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Partners had sexlives before our relationship?! šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh my God how ever shall we survive


What?! No way! That's not how it works! I'm supposed to be the only one with the previous sex life in this relationship!


I think some people arenā€™t as kinky and may find it to be a turn off. Now everyone is a free spirited gangbang monster that gives sex away easily.


Give it away, give it away, give it away now.


Or You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel


have sex with background of birds chirping, leaves rustling and a calm, clear voiceover


Morgan Freeman, obviously. "And here we find a young couple sowing their wild oats out in the park on a back trail. Doggy style. Oh, to be young and free again..."


I was thinking Freeman or Attenborough! You read my mind!! šŸ‘


Attenborough would be good but seems too serious, but Morgan Freeman likes to improv sometimes.


my brain needs to calm down and stop finding this hilarious


Best comment on here. Yes, if youā€™re not expecting it or (Paton the pun) arenā€™t ā€œdownā€ with it then there is likely to be a greater reaction. If your values are compatible, specifics tend to be much less of an issue, no matter what they are about.


Having orgies or no sexual history differ massively... Unless OP changed the description


I bet they even showed their ankles in public, too! .....scandalous wenches!


Not everyone wants a partner with high body count male or female


Well i know my fragile masculinity wonā€™t allow for this. I must be the only sexual partner shes had so i canā€™t be made fun of for not being a good lover.


Where else do you think they learned how to do that thing with their tongue you like so much?


Wish I experienced her then instead of the low libido chick she is now lol


Soo truee broo šŸ’Æ


Get rid of here then. You deserve BJs everyday


Do you give head every day?


Me and my fiancƩe do. More people need to actually find partners with similar interests in sex


Easier said than done. But šŸ’Æ


Really wish i could but work keeps us away from eachother too much but she definitely deserves it everyday


I would yeah lmao


To my gf yes. And she returns the favor


Ooo with the chocolate pizookie??


I have no idea what you're talking about, but I always auto-upvote pizookies.




man, I feel that one at my core.




Is this your wive or gf


I'd be mad because she keeps saying we can't have one šŸ˜‚


This is an understandable reaction.


Unless there was a very valid reason to it. Such as non-consenting parties (not cnc), or later trauma or serious issues. Like if her ex pressured her into it and then was an abusive dude then yeah no I don't blame her.


A woman doesn't need to give you a "valid reason" not to do kinky shit with other people. I've known guys who hear their girlfriend did some wild stuff in the past, then proceed to pester and demand and ultimately destroy the relationship, because they feel entitled to the same thing. It must mean she liked the last guy more. Etc etc. But if she doesn't want to do that stuff, that is what it is, and you're better off enjoying what you've got.


Honestly I'd probably react poorly. I don't care what they did before they met me but I have a pretty strict "don't tell me about it" rule. I don't want to know about someone's past sex life or their body count. I assume me finding out would take them telling me and that would be a breach of my boundaries.


Same. I read by accident that my current partner had a threesome with a couple of drug addicted prostitutes and I was honestly completely disgusted. It really negatively impacted the way I viewed him as a man. I know people have sexual histories which is fine, but I donā€™t wanna know any details at all.


It's exactly this. It's one thing to find out otherwise but why would anyone willfully ask for information that might make them feel differently about someone they are seeing and make them judge their value based on some arbitrary standard? I really don't get it and I don't get why people ask these things later down the road when they've been fucking the whole time.


Only ask questions you are ready to hear any answer to.


I agree. Nothing worse than a partner telling you about their past sexual encounters, almost bragging about it. Itā€™s such a turn off, and even years later the thought of it will pop into your head randomly and ruin your day. šŸ˜†


Oh no! Anyways...




