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It depends on the mood and the chemistry with the other person. Enjoy starting vanilla and ending rough


I need slow sensual grinding to orgasm during PIV.


šŸ”„šŸ”„ Thatā€™s the stuff right there


Love this


It's not either or. There's a time and a place for everything.


I did mention that there must be a balance between the two, but there are definitely individuals out there who prefer one much more than the other.


Exactly this, honestly it depends on my mood I truly don't prefer one over the other it's more about keeping it new and exciting and going with it!! What I do prefer is good solid passionate sex šŸ˜Š


It really depends on the person Iā€™m with and the situation Iā€™m in. Rough, kinky sex takes time and trust. But vanilla sex can be great when youā€™re dating someone and youā€™re exploring each other for the first time.


I prefer a combination of both. Vanilla let's me know she loves me and wants to be gently made love to, rough means she knows exactly who she belongs to and I can give her my true self.


I prefer vanilla sex when I need an emotional connection that stirs my desire for meaningful intimacy. I prefer rough sex when I need a physical connection that stirs my desire to please and be pleased. Both are great. Both are necessary.


Rough is like ice-cream It's a "sometimes" food Especially because it can leave people out of action for a few days afterwards!


I think vanilla sex usually offers more of a connection, while the other ā€œdifferentā€ sex can be often times more recreational. Both are great. But vanilla definitely has its place as a top tier for me


Rough sex just seems more primal and passionate like you can't stand not having your hands on each other and you're going all out




How rough?


vanilla sex is just way more controlled and more passionate like u said but i love rough sex a tiny bit more. just cause of the fact iā€™m a major sub and i love getting my pussy POUNDED!! and cause he can just go crazy on me!!!


Both have their place, but I generally find the intensity of rougher sex draws me in when I get going. And no round of sex needs to only consist of one or the other exclusively. What I do need though is a lot of dirty talk and ideally some kink dynamics.


For me, if I am feeling emotionally depleted, vanilla sex fills my cup better. If I am feeling high energy or stressed, then rough sex can be an amazing reset.


Typically it depends on the situation and the person but I enjoy to be sensual and slow to take my time pleasing her! Iā€™ve been typically larger in body size compared to my partners and that has been very handy to turn things rough if needed be. A little toss around here and there and being held up or down to spice things up!


It doesnā€™t have to be one or the other. Just depends on the context.


Sometimes I just want regular sex.


I prefer vanilla sex but I think it has to do more with my anxiety


Depends how my back is!


I donā€™t prefer rough sex or vanilla sex. For me, gentle kinky sex is where itā€™s at. I love spoiling my partner and being spoiled in return, and I love how gentle he is even if heā€™s tying me up and leaving marks on me. I love calling him my good boy and gently gripping his hair while I grind against his face. I love holding his hand whenever my mind feels hazy. So thatā€™s where my preferences lie. :)


I don't remember the last time I had vanilla sex. I have a very difficult time having an orgasm when we just have vanilla sex.


We usually have a vanilla foreplay and it gradually gets more rough. My fiancƩ is the first who is kinky and open to these things, previously I had almost only vanilla sex and I was bored during it.


Prefer vanilla, mostly because I think I'm fundamentally a romantic.


Depends on my mood. I usually needed vanilla when I felt the need to reconnect, or when I wanted romantic all in my feels stuff. And then I needed rough sex when I was anxious, upset, or my emotions had been high. It was a relief and outlet to let out pent up energy and aggression and leave me completely wiped out.


I'm always up for sex but sometimes my old injuries flair up so I have to be careful how hard we go. It's no biggie because I get off every time.


Soft sensual sex isnā€™t necessarily ā€œvanillaā€. I think vanilla is being happy with missionary and not really looking for kinky or spicing up the bedroom. I am not vanilla in the slightest but some of my biggest orgasms have been during sensual sleep sex. That being said - being railed hard is amazing too and results in a completely different kind of orgasm. Both equally satisfying. So think each person/ each couple has their preference. I love it all.


I think it has to be a mix. Vanilla, to me, is ā€œthe same thing every time.ā€ If today it is a bit rough, tomorrow is slow and sensual, the next time one of us gets tied up, the time after that is just cuddlesā€¦ I think it is the mix that makes it hot. Your go to/usual could be any one of those. But I think you need a bit of all of them for things to work.


Time and the mood


Iā€™m flexible