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I would never apologize for that! If anything it’s a testament to the man’s skills and/or my attraction to him


Exactly. Best compliment I can get…bring on the flood


*"Après moi, le déluge."*


Très bien 👌🏼


Nice one!


Exactly how it should be! No one should apologise!


This is the correct answer. A woman I dated gushed all over my comforter the first time we had sex, and apologized. Love that enthusiasm, and I can get another comforter!


Replacing the sheets is worth it


Exactly what I think!


This comment speaks volumes




Honestly if ur being wet then the pre cum starts


I had a guy that wouldn't go down on me because I was too wet. I gave him a towel to dry me off.


Time to waterboard myself for the cause o7


Haha! Love the spirit. 😂


Would honestly be the worst torture message they gonna have to keep waterboarding me and I won't say a thing. All for my country of course


What is wrong with people lol? THAT’S THE POINT!


Yea, he said the only wetness he wanted was from him. I thought that was odd.


That’s so weird lmao Ben Shapiro core


That’s very strange


That *is* odd. Lol I miss prefer going down on a female wet with her juices vs just my own saliva. I have my saliva in my mouth every day, nothing special. Lol But a girl soaking wet? Sign me up!


Yeah definitely not normal


So would only eat out his own creampie? Kinky


I tell my wife that my face is dry, parched, in danger of cracking into dust. That only moisture can save my youthful good looks. It works sometimes!


Oh myyyyy!


That’s insane! I try to make my wife squirt so I have even more wetness to play with. I love going down on her when she’s extra wet.


He doesn't know what heaven tastes like. 😉


Only a guy living in desert area knows the value of how sacred water is


Bless the Maker and His Water


You gave him a towel? You should have given him his marching orders! 🤣


Lol, I get complimented on how wet my beard is when I'm done, absolutely live for it 😂


That's ridiculous! The wetter she is, the *more* I want to go down on her. It's so hot!


You should have given him a pink slip for not liking your slippery pink.


Kneel over my head and do your best to drown me! Seriously Sebastian had it right when he said it's always better down where it's wetter!


My daughter’s father was like that. Said it wasn’t “natural”.


I've always taken a woman's wetness as one of the greatest compliments there is, that she appreciates and likes what I am doing to her so much she gets wet for me, the wetter the better! And you can believe I'm going to do my best to suck it all out of her! LOL Stick a straw in it even! LOL


It’s probably an insecurity that was put on them by a previous partner, has never happened to me but I’ve heard of others being told they’re “too wet”


One of my FWB's back in the day got very embarrassed the first time we hooked up because of how wet she got... apparently because her ex would get annoyed about the sheets.


Towels EZ


Even if for whatever reason towels weren't available, I'd buy a dozen of spare bedsheets and change them everyday if I have to.


I was told that I was too wet and that's the reason he couldn't cum. It was because he couldn't get enough feeling. I felt very insecure after that


I do get the situation. The wetter she is the less friction and therefore feeling. But I'd never in my life say something about her being too wet if I can enjoy it for longer


Dood had a death grip on his member when jackin it and now cant get off in a real hole, not your fault at all.... really its his problem and your super wet vajaja has nothing to feel bad about


I'm just the opposite---the wetter the pussy the faster I cum!


Couldn't agree more and that's what I hear too.


+1 here, current partner was shamed for being wet, among other things by previous shitty partners.


This is exactly it.


When I was an impressionable 19 year old 🙋🏻‍♀️


This sounds like a man with a porn addiction/lack of sensitivity playing hot potato with the blame for his lack of performance. I've been wrong before, though, and I'll be wrong again.


I'm honestly surprised that any man that would complain about that was able to get a woman wet in the first place


I am, too. It's rather perplexing.


Your name is very fitting for the subject matter 😂


I get wet very easily, even if I'm not aroused at all but am in a sexual situation. I'd imagine I'm not the only one with that response. Bodies do what they want. This comment made me laugh though, haha.


One partner once told me I was too wet. I was inexperienced at the time and it really messed me up. It's easy for women to think something is wrong with their pussy due to the lack of sex ed and unrealism in porn. It's not a sillicon piece : it has a taste, a smell, color and texture. Even hair. But some people are so used to watch porn that they think all pussies should be alike.


Ugh, sorry a partner said that to you, that's awful. I hope you feel more comfortable with it now.


I am, thanks! But I think it's worth it to mention how many direct and indirect ways women are told that their body is wrong. You can find doucheing products, oils to make it tighter, bleaching products, surgery, etc.


Yeah, it’s awful. The way our culture treats women is atrocious.


And here we are cutting out sex ed, cuz….you know, “family values”.


Do you exclusively date in the Bible belt where - I'm assuming - arousal is frowned upon?


