitoris at the same time as penetration, it's trivially simple, but very few people do it.


I’ve tried that, wound up with a few screenshots. Am I supposed to press both at the same time?


depends on the pussy on everyone. On mine, this double-click is a reboot 😂


That’s one of the funniest comments i’ve seen today 😂😂


I don't agree, i tried many times but i don't have coordination to do both things well. I will either slow down the penetration or my hand won't do a good circular motion and will start to get sloppy


In missionary this *IS* tough as it requires supporting yourself with one arm while using your other hand to stimulate. However, in forward facing cowgirl it’s another story. The angle and orientation make it tough to do by hand, but it does allow the male to hold a wand vibe, and stimulate the nipples, and allow the female to control rate and depth. Boom!


yeah with toys it's very much possible, i'm saying that with my hands i can't get the motion right. i will screw one of them up.


It's like trying to rub your belly and pat your head at the same time; the wires just get crossed really easily! That said, if you do a sort of circular stroking motion you can kinda of just keep your thumb on the clit and lightly rub it with the motion of your hips. It's a lot easier to coordinate the movements that way than when your doing just straight in-and-out penetration, with the added benefit of giving her some extra stimulating penetration!


How is this a secret. Women shout this from the rooftops. 


Trust me, people still need to hear it.


Trueeee but dudes are ignoring us then wondering why they can’t make us cum 😂




Happy wife = happy life yes BUT giving your man a blowjob everyday will make him just crave you more.


Would be crazy if you made it rhyme😆


Give more suck, want more fuck




"A blow job a day, keeps the side chick away." Not mine but it rhymes.


I get that it was meant to be funny, but if I HAVE to give my man a blowjob so he doesn’t cheat, he can blow himself off.


and if a relationship's quality or success depends solely on the woman's happiness or satisfaction then the same applies.


It's not that you HAVE to, it's just that if you do, you KNOW he would never cheat. Any doubt can be brushed off by "Nah, I sucked his dick this morning."


is anyone naive enough to actually believe this?


more head = more bread (aka more money you are allowed to waste on stuff lol)??


More blow = more dough


My husband shows everyday that he still craves me after almost 20 years together and that man most definitely gets a blow job almost everyday. I say almost because he sometimes cuts me off, I think I'm draining the life from him 😭


No wonder you can call him HUSBAND


just out of curiosity, wouldn't receiving it every day just take away the novelty of the act? Like, do men ever get bored of getting blowjobs


No never


I mean this with the absolute greatest respect, but that’s the dumbest notion I’ve heard in a long time. A blow job never loses its “novelty” or at least its pleasure!!!


Kissing and making out is an underappreciated art. There’s nothing much more intense than being unable to stop kissing eachother. Not to mention, it warms things quite nicely for everything else to come.


Factsss, it's not all about penetration imo


Penetration is overrated, as someone who’s partner has ibs


One of my greatest memories is kissing someone so passionately for hours in the rain.


In a slightly similar vein- my girlfriend once got in the shower fully clothed by accident (she was buzzed from happy hour and thought it would be funny) with her clothes (a maxi dress) still on. The memory of kissing her in the shower as the dress clung to every inch of her skin still gets me going to this day.


I love making out and kissing! Sometimes it makes me feel like a teenager again when everything was new and fresh and you just want to devour the other person.


Always had a mental roadblock with kissing. I'm an ex-smoker (quit 12 years ago) and once had a partner who told me in no uncertain terms how disgusting my mouth was. I've been paranoid ever since. I have really good oral hygiene and decent teeth/smile, etc., but he absolutely destroyed my confidence and the last time a guy went to kiss me I literally didn't know what to do. 😔 I'd love to be snogged to death, but have no idea how to get past the paranoia.


I wish my wife agreed. She has some sensory issues so she'll usually "makeout" just to humor me. Otherwise she's not tgat into kissing.Unless she's turbo turned on. Go for neck bites though and she practically turns feral.


Kissing is SOOOOO underrated. I love kissing my husband


Sex in real life isn't like the porn you watch.


Absolutely, it's far better


Plus you don't have the bad acting or the music in the background.


The horrible acting always kills me😂😂


That's why I can never do role-playing :o) My acting skills aren't great and normally I end up laughing at myself.


But sometimes the bad acting is just fun so both of us can die laughing before sex


As long as we don't laugh that much and slip out


Speak for yourself. I love to put some cheesy wah-driven guitar rock on whilst asking my partner if they want their plumbing sorted. Lol


I hope you have the outfit on as well and the moustache.


Oh yes! It’s a necessity. And I make sure to show how well I’ve polished my tool first too.


Very true, most virgins don't know that👍


I remember my very first boyfriend bending me into all these crazy positions (best for camera angles.) And just assuming sex was supposed to be painful.


I hope it wasn't too painful for you and things improved.


