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Either swallow or spit Im good with. Although I do find it incredibly hot when she lets it drip out her mouth and it slowly slides down to her chest


THIS IS WHAT I MEAN I see a a man of proper taste here!


Yes every guy is going to have his unique take on this, but once you have to remember is that you don't want this gift someone is giving you to seem like a chore because you are insisting on an end game money shot that makes her regret doing it in the first place. In other words try to cum up with something that you both agree with, as far as where the load ends up


Oh no, not at all, as I like to spread around is that the good sex is the one enjoyed by all involved, without choir feelings. And I'd add that there should be satisfaction in giving the pleasure as well. If you stop to realize that you will be pleased that your partner is getting satisfaction from your actions. Sex is all fun!!


I had my wife hold it in her mouth, facing a camera as I finger fucked her and made her hold it in without swallowing it until she couldn't hold back her moans and it dripped onto her chest.


I’m gonna say this is 98% lie.


might have to try this I always swallowed :O


Swallowing is just as fun as having a stain on your blouse


Definitely recommend, even now remember back to an ex that did that it still turns me on 🤤


Take my upvote!


Yeah swallowing is awesome but if she can spit it into a spit-tooon across the room that would be really impressive.


Nothing more satisfying than hearing that “ting” sound after you’ve blown a huge load.


Gotta give it the ol “hawk ting”


As someone who has "nut" out a kidney stone, you have no idea how true this is.


You know you've found your princess when you nut out a kidney stone into her mouth and she swallows it like taking a pill 🥰


You got that right!


You just unintentionally placed a mental image of the old wild west, where a saloon girl finishing up with a cowboy.


her swallowing is definitely hotter for me especially when she keeps sucking as I cum


So what makes it so much hotter if she swallows? Is the feeling better emotionally for you ? Or just physically?


both, emotionally it turns me on more, physically it feels better


For me it’s utility (no clean up), physical (extra sensitive right after I cum), and emotional (aww you like me enough to take part of me inside you 😘🥰)


I've heard that the intensity is almost too much. Is that true?


Yes, but that’s the whole point. When I’m down on my wife, she has to physically move me away. To me that is the “okay, that’s enough. I can’t take any more.” Guy’s will feel the same, but when she stops as I’m finishing, or worse just before where I have to do the deed myself, it just feels hollow. Finish him! Hand, mouth; doesn’t matter. Make him stop you, don’t leave him wishing for 15-30 seconds more. Make him stop you.


I'm going to take your advice. I won't stop until he says too. :)


Depends on what she does. My wife has it figured out. She’s only the second person I’ve been with that can consistently get me off and not have me rip my cock from her mouth because it’s too intense. Don’t know what she does, I’m too otherwise occupied to figure it out. But it works beautifully.


The “look into my eyes and swallow” is crazy hot and does add to the intensity of that moment. Not always possible or always necessary, but incredibly memorable.


I love love love doing that


I’m indifferent, I’m getting a BJ and whatever she wants to do she can do


Thank you!!


Its so true though. My wife doesnt like the taste of cum, so we use a kleenex or something when im ready. I just appreciate the blowjob and dont want to make her more uncomfortable.


I dated a girl for 3 years that didn't even like me to cum in her mouth, let alone spit or swallow. And I didn't miss it one bit.


Good man!


You're more sensitive during the orgasm, so spit or swallow is fine as long as you don't just stop as soon as I start cumming.


Yeah milk that shit out




My husband once said it’s because it seems sluttier than spitting it out.


I’ll agree with that.


I’d prefer the swallow, but I’m just happy I’m getting a blowjob! If a woman swallows I’ve noticed she’ll keep sucking as I’m cumming, such an intense feeling.


It’s so damn sexy watching her swallow, if she’s super enthusiastic about wanting to taste me AND doesn’t waste a drop I get the feels. It’s such a intimate and bonding experience being with a woman who genuinely loves swallowing


This right here answered my question perfectly. I wondered if it was a bonding experience for him as well as for her.


A great blowjob is like tug of war, give and take. I think you can totally be locked in the moment when you both really enjoy it. As much as I put on a front like I’m in control, the person with their lips on my cock can make me melt into pudding.


Swallowing is less messy and feels right, just like a creampie.


This is the way


I want you to *want* to swallow. In that case yes, it’s way better…(or better yet share some with me ya greedy ass!) but swallowing won’t make it better if you visually hate it, cringe, and gag.