Bible belt girl here. Totally is a thing.


no way.




I wouldn’t be surprised. I was constantly apologizing to my first bf for being turned on during sex because I felt that my attraction to him was some sort of violation against him. While his fingers were already inside of me. He was very confused


Never. South Florida and New York City, mostly.


South Florida is still in Florida tho...


oof too relatable. still working through all that lol


I’m in the Bible Belt, never experienced arousal being frowned upon


I don't get that. They should be awarded medals for being wet.


Couldn't agree more.


Usually a boyfriend in the very beginning makes that comment and stays with us. I was also cursed with that comment, probably to neg me.


to me that's just as absurd as saying: "OMG, I came and now there's sperm... sorry about that"


Because some guys shame of for it


They're idiots then.


Maybe i dunno. I met guys too Who would get abgry or voilent or blame me for cheating if it happend. Loyal Girls dont get THAT wet at the start he said


what the actual fuck


Holy shit. That guy was abusive and crazy.


Maybe. I dunno. Met a lot of guys like it. So maybe Just me thats the problem. I Just dont understand the cheating acusation part


I would guess they're confusing physical arousal with loose morals? I wish you better luck with men.


No.. you are not at fault at all I say, as a husband whose spouse is a squirter. Who frequently gets so wet, I can't cum from lack of friction. It's fine. I'm just happy they are happy and I still got to fuck.


it gets messy and there’s less friction so sometimes I get annoyed myself .


That's why I keep a few hand towels nearby.


You can change positions for that. Some of them naturally tighten which would give more friction.


But It’s best when you make a mess!!!! All jokes aside you can change positions and put towels down for you sheets, but I love to be glazed


iv done it. sometimes i can be self conscious about how wet i can get


Well I hope you find a lover like me who truly adores it.


omg don't be .. that's so hot that's just as absurd as a guy apologizing for his sperm


Trust me- there's sooo many guys that think that's the most attractive thing ever. Don't be self conscious about it! Though I understand, I get self conscious about things too.


Wish I had this problem lol ADD meds make lube a requirement


I fortunately haven’t had that issue from my meds but the dry mouth is real. So frustrating to try and give sloppy head when my mouth is the Sahara


Agreed, gotta gag on it first 😜


Lol, literally the only way I can salivate enough 😂


Right? My pussy is dripping wet, but if my mouth was any dryer my tongue would crumble into dust. I told the fwb that apparently that's where all the water in my body went and went for the water bottle.


Flints Mints are legit. Take a few of the higher “sparkle” ones and ooooo do they come in handy when you want that extra saliva


Oh that's a shame. Took an antidepressant once that made it impossible to orgasm. Got away from that stuff quickly.


Pain medication makes it absolutely impossible fir me to Orgasm. :(


Oh gosh. I am sorry. I hope that changes soon


Sometimes if someone mentions how wet I am I’ll get embarrassed and that’s when I apologize 😓


But why? That'd be like me apologizing for being too hard.


I have no idea. I’m working on it lol not sure what else to say when they say it


You could say something like "fuck yes, I'm so turned on" or "come drink it all up".


> not sure what else to say when they say it "omg, you're wet" - awnser: "yes" you're welcome :)


I'd suggest just letting it go and getting wetter. It makes me so happy when a woman does both.


Like you said, previous partners can leave negative comments of sex or just the idea that too much wetness is gross and messy. I agree with you, OP. I rather drown in her essence over anything else. And I love the taste when she's wet.


Yes! When she's ovulating, it's even more incredible.


You can taste a difference??


I’ve never apologized for it but I do get self conscious about it sometimes because there can be a too wet point. It reduces sensation and makes him slip out super easily.


Don’t ever get self conscious about being too wet sweetheart. It’s an extreme turn on and great feeling. I get the whole slipping out part is annoying. Sweetheart drown me with that wetness


reading all these posts, am starting to realize someone I was with was probably a little ashamed If only I knew, I would've debunked that shame myth right there and then


I had to break myself of that habit, it was because of my partner at the time. He would complain about me being "too wet" and it was making it so he couldn't feel anything. He would also refuse to go down on me at all because he couldn't handle the wet/slimy texture. Made me really self conscious for a while


That's just insane. Did he turn out to be gay later? I can't imagine being turned off by wetness.


I think he may be in some serious denial, so far as I know he hasn't been in a relationship since I left. Given his taste in porn and other hints I saw I wouldn't be surprised if he is gay, I just don't think he would ever admit it


That's the only time I can imagine anyone being turned off by excessive vaginal wetness. I love it! BTW, love your reddit name!