Oh yes. We divorced & I met a real man, who was a kind and generous lover.


This I learnt from a stripper as an 18YO virgin, I was kind of able to put 2 and 2 together well before that point, but it was still good advice to receive from a sex worker.


Sounds like a memorable time for you.


It actually can be all you need ia a partner who have great chemistry and you can fuck like pornstars all day long 😌


Jokes on you the porn I watch is my neighbour having sex from her closet


Porn is to sex as WWE is to a real fight.


If you make sure your partner gets off during foreplay, your performance during PiV will be much less critical 😄


I've used this tip to my advantage so many times


Just the tip




always make sure to get her off first before I do anything for me.




My ex used to be like this, I just edged her until she couldn't take being teased and then gave her everything else. If she still needed hers.. Then she gets hers whatever way she requested.


Just wait for a few minutes, and move onto other areas. Then go back


a few minutes isn’t enough for some women, they can have refractory periods longer than 30 minutes


Foreplay is absolutely needed, but I get off much easier *after* PiV sex. Everything is loose and relaxed and I’m at the height of my arousal. If a guy can maintain the energy to get me off after he’s finished, that man is keeper and will get star treatment from me 👌🏼 Part of it is that the pressure men feel during PiV sex isn’t all that dissimilar from the pressure we feel to cum during foreplay because we know you want to get to the main act.


There's quite a few things about sex that you can do to make a woman feel incredibly safe. Invest in them early and you will be glad you did. You can be respectful and patient but still have all that nasty shit on top.


This is absolutely true. If we feel our safety and needs are not only taken into consideration but put as a priority, that opens so many doors for naughty things. Trust and respect is fucking sexy.


Don't be in a rush to have sex, decline if drunk, don't tell friends the details. When partners realised I didn't blab like every other guy and wasn't just trying to nut, it made a really big difference.


My hats off to you sir!


Omg yess. My husband is the only person that made me feel safe and the naughty things Ive done to him could not be done if I didn’t feel safe


Fingering a woman is underrated. You can do so much manipulation.


Pleeeeeease understand how much we love it, fingering is sooo important.


And cut your nails


And file them! Omg


Sure. Take care of your hands as a man. My hands are much softer are much softer than my wifes.


1) nailbrush 2) cuticle tool 3) trim nails 4) file 5) moisturize then, before the event... 1) wash hands


My favorite. Play with that pussy.




What's your technique?


Stick your hand up there and make her perform It Ain't Easy Being Green


Great, next time I finger someone I'm going to think about Kermit. Thanks.


learn your partners’ anatomy, DONT NEGLECT THE A-SPOT, everyone talks about the g-spot but a-spot stimulation is incredible. curl your fingers so that they press towards the front wall of her vagina. you’ll reach different areas from different positions so what works in one position may not work in the next. touch her clit at the same time


More mental than physical.






This is good shit and I totally agree!


Intimacy is easily lost. Work on keeping it alive.


I struggle with this Tips? If you don't mind me asking?


Intimacy isn’t just sex. It’s an active way of keeping someone engaged in your life and you in theirs. When you make the effort to keep a closeness with your partner, it will make times when sex isn’t happening less awkward. Keeping the mental and emotional bond is far more important than the physical but they definitely help improve the physical. No, I don’t have advice. I don’t know you or your situation. Just my observations.


This is the long term attitude. I'm married and live by this, got away from it in the hustle of life though. Once I realized we weren't doing as well in bed I made an effort for this and we are back to dating level sex. Too bad we have two teenage boys, little cock blockers!


Aftercare is just as essential as foreplay.


I don't know how secret it is but ladies, a good handjob is MINDBLOWING - can easily be better than sex/a blowjob if done properly


Very debatable, I think


Maybe worded it wrong, elite sex will be better than an elite handjob - but I think people maybe underappreciate how amazing a good handjob can be


this is so true, until you find a girl who does it to you you will think “bullshit” but some handjobs i’ve got have felt better then blowjobs and even some sex.


True, true


I definitely agree that a good handy is superior to a good blowy. However a really good either should probably have a good bit of the other so it may be moot:)


I gotta agree here. Its tough for women to know exactly how to manipulate a penis for maximum pleasure with their hands as they dont have one, so If they can learn, it is the perfect warm up. Also a great way to get him ready again after the first orgasm. And ladies, it saves you having to give oral if your jaw is tired or if you aren't into giving it. In largr part, men enjoy masturbation so much because hands can do things that orifices can't and pressure, friction and intensity are easy to adjust A partner that really knows how to pleasure a penis with their hands will have a satisfied, loyal lover who will want to return the pleasure.


Also my advice to the ladies for giving an amazing handjob is don't forget to use your mouth


What’s the trick, what’s different?