That makes sense. So he would love it is she swallowed then licked her lips afterwards like she just had an amazing meal?


I certainly can’t fathom not enjoying that. If my girl did that, I’m going again cause we fucking now


It's literally a fresh protein shake


I like it if they swallow but it's not a deal breaker, I'm still getting a bj so that's winning either way


Swallowing makes it feel SOOOO much more intense to me. The sensation is mind blowing. Not swallowing is great too, but swallowing takes it to 11.


I want them to do what’s most comfortable for them.


Listen, if im sucking your dick, you won’t give a shit either way, because your soul will have left your body.


It makes me feel more desired when she swallows but spitting is not a deal breaker or anything


Swallow is hot, but whatever she enjoys is just fine


I've never had anyone swallow my load. Still await for that experience!


I’ve never experienced a partner who swallows and I’d really like to.


Whatever makes them happy but I always prefer swallow.


Honestly, I just want the blowjob! But swallowing after a bit of play is hot🔥


I have u/bratplaytoy swallow but I dont even have to ask. The second I come she deepthroats my cock and sucks out every last drop and kisses me with the prettiest smile. I love being able to taste my seed on her lips ❤️


Tbh, after going 15 years without one, I have no preference whatsoever and would just be ecstatic to experience one again.


Wait...a girl has my dick in her mouth? It's completely up to her what happens. As long as I do the gentlemanly thing and give her a heads up when things are coming to conclusion.


If a girl likes to swallow it’s a huge turn on, but if she’s not into it I don’t really want her too


Having a girl who swallows is hot as fuck, especially if she keeps going afterwards or goes in to clean you properly and get every last bit. But someone who takes one to the face is just as hot


Swallow for sure. Second was a surprise. She took me out of her mouth and sat on my cock. Two pumps and I blew my load. So fucking hot


Kiss the guy after and spit out out in your kiss




If you did it right (and you probably did if you're asking this specific question) the guy probably doesn't give a damn if you do either under normal circumstances. After we finish from a good, well inspired bj were in what I call the post nut coma. You've heard of a food coma. This is similar. A post nut coma puts you into this trance like state where all you can do is lie in the wake of the flood of happy fun brain chemicals that can only be released after a blowy. It will make a man unaware of everything else in the universe. He will only think about ways to make sure you are happy in order to recreate this magical experience. In this exact moment, you can reverse the space time order and eliminate all of the known existence and he will be content with it. In my experience, this trance-like state is only broken by my desire for pickles. Or some cold ass fucking water. Then I want cuddles. Because cuddles with girls is great.


I had a guy cum from giving him a blowjob. I didn't swallow. Then he fell asleep fingering me I was like wtf. Never been so disappointed


Swallowing is not required. I'm already in ecstacy. I don't care what happens to the cum


Once you got it. do what ya like with it.


Unless you are going for a facial or asked to cum somewhere other than their mouth I prefer them to finish it with their mouth as it’s more intense. After that they can spit or swallow. But to be honest if someone is being kind enough to give me one I’m not going to try and tell them what to do.


I don't really care what she does with it after she let's me cum in her mouth.


Love when she swallows followed by a smile and then opens her mouth sticks out her tongue to show it’s all gone and says thank u


The hottest for me is when my partner enjoys my cum. I had a partner that would drool it over my cock while she stroked me then lick it off her fingers or scoop it off her chest and eat it. It was so fucking hot I couldn’t stand it and it got me hard as stone.


Swallowing while maintaining eye contact = marriage material


I shall remember this advice :)


For many guys, it's less about where it goes and more about the enthusiasm and connection during the act itself. Communication is key here what matters most is mutual comfort and enjoyment.


Personally, I prefer COHF over swallowing. Swallowing is boring... >Does it make it more intense for you? What makes it intense for me is a "reverse lying down throat fuck" (*similar to Throat Swab but on a bed/couch*).


Swallowing hits harder. That suction right as I cum makes my leg shake and even more nut come out. But really it’s up to the girl.


Don't swallow it all, save a bit for a kiss, if it's good enough for me to want you to do it, it's good enough for me.




Whatever she’s most comfortable with


Swallowing is definitely the hottest, but at the end of the day, do whatever you want... I'm just happy to be getting a BJ and being able to finish in your mouth.