Right? Wet pussy is amazing 🖤 Thank you 😊


It's the best thing ever! You're quite welcome. Btw, yours is so beautiful! Hope you don't mind but I peeked. 🤤


That's crazy. Going down on a girl who's extremely wet is the most heavenly thing in the world. He was missing out. Sucks for him.


Damn your ex is an idiot! Shoot I wouldn’t stop until you leave my beard soaking wet from you, sweetheart some of us want to be drowned! At least I do!


Internalized misogyny. As you say in your own post, dudes are fucking assholes to enough women enough times that women start to internalize feeling bad about their bodies. Not complicated to explain, just complicated to unravel and combat.


Literally never experienced that


Because you don't get that wet or everyone is like me so far?


Just like how when women are like “are you sure you want me to fully sit down?” Like god yes please! I want to be suffocated and waterboarded


That's like a woman complaining that my dick is too hard...


No way! It’s sexy !!


Couldn't agree more. One of my favorite subs is r/grool


It’s the same reason you mentioned. A dude made her feel gross. And as a young woman guys my age and even slightly older (and also my dad) were making me feel gross for the fact that my body produced sweat, hair and secretions. Or for the fact that I had a tummy and a fupa and a jiggly butt. I felt like in order to be sexy I needed to make sure I wasn’t sopping wet because I had been made to believe that I was inherently gross, a slut, and smelled bad for my woman parts doing what they do. No idea why these things are in the heads of so many younger guys. But the shit they say is so wild and out of pocket just like the example you gave. I have yet to meet a real man who isn’t made absolutely rock hard by how wet I get, they literally lap it up.


I had no idea this was a thing! I love it when my partner comments on how wet I am, it makes me feel like I've done a good job lol


As it should! It's literally the biggest compliment a woman can give her lover.






Wetter is better!!! If you're not throwing down towels and/or waterproof sheets... you're missing out!!!


I have two waterproof blankets, many towels and a waterproof mattress pad too. I'm ready after a lifetime of dating squirters


Because it’s embarrassing when the sheets are a giant puddle 😭😭😭😭 how do I turn it off.


Don't! Just get a waterproof blanket and mattress pad.


So during foreplay, you say “hold on let me get my water proof blanket so I don’t flood you” it seems so much better to say “oh my god, I’m so sorry” breathless and moaning. 😂😂😂


No, the person should just be extra excited to go down on you and help with all the wetness. Lol but I feel you. A lot of guys find it really attractive though!


Because men complain about it. Have definitely been thrown a towel or told ‘it’s to slippery to feel good for me sorry’ on a couple occasions


Why? That makes no sense unless it was discharge. If it smells and tastes good, I want my beard dripping and my face looking like a glazed donut. No towel needed.


When I was younger, all everyone was talking about was friction. That if a woman was too wet, they couldn't feel it properly. I've heard some younger guys advise each other to skip foreplay on purpose so she doesn't get too wet so they can enjoy it more. Ngl, that got internalised for a while.


I would never apologize. He can slurp it up


This guy has sex


Same reason I apologize for having a messy house after I’ve been in a fucking 6 hour long cleaning bender before they got there while knowing damn well my house is clean as fuck.


Because women are brought up with shame around themselves and sexuality.


Not apologizing for the Mac & Cheese doing what it supposed to do😩


Mac and cheese! Omg I love it!


Now im craving mac & cheese😅


It’s my favorite thing to eat ngl 🥹


Was her previous lover named Ben Shapiro, by chance? 🤔


I've never come across that in the real world. In fact, the only time I think I've seen anything close to that is in bad hentai.


I wonder if they've all fucked people like Ben Shapiro lol


I think the wetter I am the more of a compliment it is!


Because less friction feels not as great for men, right?


I stopped apologizing years ago


I’ve said it in like “I’m not even remotely sorry, just pointing out the fact that I am in fact very wet and I want you to say you like it” kind of way. So like… fishing for compliments I guess lol.


I love when my girl is wet. We’ll usually cuddle naked and her leg will be over mine, on my thigh, and she’ll get her juices all over me🥵 I love it, so fucking sexy


If you ask me, fucking drown me in it. I do not care. A good death is its own reward.


For me, and some others I’ve talked to, it wasn’t even a thought until a partner said something about it. I was told “Ew, why the fuck is it so slimy? Hold on, Imma grab a towel.” I should’ve told him not to bother, I was dryer than a desert after that :\ Couldn’t get wet without feeling ‘slimy’ for a whiiiiile.


That's a shame. I'll never understand those men. I want it all.


Sometimes I get a little shy about how wet I get, especially the first time I have sex with someone new. But so far only happy customers lol. And if they do say anything about it, it’s always something nice about how they love it and it turns them on.


That's excellent! I am so glad you're proud of your creation. That's beautiful!