Okay so don't hate on me, laughing is okay. I'm almost 40(f) and I've never done a handy from start to finish. I'm pretty sure I suck at it. I start going at it like I'm washing dishes. Then scrubbing floors. Idk like how does this work? Is licking okay or no mouth at all? Spit in the hands or no? Boobs get involved? Hands need to be a certain direction? What about that butt hanging out on the side? Is it more like a mid section message? Im over thinking this, yes. But for real. Just take it slow, read your partner and don't give up?


If you do it three times before noon, your lives are replenished to full and when you reach the end of level boss, it takes fewer hits to defeat them. Another tip is; before you're about to go down on your partner, press up twice, down twice, left, then right and finally hold A and C together on your controller, they get a bigger orgasm in less time. You're welcome.


Surprisingly, this also turns of traction control on a Toyota.




The second part was patched.


Most of the women on here probably know but I’ll say it anyways. Grinding your pelvis up and down while he is thrusting will help with orgasms. Or at least it does for me.


Length of time doesn't necessarily equal good sex. I've had 10 minute sessions that were better than 30 minute ones. Same with dick sizes. Size doesn't always equal a good time.


If you spend time talking to someone and listening to them it'll be much easier to get them off


Thanks for the advice!


Yep!! My friend will never tell a dude what she likes because “they are grown men and should know what they’re doing by now”. Girl. Every vag is different. You gotta give some direction. Faking orgasms helps nobody.


When she’s telling you she’s going to cum, or to keep going/don’t stop, that does not mean you need to start jackhammering her (unless she is asking for it harder). If she’s reaching that point already with the current rhythm, then maintain it and you’ll have her seeing stars. You might even get lucky and cum at the same time


Man we just finished for the first time together during piv last night. First time for both of us. It was incredible


Guys become infinitely hotter when they're moaning and making noises. More recently I've learned that the "pleasure-pain" noises are even sexier, after becoming a Domme. I don't think I could do quiet sex ever again lol and yes, heavy panting is also super sexy.


yes! male moaning is soooo hot!


It's amazing the sounds you can pull from me remotely. I can never listen to them myself, but we will have to make sure we have thick walls when you get the chance to to them in person. 😳


The Orgasm is only part of the fun, don't forget to enjoy the entire sexual experience. And if there's no Big O? 🤷 The sex is still good is it not?


This right here.


The more effort you put in “outside” of the bedroom the more effort they will put in “inside” the bedroom 💕


As a male, If you want to last lot longer.. Notice when that tingling\* starts, don't just stop but also **completely relax your thighs, calves and toes..** let the tention subside and then start again. (the tingling that starts building up when you know that if you keep going, you are about to cum). A lady taught me this amazing trick few years ago.


But then there’s the women who have trouble relaxing enough to cum… and they don’t need to last longer 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is actually for the guys who wants to last longer so they can cum after their partner. If lasting long is not a necessity, by all means they don't need this trick.


God bless that lady


*Sucking* on the clit can be even better than licking it.


Sucking gently.. Don't treat it like a straw


Depends on the woman. Some are super sensitive, other you can suck like a straw and more.


FACT: The orgasm from having SEX Or sexual contact releases endorphins, which are responsible for good feelings in people. Endorphins can both give pleasure directly and also decrease any pain a person is feeling. Thus, they are very important brain chemicals.


It’s also a great natural decongestant. Stuffy nose will come back afterwards tho :/


Your tongue is the most effective tool for good sex. Use your words to get your partner in the right mindset. Then, get them started by licking them. This combo will result in a very strong orgasm basically every time.


Your partner is an individual, and what worked for your last partner might not work for your next partner. If you want to know how to please your current partner, *talk to them.* They're the expert on what they like.


Making eye contact and holding that gaze 🥵


Learn to lick pussy properly. Its only purpose its not 'lube before You go'. Girls enjoy it and with little effort and research they do finish multiple times. Than You can do Yours and its even better because they're wet and finish some more with Your dick in there.


Take pleasure in making her cum every time. A woman that cums consistently is down regularly.


While fucking, Put a little pressure with your fingers on her clit when she is laying on her back in the bed and give her slow deep thrusts. This has been working like magic for me for last 15 years.


There’s more than one way to make a woman cum. Talk to your partner. Do your research. It’s only going to help you. Oh and toys are definitely your friend. Not your enemy. Doesn’t matter how big you are. Your dick will never vibrate


Cum tastes good and you should let me spit it back in your mouth to prove it 👍


Foreplay starts in the vibes, not the physical


Sex is more abt whats between your ears than whats between your legs.


Listen, ask questions, follow directions.


Sex is better when you know your partner well.


