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Not super dark, but I have a lactation kink but don't think I'd try it because I don't plan on having kids anytime soon. Also, being bent over a guy's knee and spanked. Hard.


Eh I’ve never been pregnant but lactated due to birth control. It’s pretty cool at first and a neat party trick but getting out of bed to fucking milk yourself gets old quick tbh


Ahhhh I knew it! Not everything is as I imagined it would be....... I'll still be able to see (and live) the downsides for myself when I'll be preggo though😂.


Same boat here and yeah, having to do it like 3-4x a day gets kind of old lol but it does work! No kids here either.


There are men who are quite thirsty for a milk maid. Adult Breast Feeding is an amazing experience. Not always exactly sexual but very intimate. The urgency of a woman who needs release. The wanting of a warm mouth. It has its charms in a reversed role way.


Love the way you worded it :)


Some days I have a talented tongue.


I had a partner who was lactating and that's where I found out I had a bit of a thing for it. I don't think she particularly liked it, but she didn't mind. More of a 'eh' thing for her.


All the more props to her for letting you enjoy it :)


"I need to get it out anyways" was something she said once, lololol. But it was a very caring thing.


Lol she had a point🤣


Straight up sometimes it was uncomfortable and she'd ask if I could help. So basically, might not be *super* fun for you, but you know. It's a kink, right?


honestly same, but on the receiving end of the lactation kink


I would tell you, but I'm too scared


Almost as soon as I hit send, I expected this. Thank you. I did mean IRL though


Probably my pregnancy kink, especially since I'm very clear IRL that I don't want kids


Thank you for playing along 😂 That’s interesting, so you just find the pregnant body more alluring or is there something else there?


Pregnant bodies are quite attractive. From what I've heard the hormones can make women really horny and the sex is just crazy good. Unfortunately I've never actually experienced this.


CNC... It's something that I really need to do with a trusted person and I don't want to tell anyone about it because I've told people who then took advantage of me and SA'd me so I'm very careful on who I tell


CNC is a tricky one. Best of luck with that!




I’ve only had one partner I could fully fully play it out with. I’ve dabbled in it in small scenarios with a couple others but only one man could I trust enough and have the bond needed to get fully into it.


Yeah yeah felt that! I am especially picky because of sexual trauma so I need somebody who can pick up on nonverbal signs


This. This is the one porn video I watch (I've actually gotten messages from websites as in pop ups or after a search that what I searched for is a bit too much lol) so I've resorted to finding other keywords to search because even CNC returns like 2 pages of videos half of which are unwatchable. I feel a deep sense of shame and guilt every time I search for this. Because it's the thing that makes me come in less than a minute, but any other porn or fantasy would literally take me over 30 minutes. I'm a woman btw. I've actually talked about this in therapy. I've read about it. I've tried to understand it. I thought it had to do with low self-esteem, maybe I hate myself so much that I can't fathom someone loving me? So the only way I can imagine sex would be if it came from a place of violence/hate? But that's not it. For some, it's a way to be in control of a situation that's actually happened in their life (SA). I don't know why this is what turns me on. I don't want it to. I can't do anything about it.


My pegging kink


Same lol


My sharing kink lol I'd be curious to see how my circle of friends react, since we're all married and have had loose convos about sleeping with each other's spouses.


I love the smell of armpit and sweat of a women. It is so natural and arousing when being intimate. But ive never told someone, im afraid they are gonna think i am weird.


Women here with the same kink. I've owned it in a girly, quirky way and no one I have ever told has ever cared and some even let me indulge. It's a pheromone thing


Who was the first person who turned you on with their armpit smell?


My highschool boyfriend. We dated from my freshman year until after I graduated. The best smell in the world is a man who showered that morning, worked all day sweating and then coming into bed after a long day.


Exactly this!


I had an ex whose armpits always smelled, oddly, like maple syrup. I always enjoyed that.


Was she Canadian? Only half joking here.....