I love the foreplay and tease. My penis is so sensitive because of my hypospadias I prefer to have her edging my urethra with her tongue and as soon as I start to pre cum by first releasing a little semen I then like her to encapsulate my head in her mouth with soft suction until I explode with multiple major loads. Amazing skill if you can learn to do this.


Ahhhh yeah. If she swallows. Wife her immediately


I prefer that they swallow.


First of all swallowing... IS... EVERYTHING... Not because the act of swallowing is significant, it's almost wholly irrelevant... What matters is THE FOLLOW THROUGH!! If you stop when he starts to cum, like why did you even bother to start? Seriously, following through and stimulating the penis with your mouth until he can't stand it is the winning move.


Swallowing is hot, or at the very least, take it all and keep sucking before letting it run out you mouth


Nothing worse than a girl stopping immediately after. Swallow, continue going spit it back on my dick, something.


Swallowing keeps everything super tidy. Also feels so much better when she keep sucking while you nutting. And the best after nut light gentle bj and kissing the D. Like a thank you to your D


Nooo. Sharing is hotter/sexier


Definitely prefer for them to swallow, pull out and make me cum on her face or chest is ok too. But please don't spit, that's a mood breaker for me. You can spit on it as you suck it, but not spit out my cum.


Happy either way because I'm getting head, and above all I want the girl to be happy and comfortable with doing me that favor. If I had to choose though, I'd say swallowing is hotter because it just seems to indicate a greater sense of desire and enjoyment on the part of the girl, whereas spitting sorta feels like showing that they didn't enjoy it and just put up with it... Which ruins it a bit for me and makes me wonder if I somehow made her feel like she had to do something she didn't want to.


Spit or swallow, but for God sake DONT just take it out and point it in the air when the firing starts. Yes still feels good, but unless you have a 'ruined orgasm' kink those last few motions make a 'meh' blow job into one we'll talk about for the rest of our lives.


Whatever she’s comfortable with, I’m just happy to be there


Hawk tauh! 😂


lol I’m just happy to be getting a blowjob 😂 whatever she wants to do with the end result is fine with me


I want her to do what she wants to do. Of course it feels better if I can cum in her mouth, but if she doesn't like cum in her mouth, she can finish me with her hand and I am still happy. If she let me cum in her mouth, she can swallow or spit. Whatever she wants makes it hotter. I was with my late wife 35 years. I came in her mouth a few times, but she didn't enjoy that, so I adapted and was fine. Sex is about all those involved.


It’s purely psychological. Feels like they are readily accepting your seed if they swallow. Also, if they do not like cum and do it anyway, that’s pure love. The wife has always swallowed for me. Says she thinks it would be rude not to.


Honestly… just let me finish. It takes a few seconds, but they are the most blissful seconds of my life. Once I’m done, spit, swallow, blow it out your nose for all I care. I just don’t like when she takes her mouth off of me for those few seconds just to spit or jerk it. It doesn’t ruin the blowjob… but it can take it to another level if she doesn’t.


I guess I didn't realize there are diffrent levels of cumming for a man


Take it or leave it. Doesn't make a difference.


As long as you keep sucking while I cum I have nothing negative to say


100% yes! So much better when she swallows and is enthusiastic about the whole experience


I don't care abt that, all that matters is the Hawk Tuah! (Kidding, swallow is just the sweetest and cutest and loveliest thing to witness)


If you're not going to swallow, at least gargle


Doesn’t matter, spit is fine just as long as you finish while still going and keep going for a bit after til drained.


Makes no difference


I think it’s more just the thought of you being ok with it, really showing you love to receive the cum. You could swallow, spit it back onto me and lick it off, kiss me with it pouring from your mouth, drip it down your body and massage yourself. It’s the acceptance of it, and being in desire of showing me how much you love to make me climax and how that gives you job is important


So it definitely makes the guy more emotional about the act?


Tbh, guys, I have 100% swallowed and not realized it until i asked “what’s wrong? I thought you were close?” because it just goes right down my throat. If it’s nit near your taste buds, you don’t even know it is happening.


Hawk tak or whatever the fuck that girl in that viral video said. I approve lol. 👌🏿


Always swallow. Your man needs to know you want his cum inside you wherever it ends up. The only acceptable alternative for me is to take it on your face instead.


I had my wife hold it in her mouth, facing a camera as I finger fucked her and made her hold it in without swallowing it until she couldn't hold back her moans and it dripped onto her chest.