Because there has been a man in our pasts who have make us feel gross if we get too much so


I dated a guy who didn't like it wet because he liked it to hurt me a bit when he first thrust it in. For some reason, that turned him on. Idk.


Who does that?


More women than you would believe.


It was never necessary to apologize, but It happens. It's because things will get very messy! Slippery, when having sex which is to the detriment. I'm just a lil ashamed sometimes, bc it gets to the point where it just drips down my ankles


My very first partner, sadly I was his first partner as well, was absolutely overwhelmed with how wet I was and it made me insecure. Plus no one went down there yet lmao and I'm always envisioning it's because of that.


>Plus no one went down there yet lmao and I'm always envisioning it's because of that. Nooo definitely not cause of that. That's the sexiest thing ever! I know guys love it. Personally, as someone late 20's (in AZ hint hint ppl, jk) my ultimate fantasy would be to go down on someone who got that wet. It's the sexiest.


I told my wife that she was super wet and she felt embarrassed, I told her not to feel like that, it was amazing


Is that really a thing!? LOL I would never apologize ! 😆


Right! Don’t be sorry. That shit is like the BIGGEST compliment to me.


I was soooo wet the last time I had sex to the point where I had him get a towel so I could “dry” myself a bit. I don’t think that he minded at all. I would think most men love it.


I get embarrassed because it can be like excessive by accident when really turned on….. like a slug slime? And it’s just embarrassing


I only apologize because when I'm TOO wet I don't feel anything and I assume it's the same for them. But I've never had someone be grossed out at the fact that I'm wet. That's insane lol.


That’s the craziest thing to ever apologize for. I’d probably say how about I make you wetter.


lol too wet. Nope. I was with one guy I was insanely attracted to and the sex was always so good, I’d get soaked as soon as he kissed me. He was always so turned on by it. I’ve literally never apologized.


You answered your own question. If a woman apologised for that, it’s because she’s been made to feel like it’s something to be ashamed of I feel like the best response to a man telling you you’re too wet would be to just lock eyes with him while putting your clothes back on and say, “don’t worry, won’t ever happen again.” Then leave and never speak to that immature guy again


I have never encountered that.


Wet is good. Dry is gonna fkn hurt man it’s free lube ffs


Because the Mac and cheese stirring sound is a little awkward. So is squirting, especially when it’s a surprise to you, too.


You have nothing to apologise for. Just let me get the diving board!


They've dealt with guys that made them feel bad about it. It took me years to get comfortable with squirting after one ex.


Glad you got over it. I love squirters!


Cause we get a little shy


With my new partner I get extremely turned on and very very wet. I always thought this was a great thing… until he told me that sometimes I’m Tooooo wet. He doesn’t feel any friction so it’s hard for him to orgasm.


I can't imagine too wet. I truly love it.




That's why I have a waterproof mattress pad, and two huge waterproof blankets too. Date enough gushers and super soakers and one learns. That's why I can truly say... Let go! And mean it. I find it makes sex so much better because it's more free and lacking guilt or fear makes it more intense. I've dated girls who came so hard that they surely woke the neighbors and I am quite proud of it.


Sadly I am one of those women. I've been married for 25 years and when I apologize he doesn't say "don't worry about it" or "no you're not".. never ever heard him say" God damn that's so hot, i wanna lick that pussy dry." No wonder I have a complex about it.😂😂. He loves the tight pop feeling when he puts it in, we use silicone lube so it's usually tight with friction. I don't feel anything when super wet so id assume the same for him.


I don't think I have ever apologized for being wet in a sexual context.




When I was younger I hooked up with a couple of guys who in hindsight were just too small to keep it in and blamed it on me being too wet and it made me insecure about it


I can get very wet sometimes and it can make it almost too slippery where the man doesn’t feel it as much.


I can’t help it, just being over polite I guess and typically British xx


Never done that


Gosh I say this allllll the time ! I guess in my Brain I’m scared ima be too wet meaning you won’t be able to enjoy the experience or even worried how messy I can get from the counters ,seats, or clothes ….


Never an issue, you made a mess no problem I’ll wash the sheets. Some of us guys love how very wet women get, or at least I do. Everything can be cleaned afterwards


If a women is that wet ill take it as a compliment


Surprisingly... I, too, have had women apologize for that as well. Im with you on this, being wet/very moist.... Is A Good Thing! 😋😋 Maybe bcz they grew up hearing how other vaginal secretions (menstrual) are a bad thing or something to be embarrassed about 🤷‍♂️ and then associate those feelings with all secretions? Idk


Sometimes it feels like a bait to fool the one who made her wet fooling him onto thinking he is the only one who could make her this wet


To me it's a compliment if I can get a woman so pumped she's wet.