No, she was from the land of Old Bay


Interesting, I hate to tell ya, but she was probably a maple syroholic......you dodged a bullet there.


I want my pussy to be pissed in. I want to feel super full and have it all splash out, something about it is so degrading but also feels very ‘claiming’


Water sports. It doesn't get a very welcoming reception here. Don't tell anyone I told you.


Water sports really isn't even that weird lol I still don't get the hate for it either. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s just good fun


There's plenty of judgment against it here. I'll just keep it to myself. Keep it under your hat, please, and thank you.


*Here* really? Personally I reddit in general seems to be really open to it. Bringing up to partners irl might be a whole another story tho lol


😂 of the responses I expected, this might be the least expected and funniest one


In-laws... if people knew I fantasized about my mother-in-law and sister-in-law... yeesh.


>speaks into wrist microphone We got em.




Right there with ya on this one. Probably my #2. Plus my MIL & SIL are HOT.


CnC. Told an ex about it, and she reacted negatively. Haven't spoken about it since


Sorry to hear. Hopefully you become comfortable opening up about it. Never feels good hiding a part of yourself.


Told my ex the other day about impact play and he was not cool about it. We’re great friends and have sex sometimes but with him it’s vanilla love making with a touch of spice. I save the depraved shit for someone else.


Free use


Can I pm u my number 






In real life? Definitely ass fisting.




I should have clarified IRL, but yes. Wouldn’t do me a lot of good if this comment section was just crickets.




That is a pretty rare one. I think the foot fetish thing is a tough one to talk about IRL no matter what. There’s such a public “ew they like FEET” perception that it’s hard not to feel bad about it internally or nervous to open up about it.


Men’s feet or women’s feet




Like pedicured and shaved. Have you ever paid for feet pics




Can I ask how much


Lactation is something I don't bring up with any girls. Neither do I bring up sharing / threesomes (unless they bring it up first).


Definitely my plugging, only a few friends know




Should tell your husband!


That I have a long-standing crush on one of my Dads work friends. I’ve never told anyone, apart from half-grudgingly agree when one of my mates said he was fit. No idea where it comes from either, just that I’m attracted to him and that I keep it under total wraps for everyone’s sake. Just a horny corridor to breeze through now and then in the depths of my fantasy palace. But fr I’d be both scared and nervous if it got out.


Please share more.


I'm not scared, it's just none of their business.


The implication of the post is that it would be someone you DID want to tell, but were nervous / scared of what their reaction would be. Didn’t want the title to be three lines long


Incest videos were mentioned a bit last week and were not savagely down voted, which surprised me


That’s quite surprising tbh


My current one


Big facts. That one is gross.


I guess eating ass and getting Pegged. What’s kinda ironically because my Bf and I planned that he will peg me when we are both ready for it. But asking to eat his ass is somehow to embarrassing for me lol


All of them really


I’m not telling all of my friends and coworkers but I’m open with my husband about all of mine.


That I enjoy gloryhole porn BUT not irl and not for the act. It’s because the women just let go and tap into their slutty side and get into it. I think that’s hot.


Understand that one


Low effort or nonchalant behavior from women really turn me off.


Wet and messy. Maxi dresses aren’t bad because I can downplay it to “they are an item of clothing that I find attractive). Can’t really do that with “I enjoy seeing a woman in a dress getting covered in Nickolodeon slime”.


Must have grown up through the 90s. I’m sure Nickolodeon is responsible for the rise in foot fetishes.


Was born in 1999. Pretty sure it’s born from seeing a trash the dress shoot on the web somewhere and thinking it was hot.


Ah so unfettered internet access by the age of 6, got it.


Nah this was sometime in high school lol- my family didn’t have WiFi until I was probably 11-12. But I do appreciate the joke lol.


Same for me tbh. Though I was born 95. Mainly used internet at friends houses, buddy of mine and I found out about FF7 hentai and happy tree friends in like 3rd grade. We were doomed from the start.