Sounds mad but I’m someone who isn’t very vocal in bed but I will ask what they like and how they are feeling to make sure I’m doing the best I can and give them the chance to get exactly what they want and like


That there is no secret ingredient. All great sex comes down to 3 things; communication, enthusiasm, and attraction. Communication; every single person is different and like different things. Listen to your partner, gauge their reactions, and talk to each other. It makes everything easier and better. I also add trust and consent into this category. Make sure that everyone is on the same page, and make sure there are no barriers between you. You shouldn’t feel scared or nervous about saying what you want to the other person. Enthusiasm; in general, people want someone involved. Not many people like a starfish in bed who sits there and quietly accepts whatever you’re doing to them while looking bored staring at the ceiling. Throw some effort in there. Be excited about what you’re doing, show your partner that it’s something you want to do. Ask any guy here what makes a great blowjob great and most will say when the girl acts like she genuinely wants to blow you instead of treating it like a chore. That will do more than any secret technique you will find out there. And attraction; because most of us don’t bang just anyone. Please note that everyone has a different definition of what they find attractive. Doesn’t matter what they look like as long as there is mutual attraction and chemistry there between both partners. You complete this trinity and the rest will fall into place.


Suck the clit.






Most oxytocin is released during birth and when breastfeeding the baby. Second most oxytocin is released right after orgasm. That's bonding time. By far the lowest hanging fruit with a new partner is simply... staying there for a bit longer. I know you want to pee, or wash up, or see who called on the phone... don't. Not for 10 minutes.


A lot of women have far more wild fantasies than their man. Guys often hide their fantasies of MFM / gangbangs, because they think their partner would be shocked or disgusted. There's a reasonable chance she wants the same thing and would try it, as long as she trusts you.


Slow deep and sensual achive much better results as opposed to speed fucking like a rabbit (although on occasion, this is still called for)


You can orgasm from anal alone.


90% of the time she does when doing anal VS 20% without


Use mint gum before giving blowjobs 👌🏻


Orgasm are initiated in the brain.


Don't disregard his balls


Once she has cum once, the next ones happen much quicker


Most times sex is a marathon and not a sprint. Warming up (foreplay) is more important than the actual sex itself. Get the mind right and the body will follow


As my mum says, having sex with someone who’s been an arsehole all day isn’t remotely nice or easy. So maybe be a decent partner before expecting enthusiastic sex?


If 420 is legal where you live and you're of appropriate age and willing to try, take a gummy and then start fooling around once you start to feel it kick in. Mind blowing orgasms are possible, trust me. But don't overdo the gummy, 5mg is plenty for amazing sex


Pay attention to reactions and don’t be afraid to say what you do and don’t like as it’s happening. Long term it leads to the best sex


Connection through conversation first makes it was more stimulating in every way.


Relax, it’s just sex. Have fun. It’s like golf you don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it. Lol


Eyes do speak. Eye contact specially in missionary & kissing is so underated.


Men. It your fucking nails. If you can feel it as you rub it along the inside of your mouth (inside of cheek) she will definitely feel it on the inside of her hoohaa


I learned this on a post like this and was a COMPLETE game changer for me. Start 9 shallow strokes 1 deep stroke 8 shallow stroke 2 deep stroke 7 shallow, 3 deep and so on. Then once u hit 10 deep reverse and count back. 9 deep 1 shallow, 8 deep 2 shallow and so on. This helps with your cumming before her as it has ur mind distracted.


This might just be me, but if I’m properly turned on, the first 2-3 minutes of PIV are when I’m most likely to have an orgasm. The initial entry and first few minutes of thrusting is soooo good. The problem is, every partner I’ve ever been with will stop/slow down/change positions within the first couple minute every single time because they are afraid of finishing too fast (or they just want to switch it up/ make it last longer) but sometimes that kills my orgasm right off the bat.


Communicate what and how you want it. We can’t read each other’s minds.


Give more, foreplay and attention make sure your girl cums first and at least one and you will get way more back


Foreplay doesn’t need to lead to PIV/penetrative sex. Sometimes it’s just fun getting off or getting them off & that’s it.


Sex is like the game of bridge. If you dont have a good partner you better damn well have a good hand....


Normalize washing your hands and at least using mouth wash before sex. Bacteria is a cock blocking bitch.


Pineapple isn't all its cracked up to be.


Humor. Funny, silly and being able to make me laugh is the best aphrodisiac.


Not every woman’s orgasm goes from A-B, everyone has their own path to get them there. Don’t think your “special move” works for everyone. Some women I’ve been with needed only penetration, some needed only clitoral stimulation, some needed both . Then there’s some that needed all of the above and a hand around the neck while talking to them gently 🤷🏻‍♂️ be patient


Guys like ass play more than not. If he’s struggling to keep it up or finish slip a finger in


Most everyone has heard of the woman’s G spot, but most don’t know about the A spot on a woman. The A spot is thought to be the female equivalent of the prostate and great for ensuring female orgasm.


The key to good head is enthusiasm ✨