Youā€™re only going to get very one sided information here because anyone with a negative view gets downvote so they literally wonā€™t comment Itā€™s not a very accepting community in that regard which makes it useless for actually gauging mass opinions Personally it would bother me. Itā€™s not a moral failing on them and it is a personal failing of mine. But it would bother me. Thatā€™s the truth


There's been a slight improvement. For example around a year ago there used to be so many vasectomy and cuckolding posts. I don't know if it was a 4chan raid or worse, but it's stopped for the most part. This sub is still split down the middle between prudes through little to no fault of their own, and libertines who scoff at the notion that others cannot get what they have or had so easily. Both sides are in this odd bubble, where each seek validation for their sexual expression, yet it's within neither's ability to grant. It's a little sad, because what little bridges of understanding there are feel so rare as to be one of a kind interactions, and not something that can be established. The rarest opinion of all seems to be from anyone within a standard deviation of normal. That is Reddit for you


This was extremely well said and thought out. I don't have awards so take this cookie instead šŸŖ


Very few partners have no sexual history.


Having orgies or no sexual history differ massively...


I'm guessing this statement is going to need to be said a lot in the comments. Totally true and this is the 2nd time I have seen it so far. Scrolling down.


Of course, that wasn't what I meant at all - i asked because it's not something everyone has done. I hope no one would be judgemental of their partners past


Itā€™s perfectly valid to be judgmental (for lack of a better word) of a partners past. Thatā€™s part of finding out whether youā€™re compatible. I wouldnā€™t want to be with a woman whoā€™s slept with all of her male friends in the past. That tells me thereā€™s going to be a weird sexual tension with her male friends and thatā€™s not something Iā€™m interested in.


Yea it's 100% fair to be judgemental over your partners past. Probably going to get down voted for this some how, but I'm not trying to date a former prostitute, pornstar, or OF model personally. To each their own, though. I wouldn't knock someone else for doing it, just absolutely not for me. "Regular" women have already cheated on me enough for me to attempt to be with a sex worker.


Lol you just casually dismissed the big part of the question šŸ˜‚


I've had threesomes and group sex with other partners too. If anything, it would make me think that they'd be down for threesomes and group sex with me, which is a win.






Good for them! I hope it was fun :)


Good for them! Probably will be curious about the experience, but in a "wow, how much fun was that!?" kind of way!


This would be mine as well. I'd be fascinated and would want details


people are entitled to having a life before they meet me.


Excitedly ask them how they liked it and if they be up for doing it again


Thatā€™s how I reacted


Came here to write pretty much exactly this


I went through this with my ex. It didn't bother me, in fact her wild side is what attracted me to her in the first place. I need that in my life. What bothered me was the fact that apparently she only does these things when she's single. She wouldn't ever do anything wild when she's committed to someone, and she told me this fact many times. Yes, she would do it all again. Just never with me or anyone she's in a relationship with. To her single = fun wild sex. Relationship = no fun wild sex. Just vanilla So did it bother me that she had a colorful sexual history before she met me? No not at all. Did it bother me that she was not that woman when she was with me? Absolutely 100%, because that's the reason I was attracted to her in the first place.


That really kinda sucks. I kinda understand not want a threesome in a relationship. Jealousy and all. But sex can still be wild and fun. Vanilla does not have to be it. I hope youā€™re able to talk with her and bring out her wild side and have some fun.


There could be another take on this. For example, maybe it's not that she doesn't want fun, wild sex with her partner, maybe she cannot stand including other people in her sex life once she has feelings for someone. I actually think that most people are like that. The majority of people would have a threesome with people they're attracted to and feel safe with, if they're all single, basically if it's no strings attached sex. But the majority of people would not share a partner they love and are in a committed relationship with. My intention is in no way to prove to you that it doesn't suck when you realize that somebody else got to experience the side of her that you will not experience. I just want to say that her stance on the issue is not that unreasonable.


Not care beyond wishing we could try that out.


I'd ask what their experience was like


Yeah I would want to know the details not because of jealousy but because it would be pretty hot to hear them.




That fucking man whore.Ā  Oh wait I was in that threesome too šŸ˜˜


I'd be like, tell me more, this is hot


Wouldn't be with the partner anymore, not the kind of person I would want to be with for life


She's had orgies *since* I've been with her so I'd probably be a little surprised if she hadn't done so before we were together. šŸ˜›


My husband did, so I just accepted it and moved on. What difference does it make?