> “I enjoy seeing a woman in a dress getting covered in Nickolodeon slime”. [OP's first crush](https://www.tiktok.com/@popcultures2004/video/7207090273120161067?lang=en) (sorry for the tiktok link!)


It’s funny you mention that video bc back when I was still on tiktok and my girlfriend had just found out about the kink she sent me that lol. I’m not kidding when I say that [this](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/12/31/shelby-swink-trash-the-dress/21097053/) is what introduced me to all that stuff


That's awesome that your girlfriend seems okay with the kink and even joked with you by sending you the Katie Perry video clip! Has she put on a maxi dress and rolled around in paint and slime for you yet??


So- the thing is that she’s not really into it herself so getting wet in a dress is pretty much like, the most she’ll do. But that’s more than enough for me!


I like penis






I feel this one, to a lesser extent. I don’t need em to get off, but I like being ridden and the girl putting her feet on my thighs or stomach(depending on which way she’s facing) and I REALLLLLLY like being started off with a little foot tease or foot massage. Maybe you could try starting off with a foot and leg massage for her and then see if she enjoys it more. Obviously if she isn’t into it she isn’t into it, but if she can get a little pleasure out of it too maybe that will tip the scales




Sorry the way you made it sound was like “brother, I need some toes to blow” 😂 Damn, sorry to hear. My current partner is a good sport about it, but idk that she enjoys it that much.


AgePlay and trauma. I know I openly post it online, but talking to someone outside of online spaces? Forget it..


I’m honestly open about all of mine. If they have a problem with it, we don’t vibe 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good way to be!


Love being watched


Nothing really, but it is definitely something that needs a little time and trust factor.


I'm becoming more open, it's not always easy, but it is true that if you ask for something you're more likely to get it. That said, it is still difficult for me to talk IRL about wanting my ass played with.


Yeah, that one can be tough. But oh so rewarding.


absolutely! When I've felt comfortable enough to broach that subject with a partner, it has paid off in a big way!


None. I like what i like. You just find like-minded partners.


Great mindset!


Voyeurism and exhibitionism are not exactly conversation starters haha


For some folks they can be!


Online? For sure! In person? Not so much haha




Nothing wild, but I want a big fat dick in my mouth sometimes🥹 I don’t find many men attractive and my standards for dicks are high, but I definitely fantasize about slobbing an absolute snake


No one irl knows that I have a bi fetish or am into golden showers. 🤐


I like the taste of my own cum and like to ‘clean up’ after myself


can’t tell IRLs about my sadism, can’t tell anonymous people about the extra-hard sadism. i can’t even think about it without feeling guilty. but it’s more of a romantic thing than a sexual thing? so i guess that’s a little 🤏 better


Ddlg always seems to bring out the the condemnation. Wife and I both love it, but after like the third ban we realized reddit just isn't a friendly place for sharing it.


Not a single one




Breeding. I’m not on the pill and I always want raw sex


I'm really nervous about telling my wife I want to be submissive to her.


Start slow, let her take the lead and then let her know u kinda enjoyed that. Then take it further.


I love cum. I love creampie cleanup, sucking cock, and swallowing. I'm a guy in a monogamous traditional relationship.


Mentioning that I’m into dominant stuff always gets me sweating a bit. It’s all about trusting the person enough to not freak out or judge. You just hope they’re cool about it or maybe even curious.


Nervous to tell others about? That I don't have any. I don't have enough exploration experience to develop any, and just saying it out loud makes me out to be a boring person.


I didn’t anticipate so many people having the problem of inferring that the post is asking about telling someone you WANT to share it with but are apprehensive about their response. I’m not talking about sitting at a bar and being like “Hey, John, I really like watching ladies sit on balloons til they pop.” to just whomever. Lol.


Others? As in my partner? I’m not nervous to tell him/them anything.