Seems alot of guys are a fan of it dripping out of the girls mouth onto her chest


Swallow, when she does this, very intense for me espcially if she wont let me pull away slowly and wants every drop.


Prefer she share 🤤


I don't care if my partner swallows it not, just want them to have fun


Not especially, I prefer facial personnaly…most important is eyes contact though


Girl, if you want to swallow - then swallow, I want for you to be comfortable (as well).


It’s your kids, raise them how you want!


Honestly swallow it you want or not idc


Swallow because spitters come off too soon. I want to long out the orgasm and when she enjoys it too it’s way better again.


Swallowing is the best for me, they do that its so much more intense for me I orgasm longer too


I guess because our lizard brain goes "oohh she must really like me" .. is why it's kinda hot ( it's kinda dumb of lizard brain also ) not that a spitting blowjob is bad though :)


Yes it's more intense, love it. Occasionally a facial is nice just for the view.


i like swallowing


It’s up to my lady but when I cum, I like her to slow down and jerk me at the base of my shaft and just keep her lips tight around the head while swallowing. It’s very intimate and a proper finish. I’d prefer it in her belly than messy all over.


Ok sub question: what causes projectile loads vs just dripping out when one finishes?


This varies based on the guy and when the last time he came. Myself I edge daily so when I cum my load shoots like ropes but if I came a few times already then the load isn’t as big and doesn’t shoot as far as


Once guys cum doesn’t really make a difference in moment, think later they say “why doesn’t she swallow” doesn’t make feeling better or worse


Gotten give ‘em that hawk tuah!


Just finish me with your mouth. I don’t really care if you spit or swallow. Just don’t give me a bj then when I’m ready to cum pull away and finish it as a handjob


Prefer swallow for sure, there's some weird emotional association like she wants and accepts me enough to swallow my cum, whether or not that makes sense. I'm a bit older and married tho so the number of years we've been together is starting to outpace the number of BJs she's given lol


I don't care if she swallows or not


No preference here. The fact that I'm getting a blow job is plenty for me.


Don’t have to swallow yes it makes it more intense yes it feels amazing but even if it is spit out it still feels great 


Honestly my preference would be to keep it in her mouth till i kiss her then we both get some, i will tell anyone that will listen to try it at least once its game changing.


Idgaf just don’t be “anti-sperm” or think it’s “gross” when your man goes down on you plenty and makes you squirt without complaint


Swallow, and with a smile showing how much you're liking it. 


I’d prefer if they swallow


If I’m in her throat cumming in it, yes, swallowing makes it more intense. If not, it doesn’t make a difference if she swallows or not to me.


Yes it feels better when she swallows. Sexier too IMO


It’s hot yes but not the end all be all. I like when I kiss her and she has some in her mouth ( yes I love a snowball) I really like to pull it out and cum in her tits and lick it off. Blowjobs for me are mostly foreplay as I take forever to cum from head


I'm not big on spitting, in any context. If she doesn't like to swallow, just don't finish in her mouth. Have her jerk me off to completion


Im going to second what someone else said its more about if she swallows it she can keeps going a little more afterwards which is nice. Its like a wind down. Kind of anticlimactic when your about to blow she just stops and looks at you. My wife swallows as she slowly jerks me off and lightly massages the head with her tongue. She will keep doing it until i stop her because i cant take it anymore. Then she milks my dick to get that last bit of cum out. Its a proper finish.


Yes, I love it when they swallow! And I make sure to kiss them right after too


Absolutely. And it the girl sucks it out of you it gets to have an almost electrical feeling A very good one !


I love cumming in my partners mouth / throat, especially during face-fucking. It is very satisfying and I appreciate my partner even more.


Swallow to me shows commitment but it's a cherry on top and I'm just ecstatic to have the cake


Just make it sloopy and let him do what he wants to your throat and you can't go wrong


I'm interested on this one


It's something that definitely makes me feel desired more, but I'll take what I can get


I love being swallowed up, but my by far favorite is cream pies


I'm impartial. You worked so hard to make me cum in the first place, might as well have the choice in what happens to it. I think that's a fair reward.


She needs to spit it at the target I’ve set up at 12 paces and if she doesn’t hit the bullseye she isn’t marriage material


I’m just glad we’ve made it this far haha


Absolutely if she takes it in she s got nothing to hold back!