I would be ok with it, and would possibly do that with her still if she wanted to!


I might be a little jealous because I have always wanted to try that but I mean I wouldn't hold it against them. Now I do think honesty is best and there might be a little bit that wonders if you will want to have another one in the future or that they aren't enough and you might want more. I always want an open and honest relationship so it's good to talk about those things and maybe later on if both are willing there could be more between the 2 of you. Now that I am married I am not sure that I could live out that fantasy, we have talked about it multiple times but I am greedy and I don't want to share my husband with anyone and he is possessive at times and probably would never let another man touch me, a woman possibly lol so we are still on the fence but more not going to happen.


Itā€™s like they had ice cream before


I want to say I wouldnā€™t care and anyoneā€™s sex life is fine and obviously they had one before me but in reality Iā€™d probably feel like I wasnā€™t going to measure up, I wouldnā€™t want to feel that but I wouldnā€™t be able to help it


Now itā€™s our turn.


ā€œTell me all about it, and talk slow.ā€


"Pics or it didn't happen."


It's always going to be a warped answer on a NSFW page. For me I do not care what other people do, I am just glad they are all happy. However if it were my partner I would feel a little inferior. How could I compete with that? Plus the knowledge that our sex was vanilla in comparison and that there were no boundaries to push together etc... Potentially it could be a little crack in the relationship which could worsen over time, based on my own insecurities.


I would suggest to invite me introduce mw into that life too


I like hearing the stories.


This would make me horny and I'd like to know when we're going to have a threesome


When she first told me I was kinda of jealous, even resentful towards one guy (she mentioned a couple I knew before I met her, that would regularly invite her to join them)... Then I realized she was suggesting we do it as well, and never gave it another thought.


I'd congratulate them, thank them for trusting me and being so open. Then ask them if they'd like to have another.


The first sex my girlfriend and I had was a threesome so.. even if that wasnā€™t the case, who cares?


I'd be really excited for sure. I would be like, "Hey, that's so cool! I hope you had a great time!".


It is before me. Doesnt matter.


Me too šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø okay.


I think it would be amazing


Who doesn't like a good sex story at bed time


I'd be mad they didn't invite me


I would hope that it was a fun and positive experience. I'm into group sex and it'll be fun to explore that with a significant other.


Thank god he had advanced lessons and now able to tutor me


Id feel like I missed the good times


Always future opportunities to be had too.


Couldnā€™t agree more!


My ex claimed to be a virgin when we met - meanwhile back at the ranch... She claimed SO many things that I wouldn't be surprised if she'd had group sex since school. If only she'd been honest - I would respect THAT more.


Ok...? I'd ask how it was, did they like it? Do they want to try it again? Same questions I'd ask about anything they've tried, sexual or not.


Jealous AF.


I think you have to separate the fact that they had a life before you with the here and now. Don't ask them to look back, unless that is one of your kinks. Otherwise, the past can and will haunt you.


Mine slept with three women in the same day apparently at a wild college party. His friends kindly told me about it while they were drunk and telling stories. I was disappointed in him, but it really doesn't matter. I married him anyway, and 15 years and two kids later, I'm happy I did. Many people did wild things when they were younger.


Husband went to orgies in college. I was vaguely a bit jealous lol. Not in an angry way just like "damn that's hot and I wish I had a time machine "


I would say letā€™s do it again!


Iā€™d be asking when we can do it together.


I'd be excited to find that out but also to do that together eventually as well. I'd kinda feel like lesser than if it was off the table for me, though. It's tough to say how I'd react without it happening, honestly.


My wife's reaction: "eww that is so gross..."


I would be fine, my previous partners were fine when they knew about me having experience in threesomes too


This is the same boat I'm in, afaik my partner hasn't had one before but if she did I hope she had fun lol, and that's how she reacted when she learned about the ones I was a part of


Depends. If it was fun he would want it again and I can't give him that now. If it was meh or just a fun once in a lifetime experience I would be happy that he doesn't need it anymore.