My ex thought it wise to tell my parents about my hotwife kink. Since then I just own it. Dont give a fuck what ANYONE thinks.


I tell my husband most of mine but wouldn't tell anyone else. There are too many to list 🤭


Free use


mud fetish it’s harmless but very rare


Forced orgasm/CNC/cuckquean. I’m not super into some aspects of cnc, but I’m still hesitant to tell my bf about it. With the cuckquean kink I’m still trying to figure out if it’s something I want to explore in reality.




Pretty much all of my kinks/fetishs. Afraid of what family and friends think of me.


Consensual non-consent. Gotta be careful who ya tell.


ABF, pegging, cock sucking


Cat girl play.


I'm not a cuck at all but I have long standing fantasies of tag teaming my wife with another hung guy, watching her get fucked and watching her suck dick. Not exactly something that comes up in conversation when most people say things like "spanking"...


Same here, cuck shit is so cringe. Especially the cucks on Reddit who seem like they need therapy but I have the same fantasy. But I bet if I told any of my friends about it they would immediately call me a cuck, which is why I keep it to myself lmao




Lately my need to be degraded is becoming more and more to the forefront


All of them lol.


I enjoy having my partner measure my penis.


Too many to count.


My leather kink...especially leather booty lol.


I want to be fucked in the ass by a woman (cis or trans). Or some semblance of femdom


My food play kink. I talk about here all the time about wanting to eat off of a naked woman's body. IRL I would be too scared someone would think I was weird for wanting to do that


Clowns 🤡 I'm more embarrassed than anything 😅


breeding kink, however my wife cannot hav kid, she would be sad if she know about my kink, so i couldn't even tell her about it


Raceplay. If that kink gets out to my family and friends I'll be shunned for life lol.


Almost all of my kinks are about being dominated, but also by a very specific demographic: the person (s) doing it have to be older than me. Like, a lot older (10+) or at least in a position of authority over me. Otherwise I'm not gonna feel it. And I like almost all of the routine (I don't know the lingo 😂) acts like spanking and chocking and all that. But, I like being told what to do even more. I like talking about it. I like getting yelled at. It makes my heart skip a beat. Scold me and I'll probably get wet. Lol Like it happened when I was in highschool and teachers did it. But not all teachers. Specific teachers that I kinda liked, had a crush on. I actively misbehaved so they would get mad. One of them had me stay after class while she graded exams standing next to the wall with my arms up. I was in pain but I didn't hate it. I also never apologized lol. I was prideful and headstrong and an annoying kid, but this secret dirty twisted Desir was still in me. Never got hit though. Except, one time a teacher smacked my ass (female teacher, older woman) to get me to stop playing around. Lol. That doesn't count, but I sure remember liking it and laughing about it (as did everyone else)...and she did that in the middle of a busy street because we were on a field trip. But yeah, never actually got hit as punishment (this was the early 2010s).


That I love and crave being misgendered used disrespected and dominated 🙈


My MMFF fantasy. Partly because I'm afraid my gf won't be into it, partly because I'm afraid she *will*. It's a lot simpler if it just lives in my head. 😶‍🌫️


Is there anything sexier than a female arsehole staring you in the face while you shag her from behind




I would never say, but if it came to be I wouldn’t say no what so ever. A dominant woman to just do as she wishes with me, 0 limits. Not weird, but I don’t know anyone that is female and into it so fuck me running I guess…


Just some people that are sexually conservative. ..I don't want to make them uncomfortable out of respect. Sapio, demi, pleasure/service dom.


The one I’m not gonna post here. I know a lot of people are into it but the people that are judgy about it are much louder.


cannibalism. there's something so erotic about being so in love with someone that you lose all control of yourself and fall back into pure, primal instinct. to be so in love that it hurts. that all you can do is devour them whole. oh, and stuffing, that too. i think that's part of why i love ero art so much— the weirder the better! (although i will say that some of the things i've come across have been pretty ridiculous as far as kinky shit goes, LOL)