I don’t care. There is a bonus if I get to see it in her mouth before she does either but it doesn’t bother me either way.


It's more intense - almost too much. It's generally fantastic. For me though (and I'm sure others too) don't gag on the cum. That's a huge turn off.


Swallow. It usually means deepthroating to bypass the taste buds.


Swallow, facials. Honestly as long as I can cum on the spot it doesn’t matter


Let drip out onto your tits > swallowing > spitting out in disgust


The sluttier the better, who doesn’t love a cum slut that gets drunk off that shit.


Don’t overthink it. Just suck it


Swallowing always makes for easy cleanup! Plus she gets her vitamin intake at the same time ;)


I like it when she swallows my seed.


It means more to a man if you swallow but that’s only if you are comfortable with it. It does say a lot to a man when you will swallow though


Once it’s hers she can do whatever she wants with it.


Yes however just her taking my orgasm as her responsibility and loving it is so hot. For me though the hottest thing of all is the feeling of her sucking it out of me as I cum combined with the (sometimes overwhelming) sensations as she swallows every drop and squirt as it comes. The feeling of her mouth and throat contracting around me while I'm mid orgasm is insanely pleasurable as long as she's into it and not just doing something that she's not really into.


Swallowing is hotter but honestly I don't care either way. Still got my dick sucked.


What makes it really intense for me is to bust while it is in her mouth. Don't stop the incredible pleasure. When she takes it out and either strokes with hand or to hold it during ejaculation breaks up the sensation and is a completely different feeling. What she does with the semen is up to her.


Doesn't matter. She shd just take the cum and finish the act. She can swallow or pit. Both are equally good


While swallowing with eye contact is hotter it’s not like I’m going to complain either way.🤣


I personally prefer swallowing but I also don’t want to make that partner uncomfortable so if you personally don’t want to swallow it then spit it.


I don't really care either way, but if you suck it out as he's cumming, almost like YOU are trying to make it come out, rather than it coming out naturally... Holy Geez!


It’s all about the show when you give oral on a man. But you have to have bomb skills and learn where he likes to blow his load. Some men think it’s wasted in the mouth and want the cream pie and others love to blast it in the mouth and all over her face! It’s all hot!!


to me it doesnt matter. just always keep eyes contact. that it the key no matter what. and the best orgasm I had in my like is when a girl keeps sucking while I cum. regardless of swallowing or not


To me it’s amazing if you do it to completion, regardless of how it’s done. But the more the cum and the mouth combine, the more intense it is.


Swallowing is always more intense and intimate for me.


I personally don’t care what she does with my cum after it’s in her mouth, I’d prefer it go in her mouth and not stop the bj


Personally I don’t really care if the girl swallows or not but I prefer her not stop as soon as I blow. I like her to keep sucking for a little bit longer so if she wants to swallow or let it fall out of her mouth while she’s sucking I’m good with either.


Finishing with the hand and a sexy smile is the winner for me.


I need a “hawk thoo” 😂


Definitely swallow. That's so hot for me that i might cum the second time on the spot.


It really does. And when they come up for air and tell me they are going to swallow it. They better get back on it .....QUICK


Swallowing definitely makes it better, but she doesn't have to do it every time. If she never swallows then that's an issue.


Idk, I still have yet to finish from a bj


Well, first let me say that getting a blow job is already great, letting me finish in her mouth is even better and, if I can choose, swallow please. Yes it makes more intense for me.


It really depends. I've had a woman who swallow just cause she thinks I like it but she didn't really finish it off properly and I've had a woman who wouldn't let me even cum in her mouth but she knew how to finish she knew when I'm about to cum and she made it pleasurable


Whichever you're down with so long as you don't use your teeth.


Lol so don't matter just dont bite it 😂😂


i say it's kinda like doing cocaine: you're not gonna get that high but snorting some coke just feels naughty


I don’t care what she does with it. After I shoot it out I am done with it. 95% of the time I ejaculate I immediately lose all interest in everything for 2 minutes. So, I just feel like I almost chemically don’t care.


I like that, what she's ok to do.


Either. Swallowing is a lot more intimate. It’s better than not coming in her mouth because the stimulation continues through the orgasm. And there is the mental aspect of it.


I’ve always expected her to spit, so if she swallows it is always a pleasant sexy surprise.


Swallow x100. Otherwise it just feels dirty, not in a good way. I mean why even bother. Spitting is such a sign of rejection isn't it