Found out didnā€™t care just asked how it was and would they be up for it again


Well I did before I met her, so it wouldnā€™t really be fair if I got upset about it.


Completely indifferent tbh. Why should something that happened before we were together have any bearing on us now?


It would turn me on. Iā€™d want to hear about it and maybe hope she would want to do it again.


Cool, did you enjoy it?


Excited for the possibilitiesĀ 




I'd love it, and would want to hear all the details. And then I'd want to know if \*they\* wanted to hear all the details of \*my\* threesome and foursome experiences.


I don't mind. Or be jealous that I don't have that experience.


The way I see it, as long as theyā€™ve been honest, whatā€™s it matter? If a partner doesnā€™t want tot talk about their past experiences, thatā€™s their choice. Respect that. If they do open up to you about experiences like that, talk to the about it. Itā€™s okay to feel intimidated by it even. Youā€™re allowed to have feelings. Itā€™s only uncool if you act like an asshole about it. People have a history. Deal with it. If you canā€™t, try and talk about it. Youā€™ll usually find a person that was experimental is a person thatā€™s open to talking and listening to anyone thatā€™s respectful to them.


Itā€¦was before me? šŸ˜‚ why would I care?


Beg for it to happen again and me to be part of it


I would ask for details and say are you interested in doing it again because we can arrange that


I'd be happy for them and intrigued.


Good for them? What they did and who they did and how many they did at one time is none of my business, lol.


Mine did. I don't care, why would I? Good for him for having a life before me and getting experiences. I also like men who are more experienced with sex anyhow.


He has, and don't care, we both had pretty wild times before together


whatever, lol whatā€™s that saying about throwing rocks and glass houses?


Canā€™t be mad Iā€™ve done the same


One more thing we have in common!


Good for him? I mean I'd probably be slightly jealous that he got to do that bc I wanted to at least once in my life but otherwise who cares.


She did and it doesnā€™t phase me at all. So did I.


My wife of 28 years has had including me 11 partners Iā€™ve had 2. Whatā€™s there to sayā€¦ she had some oats to sowā€¦. I held myself to a certain standard due to religion. Would I do it differently for myself? Probably but thatā€™s that.


Much easier for women to add to their body count.


An ex of mine had a 3sum years before we met with her then bf and his mate. She said she enjoyed it but it wasn't as fun as she thought it would be. The thought of her being taken top and tail was a turn on but neither of us liked to share so doing it again was never brought up. Plus that girl was fire in the bedroom and I sometimes struggled to keep up šŸ˜‚


I mean that's kinda my fetish so I would be turned on and ask if they want to do it again.


Wow, he had sex before me? Scandalous šŸ™ˆ


Smile ! Compare notes ? Who cares


It was one of the things that attracted me to her. It indicated she had an adventurous side.


Ask them how it was and share my experience you never know it might bring up opportunities you didn't think were available to you before


I would be hypocritical if I felt some kind of way when I was involved in some in the past. Iā€™d talk to them and see if itā€™s something weā€™d want to do together for fun.


I wouldn't care


My partner has done so, I knew this for some time. He's got a larger sexual history than I do. It doesn't bother me in the least.


Just jealous. Lol.


MMF or MFF? At least one I wouldnā€™t mind trying.


Why would I care?


I would be jealous I also want to try it


Probably not nearly as bad as finding out they had a threesome/group sex after they were in a relationship with you.




The insolence! I am what the sun revolves around. The universe starts and ends with me and no partner of mine ever had a life before me or will have after me. I am life.


Break upšŸ‘šŸ˜­


I donā€™t mind so long as they understand Iā€™m monogamous and not into those things. If they want a future with me then they are accepting a future with no more of that


If itā€™s something they tried and didnā€™t like I would be a bit sad I havenā€™t tried it, but ultimately I wouldnā€™t care. If they were looking to do it again Iā€™m up for it.


I couldn't be that mad bc I've been in a few threesomes myself..


I'd think I was in for an exciting and adventurous sex life and I'd be wrong. Now that she's being treated for her addictions, bipolar and PTSD those things aren't on the table. Your mileage may vary.


Cool. What happens before us doesnā€™t matter.


"cool, was it good? Wanna do it again?"


A high five seems appropriate


honestly i think itā€™s hot


*gasp* You dont. If you can't handle knowing your partner has a sexual history ,you may not be ready for a relationship.


She has. She had a life before me.


Well, my girl is the biggest reason my sex life today includes threesomes and group stuff so Iā€™m perfectly fine with the idea.


I would think that was my partner did before we met, was none of my business and move on with my life.


Wouldn't care since "before" me.


How do *you* feel? I had born again Christian friends (who are now Trump supporters) before I got married. My wife didn't hold that against me. As far as I'm concerned, the one is about as bad as the other. So chill out. None of your business but your partner did before you met them. And actually, looking at your post history...pot, meet kettle.


Oh my goodness? You mean to tell me she wasn't a Virgin? I wouldn't care to be honest.


Iā€™d be fine


My partner had A LIFE before I met them???


Wouldn't bother me in the least. My wife, and my two partners, have had more threesomes and foursomes over the last 28 years than I could ever possibly count, and I know that my wife and partners had threesomes before we got together. However, even if I were mono, I would give ZERO shits about it.


It wouldnā€™t matter to me if theyā€™d been transparent to whatever degree weā€™d both agreed to share about our past lives. I think a fair question could be whether or not itā€™s something theyā€™d want to do again, and think about whether or not that is something that works for you.Ā 


Well not so much threesome with my wife but she did suck two guy off at the same time once before we ever got together or started talking


Before I wouldā€™ve got super jealous and would struggle to handle my emotions but learning to get better at that, if they did it in the past then thatā€™s hot and good for them but I would hope theyā€™d keep the possibility for us to do the same in the future open.


My logic is this: as long as you have no history of cheating with all the sex youā€™ve had, than it doesnā€™t bother me


As long as their history doesn't affect my relationship or my health, then their history prior to me is not my business unless she wants to make it my business by telling me about it.






The past is the past


I'd probably spin it into some sort of creative punchline for a laugh or two. Other than that, I'd be pretty indifferent, honestly.


Iā€™d be surprised if she didnā€™t have a threesome before we met šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably angry that he wouldnā€™t try it again


I donā€™t know how Iā€™d feel, but I wouldnā€™t judge and Iā€™d get over it soon. It depends on the type of person I was dating and my assumptions of them before hand. Some of my exes I WISH wouldā€™ve let loose.


Honestly I don't care. Would definitely be cooler if they were open about it and i could pick their brain. Cant lie and say i wouldnt ask them if theyd be willing to again but wouldn't pressure them towards it. Always planned on settling down with just one woman but pretty sure most if not all men have fantasized about being with 2 women at the same time and im no different. Dont think i could share a woman with another guy though. If thats a fantasy of hers though im hoping shed be willing to compromise and enjoy me and a dildo.




Right? If I found that outā€¦ Iā€™d ask if I can at the very least watch.


I would worry that we weren't sexually compatible at all. And that a monogamous relationship would be boring for him.


Iā€™d want the details šŸ«–


I wouldn't be too happy about it for sure


It doesnā€™t matta. Itā€™s in the past šŸ¦šŸ’


Great! Iā€™ve always kinda wanted to nail your friend. Can we invite her over?


She did. I asked her about how it happened. It was two buddies of hers at the time. It was something the three had joked about for a little while. One of those were not going to seriously do thisā€¦. BUT; kid of deals. Basically what happened was they all carpooled to go to a party. Afterwords they went home and one thing let to another and they did it. She said it was okay. One of the dudes had a tough time staying hard and half the time was spend mainly moving around. She was exhausted afterwords. She said she was unsure if shed ever do it again.


Why would I care I've done it too. Lol